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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. Spiritomb is a pretty poor starter. With only average defenses, and in this particular set, it's two attacks hitting pretty much the same Pokemon, not much will fear it. On top of that, Hypnosis' 60% accuracy will dissapoint more often than not. Honestly, I can't think of a decent set for a Spiritomb lead. It gets Trick, but that usually isn't very good for most lead Pokemon. If Sleep is your ultimate goal, then you have three leads you can choose from: Butterfree: Sleep Powder + Compoundeyes = 99% accurate sleep. Can also Stun Spore, which can paralyze ground types. Bronzong: One of the few users of Hypnosis that can actually afford to take a hit or two. Milotic also, but Milotic is a crappy lead. Bronzong gets screens, Stealth Rock, Safeguard, and Explosion. Smeargle: Duh Breloom: See above. Night Slash might actually provide better coverage. As for the set itself, Gallade is a bulky enough Pokemon that increasing it's defenses couldn't hurt. So Bulk Up is a viable option if you change to Leftovers. All of the elemental punches are also available, which probably would provide better overall coverage. Nothing wrong with the set itself, but it'll go down very quickly without a spinner, especially if snow/sand is up. I'm not really sure what Froslass can do that Specs Starmie or Specs Gengar can't do better. Mind explaining? Gengar can come in on 3/4 of your attacks and force a switch, as well as any ghost type. Throw in Crunch somewhere. Now it can deal with Lucario, though I fail to see what Lucario is doing that Gallade already isn't. Overall, you have: Repeated switching will rack up stealth rock/spikes damage, with no spinner. Besides Spiritomb, not a single Pokemon can regain any health. In fact, many are holding Life Orb. Your matches will probably be over VERY quickly. Hopefully with you as the victor. But if you encounter a Rest Talker, it could be deadly. Expanding on the last point, you have 5 sweepers, only one of which can actually take any amount of hits, and it's going to Selfdestruct. No one can reliably absorb status. You've got some immunities, but that's it. After Froslass is gone, any number of bulky waters and Skarmory can give this team big problems. With only one fire attack on the entire team, Scizor could too. You need to come up with a strategy, and then make a coherent team. Right now, this is just 6 Pokemon thrown together.
  2. I really dislike these pre-assigned roles. Mainly because not many can fulfill them. For example, no one can wall like Blissey can with special attacks. There is no physical wall Blissey. You're missing a nature There's no point in investing in defense/HP EVs if you're going to Sash something. Gengar's sub sets should be based around HP, so you can get a maximum amount of subs up. Anyway, as the other d00d pointed out, your team is just 6 Pokemon thrown together, with a bunch of shared weaknesses. Two sand stream users and more than a few Pokemon taking damage from it is not good. You need to think of an overlying strategy, then make a team, then...welll, basically, I'm saying you need to start again.
  3. Same person, different screen name. Both have the same IP address. Let me know which one you'd like to keep via PM , and I'll see if I can get someone to delete the other. Anyway, this thread became a merged mess, off topic posting, etc... I'm closing it, but please start another thread if you'd like. I'll leave it un-deleted so you can copy/paste any relevant info you'd like.
  4. I'm going to guess you didn't properly store it. AR DS doesn't come with a case. But you should still store it in a case that keeps it away from dust and so on. And because of the very nature of the device, the repeated insertion and removal of it probably wears it down after a while. I threw mine away about 2 weeks ago. I'm now saving up $$ for a CycloDS
  5. So before I go quote crazy, I'm going to run down my thoughts on this topic: PS3: Several different versions since release makes it very confusing to keep track of which has what features. The iffy question of backwards compatibility turned me off, because if I got a PS3, I didn't want to keep my PS2 plugged in for PS1 games, old Guitar Hero, and so on. It's great that the online service is free, but it also seems like they put next to no effort in running it. Slow, lag, lag, lag, lag....even though Xbox Live has it's fair share of idiots, I like to think that needing a [parent] credit card is kind of like Darwinism. Xbox 360: Now here's how to make a new system. Like, almost everything is backwards compatible, excellent online service (really worth the price, if I owned one), a good selection of games, gets most of the major releases that go out on all systems, usually gets some bonus exclusives. The price is pretty decent... Oh wait, what's that? These things break? A lot? And the warranty sucks, and stores are trying to stop selling store warranties? Fuck that. If I pay a few hundred bucks for something, I shouldn't have to send it back in and get it fixed. And if I do, it should be fixed for free instead of the ridiculous "1 year general, 3 years ring of death, after that get lost" warranty. There's a thread in the Something Awful Forums for the 360 discussion. They had to make a seperate thread for Broke 360s because it just dominated the general thread. The thread starts with cautious speculation and optimism. Now everyone pretty much says "it's a question of when, not if, it's going to break." Wii: Backwards compatibility, much more affordable on almost all fronts, a decent enough online store. Online play for games is pretty much crap, but I've always enjoyed playing video games with people in the same room, not elsewhere. Gets a majority of the big releases (though a lot of 3rd parties like Spider-Man 3 just give it a crap PS2 port). a good selection of games, and pretty much everyone can play Smash, Kart, and sports. And I won't have to send it in if it breaks, because it probably won't. I'm going with the Wii. The PS3 has a bunch of crap that I don't need. The 360 does too, but less so. In a video game system, I want to play VIDEO GAMEs. Not watch movies and listen to music and surf Youtube and IM peeps and Blu ray this and whatever. Seriously, most people have a DVD player on their TV and in their computer. You don't need a video game system to play DVD movies also. Think of how much cheaper PS3 and 360 would be if they didn't have all those extra features? At the same time, the popular Wii games don't need super next Gen graphics. Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Wii Sports, Fit, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and many others are all pretty basic games. You don't need excellent graphics to enjoy them. There's no doubt that the graphics on the PS3 and 360 are better, but the people who play those systems are more likely to play games that require more graphics, more memory, online connectivity, etc... Not the case for the Wii. Can you think of a single system that doesn't have a ton of shovelware? Yknow, crap 3rd party games that get made anyway because they sell big, usually to a little kid audience? Seriously, look through any "List of [insert console here] games" on Wikipedia. There's tons of crap games on every system in history. Until recently (with my DS and Wii), I never owned more than 4 games for any system, except my first, Sega Master. And I love Sega Master games. Just because Super Bible Fishing Expedition II was on there didn't subtract from the joy I got from Rampage, Paperboy, and Cloudmaster. There's really quite a few games (like, really, a lot) that would do well for a general gaming audience. It's just, as you "kind of" note, the heavily marketed games are done for the gamer demo. It's nothing new that video games simulate real life activities. Mario Kart, tons of sports titles, and so on. All the Wii really added was some type of motion, and if my memory isn't too foggy, even that isn't completely new. Like what? Mario Kart? Regular Wii mote works fine, as well as Gamecube controllers. There might be some games out there that require new add ons, but those mostly apply to every other console as well (Rock Band) That's mostly due to the 3rd party games that were ported from PS2 versions with little/no though (I'm looking at you, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance). First party games are MUCH better at actually utilizing the Wii mote. I can only hope 3rd party games will eventually catch up. The crazy thing is Nintendo had a press conference and the spokesperson was all worried that Wii sales started slowing down. And then every RUINED FOREVER idiot out there posted that press conference and saying "L00K!11!!! NINTENDO FAILED"...but it's still the biggest selling console. So what that sales slowed down. It can't stay on top of monthly charts forever. There's only a handful of games that are exclusive to the PS3 (being compared to the 360 library). So hooray, you based it on version exclusives? Not that that's bad, but it isn't exactly blowing my mind :eek: While I agree with your point, but again, another post that isn't blowing my mind. How's this bad? They took a gamble because they saw that Gamecube wasn't attracting the "hardcore" gamers, and the only popular titles were aimed at "casual" gamers (Kart and Smash). They took a gamble on it, it worked, seems good that they're shifting their focus. So..if they spread out these releases, you'd be okay? As for Pokemon, unfortunately, it's not done by 1st party affiliates. Pokemon's license is owned by Nintendo. They license someone to make games for the consoles (ala 2nd party). These people range from making decent games (Stadium 1+2) to crap games (Colo and , Ranch). And GameFreak, the only people who seem to know how to make a Pokemon game, refuse to work on consoles. So yeah, we're probably never going to get a decent console game (though I think a Contest game, similar to how it's done in the anime, would be GREAT on the Wii).
  6. Somehow I find it hard to believe that Creationism happened as it is written. Hell, I have trouble believing that Genesis, as is, is the actual story. Considering the: Decades/100s of years/1000s of years passed down via word of mouth, then written, then translated into various languages numerous times an certainly not always from the same original source, stuff is bound to get lost. There's a reason I've always heard it called the Creation Story. Because it's a story meant to be told so we can understand God creating, because God himself isn't something that can be written and thought about in the limited human mind and vocabulary. And by that extent, describing His actions even more so. Who said that? As we learn more about, not only our galaxy, but solar system and the universe, we're finding evidence that other places have some of the elements that we've found necessary for life. In some cases, in the past, and other times, those elements are still around so life is still possible. That doesn't necessarily mean it'll be INTELLIGENT life. Discovering plant life would be MIND BLOWING. The more realistic discovery is microscopic organisms. Venus and Mars have been popular candidates for "used to have life" for a long time. They're our "next door neighbors" so they're close enough to the Sun. The gravitational pull is about the same. Evidence suggests that they weren't ALWAYS the barren wastelands they currently are, and recent expeditions to Mars not only suggests fresh water is frozen somewhere, but might've had flowing water as little as 10 years ago. Other popular candidates are usually moons of Saturn and Jupiter, particularly Europa. Europa is unique because it's surface is entirely frozen, and it's hypothesized that it could be an ocean underneath it. Europa has also been the subject of several works of science fiction.
