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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. UnderXRay's old original post can be found here Some ground rules: This is the proper format, use this at all times: Request Form: [noparse] [/noparse] Other RULES This thread is generally for individual Pokemon/team requests. You can request either the PKM files, an AR code to be made for you, or for someone to Wi-Fi trade them to you. If you need an AR code for some cheat in the game or a Wondercard event and so on, SEARCH FIRST. Then if you still need it, post in the RAM Editing forum. Stay on topic. After you make your request and the request maker confirms it ready, please take any further communication to PMs or any method other than posting "hey im on wifi" "i dont see you" "oh wrong friend code lolzers" etc... IRC, PMs, off-site, etc... are all fine for this, and it's better because it's real-time communication (well, except PMs). Finally, be patient. There are only so many people fulfilling requests. If in doubt, PM me or any of the forum specific mods before posting.
  2. This thread has become large and...well, large. I'm gonna close it and I'll have a new general Request thread up in a few minutes. Please handle any currently pending Requests via PM, or just wait a few minutes.
  3. So why should it be banned? Does SR force people to make a certain team? And I don't mean "You basically can't use X and Y Pokemon", I mean you basically carry at least one specific Pokemon or role. Sure, it probably means my dream of a mono-flying Gym Leader is over, because unless a non-Delibird fliyer picks up Rapid Spin and I fool people into thinking Flygon is a flying type, they don't stand a chance. But no one making a balanced team is forced to carry anything to counter SR, and there are multiple ways to deal with all forms of entry hazards.
  4. All Pokemon are susceptil to it. It shouldn't be banned just because of some random person's favorites. Some of my favorites are screwed my Spikes/Toxic Spikes. I carry a Tentacurel on many of my teams now due to Roserade lead increase, but that doesn't mean I'll advocate it for banning. It's entirely possible to have a balanced game, like we do know, with the involvement of SR. I'd argue that it'd be LESS balanced because threats that take neutral damage to it (Tyranitar, Scizor, Heatran, and many others) would run rampant, more than they are NOW. And that would basically keep those Pokemon you love so much, probably still in UU and NU.
  5. So...you made absolutely no justification as to why SR should be banned, and you think it should be banned? Also, even for Wi-Fi/cart players, how a move is learned shouldn't impact on if it's allowed or not. A TM move and level up move are no different than a move Mew got at only one event. Also, this thread isn't about Garchomp. Start another thread for that if you wish, I'll infract anyone who posts about it in this thread after my post.
  6. I see Froslass quite often on Blizzard teams. Staraptor never got to to play in a non-SR environment because, well, it was introduced in the 4th gen. That being said, it doesn't do anything that most physical attackers can't already do. Take Heracross, who gets STAB on Bug and Fighting, both at 120 base power (Megahorn and Close Combat). Staraptor's Return is pretty good but doesn't get great coverage, Brave Bird is in a similar situation (with recoil!) and no STAB on Close Combat. I played around with Staraptor as a U-Turn Scouter in early D/P on Wi-Fi, but why use it when I can use Flygon who RESISTS SR?
  7. Wraith brings up an interesting poitn (as did a previous poster) to advocate FOR SR in the main game: It keeps many big threats in check. Many Choice Band/Scarf/Specs standards rely on being able to come in, sweep/revenge kill, and then switch out. But look at the many common Band and Scarf users: Tyranitar, Heatran, Scizor, Heracross, Starmie, Gengar all take NEUTRAL damge from SR. This dampens how often they can switch in and out so much, or need to find a way to pass health to them. Add into the equation the also powerful Salamence, Dragonite, and Zapdos take 25% and it keeps a check on them. So yeah it's dampened the use of non-lead Aerodactyl, and essentially banned Moltres, Articuno, and Charizard to UU/NU, but at the cost of keeping all those other threats in check? I think it's worth it.
  8. Yes, a pointless thread just like I see at other Pokemon forums. Except here, I get to close it. A Legendary Pokemon is a Pokemon defined as such by Game Freak. Nothing more, nothing less. Any other supposed "rules" to be a Legendary Pokemon are fan-made assumptions and are often "broken" in later generations.
  9. Korean games can not connect with any other language games. All other lanugages are compatible with each other. The only way to legally get a Korean Pokemon onto a non-Korean cart is to attend a Korean event that distributes the event via Slot-2 distribution.
  10. Your team should be finished WHEN you post it. Closing dis.
  11. Add more than just your team and it's attack, EVs, etc... or this gets closed.
  12. Starmie shares a dark and ghost weakness. Both are also really bad sets. Since you still aren't posting EVs, I'm going to close this. If you want to make it past the first 7-14 matches of the Battle Tower, the more you know about raising your Pokemon the better.
  13. Search before posting. In-game teams anything can work.
  14. Well if you want Shedinja on your team, you can't keep the other two. Fighting types are weak to Flying, and Dragonite is weak to rock. You need to build a team so that between TWO Pokemon,you cover all of Shedinja's SE weaknesses. In addition to that, at least one of those two Pokemon needs to set up Rain Dance or Sunny Day.
