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Everything posted by Kaarosu

  1. I don't think there is only option is to copy and paste. But it's better than nothing.
  2. Open up Pokesav with Applocale.. or before writing your trainer name/id/etc do a right click and select all then delete/backspace and write your trainer name and that should do it.
  3. Sounds to me like you might not have downloaded ndstool so if you haven't done so already download the program and place it in thenewpoketext folder.
  4. Sadly we don't know the NiFi/WiFi protocols that pokemon games use so I don't think something like this is anywhere near possible to make at the moment.
  5. M3i Zero and Acekard2i have pretty much the same features. M3i Zero has some more extra features but the Ak2i has more compability with homebrew and great community support. The AKAIO firmware is just great imo if you want learn more about it check out this link: http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/index.php?title=AKAIO
  6. Is it the save file itself and not the pokemon? Either way I did notice it before but never really thought about it. Pokesav doesn't have the support to set the correct flags for ribbons. DSPokeEdit is the only save tool that I know of that was/is able to set the text flags for ribbons.
  7. Out of boredom I decided to make a little guide for you guys wanting to use cheats with a patched game, I tried to simplify it as much as I could but it's 5am ...so yeah yay lack of sleep. Anyways here you go, http://www.liquiddeath.com/?p=9
  8. Apparently Met appears when you trade a pokemon between games (Your ID/SID in your Pearl game is different to the one of your Platinum game) if you want to get rid of the 'apparently met' you have to use the ID/SID of your Platinum game when making the pkm files in pokesav
  9. I used to have a M3 Simply before I upgraded to an Acekard2i (Cheap and works on both a DS Lite and DSi) anyways lameboy is homebrew which i'm pretty sure is meant to be used with all Slot-1 carts. at most you'd have to DLDI patch your copy of lameboy if your cart doesn't do it on the fly(I don't know of any cart that doesn't do this by now) anyways if you just want a cart to emulate gbc any slot-1 cart will work.
  10. You use poketext for that, I'm sure you already know how to patch a .xml back into the .narc, after all that is done move the msg.narc(i think that's what it was named) back to the data/0/2/ folder (...again i don't recall of the top of my head) and rename it back to "7" (or else all the changes you make won't be reflected) after that is done use thenewpoketext and use the mkrom command to recompile the rom into a .nds
  11. the only way you'll get both is if you yourself make the changes, that is to say do the same thing they're doing as translator (I myself have my copy of magnius's and kazo's translations merged in with my own translations of stuff they don't have) seeing as how they worked on their translations it wouldn't be fair for me to just post a merged version of both. But if you want to do it yourself for your own use all you have to do is: 1) have two copies of the game; one patched by magnius the other by kazo 2) use thenewpoketext to extract the game's text from both games one part at a time and not the whole script at once (ex. 1.xml / 2.xml / etc) 3) merge the difference in all the script parts (there's 814 parts If i remember right) 4) patch the merged script parts back into either game (I merged mine into magnius's patched game cause i like the graphics better) 5) COMPILE your changes and play (make a new .nds from the decompiled files) as usual that's as simple as I can explain it, hopefully it helps whoever needs it.
  12. I don't feel like translating so if you really care you can do that yourself, anyways: knock yourselves out with the courses.
  13. The reason that cheats stop working in a patched game is cause the Game ID changes when someone applies the patch, don't remember the exact details right now but basically the Game ID acts like an integrity check so any codes that don't use the right ID stop working
  14. Should be fine as far as I know but having a pcd with only is always a big plus.
  15. Could've sworn I had translated that already... just never released it lmao anyways left you the the missing places in bold. good job compiling the list. Edit: As for EB-ED they should be Mystery Zone from what I've seen but someone might need to triple check.
  16. Looking good Kazo, this'll probably need to be added to the codelist threads if it hasn't already.
  17. I too have my NAND backed up but I had no problems with my homebrew and 4.2 (aside from the homebrew channel being upside down lol) but that was easily fixed, kind of weird that even Wiis with no homebrew would get bricked, probably the newer ones I'm guessing?
  18. Yeah, Ranch Saves are similar with the backup/main saves I can't recall but I think it also has an encryption but I think it's similar to the DS block encryptions
  19. I've looked into it before, but doubt it's really worth the effort.
  20. "+ Added option to set you as pokemon's original trainer. + Added automatic nickname setting/etc (English only so far)" Just pure Win. <div_prefs id="div_prefs"></div_prefs>
  21. make sure there are no spaces with the trainer name (Do a Select All and type the Trainer name again)
  22. Well that was completely opposite of what I was expecting this game to be about.. which is great! <div_prefs id="div_prefs"></div_prefs>
  23. just remember to make a backup first, last I remember PMD saves have some sort of integrity check that if not edited right it'll make you start from scratch.
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