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Version 15.4.2020
These are Pokemon FireRed savefiles which contain a compilation of legit event Pokemon for the Generation 3 games (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen). These savefiles have been in development by several ProjectPokemon members since April 2016, but has been hosted exclusively on another website. As of now, these savefiles will be concurrently hosted on ProjectPokemon as well. The Genaration III Pokemon games had a ton of events, many of which are extremely hard to obtain today. The Gen III games predate any sort of internet trading, and the event Pokemon from this generation have often been migrated up to newer Pokemon games. These factors make it quite hard to find legitimate event Pokemon for Gen III. The only way we can expect to obtain more event Pokemon for Gen III is if others share their save/pk3 files, so please consider sharing if you happen to have some! To learn more about Pokemon events in Generation 3, you can look over the following pages: List of English event Pokémon distributions in Generation III List of Japanese event Pokémon distributions in Generation III List of Journey Across America event Pokémon distributions List of Party of the Decade event Pokémon distributions List of PCNY event Pokémon distributions in Generation III List of Gather More Pokémon! Campaign event Pokémon Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc ----- The main savefile contains the following event Pokemon in each box: Box 1 & 2: 10th Anniversary (Europe, Top 10 Distribution) + Aura Mew Here we have a full set of all European 10th Anniversary Pokemon, each of the ten Pokemon in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. The OT for each language is as follows: 10ANNIV (ENG), 10JAHRE (GER), 10ANNIV (FRE), 10ANNI (ITA), 10ANIV (SPA) These Pokemon were selected through a poll and later distributed at various locations in 2006 for the "Top 10" event throughout Europe to celebrate 10 years of Pokemon. We also have a full set of Aura Mew distributions from Europe, each in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. OT is the same for each language. Aura Mew was distributed at various locations in August 2007 throughout Europe. Note: The English 10ANNIV distribution rom and English Aura Mew distribution rom have been released to the public. Unlike the English 10ANNIV, the English Aura Mew will distribute all five languages of Aura Mew. Due to legality reasons, the roms can not be shared here, but a simple Google search should help. Box 1: 10th Anniversary (Europe), Part I Charizard (x5, one of each language) Pikachu (x5, one of each language) Articuno (x5, one of each language) Raikou (x5, one of each language) Entei (x5, one of each language) Suicune (x5, one of each language) ----- Box 2: 10th Anniversary (Europe), Part II + Aura Mew Lugia (x5, one of each language) Ho-Oh (x5, one of each language) Latias (x5, one of each language) Latios (x5, one of each language) Aura Mew (x5, one of each language) ----- Box 3 & 4: 10th Anniversary (United States, JAA + PotD Top 20 Distributions) Here we have both full sets of United States 10th Anniversary Pokemon. One set was distributed at the "Journey Across America" event, and one at the "Party of the Decade" event. Both sets are nearly identical, though have different Trainer IDs. JAA has the TID 00010, and PotD has the TID 06808. JAA has an extra distribution that makes this set unique, that being Celebi. PotD has a unique Pikachu that differs from the JAA counterpart, due to knowing the move Fly. Box 3: 10th Anniversary (United States), Journey Across America (10 ANIV, Trainer ID: 00010) Bulbasaur Charizard Blastoise Pikachu Alakazam Articuno Zapdos Moltres Dragonite Typhlosion Espeon Umbreon Raikou Entei Suicune Tyranitar Blaziken Absol Latias Latios Celebi (x10) ----- Box 4: 10th