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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. Wow, this thread is full of great discussion. Like people lying about game help.
  2. He's publicly said so in the chat. I think he also confirmed PKMDB is going to shut down.
  3. Thanks for helping him guys, but Wondercard requests for AR codes should go in RAM Editing, as has been posted before. I told him not to post this here, and he did it anyway.
  4. Congrats on not reading the announcement at the top of every forum. Feedback forums are not for random help questions. They are for feedback. Use Google/forum search function.
  5. You can't "make" a legit Pokemon.
  6. Posting ?!!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! isn't going to get you responses in a faster manner. Try posting screenshots.
  7. I know a little bit of French, so here's the translation memory: My name is Jeremy. I'm 19 and I love Pokemon. Je m'appelle randomspot555. Parlez-vous anglais?
  8. Well, a few ways: Something that isn't mentioned often about status: Once a Pokemon has a status ailment (poison, burn, paralyzed, sleep), it can't pick up another one. So if I have...say, a Breloom who's Toxic Orb has already been activated, I can easily switch in Breloom on the opponent's Breloom to absorb the Spore. From there, it's all about predicting and sometimes winning the speed tie. Does he sub and I focus punch? What if he has Seed Bomb over leech seed? etc... Another situation is to have a U-Turn user. Have someone absorb the Sleep, switch in a fast U-Turn user such a sBand Ape or Scarf Flygon, and then on the Focus Punch, switch in a ghost to absorb it. The bulky ghosts (Rotom forms, Dusknoir) can't be hurt much by most Breloom sets, and bonus if they can sub up. Breloom is a really hard Pokemon to specifically prepare for. Your best bet is to play against someone with a Breloom and see what happens.
  9. Actually, if you don't want a spinner (but I highly recommend one, due to Spikes/Toxic Spikes and I just find racking up SR damage incredibly annoying), your standard Zapdos set is GREAT. It's one of the few fairly bulky flying/whatever types, great Roost (watch out for slow Earthquake users), and access to Heat Wave makes it a fairly solid counter to Scizor. It resists every single move Scizor carries outside of Pursuit (low damage) and Night Slash (rarely used). Now, since you're a wi-fi player (right?), what makes Zapdos great is a choice of Hidden Power Ice or Grass. But since getting something on the cart with a decent HP type and at least 60 power is incredibly challenging without RNG, then I can still do something that'll make it halfway decent: Zapdos w/ Leftovers Pressure Bold/Impish 252 HP/128 DEF/128 Sp DEF/ - Thunderbolt - T-Wave - Roost - Heat Wave Sub kind of seems cool, but you don't want to risk getting down to below 25% HP then losing it's use. Alternatively, you can run Discharge over T-Bolt for 30% paralysis chance and Toxic in the 2nd slot. I highly suggest max HP. The remainder can be re-done to personal preference. However, I'd still highly suggest Rapid Spinning. Especially if Tyranitar switches out a lot, you'll start to notice how much damage your guys take even if they aren't weak to SR.
  10. Fairly standard set. Why not run -speed nature so you can take special hits a bit better? Be ready to switch in Gengar a lot so you can absorb the explosions from Metagross and Bronzong. There's nothing wrong with this set on the surface, HOWEVER, you'll be losing 25% from SR, + life orb recoil + sand storm damage. Standard DD Orbed Dos/Mence suck on sand teams for this very reason. Basically you need to ditch T-Tar or this. In it's place? Hard to decide. You can slip in Scarf Flygon to revenge kill. This team would also greatly benefit from a Spinner, and for sand teams those are basically Donphan, Claydol, or Tentacruel. Donphan is bulky, but is hurt by Toxic Spikes. Claydol levitates them away and Tentacruel ABSORBS them. Claydol can also be used to set up screens (though it still wants Leftovers, so don't get any bright Light Clay ideas), and Tentacruel can Knock Off the incoming ghost's item. That's basically the difference. Ok, this set is seriously all over the place. SD, or any non-Baton Passing Scizor, is one you want to keep in, so U-Turn is a poor choice. And no Bullet Punch? You're crazy. So, now that we've established that: SD-Sub Scizor is your man. Seriously. Here's why: Besides individual immunities, you've got no check on status. Sub will help block all that out. Once behind a Sub, SD up a ridiculous amount of times so that even those that resist you will be hurtin. If you choose anything but Brick Break, Heatran will laugh in your face, as will possibly other Scizors. This is also an excellent Dusknoir counter as long as you stay away from Will O Wisp, since Sub blocks Pain Split. But it does NOT block Curse, so watch out for that. Outrage on non-dragon = Give it Stone Edge. Togekiss is fine. Ok, this is confusing the hell out of me. It's like a combination of defensive sub and the sweeper. I'd say just Specs this instead and forget abut subbing, since Scizor does it better.