  15. It's the strongest it can learn via level up. Shedinja's best ghost attack is Shadow Sneak, but it needs SD to power that up to become decent. But using Shedinja means you basically need to build your team around it. You usually don't need to worry about Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes in the Battle Tower. But you'll need a move to change the weather to something that doesn't damage, and something to cover Shedinja's weaknesses. Currently Dragonite shares a Rock weakness with it.
  16. If they are EV trained, then you should list the EV distribution and natures. If you know the difference between physical and special attacks, then why are you using Shadow Ball on Shedinja? Shedinja has a laughable special attack base stat of 30, whereas it's physical attack is 90 and can be boosted by Swords Dance.
  17. This is not appropriate discussion in the forums. Contact admins via PM or other methods if you want to discuss it further.
  18. You aren't going to make it very far if you don't know about the game mechanics such as EVs, natures, difference between special and physical attacks, etc...
  19. Ok, let's break this down. Roserade is your standard set. Many battlers tend to treat their leads as suicide leads even if they don't follow into the Azelf/Infernape/Weavile/Ambipom/Aerodactyl sets. Metagross usually goes boom, Ninjask is pretty much dead aftr it baton passes, etc... So don't expect this to do much besides the first two turns. Now, why do people use Roserade? Becuase it's so hard to find a decent Toxic Spikes user, and it can sleep it's opponents. Now, this also means you want to use this to your advantage. What else compliments Roserade? STEALTH ROCKS. I can't stress this enough. Last I checked it was literally on 99% of all Shoddy teams. This turns 3hkos into 2HKOS, especially those Pokemon who don't resist common types of attacks like Scizor. Wallbreakers that switch out a lot slowly build up damage to SR (see Dragonite, Zapdos), and it's just good to have. SPIN BLOCKER. You want to keep those spikes and hopefully SR down, you need someone to block Rapid Spin. I hate switching Tyranitar in and out because he racks up 12% damage from rocks (yeah, I know, rock types don't resist rock. Ridiculous). The Rotom forms are all over Shoddy mainly because they're hard, if not near impossible, to use in the actual wi-fi battles. But really, any ghost type will do if it can fit into your team. Scarf Gengar makes an excellent revenge killer, Trick user, and has 3 immunities (2 to a very common attack type). Dusknoir can fit into pressure stall teams. And so on. I've found Mow Rotom to be a great counter to Swampert and it can easily stay in on Scizor's pursuit with Will O Wisp and Reflect while Scizor takes neutral damage from Discharge. Another good addition, but not necessary, is a Roar/Whirlwind user. Zapdos, Swampert, Donphan (meh), Skarmory can all do this to help rack up the damages from spikes/sr. I have never used Latias, so maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about, but why not through Draco Meteor on instead? It can Recover away the damage from being repeatedly switched out. See, I just don't think Champ can utilize it without a decent speed stat. That's why it can run a pretty awesome Scarf set. But get this. With giving up 27 base stat attack points, Infernape gets 55 more base stat in speed. It can't take hits like Machamp can, but when you outrun so much, who cares? And those slow bulky waters like Vaporeon and Suicune? Most are 2hkoed by it and with Toxic Spikes and SR support, that's pretty much a guarantee. Infernape @ Choice Band Ability: Blaze EVs: 56 HP/252 Atk/200 Spd Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Close Combat - Stone Edge - U-turn - Fire Punch Some will swear up and down by Flare Blitz, but I just think that shortens Ape's lifespan by too much, especially with sand teams going around. Stone Edge has an okay-ish option with Thunder Punch if you're that worried about Gyarados, but not many Gyarados are gonna come in on Ape. U-Turn is the most awesome move everest due to scouting. You will hit a lot of Latias and Starmie switch ins with this. It's a good wall breaker, for certain, but so can Dragonite and many others. I personally don't worry much about Vire's speed boost because I've been running a lot of really slow Pokemon lately anyway. I'm much more worried about hitting Heatran with a Fire type move, which can spell doom even for fire resists. That all being said, you're pretty much Swampert bait if you don't use HP Grass. I still don't understand the attraction of Boune dos, but to each their own. Magnezone is standard and is a great all aroun revenge killer. I'd encourage you not to explode it so you can revenge kill a lot. I think the weak points in this team lie in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. I'll admit Machamp's (and Latias completely) set isn't how I play so maybe that's why. I think Electivire is kind of dragging the team down and not doing anything too special and would be perfect for a Rotom form.
  20. I'm guessing that, like most of the in-game 4th gen plots triggered by Event Pokemon, your Pokemon basically has to have the Event Pokemon tricker checked. Same reason why a regular Regigias won't work to activate the Kanto Bird trio in Platinum
  21. Or a Heracross without Close Combat
  22. This was great fun. Too bad Shoddy only does 6 on 6 battles because there aren't too many to re-create from the anime. Maybe: Ash vs Gary next?
  23. <p><p><p><p><p>I've heard that they leveled up the gym leaders. Unfortunately the Johto region contains the least Pokemon I like, so I imagine I'll just be massively level upping my Cyndaquil and mauling everyone like that.</p></p></p></p></p>

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