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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. Fenzo said in #projectpokemon that he is no longer associated with pkmdb.com. I guess that means Poryhack is the sole admin of the site, but that's just an assumption. Fenzo stepped down for his own reasons, and that's all I'm really willing to say. If he wants to post to be more specific, that's fine, but I'd hope people don't speculate/spread rumors about why he did it.
  2. There's a theory floating around that the proper text is "A ribbon that proclaims love for Pokemon." Any other text, such as the often seen "A ribbon obtained at a mystery location", is an indicator that a hacked Pokemon was obtained on the game. Skittyonwailord, a mod at SPPF, even made a video in which he showed a hacked Pokemon he recently received, a legit event that's text was changed to "mystery location" , and then received a new legit event and it changed back to "proclaims love." He posted a video link of it on youtube and I'll see if I can dig it up. As for Pokemon Secure: http://pokemonsecure.com/single/?p=8111108&t=6746009 Basically admitted that he turned a legit into a hack. Anyway, let's all have some patience. We'll get an AR code together once the wonder card is out.
  3. I'm not talking specifically to anyone. It's just that there's a lot of posts in this thread that break rules, and this is a general warning to everyone to be careful from now on. Now back to your regularly scheduled topic.
  4. Just because this is a megathread doesn't mean you can break the rules. Not only are they stickied in this forum, but they are also in the first post. I'll be keeping a closer eye on this forum fora while.
  5. Do we really need to see COTD battles every time? Not to mention Sinnoh has less COTD. Many keep coming back, so why battle every time they meet when they could advance the plot instead. The reason you don't see a new trainer battling with Ash and co every episode is because Johto was fileld with sucky fillers that were completely meaningless. Sinnoh is more concerned about the plot, at least as concerned as a television show whose main purpose is to advertise a franchise can be. So you stopped watching while witnessing the best developed evil Team organization? Go figure. EDIT: 667 posts
  6. <p><p><p><p><p>I'm trying not to make another post so I can keep it.</p></p></p></p></p>

  7. SPP does not maintain a tier list. If they put one up, it's probably incredibly outdated. Ok, so it's SE against fighting and poison, neither of which are overtly common types. And Pokemon like Heracross won't ever be coming in on Typhlosion anyway. Anyways, it's obvious you haven't bothered to read the stickies in this forum which point you to the tier list used here. Since this thread is based off of an outdated tier list, I'm closing it.
  8. It's fine. I've never found Trick-Scarf to be too useful in the early game. Just don't ALWAYS trick right away. You might want to SR first and switch out, or U-Turn. Luke is standard, but look at the list of counters you yourself posted. Ice Punch picks up a SE hit on Gliscor and Mence while still knocking around Celebi. You can at least pick up a revenge kill on Gyarados with Extreme Speed Scizor is fine and standard, but don't play it too early or you'll get mauled by Magnezone. Hydro Pump can easily become stalled out due to low PP. Try it if you want, but I really think Surf is the better option. I don't really know what Heatran is doing. Smogon's page on it says it benefits from Wish support, and I agree with taht theory. Without HP or defensive investment, it's bulk isn't enough to scare Pokes away. The only Heatran set I've ever had trouble with is the Torment-Sub set. I'd say try that out. Any Pokemon can run a sub-attack set, but not many others can Torment.
  9. First off, Typhlosion is currently UU. Second, the way tiers work, anything from said tier AND LOWER can be used. Nothing is preventing anyone from using Typhlosion in a standard battle or even in an Uber battle. Third, BL is literally "ban list", specifically banned from UU. If a Pokemon is in the BL "tier", it's basically been tested for UU, found to ruin the game, and banned to OU. It just usually doesn't get used much, but it'll never go back to UU unless something really changes. Base stats alone don't mean much. Flareon has an amazing 130 attack and 110 sp Defense, but gets very few worthwhile physical attacks. A fire typing by itself isn't really that good, giving you a weakness to rock, ground (common), and water (common). As for special sweeping, Gengar easily outclasses it in terms of speed and sp atk, has THREE immunities (2 to very common attacking types), and a ridiculous movepool. Starmie doesn't have the best sp atk, but has great speed and Natural Cure. It also doesn't help that the starters' standard abilitiy of powering up STAB at low HP is seemingly rarelty used outside of Aqua Jet Feraligatr. Typhlosion has a good move pool, including Fire, Psychic, Grass, Electric, normal, ghost, fighting, Ground, Dark, Rock, and even steel type moves, shown below (the best of each for the most part) Of the attacks you list, I can't see Extrasensory giving too much useful coverage, Solar Beam requires set up, Normal type attacks have crap coverage and Hyper Beam is lol on anything not Porygon-Z. Gyro Ball is pointless on something so fast, and Fling is pretty gimmicky by itself. Now this doesn't mean Typhlosion can't be decent on a standard team. That Eruption Scarf Lead can be a great use, though I don't see it as too reliable. You actually said it yourself. It's a jack of all trades and a master of none. It get make a decent mixed wall breaker, but why use Typhlosion when Electivire and Dragonite already are tried, true, and good at it? One might make the case that Heatran has been able to shine despite being weak to what are basically the three most common types of attacks in the game, water, ground, and fighting. But it's steel typing + flash fire gives it a ridiculous amount of resistancies and immunities, immune to poison and will o wisp-ing, and is a great Scarf user becasue it's sp atk doesn't really need to be boosted. It can also make a late game Taunt user, Sub-Torment can wreck havoc on Pokes who need to do set up, and so on. It also helped that the strongest Earthquake in the game AKA Garchomp was banned to the uber tier. While I agree Blazkiken has more to offer than Typhlosion, not by much. It's basically an outdated Ape. Leave it in UU where it can be the wall breaking mixed attacker there and it can shine. If it's thrown into OU it's going to quickly fall into obscurity because it won't be able to serve a unique role on most teams.