  11. It's slower (as you point out) and in this speed fast game, that's very important. As a lead, it serves no purpose at all. And with every other team using SR, and his isn't, he has a perfect slot for Ape as a Fake Out-SR lead. It hits harder, but what good is it if most of the other Pokemon it goes against outspeed it and will OHKO it? It's not that he can't use Blazieken, he can do whatever he wants. But in OU, Blaziken needs to be different than poor-man's Infernape, and his set is not. (if you wanna continue conversing, mind taking it to VM/PM? Thanks)
  12. If you respond to well thought out points on why Infernape is better than Blaziken in this situation by "I don't care" (as well as many other points with the same TLDR response), it shows you are not open to having your team criticizied. You are intentionally putting yourself at a disadvantage. If you can come up with a justification for your team, IE a reason that your Blaziken set is better than Infernape, and more importantly is doing something Ape can't do, then great. But you reject very sound advice with little to no thought. You're not looking to have this rated. Stop posting here unless you are willing to listen.
  13. Well, offer some evidence. What does Blaziken do against common leads? It's got a ground, psychic, and water weakness, and takes neutral from Explosion, and can't stop Taunt or Stealth Rock set up. Will it even survive the first turn if Azelf hits it with Psychci, or Aero with Earthquake? There's nothing wrong with using your favorites. But there's a difference between using a Pokemon to serve a unique purpose than using a Pokemon as a bad version of another. Blaziken is outclassed by Infernape in almost every single way. Blaziken can do what Infernape can in UU, but Ape can do everything it can in OU as well as run several different anti-lead sets. What use is Fly? It's literally a chance for your opponent to either switch or set up. In the odd Rain Dance team, it's also a great time to use Thunder. Considering flying types only hit bug and fighting for Super Effective, one of thsoe fighting types can hit Mence in the air via No Guard. If you use 3 UU and 3 OU, you need to make a decision of which game you want to play. You might want to look into just ditching your OU Pokes and replacing them with UU/NU so you don't have to worry about getting mauled by Scizor, Heatran, etc...
  14. We're not like competing with anyone else. We have some things on our forums, and other forums have other features. We're just here to have fun.
  15. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you like it here and stick around for a while.
  16. Gold/Silver battery problems are pretty well known. I believe Crystal does not have the same problems, but I'm not 100% certain.
  17. Pointless lead that serves no real purpose. Swampert, Aerodactyl, Bronzong, and Azelf all have moves that can easily KO it and will even get to set up SR. This doesn't do anything to stop them at all. I could go on and rate the rest of the team, but you basically took 6 Pokemon and threw them together and called them a team. Along with the fairly poor EV spreads such as 255 and the useless move Fly (which should only ever be used on Flygon), I can't see this team doing much against a competent player.
  18. <p><p><p><p><p>No, Penguin must've found his own way to these forums. I've never mentioned PP on SPPF at all outside of that VM to you. The only time I've ever talked about my role here publicly (again, outside of PMs) is when someone publicly called me out as being a mod here in the hack check thread.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy your stay.</p></p></p></p></p>

  19. When you get gym badges, the ones that don't increase level obiedience, they say "your Pokemon will be a bit stronger" or "a bit faster." Does this actually DO anything or are they just fucking with our minds?
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