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  1. Hello there! I'm working on a script to track Pokémon's progress from a save file. I'm not very knowledgeable about save file manipulation, but PKHeX already does it extremely well. Is there any way to use some of the multiple functions PKHeX has using the command line? Specifically dumpin...
  2. Hey, guys! I'm looking for PKM files in the JPN region (ALL PKM from Gen1 to Gen8)! There are only ENG regions here, but I want PKM files from other regions (JPN, EUR, CHS, etc. ,,,). Or, I want a PKHeX plugin that changes the information of PKM files at once! I want to use it to change...
  3. JIRACHI.pkm this is what I had extracted from it. Is there any hint that indicates it is NOT legal? Sry for Bad English. I am asian
  4. Here is 18 Meltans I caught legitimately, nothing has been changed. I simply got them in GO, transfered to Let's Go, caught, then exported. each filename shows Level and CP, a few have a couple 31 IVs and it shows in the filename. 31 ATK SpA LVL 14 153CP 808 - Meltan - C9A210AB55E2.pb7 31 Def SpD...
  5. I'm working in a save editor for gen3 games and i'm having trouble with the pkm checksums. I'm using MILOTIC.bin as example/test, it's saved checksum is 0x3408 and the one i calculate is 0x3A02 This is the function I'm using to calculate the checksum: public function calcDataChecksum()...
  6. Hello Pokemon Fans, and today, I made a huge discovery. I discovered that what I think is Either the N's Pokemon glow and/or seal data exists in B1W1, plus seal data in b2w2, (to insert it, THE PokeSav is a MUST, because PKHEX junks the data in the party at the last 5 bytes of the 220 byte data...
  7. Hello everyone. I need some help into transfering Pokémon from Diamond into my Emerald. Why? Because I transfered they as a kid, but I want they back, I still have both games without new game and it would be amazing to see they back into Hoenn. I know that officially isn't possible to tran...
  8. 1. Pokemon Species: Latias Held Item: Choice Specs Level: 100 Ability: Levitate Nickname (If wanted): Latias Original Trainer: Nurse Joy Trainer ID (If specific): 00507 Secret ID (If specific): 00000 Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: T...
  9. Greetings, all. I am new here, so I apologize if this is in the wrong subforum. Now, what I am needing to do: My girlfriend and I are planning on playing all of the Pokemon games from gen 4 right up to gen 7. We both have homebrewed 3DSs with CFW and have the NDS Pokemon games as ROMS on R4i c...
  10. Hello Researchers! Today I have discovered an exploit for Generation 3 that affects Pokemon Legality for RNG. The exploit can be done in 2 ways. One way is to take a save file with Japanese/Localized dual compatible names and nicknames from a Japanese Gen 3 game, flash it to an English cart, a...
  11. Hello again Trainers! I am confused on what type of request this falls under, and what thread, so I was hoping somebody could clarify. Anyhow, what I would like RNG'd and added to the Pokemon archive is a shiny, docile, 6iv flawless mew from faraway island. In this post I will include all...
  12. Hi, I am requesting PKM files from 1-802 full party box. It can be a save file or a file I can down with some legitimacy. This is for PKHex usage, thank you.
  13. Thank-You well in advance for this, much appreciated. This is for Pokemon Omega Ruby. My Friend Code is 1822-2348-4844 Vanilluxe (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Ice Body Shiny: Yes IVs: 30 SpA / 30 SpD EVs: 78 HP / 252 SpA / 180 SpD Modest Nature - Automize - Ice Beam - Hidden Power Ground...
  14. PLEASE HELP I have a 3rd generation save editor called A-Save. I have completed Pokemon FireRed and exported all of my Pokemon as .pkm files, and then imported them to my PC in Pokemon Emerald. Now, I have just completed Pokemon Emerald, and exported all of those Pokemon as .pkm files. Next, I want...
  15. Kyrbi562

    Help for B/W 2.

    Well I wanted to get the Meloetta event since I missed it. So I go onto Pokegen and download the .pgf for Meloetta (I have the most recent PokeGen btw). So I go to http://www.pokegts.us and try to upload the .pgf. It then says "Not a valid PKM file for 5th Generation Games (Black/White)." I then cha...
  16. So I missed the Keldeo distribution from Gamestop, but found his .pkm file on the internet. I haven't dealt with transferring pokemon via the GTS exploit since HGSS. I downloaded shiny2 and placed the keldeo.pkm file within a folder that I then specified in shiny2. My problem is I can't seem to ed...
  17. I've been doing a little digging and can't seem to find this information anywhere. I'm trying to find the Relation of the IVs to the PID in GEN 4 Pokemon. It also be nice to know the GEN 3 correlation as well. thanks in advance!
  18. Hey, I'm new to pokegen, and to my knowledge the pokemon I made were legit. However, I used Pokecheck and found this isn't quite the case. Can I get any tips on how to make my pokemon more realistic? Here's a pic:
  19. I've searched the internet and the wiki, but never found those values.
  20. Fishaman P

    GBA Mew Wanted!

    I just need a legitimate Mew from any GBA game. IVs and EVs do not matter, although I wouldn't be opposed to a better one. :smile: Can be special events (MYSTRY, etc.) or Old Sea Map Mews (JAPANESE ONLY). We can set up a trade through VBA-Link or just post the .3gpkm for Enciclopedia Pokemon.
  21. Hi guys! So I have been using PokeGen for AWHILE now and I thought of making a program for people. I will post pictures for what it looks like. The program lets you pick a save or PKM file to download. The files currently on the program are saves requested by others that they can not get through the...
  22. I downloaded them one at a time and put 'em in a rar... nothin fancy. I have only looked through about 50 to see if they're legit and the ones I saw looked correct. No male/female/other separation. Downloaded from here. 649 .pkm.rar
  23. The problem is that I cant get the bits from 0x38-0x3B Might you help me please :smile: Im using this code for pokémon ID UInt16 pkmID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkm, 8); This code works fine :smile: for stats im using this code; UInt32 Stats = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkm, (0x38 << 0)); This code...
  24. Hey, can anyone please make me a legit Scizor, that's between levels 35-40? Don't know how to make a legit looking one myself. If it matters, then I need it for Platinum. Big thanks. And one unrelated question: is it possible (and if it is, then how) to clone a pokemon with pokesav?
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