  7. No, it's very easy to have a discussion without insulting. As far as I'm concerned, wraith89 (oh, and myself too, but I'm not a glory hog :biggrin: ) has done a fine job making sure insults don't slip by. And that once those people are dealt with, they won't do it again. Of course, it's important that people differentiate between insults and criticisim. If you make a post in here, someone might attack your opinion, the source, the way you support it, and so on. That is not an insult. That's proper discussion. And if you can't handle heated discussion (to anyone, not necessarily you, kelton), then you probably shouldn't post here :\ Regards.
  8. Smeargle can do any type of set up. But I could see it being able to last longer in lower tiers, so it can do stuff like set up screens, Baton Pass Belly Drum, etc..
  9. But you don't actually know that. The absolute best you can do is "it's up to interpretation" since we don't know what exactly the "demon" was, or what would happen if one got dragged along with it. We only know that it seemed to have some form of powers of illusion, and Dusknoir was dead-set against letting anyone go along with the demon.
  10. "Just a cave"...eh, I doubt it. The anime isn't exactly known for being subtle. Not to mention that the whole theme behind Sinnoh is the mythology, and the dimension could've been Giratina's home in Plat...whose name escapes me. I haven't had a chance to view the Japanese version yet,which usually makes things less ambiguous.
  11. This seems like a huge hassle to do. Because hacking is required, the Pokemon are inherently illegal. And we can make Pokemon illegal already without the exhausting steps of getting them from a Gen I/II game.
  12. The best way to check events is the visual info. But hack/legality checkers generally aren't going to detect events too well because they have to be manually updated every time a new one comes out. At least that's what my thinking tells me. I could be wrong. Correct. Here's what SCV had to say a while back about it:
  13. Donphan still serves a spinning purpose on sand storm teams, though arguably Claydol does that better since it's immune to spikes. And Ice Shard on it is overrated. It's like what...a 3-4 ko with no defense factored into Sala/Dragonite. That's why I always go for Knock Off and Rock Slide.
  14. That is great. Looking over the list from Bulbapedia, there was a ridiculous amount of in-game trades there. I won a $15 gift card for coming in second place at a Smash Bros 64 tournament, so I might be using it for a GBA game. Or an additional Plat cart so I can OCD soft reset for stuff.
  15. If he's asking for an AR code, then by definition it isn't legit.
  16. Donphan really only serves one purpose in OU battles (Spin). Sure, he's got the stats to run a Choice Band set, and a few others, but I've never seen those be all that common according to usage starts. It'd be interesting to see if the non-Spinning sets could fit into the UU game.
  17. "He's young enough to die, you know?"- The Fat Man, MD, from The House of God, coincidentally, referencing a 52 year old patient with congestive heart failure. Regardless of what his personal struggles are, he affected music for decades to come. And with one of (if not the, depending on what numbers you look at) the best selling albums of all time, he certainly had talent.
  18. I'm sure this is pages old/already resolved, but there is nothing wrong with using another site as a source. It's a Wiki. It's goal is information. And if someone else has that information, they should be credited if we put it in an article(s). That being said, a LOT of stuff can be done independent of what Joe has already done. For example, we already have our own Dex to refer to. It's the same info as Joe's since his Dex source is also the games. And anime episodes/screen caps are simply doing it ourselves instead of relying on Joe. But Serebii.net has been around a long time and has some great content/features, maybe even exclusive. When it comes to that, it should be credited. Yeah, Serebii has gotten stuff wrong before (the event page seems to chronicly be out of date and/or wrong), along with some accusations of theft. It shouldn't be THE source to go to, nor should any other site. But if a site is the origin of something, they should be credited. Anyway, I hope to work on some anime related articles in the near future. I've got episodes to watch, and then also compare Dub vs Raw. It should be interesting.
  19. Dig, in both the games and anime, is basically an open invitation to the opponent "Please switch so Dig won't do any damage at all"... that and a lot fo Pokemon in the anime seem to by default levitate, always, regardless of ability. See almost every single Water Poke. I can safely say that the Japanese version was no less annoying with I LOVE DEFENSE. But the battle was very well done, and nice to see Ash win a clear victory.
