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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. Try rating instead of just criticizing :\ False. Please know what you're talking about before you rate. Item Clause is a RARELY used clause and is in no way standard. Trick.
  2. Just put up a 40-ish level Bronzong for any level male Torkoal. I'm going into a breeding project and I need to pass down Curse from Torkoal to Farfecth'd, then pass Curse from Farfetch'd to Skarmory.
  3. Hoenn Dex. I believe Deoxys and Jirachi, which are event Pokemon, are excluded from the completion requirement. It'll still be a challenge, but as long as you have 2 GBAs and/or a friend with a GBA to do trades with, you'll be fine. I'm unsure if it's catch every pokemon or see every pokemon. In Gen 4, "comletion of dex" just means seen every Pokemon. In Gen III games, I believe you have to catch them.
  4. Toffee, that kind of sucks. But you can get the Johto starters in some other ways, even without Wi-Fi access. Professor Birch gives you one of the Johto starters if you complete the Hoenn Pokedex in Pokemon Emerald, depending on which starter you picked at the beginning. Pokemon COlosseum could probably be found pretty cheap on Amazon or Ebay, but the game kind of sucks. As for dealing with no Wi-Fi, the DS has pretty bad wi-fi compatibility. Nintendo used to sell USB Wi-Fi adadapters, which would plug into any computer and set up a wireless spot. But they were crap quality, stopped making them, and the 3rd party products being sold now are even worse. Personal wireless routers are getting pretty cheap nowadays. Next time you/your family are in the market for a new computer, I bet you can find one that comes with a router. Many newer routers even say which video game systems they're compatible with.
  5. Look at the Gospel of Luke verse again: LUK 23:46: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." If the Bible is 100% correct and the literal Word of God, that makes it very clea that Jesus' last words are "Fahter, unto thy hands I commend my spirit. And Luke doesn't mention anything about the vinegar he drank. Whereas John does, and closely associates that with the final moments of Jesus' life. They can't BOTH be right. Is there a single instance of this in the Gospels at all? Covering an event that happened beyond Jesus death and resurrection? Otherwise, that's just pure speculation, because the Gospels are meant to be about Jesus' life, not what happened afterwards. I don't see how God directing makes humans become temporarily perfect beings. Did you even read the religious tolerance page on masturbation? I'm not trying to be a prude. But these passages have been used to mean multiple things usually depending on whatever sexual issue is getting Christians all hot and bothered about at the moment. You even say yourself "Personally...blah blah blah" which seems to mean that the passages are less than clear, that the literal word of God isn't very clear, and it's all up to personal interpretation anyway. Is it that hard to think a reasonable middle ground that, despite humans best intention, there are flaws in it? Would it shake your faith that much if you were to find out the Bible isn't perfect? I'll concede the Judas' suicide, since hanging in the Middle East means being essentially throwing yourself on top of a sword. But everything else I stand by, and there's much more.
  6. Reviewing the 4 pages of Gospel of [whatever] on Wikipedia +12 years of Catholic schooling. We could go on forever debating when the Gospels exactly were written, but Mark is largely believed to be the first, Matthew and Luke were inspired by Mark, and John is the one Gnostic gospel included in the canon of the Bible. If that's what you want to believe, go for it. But that doesn't account for the hundreds of stories in the Old Testament that do involve humans. Just because they are written in a certain year doesn't mean they have to cover everything until those years. Remember, the Gospels only deal with the life of Jesus and the aftermath of his death. It wouldn't make sense to deal with something that would happen +30 years later. Humans are bound to make errors. This is basic human nature. No matter how much inspiration or direction someone gets from God/their boss/the voices in their head/instruction manual, humans screw up. They don't deal with all of those issues. They are interchangably used for all of them. They can't have simultaneous meanings. Read the link to Religious Tolerance's page on masturbation. It'll provide some insight. "And he cast down the pieces of silver into the temple and departed, and went out and hanged himself." (MAT 27:5) "And falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all of his bowels gushed out." (ACT 1:18) That's like the first chapter of Acts. Even if you haven't read the Bible, it's like 20 seconds on Google. LUK 23:46: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." JOH 19:30: "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished:" and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." All specifiy words he said then he dies. They don't say "He said this and then something then died" they say "He said this, then died" If accepting that humans make errors shakes your belief that much (and thus, anything of human creation, including the books of the Bible, are flawed), then you probably didn't have a solid ground of faith to begin with.
