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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>Ugh, Noctowl in game sucked so much. I tried using it on my 3rd Diamond play through.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I mean, I REALLY tried. But it was such a dead weight.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Then I got a Starly and kicked ass and took names.</p></p></p></p></p>

  2. Your "style" is putting you at a disadvantage to everyone else who doesn't follow the pointless rules you impose on yourself. On another note, don't post in the wrong forum. And don't re-post this in Team Discussion until you've read the rules there (IE clearly defined roles for your team). Posting the Pokemon, EVs, and move sets tells us nothing about your strategy. TLDR: Lurk more, read the stickies/rules, and read the forum description before posting in it. Locked.
  3. Mencie has the better design, by far. I hate Garchomp's design, and I think it's Plat sprite is ridiculous.
  4. Ok ,I'll try this one more time: Game cartridges are not made individually. They are made en masse. Like, hundreds of thousands all at the same time. For example, the initial pressing of Japanese D/P had a few pretty big glitches such as Ditto being able to keep moves that it copies during Transform, and the E4 Surf Glitch allowing you to capture Darkrai and Shaymin. These only existed in the initial pressing because, presumably, officials caught wind of the glitches and fixed them so that later pressings don't have them. A more recent example is a defect in some baby strollers that caused severed fingers in a dozen or so cases (source). One million were recalled likely because they were made around the same time with the same materials, and if there's a problem with some, there's a problem with all. It's nearly impossible that just YOUR 3rd gen Pokemon game is defective due to it's manufacturing. You're more likely to win the lottery tomorrow. It's far more likely that you or someone else took poor care of it. Because somehow, millions of others were pressed, likely from the same plant yours came from, using the same materials and the same workers working the machines, and they made it out fine. I have several dozen Gameboy fat and GBA games that work fine, some of which have been put through nothing short of hot cars out in humid weather with no shade. I guess? I'm not arguing about cloning. But your claim that your game is/was defective due to it's manufacturing is, at best, unprovable. At worse, a lie.
  5. Yeah, stick with accuracy in-game. Major hax happens with 85% accuracy moves.
  6. You are insisting that cartridges can just magically fail. That's false. The facts are this: G/S have battery issues that will prevent saves from being made. No other Pokemon games have any reported defects. If your game honestly was defective, Nintendo has been very good with their warrantty's even replacing it way beyond it's extension.
  7. You might've meant that, but you certainly didn't say that. So you don't understand how a Pokemon generated from a code is not legit?
  8. In the Gold/Silver games, yes. In other Pokemon games, no. Any problem with a cartridge is much more likely due to poor care on part of the owner, or purchasing a bootleg, than the quality of the cart itself. The carts are manufactured in mass quantities. It is extremely unlikely that only a few carts would have problems and 99% of the others from the same pressing would be fine. These games aren't supposed to last FOREVER. But since I can easily find Pokemon games of all gens that work (again, except G/S), anybody experience problems with carts probably took poor care of it.
  9. I prefer not to worry about Focus Blast. I do usually run Curse-Sub sets so I don't often worry about it, but if there's no sub, I'm switching no matter what. I prefer to concentrate on Heatran's Earth Power. With 216 sp D and max HP, I think Heatran's Earthpower is something like a 4hko. Without those spD EVs, it can easily get a 3hko, maybe even 2 if it gets a SpD lower hit.
  10. I'm open to Wi-Fi tournaments. However, please stop posting threads like "hey guyz want a tourney?!?!?!". Start by communicating with people and make sure you have enough people for the tournament to start before posting a thread. IE if it's a gyms + E4 + Champion, you need 13 people with their teams ready and all that good stuff.
  11. Game batteries just don't magically die. I have tons of Gameboy fat games purchased back when they were originally released that still work. The only Pokemon games released that had battery issues were the Gen II Gold/Silver. And the problem isn't the battery being "dead", because games still work. It's just save files might get erased and you can't save again. I've never heard of any of the 3rd gen games having an issue with still working due to the battery.
