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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. We shouldn't have to make a team for you. You should have a team already made. If you need help, ask specific questions, not HEY GUYZ CAN YUZ GIMMES SOM ATAKZ!?!!?
  2. Your team is six Pokemon thrown together with no rhyme, reason, stratergy, or thought put behind it. Even though the sticky thread says roles/description are "optional", there isn't much to rate unless you EXPLAIN YOUR TEAM AND YOUR STRATEGY. Otherwise, it's "lol d00ds ur m0ves arz teH sux0rs" or "ur ataks rox0rs my sox0rs"
  3. This is an unreadable mess of an OP. Closin dis.
  4. You literally changed one move, which is NOT AT ALL ORIGINAL or UNIQUE.
  5. Game discussion forums are not the place to ask for help with cheat devices. Also, there's a small questions/help thread for a reason.
  6. There was one, designed by Greencat. My guess is it got lost in the transfer between old and new vbulletin software.
  7. The OP hasn't been on for a month, so I'm closing this.
  8. My bad. Somehow I could've sworn it was illegal and now I can't find confirmation. Maybe something changed since the beginnig of D/P
  9. First off, EVs are divisible by 4. Having 255 EVs in one stat is wasteful. The most any one stat should have is 252. The standard spread means 252/252/6 meaning you get 4 EVs in one stat which gives you a +1 boost, which might mean the difference between being KOed and being able to KO. Your team continues to have little thought put into it. I don't care what anyone else says, the first Pokemon in your post is your lead. Blaziken has very little use as a lead. I think you should take out the 3 OU Pokemon and make an UU team. This rate, for the sake of this being an OU team, will take the reverse approach. As potato said, Roserade is a very popular lead. With the decrease in suicide leads and increase in bulky leads, Roserade can fire off a Sleep Powder and lay down Toxic Spikes. Roserade w/ Focus Sash Timid Natural Cure 252 sp atk/252 speed/6 HP - Sleep Powder - Leaf Storm/Energy Ball/Grass Knot - HP Fire/HP Ice/Hyper Beam/Sludge Bomb - Toxic Spikes Sleep Powder on the first turn, lay down Toxic Spikes until you die or got to two. From there, you got your STAB Grass as your primary attack. Each has it's advantages and disadvantages: Leaf Storm: Overall most powerful. But doesn't have 100% accuracy, and will drop your sp atk by two stages each time it hits. This makes it very easy for a counter to come in, even ones with SE weaknesses, after 1-2 uses of it. Energy Ball: Accurate, hits everything the same. Grass Knot: Only real reason to use this is if you are REALLY worried about Tyranitar an Swampert. This'll hit light waters like Vaporeon for laughable amounts of damage. HP Fire and HP Ice really help round out it's offensive attacks. However, I'm guessing you are playing on Wi-Fi, and it's hard to breed for HPs without hacking or messing with the RNG. since Roserade isn't expected to live for long, Hyper Beam is an okay-ish attack. Sludge Bomb gives you a second STAB, but sucks because of allthe steels around. HOWEVER, part of a Roserade team is the rest of the team. It's best use is on a team that is going to set up entry hazards and abuse them. That means some non-lead is probably going to lay down Stealth Rock (which you don't have), and a Whirlwind/Roar user is very helpful. You also need to have someone to block Rapid Spin (IE Ghost) also something you don't have. Basically, Roserade forces you to re-vamp your team. I'm not going to fix your team for you, but I can at least tell you why these aren't serving you well. Blaziken really isn't doing anything that Infernape can't already do. Infernape has the power and the speed to run a Choice Band set. And, on top of all that, it has access to U-Turn to scout out threats. Blaziken has much better offensive stats and, in UU, is a great wall breaker and sweeper because it doesn't have as many high speed threats to worry about. All the power Blaziken packs won't matter if everyone can outrun it. The one possible area in which I think Blaziken could actually serve in OU is a Choice Scarf Revenge Killer. It's got 3 base speed more than Heatran, and can either go all physical/special or mix it up. However, it doesn't have Heatran's immunity to Fire, Poison, and only resists steel and grass by .5 compared to Heatran's .25. If you do