  7. None of them are shiny, and the Charmander one is still on-going. But I've got a legal Butterfree and more than enough legal/legit Dittos to do a second round of Caterpie breeding. Most aarons are rotting away in Ranch. Charmander's all come with Belly Drum.
  8. The written word wasn't around thousands of years ago when Genesis happened. And considering that Moses and his followers were poor, largely uneducated, and it's implied Moses himself had some sort of disability, it's impossible that the origin is written word because no one would've recorded it. These stories were passed on via word of mouth much before they were written down. That's missing the point and you know it. No, the Gospel of Mark is largely believed to be done around 70. The other range from being written soon after to about 140 AD or so. My original statement was wrong, but still, considering the average life expectancy, it's highly unlikely that the apostles wrote any of the Gospels for numerous reasons. Those aren't assumptions. The books that make up the Bible were never meant to be read as one, solid book. They are a collection of books all with a different story, different intent, different meanings, and a different audience. It's not an assumption that Matthew was written to a Jewish audience. It's a very credible theory put forth by religious scholars, and reading the Gospel itself, makes sense. Ok... Telling and inspiring aren't the same. By virtue of being human, they make mistakes, regardless of what somebody directed them to do. If you've "Yet to see any such flaws", just look into the passages of Leviticus that are thrown around for "sexual issues of the day". The same dozen or so passages have been attributed to masturbation, homosexuality, orgasms, and numerous other sexual acts. But because there wasn't really a word for..well, almost all of these, the writers of whatever book essentially made up a word, which makes for horrible translation problems. You can read here how words from numerous texts have been translated and re-translated to mean different things: http://www.religioustolerance.org/masturba3.htm As for contradictions in the Bible, one of my favorites is the death of Judas Iscariot. The Gospel of Matthew has him committing suicide, whereas Acts seems to describe spontaneous combustion. Matthew, Luke, and John all record different last words of Jesus. Isiah and Deutronomy contradict each other on how a parents sin affects a child: ISA 14:21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. DEU 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. Of course, none of this destroys the overall meaning of much of the books of the Bible. People who don't believe that THE. BIBLE. IS. LITERAL. WORD. OF. GOD. PERIOD. won't have their belief shaken by this. It's simply human error. But it does pose questions for those who do take a literal stance.
  9. It's impossible to make an exact copy when the origin of it is word of mouth. Ever play a game of "telephone". Person A whispers a sentence to Person B, and that goes on and on until the last person then says out loud what he/she just heard. It almost always ends very distorted, loses meaning, etc... And that's just one sentence, that stays in the same language. Now multiply that by a kajillion. Oral tradition numerous times + written eventually + translated into hundreds of languages (and not always translated from the original written text, but a previously done translation). And then there are words that are basically made up in the Bible, which leads to hotly contested debates among what these words mean. You talk as if it was a group of people who sat around and wrote "The Bible" together. But The Bible isn't a book itself. It's a collection of books. With numerous books that were deemed non canonical for one reason or another. And the books of the Bible rarely have one sole author, if it's even known who wrote them at all. And just because they are the people(s) who wrote it down doesn't mean it originated from them. Considering the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John weren't written down for hundreds of years after Jesus Christ's death, it's impossible that the apostles that they're named after actually wrote them. Especially since it's often implied that Jesus' apostles are largely illiterate. To say that there aren't contradictions in the Bible, or even biases, is just flat out wrong. They aren't even all "bad" biases, per say. The Gospel of Matthew is written to an audience of Jews, so the explanations of Jewish customs that are found in Luke and Mark (which are written with a Gentile audience in mind) aren't in Matthew. For some reason or another, 2 of the 4 Gospels decided Jesus' birth wasn't important enough to mention. And all 4 gospels decided Jesus' upbrining from like...age 10 to 30 wasn't worth talking about, even though many of the Gnostic Gospels have some great stories of Jesus as an adoloscent. God inspired. He did not take over someone. It was still written by humans and it still has the flaws of humans all over it.
  10. I did a breeding project of Caterpie's not too long ago. I can shift through what I have and see what I have left, or maybe put my Charizard breeding on hold and re-start the Caterpie breeding. As I said, I also have a bunch of Charmanders (doing the Masuda shiny egg method), Scythers (old breeding project), and Aarons (shorter lived, more recent breeding project). If you have AIM/MSN/Yahoo, PM me and I'll give you my screen name. Or just catch me in PP's chat. EDIT: As for legality: Caterpie's, if I have any left, will be 100% legal. I have no reason to believe the Ditto and Butterfree were hacked, but I didn't personally catch either of them. Same with Charmanders and Aarons. The eggs produced were done in-game and hatched in-game, so the eggs are completely legit. And some of the Charmanders and Aarons are still in their eggs, for what it's worth. The Scyther breeding was from a legal Scizor (via trade, probably legit), and a hacked but legal Scizor (made myself). Eggs were obtained in-game and hatched legit.