Anniversary (United States), Party of the Decade (10 ANIV, Trainer ID: 06808) Bulbasaur (x2, one evolved to Venusaur) Charizard Blastoise (x2, one with gained experience) Flying Pikachu Alakazam Articuno Zapdos Moltres Dragonite (x2) Typhlosion Espeon Umbreon Raikou Entei Suicune Tyranitar Blaziken Absol Latias Latios ----- Box 5: Pokemon Center New York (PCNY) Distributions These Pokemon were distributed at Gotta Catch 'Em All! Stations in the New York Pokemon Center between 2003 and its closing in January 2005. These PCNY sets are incomplete, however we have a good portion of them. Some of the Pokemon distributed here also were poorly documented, so we have some PCNY events that aren't listed on Bulbapedia. Due to this, there may be other PCNY events that we don't yet know about. Dragon Week Seadra Dragon Week Flygon Dragon Week Altaria Dragon Week Flygon Monster Week 2, Lv50 Exploud Monster Week 2, Lv100 Exploud Monster Week 2, Lv50 Aggron Monster Week 2, Lv100 Aggron Monster Week 2, Lv50 Wailord Monster Week 2, Lv100 Wailord Monster Week 2, Lv50 Crawdaunt Monster Week 2, Lv100 Crawdaunt Campaign 4 Zangoose Campaign 4 Seviper Campaign 4 Milotic Pokemon Box Promo Flygon Pokemon Box Promo Seviper Pokemon Box Promo Spite Absol Pokemon Box Promo Wish Absol Campaign 6 Machamp Spring Fling Tropius Spring Fling Gardevoir PCNY Wish Chansey Egg PCNY Wish Drowzee Egg PCNY Wish Exeggcute Egg PCNY Wish Farfetch'd Egg PCNY Wish Kangaskhan Egg PCNY Wish Lickitung Egg ----- Box 6: English Events This box contains the remaining English events not yet mentioned. Several JEREMY are still missing. Note: Several savefiles from FireRed carts that were officially used to distribute Mystery Mew by direct trade have been released to the public, which as a whole contain all 420 possible selections of the boxed Mews. If you wish to make your own selection from the 420 Mews, please see this page: MYSTRY Mew FireRed Distribution Cart Savefiles. The Doel Deoxys distributon rom, and the GBA cartridge version of the English Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon distribution used in the UK, have both also been released to the public. Due to legality reasons, the roms can not be shared here, but a simple Google search should help. Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon (x2, OTs RUBY and SAPHIRE) ROCKS Metang (x2) SPACE C Deoxys DOEL Deoxys MYSTRY Mew WISHMKR Jirachi (x2, Salac and Ganlon Berries) CHANNEL Jirachi (x2, Salac and Ganlon Berries) METEOR Jirachi (UNRELEASED, prototype distribution multiboot file found hidden alongside WISHMKR's multiboot file in US Bonus Disc) Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi (x9, every possible shiny Jirachi from US Colosseum Bonus Disc) Shiny CHANNEL Jirachi ----- Box 7: Japanese Events, Part I This box contains most Japanese events, excluding Egg distributions and GMPC(GCEA) events. A few are still missing, as noted by empty slots. Wishing Star (Negaiboshi) Jirachi (x2, Ganlon and Salac Berries) Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon (x2, OTs ルビー[Ruby] and サファイア[Sapphire]) 2004 Tanabata Jirachi (x2, Apicot and Petaya Berries) All Nippon Airways (ANA) Pikachu PokePark Meowth Yokohama Pikachu Hado Mew GW Pikachu 2005 Tanabata Jirachi (x2, Apicot and Petaya Berries) Festa Metang Sunday Wobbuffet Hado Regice Hado Registeel PokePark Mew PokePark Celebi 2006 Tanabata Jirachi (x2, Ganlon and Salac Berries) Mitsurin Celebi ----- Box 8: Japanese Events, Part II This box contains a complete set of all "Pokemon Center 5th Anniversary Eggs", a complete set of all "Egg Pokemon Present Eggs", and a complete set of all "PokePark Eggs". Wish Pichu Egg Teeter Dance Pichu Egg Shiny Wish Pichu Egg Shiny Teeter Dance Pichu Egg Wish Ralts Egg Charm Ralts Egg Wish Absol Egg Spite Absol Egg Wish Bagon Egg Iron Defense Bagon Egg Leech Seed Oddish Egg Petal Dance Meowth Egg Sweet Kiss Poliwag Egg