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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>I never played the original Gen II games, but I really like the layout of the initial towns. I can't really comment on like, dialogue and stuff, but I'm enjoying my incredibly slow progress.</p></p></p></p></p>

  2. <p><p><p><p><p>In your face! I got more badges than yous.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I mean, uh, how ya doin?</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Playing Pokemon in Japanese is harder than I thought it'd be.</p></p></p></p></p>

  3. Game discussion forums are not the proper place to ask for help with Pokesav or Action Replay.
  4. Add more than just EVs/movesets/etc. Otherwise I'm tempted to close it.
  5. You missed the point. I'm saying the game translations are not bad. Nob Ogasawara translated the dialogue he was given. It isn't his fault that the dialogue he was given doesn't match up with the sequence in the games. I'd also bet what you consider "dumbing down" is basically due to a lack of understanding how localization works.
  6. It's an error, not indicative of an entire crap translation. One person was in charge of every major Pokemon came up until and including Platinum. He was told to translate it, it's on the fault of the game programmers for not making sure the dialogue was consistent with what happens in the game.
  7. <p><p><p><p><p>RE: GBA Events. Best bet is to contact Sabresite directly. He seems to be the one doing most of the event related stuff.</p></p></p></p></p>

  8. <p><p><p><p><p>That's because Shedinja is a complete badass and can not be killed and if summonned under a full moon while chanting "Kyogre Groudon" it will appear before you and EAT YOUR EYELASHES</p></p></p></p></p>

  9. <p><p><p><p><p>Looks like we're battling in the test tournament. I'm usually either hanging out in #projectpokemon or Smogon's Shoddy server (nick: notthegoatseguy). Catch me at one of those and then I'll go ahead and meet ya at PP's Shoddy server.</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. While I'm more experienced in dealing with Wi-Fi tournaments, I'll throw in my two cents. The established standard 8 gyms + E4 + Champion setup (that Sabre seems to allude to in the OP) has no end in site, and eventually gets very stale. This isn't to say it can't be done, but you need 13 people alone just to take challenges, and that's assuming they're also doing all of the organization as well. That isn't to shit on the idea totally, but I think it's better to hold a series of small tournaments that last, say, one week to gauge how popular these things are, how many will come back for the next one, and so on. It's very hard to keep people from the Intertwebz to a time table, so just set the rules, be firm (but fair) on them, and see what happens. Start small and build from there. I'd be happy to assist in any way I can.
  11. The source really isn't bulbanews, but Pokemon Sunday: http://www.filb.de/1205 (clip of the teaser trailer + where the title and picture came from)
  12. PBR was released way before Platinum was even announced. That's why.
  13. Read the rules from last year at the tournament's web site. I think it's go-pokemon.com TLDR is they can kick you out for any or no reason at all. What their standards are for legality and how they reach those conclusions are known to the event organizers and them alone. Is your RNGed Pokemon legit? Yes. Will it pass their test? Who knows.
  14. I don't knwo what you mean by that. You can't overwrite save files from D/P and Plat since they're different games. That's all I'm saying.
  15. Platinum is an entirely different game. It's almost twice the size of D/P. You can't edit it to be compatible with Ranch.
  16. I don't lurk on their forums much anymore so I probably missed out on all the discussion. I don't have a strong opinion one way or another. The only Pokemon with Drizzle is incredibly broken and will stay in Ubers, and there are three Pokemon in standard play that can cancel out Rain Dance with their abilities.
  17. You can't post a "legit" event.
  18. Were you dumb enough to save? If so, then no one can magically use their Internet powers to summon your lost game data that you willingly overwrote. I'd suggest reaidng the manual that came with your Action Replay. That's one of those things you're supposed to do. And it's kind of common sense that, when you get to something in the game and you don't like what's going on, don't save.
  19. I'll be rating the sets individually and then the team as a whole. Take that into account when choosing Pokemon for PBR's random battle function. Standard Clay set. PBR won't always have Taunt leads, so just watch out for Aerodactyl and Azelf and you should be fine. In a Double Battle, have this guy come out with Gengar. Gengar will avoid both Explosion and EQ, and will love the added defense. Blissey's set is fine, but in a 3v3 single or 4v4 double, she's kind of useless. These battles are very high paced, and she cannot both hit hard and take hits. Whereas Pokemon such as Tyranitar, Snorlax, Swampert, Bronzong can. Unless you face something that is only a special attacker, she'll be near useless. This is ALMOST good. You can lead witht his and scout with U-Turn, or in Doubles, have Bronzong do it's thing, and when ready to Explode, have Ape U-Turn out to Gengar. Fire Punch is not a better choice, but it's there. I woudl recommend T-Punch over Stone Edge if only for accuracy issues. Good Starmie set. It's classic, doesn't need much changing. You can throw in Trick if you'd like, but then you'll lose the ass-kicking that Specs gives you. Grass Knot would be good to take out Swampert though, and HP Fire would help against Scizor so you won't get Pursuit(ed) to death. Gengar is completely redundant compared to Starmie. They both share ghost/dark weakness, and both are special attackers. Starmie is faster, Gengar has better sp atk. My personal recommendation is Gengar, if only due to his three immunities. I'd just stick Specs on him and forget about Hypnosis. -Shadow Ball - T-bolt -Focus Blast/HP Fight/HP Fire/HP Ice - Energy Ball/Destiny Bond/Trick Choice item on DD Mence? You sure that isn't a typo. Ok, so you really need to think about team chemistry a bit. For example, you don't need two special sweepers. And you want to minimize shared weaknesses, and even try to have team mates cover. Look at this team, just based on their typing: Garchomp- Weak to Ice, Dragon. Resists Fire, Poison, Rock. Immune to Electric Scizor: Weak to Fire. Immune to poison. Resists Dragon, Normal, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Bug, Steel, Dark, Ghost Starmie: Weak to electric, Grass, Bug, Ghost, Dark. Resists Fire, Water, Ice, Fight, Psychic, Steel. Garchomp's two weaknesses are resisted by Scizor (both) and Starmie (ice). Scizor's one weakness is resisted by the two others. Scizor resists every one of Starmie's weaknesses except for Electric, where Garchomp is immune. Now it's really hard to get a team that covers weaknesses like this, but you should at least try not to add to it. That's why Psychic and Ghost types are usually bad pairings, because they both share a ghost and dark weakness.
  20. Welcome. You shouldn't really purchase something that you have no clue how to use. I'd recommend placing your R4i into the trash bin, because it's a really crappy product, from what I've heard. And then order a new flashcart that'll last a while.
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