choose Choice Scarf Blaziken, then Flare Blitz and Superpower are fine moves since you're going to be switching out. Gardevoir, in OU, is needless set up. Gengar gives you 5 base special attack more without needing to set up Calm Mind, a LOT more speed, and trades out Gardevoir's defenses for THREE IMMUNITIES. Two of these immunities are from the most common type attacks in the game, fighting and ground. This also gives you a Rapid Spin blocker. Gengar w/ Choice Specs Timid Levitate 252 sp atk/252 speed/6 HP - Shadow Ball - Thunderbolt - Energy Ball/Focus Blast/Icy Wind - Trick Shadow Ball gives you STAB. Thunderbolt gives you great coverage and able to revenge kill some bulky waters. Energy Ball lets you finish off some annoying Swamperts. Focus Blast can be very unreliable but some people love it. Icy Wind is your substitute for HP Ice, but also lowers speed by one stage. Trick is your solution to stop Blissey, Snorlax, and Tyranitar from setting up on you. Normally I'd also throw in suggestions for Destiny Bond or Explosion, but you need Gengar to stay alive to continue blocking Rapid Spin. Salamence is fine. Watch out the PP on Fire Blast because it can easily be pressure stalled. Milotic is, well, it can work in OU, but I don't think your set is the best. IT's best set is Rest Talk because that lets it use it's ability, but there's no shortage of bulky waters who don't need to Rest Talk to be bulky. So generally, it's better to run Vaporeon or Suicune or swampert. All of which have access to Roar, which you REALLY, really, need. Also, Hypnosis and Mirror Coat are not legal on the same set. Milotic is female only, so egg move combinations are very limited. Metagross can work as is, if you ditch Agility for Stealth Rock, and probably explode as soon as possible.
  10. Game discussion forums are not the right place to ask for help with your flashcarts.
  11. I am not 100% certain. If you have a flashcart or ARDSi, I'd suggest making a back up save of your current save file and testing it out.
  12. Why don't you just replace Latias and make in an UU team?
  13. Right away, I noticed that not a single Pokemon of yours resists Rock type attacks. Even in the Wi-Fi environment, STealth Rock is used pretty much all the time. You basically took your Pokemon and put Gen III move sets, but this is Gen 4 (with new moves introduced in Plat and HG/SS), so things have changed quite a bit. With this many flying types and no rock resist, you need a Rapid Spinner. You also need to someone to lay down rocks on your own. SR turns many 2HKOs into OHKOS, 3hkos into 2hkos, and so on. So what's the nature? Crobat needs to run a Jolly nature 252 speed EVs to tie with lead Aerodactyl. The next lead to outspeed is Azelf, which has something like 15 less base speed, so you can lower the spee quite a bit and dump then into HP (though on the OTHER hand, since Azelf will likely attack with STAB Psychic, you might want to ignore it and just U-Turn out). Hypnosis' accurasy is at 60%, so it's good you left it off. Replace Brave Bird with Super Fang, which it picked up in HG/SS. And if you find that you aren't using Roost that often or it dies too soon, then replace it with Brave Bird. This is basically holding a big huge sign asking for Tyranitar and, to a lesser extent, Scizor, to come on in and rip it to shreds. Neither of them would mind the paralysis. Toxic Orb Breloom would also love coming in on a T-Wave, abosrbing it, then sleeping you. This is basically a Garchomp "counter" from back at the beginning of Gen 4. Cress has some great defensive stats, but it's offensive stats are below average, and if you want it to take hits, then you can't utilize it's pretty decent base 85 speed. Psychic typing also doesn't help. At least Bronzong and Metagross get Steel to cancel out Psychic's weaknesses. Add in that Sandstorm negates it's recovery, and you run into a problem. So, I suggest a more clear focus: You want to set up screens? Let Levtiating Bronzong do that for you. Make sure to get rid of all Taunt users (usually leads) before trying this out. Bronzong w/ Light Clay Careful/Impish Levitate 252 HP/128 DEF/128 SP DEF - Light Screen - Reflect - Stealth Rock - Explosion Normally I'd slide Hypnosis or another attack in slot #3, but you REALLY need SR. The def/sp def EVs can be assigned as you wish. Getting more tired than I thought, hopefully someone else can take up the rest of the rate.