  20. It was always a kids show. What makes the earlier seasons less so? In Sinnoh, we've had Toxicroak impaling Croagunk, Cyrus who is pretty much a complete nutcase and only held back from the restraints of being on a kids show, and Hunter J, who has attacked Ash and co directly (ordered Hyper Beam being used ON ASH). And then there's Paul, who did quite a number on poor little Chimchar. Compare that to Team Rocket Trio, who've never really been a real threat. Sure, their attempts at thievery might've been a bit more violent in like...the first 10 episodes, but that's about it. And the rival was basically an absence and was pretty much "jerk with a heart of gold/secret friend". Whereas Paul actually is very cold and could care less about Ash. Oh, and some little demon tried to pull a kid into some dark dimension, and was only saved by Dusknoir. I mean, it's always been a kids show. But to say it was less so in Kanto and Orange...well, you need to go back and watch those, and then watch sinnoh.
  21. As I said in my post, or somewhere on the SPPF discussion, Paul catered his party to counter Ash, whereas Ash just used the 6 he had on him. It was one sided at the start, and anyone who thought Paul was going to lose was just deluding themselves. Realistically speaking, Ash could've gotten a BIT more lucky, but he would've lost still. Also, a TON of abilities were activated. This might be the most game mechanics I've seen used and referenced in a half hour period. Though some screw ups were still made. Like Pauls' Weavile using Sword Dance, then attacking with Blizzard. Even though I think it should go without saying it has spoilers due to the topic title, I'll edit it into some.
  22. This thread should be assumed to have spoilers. I've put my review (not summary) in spoilers, but responders probably won't/shouldn't put it in spoilers bracket. So everything past the summary = spoilers. Be warned Oh, these episodes have only aired in Japan. This contains spoilers since this episode has obviously not aired in the US as of yet. If there's enough interest in this, I might do this every week for new episodes, and maybe do episode discussions of older episodes. Of course, anyone is welcome to do episode discussion threads, but let's see how it goes. Japanese names tend to be used since I'm discussing the Japanese episode, but I tend to switch back and forth :\ Summary:Shinji and Satoshi have a full 6 on 6 battle, at the suggestion of Shinji's brother, Reiji. They end the first episode on even grounds, but the 2nd episode has one finishing far ahead of the other. It's a very game mechanic heavy battle, with abilities, physical/special split, and more being referenced.
  23. I think that's an important part of voting, if we choose to go with a selected group rather than open voting. That the group reflects the forums demographics, as far as battling is concerned.
  24. I'm going to PM the mods of the section for permission to sticky this. So I've been kicking this idea around for a while. All those special one-off Pokemon that are gotten in trades and stuff like that, should be collected, posted here ITT, and then we can submit it to the admins for contribution to the site. So first, let's compile a list of starters, received Pokes from NPC, and In-Game Trades from NPC. As well as re-appearances of Legendary Pokemon* *That means the birds in FR/LG would NOT go here, but the Birds from Platinum would. Then, after the list is compiled, we can put names down by people who want to collect these Pokemon. And then the list will change again once it's completed/uploaded. Lime will be the username when it's assigned, and it'll turn red upon uploading. Oh, and this is for uploading of Legit Pokes. That means from the game, then uploaded to here. No saving it legally. And keep them untouched. Yes, that's hard to do with starters. It means doing your worst in the first battle and running from everything else. But it's possible, I can attest to it. So a post will eventually look like this: Game Title: Pokemon Requested: [username] or [username] If anyone has suggestions on a better format, I'm all ears. Oh, and I don't own a flashcart at the moment, so I can't upload any of my stuff. I'll trade with anyone who offers though. Currently I've collected the 3 Diamond starters completely untouched. They just need uploading. At the moment, I'm only listing "starters". I'll re-edit everything else in later. EDIT: For now, I'm adding in the one-off Pokemon (legends) to D/P/Pla since most appear at a different level in Plat than in D/P. Appropriate adjustments will be made once I check to see which ones the main site already has hosted. Pokemon Diamond: Pokemon Pearl: Pokemon Platinum: Pokemon Fire Red: Pokemon Leaf Green: Pokemon Sapphire: Pokemon Ruby: Pokemon Emerald: Oh, and one more thing. As far as I'm concerned, this project is going to only be for the North American releases. However, if you all have the ability to do the same for Japanese or other foreign releases, I'm more than happy to add their own section. (If you can trade with me, PM me and we can chat on AIM/MSN/Yahoo).
  25. I can safely say that Sinnoh is much more mature. And considering the confines of a child's TV show, it's done pretty well with 3 running plots throughout the saga (Satoshi and gyms, Hikari and contests, and Galaxy Gang, the first ever actually interesting gang). It also greatly helps that I watch the raw/Japanese version of the show, which removes a lot of the complaints about voice acting. Not that I ever had a problem with the American VAs, but I prefer the Japanese ones.
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