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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>Fenzo, I'd like to contribute to your new site. I have the three starters from a copy of Diamond that I obtained myself, untouched (as in the starters received in the briefcase). Think we can set up a trade sometime this weekend?</p></p></p></p></p>

  2. There's a mega thread for in-game teams in the RMT forum.
  3. I'll be the first to agree I don't like the design of Garchomp all that much. But battling wise, Salamence is not a watered down Garchomp. Flygon is a much better example of a watered down Garchomp, though even he gets a few advantages (Levitate ability but still gets the same typing, access to U-Turn, Fly, STAB Dig without being screwed by EQ, and Roost, and 2/3 of the elemental punches)
  4. Heatran as a suicide lead seems fairly pointless. Azelf can run 3/4 of this exact same set, and can Taunt. Has better speed, better attack, and only 5 base points less in special attack. The reason to run Shuca Berry over Focus Sash is so Heatran is more than just a lead. You can take it out after it lays down Stealth Rock and save it for later in the game. So change it to Shuca Berry or switch to Azelf. Gyarados is standard. But with SR, sand storm, and life orb, it'll have a very short life span. Ditto with Salamence. Tyranitar is standard However, all threeof these Pokemon ARE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING. All 3 are stat boosting DD physical sweepers. There's no need for three of them, and Tyranitar being on the same team ensures the other two will die quickly. Magnezone is standard, but I don't really recommend exploding it since steel trapping is very useful. Weavile is standard. So, let's run this down: Of your 6 Pokemon, only Tyranitar will be able to actually take any hits. And because it has the standard 252/252/6 spread, it won't be taking that many. THREE STEALTH ROCK WEAK POKEMON. The only Pokemon you can kind of counter is Scizor. You have no clear counter for anything else. This isn't really a team. This is 6 OU Pokemon with copy/pasted Smogon sets with no clear thought or strategy behind them. I'm closing this. Feel free to re-post when you put roles/descriptions into your post.
  5. Unfortunately, the Competitive Battling forum and the RMT sub-forum isn't all that active, and Shoddy battle chat is little more than "lol!/cool logd00der". I don't see why there can't be one mega-thread discussion for assigning mentors/mentees, and any one-on-one conversation can be done via PM or off-site.
  6. There are too many dumb posts like this in the thread. It's barely on the second page. Everything you need to know is on the first page. Any more "TLDR" comments like that will get infracted.
  7. Lead Ape should be doing stuff that other leads can't do. Weavile, for example, can Fake Out, Taunt, Counter, and gets priority Ice Shard and Pursuit. Ambipom, the other big Fake Out lead, can Fake Out, Thunder Wave, U-Turn, and gets elemental punches. Infernape gets offensive stats from both sides of the spectrum, Fake Out, Taunt, AND Stealth Rock, blaze boosts Fire moves, Close Combat, Counter, and Encore. Fake Out is essential on any Lead Ape. Taunt really isn't since Weavile and Aerodactyl do it much better. Counter is a similar case in which Weavile also does it much better. So the #2 most important move is Stealth Rock. #3 and #4 are the toss ups. You COULD use U-Turn, but Lead Ape isn't going to be very helpful later in the game. So ignore it. Encore can be great for early game stat boosters, which is what I'd recommend. And then in the 4th slot, stick either Fire Blast or Close Combat. Dump your offensive EVs into whichever you choose. I can do a full rate later.
  8. This much is correct. Christianity traces it's roots to Judaism (because it started out as a sect of it), which traces it's root to Abraham via Isaac. Islan traces it's root to Abraham via Ishmael. Islam believes Jesus Christ is a prophet, and one of the more important jobs. There are tons of stories of Jesus in the Koran, and even more in Islamic books that weren't included. Adam and Eve and the Great Flood are also featured. Muhammad is the final and most important prophet. He is not the equivalent to Christianity's Jesus Christ. This is not a thread for preaching. Take it elsewhere. That's why they're called the Abrahamic religions. It's not outdated to the millions of followers of Judaism. lol. And I say that as a Catholic. Again, stop with the preaching. Not the thread (or even forum) for this. Ding-ding-ding. I can't believe I'm agreeing with Varna. If you all feel the need to put not-so-subtle "my religion is correct" crap into the posts, it'll be very hard to have a healthy discussion. I'd suggest you either drop it, or if you can't, find a religious message board for your faith and post there.