  12. No shit. Any Arceus from an Action Replay code is hacked.
  13. Hippowdon as a lead still works, at least against Pert, Bronzong, and Metagross. Depending on how common the latter two are, you might want to switch Celebi out for a Rotom form or Dusknoir to absorb explosions. Swampert has a hell of a time against Aerodactyl and Azelf suicide leads, who'll always Taunt first because Swampert has no way of dealing with them. You can have Scizor take out Aerodactyl (it'll still get SR). And Heatran can safely switch into Azelf for the most part. In fact, it shoudl be the switch since it would work out great if it was Trick-Scarf. I really don't see what Gliscor is doing that Hippow isn't already doing. Even kept around, Toxic isn't necessary since Tentacruel is laying down spikes. It can still stay on the team, but it's not doing anything Hippowdon already isn't doing. Speaking of Tentacruel, I think you've completely missed the point of it as a Rapid Spinner. Giga Drain is useful against ONE Pokemon, and that Pokemon is just doing to Earthquake it. The big selling point is Knock Off (as well as absorbing Toxic Spikes,etc..). You KNOW that dumb Rotom is going to come in and block your Rapid Spin, so Knock Off that Choice Scarf it tries to trick onto you. Band Scizor is meant to be switching in and out a lot. Superpower over Brick Break. You've got a good combination of covering your weaknesses, you've got various checks on status, but only two Pokemon are really on the offense. Everyone else is hoping that their defense plays well. Gliscor is dead weight on this team, and you have no clear Gyarados counter...or even a single electric attack. So here is your new Pokemon: Rotom-L w/ Leftovers Levitate Bold/Calm 252 HP/168 DEF/88 Speed - Leaf Storm - Thunderbolt - Reflect - Light Screen/Will O Wisp Any number of Hidden Powers can be run instead of a Screens place. This also still gives you that ground immunity that you got out of Gliscor. Also serves as a pretty decent check on Swampert as well. Will O Wisp seems pointless with Screens down, but it helps immensly with Scizor switch ins. It'll do a laughable amount of damage with Pursuit while you don't switch out and T-bolt it to death.
  14. This is for game discussion, not hacking help.
  15. The honest answer is we have no idea as no one outside of those employed by The Pokemon Company (who host the tournaments) has any real knowledge of the machine outside of what individuals witnessed at tournaments. My personal opinion is don't be a dick. At the tournament, there will be hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people who either choose not to hack, don't have the ability to hack, or might not have even heard of it. It's different among casual play, but when there's prizes involved, cmon, be a man and raise legit Pokemon.
  16. So who handles username changes? A-Admins and above?
  17. So...basically, you want a translator and a web designer to work for free so you can put a bunch of fandom crap on the Internet? There's a good reason why so many fan-subs of Japanese animes stop being translated, because so few people have the computer and language skills in English and Japanese to carry out the task. Good luck, but you are naively idealistic about basically hiring two people doing work for free.
  18. God please don't let OT became Homework Help forum... But I suppose we can just intentionally give you bad ideas. Try typing while blindfolded and turn it in.
  19. EVs are recalculated each time you put it in the box. So if you put a Pokemon with 999 in all stats in the box, it'll be re-calculated to it's proper amount.
  20. You should be able to keep the same ability. Though I don't know why you would just go ahead and hack the final evolution. Your AR user manual will cover any and all risks there are to the Action Replay. Here is the manual for the DS AR: http://www.datelcustomerservice.com/product_pdf/DS%20-%20ACTION%20REPLAY%20-%201.52.pdf And here is DATEL's FAQ on it: http://www.datelcustomerservice.com/NDS-AR-ARDS.shtml Treat it just like you would treat any game cartridge and you already know how to take care of it.
  21. You can't extract a Wondercard with an Action Replay. ARs are a one way device (from the computer to your AR, and your AR to your DS). They can not connect in the opposite direction.
  22. Doesn't exist yet. Try reading the rules and forum descriptions. Fortunately, I'm too lazy to infract you ATM.
  23. In addition to this, the forums allow you to upload Wondercards, pkm files, etc... directly to your forum post. There is no need to link of off-site uploading (megaupload, personal web host, etc...). It also presents a slight risk as far as viruses go. So don't do it. Just upload the attachments to your post.
  24. To me, several of them sound exactly the same. If I never read about the incessant whining over at Bulbapedia and SPPF, I wouldn't be able to tell they were replaced. I think Jessie, Meowth, and Brock sound extremely similar to the originals, Ash's is close. The only big departure is James' voice.
  25. Fenzo said in the chat "Pokemon is fun again," seems like he's taking a more casual approach to it instead of research and all that.
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