Teeter Dance Bellsprout Egg Mud Sport Psyduck Egg Follow Me Pichu Egg Tickle Igglybuff Egg Mud Sport Corsola Egg FeatherDance Taillow Egg Mud Sport Surskit Egg Teeter Dance Whismur Egg Rollout Skitty Egg Water Sport Plusle Egg Mud Sport Minun Egg Uproar Spoink Egg Sing Spinda Egg Encore Cacnea Egg Water Sport Corphish Egg Tickle Wynaut Egg ----- Box 9: Japanese Events, Part III This box contains the first four campaign sets of the "Gather More Pokemon! Campaign" (aka "Gotta Catch Em All") distributions. First Campaign: Treecko Torchic Mudkip Second Campaign: Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile Third Campaign: Ekans Pikachu Meowth Growlithe Bellsprout Slowpoke Shellder Chansey Kangaskhan Scyther Electabuzz Magmar Tauros Murkrow Misdreavus Qwilfish Sneasel Delibird Mantine Fourth Campaign: Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle ----- Box 10: Japanese Events, Part IV This box contains the last two campaign sets of the GMPC (GCEA) distributions. Fifth Campaign: Pikachu Lotad Seedot Surskit Skitty Sableye Mawile Meditite Plusle Minun Roselia Zangoose Seviper Lunatone Solrock Chimecho Sixth Campaign: Pikachu Hoothoot Mareep Aipom Sunkern Wobbuffet Pineco Gligar Snubbull Shuckle Teddiursa Houndour Stantler Smeargle ----- Box 11: Special Pokemon from "Colosseum" and "XD: Gale of Darkness" for Nintendo GameCube This box contains all special pokemon from Colosseum and XD, such as the MATTLE Ho-oh which is very tedious to obtain. This also includes the unreleased English variants of the Japanese Bonus Disc's Celebi and Pikachu, and the Japanese e-Card exclusive Togepi, Mareep and Scizor. Lastly included is the Johto starters from XD, as they are also incredibly tedious to obtain. JP Ageto Celebi JP Colosseum Pikachu JP Mt. Battle Ho-oh JP e-Reader Togepi JP e-Reader Mareep JP e-Reader Scizor EN AGATE Celebi (UNRELEASED) EN COLOS Pikachu (UNRELEASED) EN MATTLE Ho-oh (x3) EN e-Reader Togepi (UNRELEASED, x3) EN e-Reader Mareep (UNRELEASED, x3) EN e-Reader Scizor (UNRELEASED, x3) XD Chikorita (x2, English and Spanish) XD Cyndaquil (x2, English and Spanish) XD Totodile (x2, English and Spanish) ----- Box 12: Special Egg Gifts from "Pokemon Box: Ruby & Sapphire" for Nintendo GameCube After a certain amount of Pokemon are deposited into Pokemon Box from one of you GBA games, you are gifted an egg that contains a Pokemon with a special move. False Swipe Swablu Egg (x5 + one hatched) (after first deposit) ExtremeSpeed Zigzagoon Egg (x5 + one hatched) (after 100 deposited) Pay Day Skitty Egg (x5 + one hatched) (after 500 deposited) Surf Pichu Egg (x2 + two hatched) (after 1499 deposited) ----- Box 13: In-Game Special Pokemon This box contains rare in-game Pokemon such as standard legendary Pokemon, and event-exclusive island legendary and mythical Pokemon. Several of these are also included as Shiny. Note: The American Aurora Ticket distribution rom has also leaked to the public. The American version of this rom only supports FRLG, not Emerald like the European version (not public). Due to legality reasons, this rom can not be shared here, but a simple Google search should help. FRLG Articuno FRLG Zapdos FRLG Moltres FRLG Mewtwo Southern Island Latias Southern Island Latios RSE Regirock RSE Regice RSE Registeel RSE Kyogre RSE Groudon RSE Rayquaza Faraway Island Mew (UNRELEASED, English) Navel Rock Ho-oh Navel Rock Lugia Birth Island Deoxys Shiny Regice Shiny Rayquaza Shiny JP Faraway Island Mew Shiny Navel Rock Lugia Shiny Navel Rock Ho-oh Shiny Southern Island Latias Shiny Southern Island Latios Shiny Birth Island Deoxys ----- Box 14: Helpful Pokemon & JEREMY Trade Events This box contains Pokemon that can be helpful in-game for the Battle Tower and for Pokemon Contests. Battle Tower: Salamence Suicune Snorlax Contests: Cool Swellow Cute Milotic Beauty Camerupt Tough Donphan Smart Banette JEREMY Toys R Us Trade Events: Ekans