  11. Was there a medical reasoning to how your body was healed? Anecdotal evidence only goes so far. And since you clearly believe in miracles, then you'll be more inclined to believe they are miracles. There hasn't been a documented case of cancer just vanishing.. If it was true, your family friend would be in a variety of medical texts. That and adrenaline. People have been documented performing "super-human" (for lack of a better term) feats when pumped up with enough of it. I'm inclined to agree with Floot, that a miracle isn't someone surviving from a disease or injury while being monitored by medical professionals, no matter how slim the chance of survival is, because there is always a chance. And a miracle is NOT faith healing, and there's good reason that almost no, if any, legit churches recognize that mass hysteria BS. A miracle would be a blind man all of a sudden being able to see, and retaining it, or a disease vanishing as if it was never there in the first place, or getting up from a severe car crash and walking away from it without injury.
  12. Double edit: And yeah, people are using medicine a lot because it's something that people can easily wrap their minds around. Those are like the absolute worst examples of "miracles". There's a very good reason why, even among Christians, few consider those miracles valid. The TLDR is that these faith healing celebrations, even if it isn't completely staged, is that amounts of adrenaline can cause body functions to increase beyond normal means. In someone physically disabled, it might mean their disability goes away for a time being, or that the adrenaline represses pain, and so on. And this idiot lied to a kids' parents and left him in pain all just to push his religious agenda. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ETO/content/ETO_5_3X_Faith_Healing.asp Doctors can make mistakes. But rarely does a doctor make a definitive statement like that without specific evidence to back it up. People don't just miraculously live from injuries. There's a reason why they die or get better. That's besides the semantics that a doctor would rarely say something like "no chance left to live". More like a chance of meaningful recovery. Is it really living if you're attached to machines and fed through a tube? As damio and 20 seconds on Google would tell you, getting hit by lightning is not as big of a deal as medical shows and movies make it out to be. Yeah, but that's never happened. Cancer just doesn't dissapear. Remission != dissapearance.
  13. Ironically, due to past posts, you two probably agree more on faith based issues than disagree. The lightning scenario is a great example of distorting "miracle" and "luck" for the sake of an argument. A miracle is an unexplainable event, as far as current human knowledge and hard evidence is concerned. Luck is simply a chance event, something beyond control. However, getting struck by lightning is "luck", well, one way of putting it, since luck is just a chance event. However, surviving getting struck by lightning is not "luck." There's established methods in the medical community of treating patients struck by lightning. And as long as there's no electric charge left in the patient, they're safe to handle and can be treated for burns, broken bones, etc... and nothing too different just because they're struck by lightning. Surviving isn't chance, since others have direct control over how likely you are to survive. And looking at the Miracles section of Wikipedia, it seems so many have very logical explanations and many can be tossed up to mass hysteria. I mean, I hate this argument that "Well blah blah blah is so unlikely to happen so isn't that luck? and isn't luck basically a miracle?"
  14. Medicine isn't an exact science. It's "luck" in the case of so-called medical miracles. People coming out of comas years and years later, or supposed healings, etc... I've yet to read of a medical miracle that didn't actually have a logical explanation behind it.
  15. I've never used it for game mechanic related stuff. I've always come here, SPPF (Serebii forums), or Bulbapedia for it. I've picked out a handful of wrong event info. But that information is pretty easily accessible elsewhere, so I don't really care if it's wrong on Serebii. He's had some allegations of theft in the past, but the evidence I've seen is just some random discussion thread on Bulbagarden's forums and an un-sourced paragraph on Bulbapedia. As I said in the Franchise forum, I use Serebii for pre-release stuff, and my experiences with that have always been a-okay.
  16. Also, a general discussion thread of all Pokemon websites here http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?p=35359#post35359 To the people who's posts I just deleted: PM me if you cant copies of them.