  9. Generally, people make mono type teams if they're signed up for some gimmick tournament or something of the sort. And usually, those tournaments will allow 1-3 non-type Pokemon to be allowed. Otherwise, the team is very easily destroyed. Outside of steel and MAYBE dragon and fighting (since fighting's weaknesses of psychic and flying are relatively rare attack types, mono type teams can't work and win besides luck.
  10. Salamence gives EVERY team a hard time. But Brongonz is specifically designed to eat Dravo Meteors for breakfast, and Scizor also resists dragon, so there's counters for any Choice sets, and a check for DD-Mence when it goes into Outrage. Rotom is a great Gyarados counter, and since when does Gyarados learn Pursuit? Actually, Band Ape works against Mixape very well. Resists Fire/Grass, and neutral to Close Combat. It easily outspeeds most Mixape variants and OHKOs with Close Combat. It also 2HKOs some common switch ins such as Vaporeon, and Skarmory won't enjoy eating a Close Combat either. DDtar isn't something I've seen a lot of, but BandApe has been a fairly reliable check on it. Surprisingly, I haven't seen many HP Grass Zapdos around. My usual check on it is SE on Ape. Most of the time, I've been seeing Discharge/Tbolt/ Heatwave/ Roost/Protect or T-Wave, which Swampert has fun roaring around. I think the only real reason to use EQ over anything else is Heatran. And as a lead, I haven't seen him too much, and I think I have enough checks on Heatran to get by. Without HP Grass, Swampert keeps Scarfran and Subran in check, Specsran is kept in line by Ape I'll test Blitz on Ape, but I don't think it'll work out. Scizor??? I've mostly moved on to another team by now anyway, but rates are still welcome.
  11. They're two entirely different Pokemon. Typing, ability, movepool, base stats (and distribution of base stats), and so much more.
  12. <p><p><p><p><p>Thank you for reporting it. SCV suspects that it was a bot. Apparently, a real person can register accounts and then let a bot take over.</p></p></p></p></p>

  13. Any discussion related to the Wiki or Forums should go in the proper Feedback forum/sub forum.
  14. You really should post EVs and roles of the Pokemon/description of what they should do. Otherwise, it's just "omgzers ur moves ar teh r0xorz" or "lol n00b teh moves sux"
  15. This is, for the most part, my first team I actually put some thought into on Shoddy. I've greatly enjoyed being able to have nearly every legal move available with a few clicks instead of "ah screw it, too much breeding." Based off of one of the better rater's teams at SPPF. His original team is located here The Lead of Awesome sillyhatsonly (Bronzong) @ Flame Orb Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP/88 Def/168 SDef Sassy nature (+SDef, -Spd) - Light Screen - Gyro Ball/Earthquake - Confuse Ray - Trick This is basically THE lead that works against all the common leads nowadays. People who think they'll be keeping that Metagross or Swampert around so they can wall teams to no end HATE this guy. They set up Stealth Rock, I give them a Flame Orb and take their Leftovers. Against other Bronzong leads, well, they NEVER pack Trick. I usually get a Lum Berry if I'm up against a Trick Room Zong. Sometimes Meta might give me a Occa Berry. This serves as a pretty decent special wall without having to resort to Blissey. Confuse Ray helps force out some switches (especially if Magnezone comes in, which can be annoying). Due to Magnezone being a fairly common switch in, I'm thinking of ditching Gyro Ball for Earthquake. Light Screen is great team support, and since Rotom is packing Reflect and WOW, I think LS works best here. The leads that give me problems are quick Taunters, which are usually the common suicide leads, or a few of the Fake Outers. With the exception of Weavile, I usually end up switching in the Rotom form. Weavile w/ Pursuit would screw him over, and that usually isn't seen often. Smeargle/Breloom with Spore usually means Tentacruel is gonna go to sleep. Machamp is seriously annoying, but is a fairly rare lead. --- The Physical Sweeper (pic removed, it was huge) Infernape (M) @ Choice Band Ability: Blaze EVs: 56 HP/252 Atk/200 Spd Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Close Combat - Stone Edge - U-turn - Fire Punch Everyone just assumes it'll be some MixApe. But why not just use that ridiculous movepool Ape gets and aim for one stat? With the additional bulk, it