Vulpix Oddish Psyduck Growlithe Machoke (devolved) Machamp Haunter (devolved) Gengar Staryu Tauros ----- **POKEMON STILL NEEDED** Japanese: STAMP Absol STAMP Pichu Sapporo Pikachu Hadou Regirock (plus more Hadou Regice & Registeel for research) PokePark Jirachi English: More of any PCNY events JEREMY Sandshrew JEREMY Shellder JEREMY Slowpoke ----- The extra savefiles contain the following event Pokemon in each box: The extra savefiles provided contain overflow of the existing event pokemon from the main savefile. As the main savefile usually provided only one or two of each event, these overflow savefiles contain a larger selection of each event to choose from. However when it comes to Japanese events, there are far too many available to be necessary to include here. Most overflow of each Japanese event are included here, the only exception being the hundreds of event Pikachu. So if you want the full compilation of overflow Japanese events, please see this page: Ahiru's Wonderland Gen III Event Savefiles Event Savefile 2: Box 1 - 3: PCNY events (x83) Box 4: Journey Across America 10 ANIV events (x28) Box 5: 10 ANIV Celebi (x10) + Wishing Star (Negaiboshi) Jirachi (x11) + Doel Deoxys (x6) Box 6: German Aura Mew (x24) + Spanish Aura Mew (x1) + Shiny CHANNEL Jirachi (x5, one of each language) Box 7: Space C Deoxys (x30) Box 8: WISHMKR Jirachi (x18) + CHANNEL Jirachi (x10) Box 9: Ageto Celebi (x30) Box 10: Pokemon Box Eggs (x5 hatched, x9 eggs) Box 11: In-Game Island Captured Events (x14) Box 12: In-Game Unown full set (x28) Box 13: Debug distributions from the German Debug version of Pokemon Ruby (x30) Box 14: Debug Unown full distribution set from the German Debug version of Pokemon Ruby (x28) Event Savefile 3: Box 1 - 3: Ageto Celebi (x77) Box 4: Pokemon Center 5th Anniversary Eggs (x30) Box 5: JP Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon (x27) Box 6 - 7: Egg Pokemon Present Eggs (x48) Box 8 - 10: PokePark Eggs (x90) Box 11: Hadou Mew (x10) + 2005 Tanabata Jirachi (x2) + Festa Metang (x10) + Sunday Wobbuffet (x5) + PokePark Mew (x1) Box 12: PokePark Celebi (x6) + 2004 Tanabata Jirachi (x1) + PokePark Meowth (x1) + 2006 Tanabata Jirachi (x4) + ANA Pikachu (x18) Box 13: GW Pikachu (x15) + Yokohama Pikachu (x15) Box 14: Mitsurin Celebi (x30) Event Savefile 4: Box 1 - 5: GMPC (GCEA) (x139) Box 6 - 14: *empty boxes for potential future expansion* In-Game Trades Savefile: Box 1: Full set from Ruby & Sapphire - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese respectively Box 2: Full set from Emerald - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese respectively Box 3: Full English set (x2) from FRLG Box 4: Full German set from FRLG Box 5: Full French set from FRLG Box 6: Full Italian set from FRLG Box 7: Full Spanish set from FRLG Box 8: Full Japanese set from FRLG Box 9: Full English set from Colosseum and XD ----- Credits: Although @InsaneNutter started this project in 2016, and has put many hours into its development, it would have never grown this large without the massive contributions from the following people. If you contributed something that has made its way into these savefiles and you aren't credited below, please let us know! @vi3t - The original FireRed savefile this was built upon. @InsaneNutter - Started the compilation of events in this savefile, and continued developing it alongside HaxAras. @HaxAras - Continued help with developing this savefile, and has contributed many Pokemon from his personal collection. Big Mike - Contributed events to his friend HaxAras. @King Impoleon - Overflow Box of German Aura Mew, Overflow Box of Space Center Deoxys, and one Doel Deoxys. @Nigoli - 111 Ageto Celebi @Deoxyz - The English, French, German, Italian and Spanish Top 10 & Aura Mew in the main save, the 5 Doel Deoxys in the overflow save, as well as two of Mystery Mew distribution savefiles. Also the 10ANNIV, Aura