  17. I visit a handful of Pokemon websites, or related gaming websites with some type of Pokemon community. My first was the Something Awful forums, which has a general discussion thread in their Games sub-forum, and sets up tournaments and conducts trade in a separate sub forum and an IRC channel. It's a generally laid bag envrionment, a mixture of people knowing a bunch of knowledge about game mechanics and people who play Pokemon because it's cute monsters who battle to the near death. There's always someone willing to help, with game help, trading, battling, and so on. It's a great way to start. The first Pokemon specific website I visited is Serebii.net and I registered on both the forums and the chat. I've traded in the chat for quite some time, but later learned that most of my stuff was hacks that have been floating around a long time. Mix that in with people who know nothing about competitive battling (I used a Ninetales with Energy Ball and was called a hacker), and it isn't a great experience. I'll be honest and say I rarely visit the main page. It's great that it's updated every day, but I can get most of what I want to know elsewhere. But for pre-release information concerining games and anime stuff, I don't think there's a better source. The forums are...a bit better. There are numerous very helpful threads related to the games, ranging from game mechanics such as EV training and breeding and competitive battling, to more basic general help questions and daily/weekly events. There are dozens of posters willing to help out those in need. And in the off topic forums, dozens others who provide great non-Pokemon discussion. But to balance the dozens of great users are people who use it as their Twitter or personal blog, or just post flat out wrong information. This in no way means the forum is inherently bad, or the people who run it do a poor job (they don't, they do it very well) but because it is popular, the bad posters far outnumber the good. I've also registered, posted, traded on, and battled within Pokecommunity.com. As Pokesav.org, I believe we've had some heated discussion about events and all. Generally, it seems to be one of the more popular forums. And it really is well done. But considering all it is is a forum leaves a lot to be desired. I'm probably "known" for being a anime fanboy there, but that's only because the anime forum is filled with negative pessimistic posts wanting Pokemon to be their own personal fan fic. Rather than actual discussion, it's filled with bashing, so I just try to discuss rather than bash. I do some editing over at Bulbapedia and I've posted a handful of times on the Bulbagarden forums. From what I've heard, the forums here used to be the go-to forum for Pokemon fans, but it doesn't offer anything that I don't already get from other forums/sites. As for pedia, I'm slowly working my way through it. But I more correct/defend stuff than write entire pages/articles. I've also lurked at LLegendary Pokemon and Marriland but I rarely go to either. Overall, PP, Serebii.net/SPPF, and Bulbapedia and something awful serve most of my Pokemon needs. EDIT: I also read Dogasu's Backpack, which compares the dub anime and the Japanese anime. Very useful. I also visit pocketmonsters.net and Pokebeach semi-regularly for anime related info. Also registered and sometimes post over at Smogon, though I use the site much more than the forums.
  18. I'd like to ask that discussion of websites be taken away from the thread. I don't want to delete the posts, because they're pretty decent/good posts, just kind of off topic. Discussion is welcome, but not here. Maybe in the "Pokemon Franchise" forum in a new thread? Feel free to start it, if you like.
  19. While I can't verify that SerebiiNet is in fact Joe, I can at least say the IP originates from the UK.
  20. <p><p><p><p><p>No offense and all, but you should really run your Wiki edits through a spell checker before posting them, and do a manual check of proper nouns/names, since Spell Check won't pick those up.</p></p></p></p></p>

  21. <p><p><p><p><p>No offense and all, but you should really run your Wiki edits through a spell checker before posting them, and do a manual check of proper nouns/names, since Spell Check won't pick those up.</p></p></p></p></p>

  22. Well, it's good to know the origins of this. I do fully agree with it, and if any immature crap like that does happen, we can safely say that it wasn't supported by PP.
  23. I have no idea. Your OP doesn't have anything about your strategy as an overall team or the individual Pokemon, what role you want them to fill, what they can counter, etc.... I mean, you're free to make a thread in RMT like that. But then it basically boils down to "omgzers ur attaks rox0rz mi s0xorz" or "lol ur attks suckz d00d!111!" TLDR: A few sentences per Pokemon + A few sentences on your overall team are pretty essential for a good RMT thread, for both the OP and the raters.
  24. I just did a search for "Serebii" and didn't see any problems, except for some discussion in the Wiki sub-forum, and that was only from like one poster. Is there a certain post/thread/whatever that bought this to attention? Not that I don't agree with the rule. I do. We should be respectful to other websites. Give credit where credit is due, and all that good stuff.
  25. There's nothing inherently wrong with using your favorites, but that shouldn't be why you're using them. You have an extremely unbalanced team, and of your two Pokemon who can take tons of damage, you plan on exploding it. But the point of a competitive team is to battle and, hopefully, win. With 6 random Pokemon thrown together with no strategy demonstrated, that isn't likely to happen.
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