helps Ape comes in on NFE hits and still survive, making him a decent check on Scizor and some of the Rotom forms. Flare Blitz is not favorable due to recoil. Thunder Punch was tested out, but I found it fairly redundant with Rotom around. After the inevitable Rotom/other ghost is gone, I've had Close Combat just sweep half of a team. Scizor, Heatran, Kingdra, Vaporeon, Skarmory, they all HATE coming in on it. And the only ones with a chance to do anything are those packing priority (ExtremeSpeed, Bullet Punch), and he resists steel! --- The Lead in the Middle Swag (Swampert) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Torrent EVs: 252 HP/216 Def/40 SDef Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd) - Stealth Rock - Roar - Ice Beam - Earthquake After I ditch the Flame Orb and maybe set up Confuse Ray, this guy comes in. He's not vital to my strategy, so I'm okay if he dies off after SR is set up. But man, is it great to scout teams with Roar and let them rack up SR damage. Roar is also a great check on Calm Mind Suicune and other would be sub-abusers. --- Obligatory Rotom Forme (no horrible image available) sledgehammer (Rotom-c) @ Leftovers Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP/160 Def/56 Spd/40 SAtk Bold nature (+Def, -Atk) - Will-o-wisp - Reflect - Leaf Storm - Discharge I've gottena lot of "lol no Shadow Ball?" but it's job isn't to fight ghosts. It's a great check on Gyarados and Swampert. Scizor's Pursuit does lol damage after WOW is on, and even worse with Reflect. This is by far the best thing about Shoddy, Rotom forms, and I can't wait to try the others out. I haven't had too many problems with Heatran switch ins, which I haven't seen too much of lately. But they take decent enough damage from Discharge anyway. This is also the guy that handles most of the suicide leads, and I usually end up with 50% or more health left over. --- Spinner shedinja (Tentacruel) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Liquid Ooze EVs: 252 HP/76 Def/160 SDef Bold nature (+Def, -Atk) - Knock Off - Rapid Spin - Swagger - Surf Yeah, no one is particularly SR weak, but that and Spikes, I just don't like the damage racking up. If it comes out early, I can usually predict a Rotom switch in and Knock Off their Leftovers. RS for obvious reasins. Swagger because Confuse Ray is apparently illegal. Surf because Heatran and others were giving me too much trouble without a decent attack. I originally had Icy Wind to help slow some foes down, but it wasn't worth the move slot. It does add another grass weakness, but honestly, it hasn't effected me too much. I love Knock Off. It screws up so much stuff. --- Obligatory Scizor (actually, this picture is pretty good) gold (Scizor) (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Technician EVs: 252 HP/184 Atk/72 Spd Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Brick Break - Bullet Punch - Swords Dance - Substitute With the added speed, Scizor is basically my check on status that isn't early game Spore. I sub up, SD, and see what happens. I can at least weaken a Lucario/Heatran switch in before being forced to switch out. But i've often been lucky enough to get +4 to +6. The only thing is Gyarados rips this d00d apart, so I have to play this for the later part of the game, or at least make sure Rotom is still healthy.
  16. The DS cannot be used in wireless battling. You can use two DSes if you and a friend are battling each other on the game itself. There was a huge thread in the old Pokesav.org forums on what the Wi-Fi checks for, as far as legality goes. It's failry extensive.
  17. Don't bump old threads.
  18. Answered + wrong forum
  19. I have a Pokemon from the former translator of the series, Nob Ogasawara. He captured an Onix, nicknamed it "Dinsdale". He did a bunch of random captures and hatches and distributed them in the Pokemon thread over in the Something Awful forums.
  20. Off topic isn't really a "help me with my flashcart" tech help forum.
  21. Sinnoh is incredibly awesome. almost no filler, reoccuring characters, good rivals, and some actually really great fights and decent plots that are still kid friendly. I'm fortunate enough to be watching Japanese fan subs, so it makes it a bit better with the background music.
  22. Answered + wrong section + R4s suck (get a CycloDS)
  23. Question answered. Please search next time because this comes up like once a week.
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