Mew, BGF Shiny Zigzagoon, and Aurora Ticket distribution cartridges. Recently did the massive revamp of these savefiles to their current appearance and organization. @Misdreavus - The full set of JAA 10 ANIV Pokemon with two 10 ANIV Celebi, all in the main save. @Invader TAK - Three 10 ANIV Celebi in the main save. SWAMP.N - JAA 10 ANIV Articuno Zapdos, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Celebi, Latias, Latios, and a Space Center Deoxys all in the overflow save. @arjun - The shiny Regice & shiny Rayquaza in the main save, and full set of Unown in the overflow save. Ahiru's Wonderland - A no longer existing website which actively archived tons of Japanese event pokemon from 2003 to 2006. @Sabresite - Legitimacy checking many of these event Pokemon with his currently unreleased tools. @Kaphotics - Developing PKHeX, the program which without would have made the massive revamp of these savefiles a complete nightmare. @Gridelin - The Shiny Channel Jirachi and providing a detailed guide on how it was obtained. @yamipoli - Two untouched ROCKS Metang. @XxPhoenix1996xX - Replacing suspect pokemon in the 'In-Game Trades" savefile, as well as adding a few missing in-game trade pokemon.- 6 comments
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- gen iii
- generation iii
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Version 1.0.0
This a Pokémon Dream Radar save file that can be used to directly transfer all the Legendary Pokémon, and some extra Pokémon and items to Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. Available Pokémon and Items to transfer: -Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Ho-oh and Lugia -Riolu, Ralts, Togepi, Spiritomb, Porygon and Rotom -Sun Stone x10, Moon Stone x10, Fire Stone x10, Water Stone x10, Thunder Stone x10 and Leaf Stone x10 This save is also 100% cleared, so it can be used to catch any non-Legendary Pokémon and collect any item: -999999 Orbs -All Extensions Unlocked -All Upgrades Unlocked -Max Game Records Note: It is not needed to use Pokémon Dream Radar to transfer Pokémon and items to B2W2, thanks to the Gen 5 Save Tool. This save has also been edited using the Pokémon Dream Radar Save Editor, both tools made by Suloku. It's recommended to use JKSV or Checkpoint for importing 3DS save files.- 3 comments
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- dream radar
- save file
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Tagged with:
I play Gen 3 alot and I decided hoarding Pokemon and items was a pain when storage space was so limited, that and trading takes forever. So I created a PokeBank-like program for hoarding, trading, and managing Pokemon, Items, Pokeblocks, Mail, and Decorations. Trigger's PC is a tool designed for legit purposes. There really aren't enough tools for legit-play out there sadly. However, note it does extend some of the boundaries of the game to increase replayability and customization. Image Album | News: Release v1.0.1.1 is Here! (7/18/16 8:05PM) Big thanks to everyone who helped improve Trigger's PC during beta in order to make it into what it is now! Please read the following documentation before using Trigger's PC: Safety Guide Troubleshooting and Bug Reporting Guide Links: Trigger's PC Wiki GitHub Repository Smogon Forums Page Suggest Achievements for Trigger's PC! Project Goals for Later in Development: In-Tool Mart for all currencies. Use items and feed Pokeblocks to Pokemon. Ability to write mail. Show other miscellaneous stats in the Trainer Info tab. Achievements. Statistics Page. Long Term Project Goals: Add support for Gens 1 and 2 (Especially since trading between those games is even more of a pain). This will include trading Pokemon up to gen 3 permanently. Changelogs: Download: Trigger's PC Release v1.0.1.1 (Recommended) Some Saves to Try Trigger's PC Out With Some Secret Bases to Import Previous Downloads: Enjoy!