  10. It surprised me that the Legality download was hosted off-site. I've never used it, but I'll try to inform an admin about it and see what can be done. As for Deoxys, it's possible to make anything. But anything made with Pokesav is not "legit." Legit means it was trained and captured using in-game methods only. And because it's a Legendary Pokemon that can't breed, Deoxys has to follow the PID-IV relation formula. Also, PBR's wireless has a legality check so you'll have to make sure it's made pretty well for it to pass it.
  11. <p><p><p><p><p>So not to be needy, but I made some contribs in the Event Contrib forum recently (my Pokes were posted by Floot). Can I get a Contributor badge or whatever it is you give to them kids?</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Cmon, I haven't had my ego fed in almost 24 hours.</p></p></p></p></p>

  12. You aren't discussing feedback. You are clearly discussing your individual infraction. Infractions are not public issues and are between the member of the forum and the appropriate staff. Don't post about your infractions. Don't discuss them in public forums.
  13. Wow, what a great thread.
  14. I'm far too lazy to look at all of those, but the two I did look at (D/P/Plat folder of Abra and Haunter) are both at level 45 and appear to have been used. We really should also consider that D/P and Plat are different games, for all intensive purposes. And try to get them untouched, which shouldn't be hard at all for 4th gen games, and not too hard for gen III. I'm trading with Floot now for the stuff I have.
  15. Do we really want these? In-Game trainer's Pokemon captured with the "Capture other trainer's Pokemon" code? Technically, there's no way these can be legit...you know, due to cheating. I think the only interesting in-game trainer's Pokemon to have would be the handful that have illegal movesets. Though, to my knowledge, that's restricted to only Lance in Gen I (Dragonite with Barrier) and Gen II (Aerodactyl with Rock Slide, which it didn't learn until Gen III).
  16. I have the starters, untouched, from a copy of Diamond, currently sitting on my Plat cart. And by starters, I mean from the actual briefcase or whatever, not from eggs. I also have the Eevee egg, the Togepi egg, in-game trade Gengar, in-game trade Machop, and one of the other in-game trades from Plat on my Plat cart. If you see me in IRC, please send me a PM on there so I can trade them to someone with a flashcart.
  17. The EVs are like...all over the place. First off, remember, EVs only are divisible by 4. So 201 isn't going to do any good. A proper EV spread, in your case, would be 252/40/218. Now, about the actual EVs, what is 252 speed helping you outrun? That brings you up to 239 (assuming 31 IV), which is one point lower than a +speed Swampert.. and very few Swampert sets run any speed at all. Ditch the speed EVs because nothing with Metagross' low speed range is going to outrun it anyway. Slap on Bullet Punch over Meteor Mash so you can 2hko Azelf and Aero. If you're going to Explode, don't waste Leftovers. Use a Berry to cover your ground or fire weakness, or Lum Berry to absorb status. Espeon has pretty decent SpD, so you don't want a nature to hinder it. Go for Modest instead. That being said, I have no idea what this is doing. You're using Espeon as a special wall while sacrificing it's pretty awesome speed? It's a misuse of a Pokemon. Blissey is the best special wall, bar none. Dusknoir can also do this job decently as well, with access to WOW, Pain Split, and good defenses on both sides. Arcanine will have a very short lifespan if it isn't a lead due to SR weakness. Dragonite is your fairly standard wall breaker. Arcanine and Lucario are basically doing the exact same thing. No need to have both of them. Same with Suicune and the current Espeon set. The only two Pokemon that have a clearly defined and unique role are Metagross and Dragonite. From there you have two special walls and two SD sweepers. Ditch one from each category and get two new Pokemon in.
  18. I sincerely hope you simplify your life and all and work everything out. And if that means dropping PP temporarily or permanently, then so be it. But this is The Internet. You can pop in every now and then and lurk. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Your presence here, on Shoddy, and IRC, as far as I'm concerned, is always welcome.
  19. Moving to PP Forum feedback. Though a few misconceptions: Discussing pirated material nets a 30 point infraction (IE "My Pokemon ROM from warezsite.com isn't working :( "). Blatantly asking for or linking to pirated material nets a 50 point infraction. Any of these may be modified at a mod's discretion. I honestly wouldn't consider it beyond the realm of possibility to ban someone right away for linking to pirated material for a couple weeks. Viral marketing is a very obvious form of marketing but it isn't meant to be obvious. The Dark Knight put out a bunch of websites where fans could piece together a bunch of crap, but if you weren't in on the joke/promotion, you'd just be looking at a bunch of creepy websites with Batman themes.
  20. If you don't post EVs, I'm just going to merge your post into the in-game thread, because that's where it really belongs. Trust me, you're not the first person to think of BP Eevee team.
  21. I use my laptop with a version of Vista. I know many have something against Vista, but I've never had any problems with it. I mean I could downgrade to XP, but that would be re-building my laptop, and why fix what isn't broken? I also have a desktop with XP on it, but I need to re-build that.
  22. Says the guy who can't bother to spell correctly or use proper punctuation. :rolleyes: While the US has the most reported cases, in proportion to it's population, other countries are much worse off. Germany has 22,000, Australia has 36,000, and Brazil has had the most deaths from swine-flu. But hey, who needs facts when you can just make a mindless anti-American post? EDIT: so yeah, I was gonna infract/warn everybody who made a post that was low content (IE most on this page). But then I got bored and had something to attend to, so I'm just closing this thread.
  23. It's fake. I can say that without looking at anything other than "ebay." Plat is $35 at most major retail outlets that sell video games. I'd suggest you pay the full price rather than risk purchasing a fake cart used/ebay again.
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