  14. Search. Don't post in the forum where it's off-topic discussion.
  15. I'm keeping it closed. We already have one mega thread, he can go there to do the work he's offering.
  16. I love it when people read the announcement THAT'S POSTED IN EVERY SINGLE FORUM.
  17. A quick note: You say Registeel and Suicune cover all of Infernape's weaknesses, but Registeel shares a ground weakness with Ape.
  18. With base 90 HP and base 90 Sp Def and access to Heat Wave? Maybe in the world of Gen III, but with the additional moves from Plat, HG, and SS, it's a whole different ballgame. Zapdos picked up Heat Wave. Zapos other perfect counter (in the world of Shoddy anyway), Swampert, isn't as useful now due to widespread use of HP Grass over HP Ice.
  19. Well, I'm concerned about that type of nerd-speak, but I think it keeps the game in check. Salamence could switch in and out with few worries and Zapdos wouldn't have to pack Roost.
  20. A Stealth Rocks optional clause I wouldn't be oppose to just like items clause or the dozens of other dumb clauses like the Skarmblisscress clause, I doubt I'd ever play by it though.
  21. One isn't forced to carry a Rapid Spinner to get rid of SR. Not only is it possible to make a team that isn't weak to SR, but quite easy to do. Let me explain what over-centralization is. It's when one is forced to carry at least one Pokemon to deal with a specific threat, AND that Pokemon has little other use besides dealing with that threat. If one is forced to carry a Pokemon that has little other use besides doing one task, then it's overcentralization. But as I've demonstrated before, every single Rapid Spinner does more than just get rid of SR. They also get rid of Leech Seed, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes (Toxic Spikes is especially notable since Roserade has climbed up as a lead). Not to mention many of them have tons of other uses. Starmie can absorb status and directly counter Gyarados. Tentacruel can auto-absorb Toxic Spikes with Liquid Ooze, knock off items from opponents (Trick Scarf Rotom HATES that), and a handy fighting resist and, if EVd correctly, never is OHKOed by Heatran's Earth Power. Claydol LEVITATES over spikes, resists SR, and immune to sand storm. Donphan...okay, Donphan kind of sucks, but at least he gets Knock Off, Rock Tomb, and Roar.
  22. False. Unless you have used the machine yourself at tournaments and know it inside and out (hint: you haven't), no one knows what the hack-check device checks for at tournaments. I posted much more elequantly in the past and I'll do it again. But TLDR is "don't be a dick." Even if your hacked Pokemon CAN pass tournament checks, that doesn't mean you should do it. At tournaments, tons of people who don't hang out on the Internet all day will be there. Little kids and casual older players, or adults with their kids who picked up Platinum on a whim. These people might not even know what an Action Replay is, let alone Pokesav or a flashcart. That means there will be a good chunk of people who don't even know that hacking is possible. Even among people who EV train, IV breed, RNG abuse, etc.. not everyone has $30-60 to spare for a flashcart and the time to learn Pokesav Now if you use the RNG or EV train, whatever, good. Those are hinted at in-game, and those who seek out the knowledge will find it. But it's not hard to breed and EV train. Man up and do it once, at least for the tournament. Also, reading the rules is awesome: Also the official tournament rules basically say they can DQ anyone for any or no reason whatsoever.
  23. Usually we put in-game teams in the megathread, but you put effort into this and it looks fairly interesting + pictures. So I'll leave it open for discussion. Good post.
  24. It can't centralize the game "A bit". It either does or doesn't
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