Version 1.0.0
Hi! Recently played my physical copy of Pokémon Black in a Nuzlocke format. Since I saw there was not a lot of saves in the site I decided to use checkpoint on different parts of the game to backup different files in case any of them are of any use. Save's have names explaining in what point the game was saved. The CWF trick was used to acquire event Pokémon and the save only has up to a silver card since I was lazy to grind the subway. Hope its useful! Save Info: Protagonist: Lynx (F) Total Playtime: 99:07h _________ Start Date: 21/11/2022 Main Plot Victory: 08/12/2022 Hall of Fame: 16/12/2022 - 80:02h Silver Card: 24/12/2022 - 93:27h 100% Completion: 28/12/2022 - 99:05h -
Version 1.0.9
Story completed. All Smogon Built Pokemon in PC. Pokemon are legal and competitive (001-957) Where most of the Pokémon were originally caught/bred/obtained. 7th Gen Emphasis 754 Pokémon originally caught/bred/obtained in ULTRA SUN or ULTRA MOON. 203 Pokémon originally caught/bred/obtained in a generation 1-6 Pokémon game. Transfer Emphasis 525 Pokémon originally caught/bred/obtained in ULTRA SUN or ULTRA MOON. 432 Pokémon originally caught/bred/obtained in a generation 1-6 Pokémon game.- 20 comments
- 1 review
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- 957 pre-loaded pokemon
- competitive movesets natures
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Hello everyone! I don't know if there was any demand for this or if anyone really cared, but I've spent what little free time I had over the past 6-7 months creating this. It's a Fire Red save file you can open/import in any GBA emulator, and it contains every single pokemon, shiny, with legitimate stats, holding every legal ribbon it can own, having perfect IV's/EVs/ with Smogon competitive movesets. Basically anything you can possibly think of, it's on here. All completely "legal" in the sense that it will (should) pass all legality checkers and will transfer over to the newer generations without any red flags. NFE Pokemon like Charmander are level 98 and Charmeleon 99 in case you want to evolve them. For every non-bred Pokemon, I used the relevant PID Finder Method to ensure legitimate PID values for the designated event. I also gave the trainer 999 of every time, max money, etc etc. It took me forever to make this, but I finally finished it and want to share it with the world! I plan on sharing this via Dropbox to YouTube, but I thought ProjectPokemon should hear about this first, especially if the community might find some use for this in terms of research & development. Here are the files along with a copypasta from the Readme I plan on attaching to the Dropbox: <attachments below> [Mods: I wasn't exactly sure where to post this, since it does contain many Event files but is obviously more than just events. If you need me to move this or remove it, please let me know and I will be more than happy to oblige.] Thank you for your time, isleep2late
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- advance
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Version 1.0.0
This is a save file I statred as a kid. However over time it became ...a "save file bank"...were I would store pokemon from other games. The game has not been beat and is only at the thrid gym but has not beaten it yet. Yet this save files has a lot of great things. -a good amount of shiny pokemon - All the pokemon from pokemon colosseum - Not all but a good amount of the pokemon you can get from Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness -Lots of Ribbon pokemon ( great for a Ribbion master challenge) - Lots of sercet bases of other players all over the map ( have fun finding them all and battling them) Note: I guessing I used a game shark on this as a kid with a why is there a level 4 mewtwo on here lol....but It kind of just addeds to the charm of the old save file lol Enjoy !!! -
Obsolete, please use suloku's Gen 5 save tool for Memory Link injection! Original Post
- 43 replies
A while ago, I lost half of all of my Pokemon from every Pokemon game that I had played until Pokemon X. After that sad event, I tried to retrieve my lost Pokemon via countless methods, that usually failed. However, after retrieving some of my lost Pokemon from Pokemon White, I realized that the 4th gen games held impartial copies of every Pokemon that successfully beats the elite 4. So, I extracted my Heart Gold save file from my cartridge from my cartridge and searched numerous times. Nonetheless, I had came to the realization that I had no idea where the hallof fame data was stored... So, where's the Hall of Fame data for Pokemon Heart Gold located? It was the first Pokemon game that I played, So I beat the elite 4 seven times (Just for kicks), so it should be easy to identify...
- 36 replies
- pkm extraction
- heartgold
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Dear ProjectPokemon, how do you put a checkmark on a Ribbon in the Pokémon's summary when editing generation 8 Pokemon save data? For example, when I put a checkmark on the Master Rank Ribbon of my Cinderace; the game would say "Go Cinderace the Rank Master!" Is the "Obtained" field of the Ribbon also editable? Thanks again for your help and support.
- 2 replies
- Ribbons
- generation 8
(and 5 more)
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Guys, I have a simple request. I need a save file for Pokémon White 2 after arriving in Castelia City, so before beating Cheren. It is not necessary but it would be good if the podedex was completed up to that point in the game(the previous routes), also my character was a girl and had oshawott for starter but that is not necessary I just don't want start from scratch. Now some context to my request. I was playing with MelonDS and encountered a bug, the good news is the devs are aware of the issue and I think its getting fixed, the bad news is I cant play on it anymore. I then tried to transfer the save to DeSmuME but did not succeed, the game opens fine and I get to the main menu, I can see my character in the bottom screen, but if I try to continue the game simply reboots to the Start Screen. I dont know if I did anything wrong as this was my first time trying this procedure. I don't think my save file is corrupted so I'll also leave it here and you guys can try running it on your end to see if there are any problems. Thanks for reading! 6150 - Pokemon - White Version 2 (U) (frieNDS).sav
I was messing around on a B2 file using HxD, specifically in the Hall of Fame data block (offset starts @ 74000). After changing some PIDs and species, I booted the file and the changes presented correctly. Then I decided to update the HoF backup data (offset 75800) with the same information, but when I booted the file I was given the "HoF data is corrupted" message. Anyone know why this is? Or why editing the backup specifically caused this to occur? Information on how exactly the save file backups work on DS games is useful/interesting to me. Also, I tried this same thing on a Plat and Emerald save file, and got the same results. That is, edits that were made to the main HoF file were reflected in-game, but the HoF data corrupted once I edited the backup hex data.
- 3 replies
- hall of fame extraction
- save file
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I'm working on getting a Living Dex in every Pokémon game, with each individual Pokémon coming from their home region. I'm doing this by transferring the Pokémon using PKHeX and organizing them by number in the boxes. So for each game, I've found some way to get the National Dex early, whether by manual save editing, scripts through PKSM, or just using cheats. However, it seems like none of those seem to be viable options for BW. I can't find any info on what offset owning the NatDex falls under, I can't use PKSM since I'm using a flashcart (had White years ago, lost it without finishing the game), and there don't seem to be any cheats that just give the NatDex. Does anybody know if there's either some way to edit the save in PKHeX, or a place where I can find the offset for having the NatDex? It's a massive help having the NatDex numbers of the Pokémon in the PC for organization purposes. Thank you in advance.
- nationaldex
- national
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Hi guys! I can't import the emerald .sav file on the Super Card SD: I can play new game, but I want to transfer my .sav ROM file from emulator to the Supercard. How can I transfer the saves?
So I used the wii homebrew gamecube cable save dumper to get my emerald save file from the cartridge and it wont open and gives me the error in the picture also am attatching the actual save file POKEMON EMER [BPEE01].sav
When I load my Pokemon Y save through pkhex, it asks me if I want to load it at 0x3000 or 0x82000. The first option work but when I try to load it at 0x82000 it says "Invalid save file loaded. Aborting". Any idea as to why that is ? Everything works perfectly with the first option, it's just the second option who seems to be having an issue with my save file.
- 2 replies
- issues
- troubleshooting
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Projéct R. About this file: This is how we play! All Pokémon from generation I to VII. (807) All alternate forms, Z-crystals moves and mega/primal evolutions per Pokémons. All types of Z-moves held by (8) Eeveelutions and (10) Ultra-beast pokémon while exclusive z-moves are held by specific pokémon with its own exclusive moves and exclusive pokémon. Effortless: Save-File From The Start All IV's, EV's maxed, unique abilities, maxed OT's, 100% Pokédex, USUM file. All unique moveset through out of its evolution stages. I focus more on pokémon to have its own unique and exclusive moves from Gen I-VII. Bonus: Gathering all from Database Completed all kinds of moves from generation I to VII, including specific signature moves for pokémon. (moves are legal and well researched one-by-one) + bonus event-exclusive moves including: Celebrate, Happy Hour, Hold Back, Hold Hands and V-Create. (Light of Ruin included). Rename the file to "main". My 1st project and all credits/hardwork from this site. Hope you find it good as you start your journey from the beginning of the game. Though this file is not fully 100% due to Legendary, Mythical and Ultra Beasts are not "legal" but nevertheless, i will look and research more just to satisfy my fellow members. Also aiming for almost perfect pokémon. Thank you and more powers! (feel free to comment and support our website -
Before I get powersaves I have one question: (Maybe Not One Actually) 1st question:If I backup my game to powersaves what save files will it be? Will it be a main file (you know: those files called main?)?[/u][/u] MAIN: Can I get my main file I downloaded off the internet and and use that backup? (About 1st question) YES: * (About MAIN section) NO: Go to the no section of BIN/OTHER. (About the MAIN section) BIN/OTHER: Can I turn that main file into a bin or the save file I need? (About 1st Question) NO: Can I get my backup(no hacked) onto the computer atleast and edit it then export the backup to my 3ds? (About BIN/OTHER) YES:*(About BIN/OTHER) YES: * (About answering NO to BIN/OTHER) NO:I'll just use the codes. (About answering NO to BIN/OTHER) * Means Post in the comments how to do it.
This program will let you edit various things in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Features: - fix checksum if you have corrupted your save (this includes quicksave checksum although it won't let you retry -- more investigation needed) - edit pokémon (including active pokémon) - name, species, location met, all stats & attacks - all unknown values are shown so you can edit them too - import/export - edit items (held, special ep, stored, Keckleon shops stock & Croagunk swap shop stock) - edit money, team name - cut/copy/paste (including ranges) - full support for whole charset used by the game in names (use '[abc]' syntax for special characters, see src/main/resources/skyjed/resources/ - edit trash bytes in names (after \0) - source available in downloads Planned features: - find out what are the unknowns in pokémon and items - more edit streamlining (drag-drop?, hot-keys) - edit gatekeepers scores, adventure log (already implemented, no GUI yet) - edit storyline data, possibly new game+ mode (reset all storyline but keep pokémon/items) Known bugs/limitations: - no support for Explorers of Time/Darkness (not planning to add it but maybe someone else will) - requires Java 1.7 (or newer) to run How to run SkyJEd (Windows): - Install Java 1.7 (or newer) - Double-click on bin/SkyJEd.bat. How to run SkyJEd (Unix): - Install Java 1.7 (or newer) - run: './bin/SkyJEd' from your favorite shell. Old instructions (before v0.8g): Changelog: Credits: - Big thanks to Evandixon for his work on Sky Editor and for making it open-source. - Grovyle91 (item structure) - Prof. 9 (character encoding, bit shifting) - WhatHappenedToStairs (attack id, pokemon forms) LATEST VERSION: v0.8k download older version only if you experience problems with latest one (and please tell me about your problems if you have any) SkyJEd-0.8i-src.tar.gz SkyJEd-0.8k-src.tar.gz
Hey, can someone provide me a save file for Pokémon Ultra Moon with all Pokémon (shiny and non shiny) in it? I am really in need of the save file so it would be great if you can help, please make the game save so it can work with JKSV. If you need any more information, my email is: Thanks
I have been looking for a save that uses a male trainer with popplio that has gotten past the photo club issue and it needs to be a "main" file for citra, If anybody finds one or has one please let me know.
- 42 replies
- ultra moon
- citra
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i was going to use JKSM but that doesn't have DS support. what could i use instead?
- 3 replies
- nintendo ds
- ds
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- 1
- save file
- already ev trained
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