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Everything posted by Kaarosu

  1. It's better you just use Pokegen if that's all you need here is the link
  2. Actually this is a problem related to your password not meeting the requirements which are Between 6-16 characters long and must include numbers and letters.
  3. As long as it has a music you can change it basically i'm guessing you can assign which file to play with PPRE? I don't know I didn't get that far. I used Kiwi when I first played around with this but it seems crystal tile has better support of replacing the sound files than kiwi does. You'll probably have to go with trial and error from here on I don't think many people have tried this and the few that have.. concentrated on NSMB and not Pokemon games.
  4. There is no way to re-assign the music for individual trainers unless they had one to begin with(Gym Leaders/Elite 4/etc) Great find Crystal Tile 2 saves the day again, it does most of the work for you only thing i'll really add to this is that the only tools you'll get a lot of trouble from will be "Mid2sseq" since it's very temperamental and will crash half the time.
  5. I've toyed around with it and yeah it's possible it basically involves unpacking/editing/repacking the gs_sound_data.sdat file of the game. I'll play with it again to remember how it exactly goes and then make a quick guide for it.
  6. Is your tool able to do this without having to unpack the data.bin file? or does it do so and just edits the savedata.bin/backup savedata files and then repacks them all into one file again? either way cool to see someone has been working on a tool for this game
  7. There is an 'easier' way to catch the roamers to avoid having to open and close the map too many times: And that's in spoiler tags just for those of you that like the challenge of looking for them all over the place. Enjoy.
  8. very nice job guys, and just because I added it into stumble so i'm sure it'll catch on haha
  9. Hex Values: 46h = 90 (This is Celadon for other Kanto places look at this list http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?5532-List-of-46h-and-47h-values-of-HG-SS-locations&p=68136#post68136) 85h = 18 86h = 04 Met At Location: 3002 - Faraway Place Met at Level: 15 Region: 7 for HG and 8 for SS
  10. This is the Official names for these locations:
  11. For all of those who care about it, this item is called the Lock Capsule officially and it seems this is all the 'info' about it on the game: Lock Capsule: A sturdy Capsule that can only be opened with a special key. (Item Name / Description) * VIEW LOCK CAPSULE CARD (I believe this will be an option under Mystery Gift when communicating with the newer Pokemon Dungeon games) *DS Wireless Communications\nwill be launched. Connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection? The Lock Capsule is held in the strictest safekeeping. The Lock Capsule was delivered safely! In-game dialogue of item delivery.
  12. Deoxys for the win
  13. As random said ALWAYS make a back up of your save. But from what I poked around in Ranch; as long as you use the same version of the game you used the first time and with your old Trainer Name/ID/SID it should work just fine.
  14. lmao I left that as puridied >< i talk english good durrr...fixed The reason that probably worked out for you is because the save I used was originally from a (U) game so the gba region locks are still set to American games...where it is located I have no clue since I didn't really look into it... just kind of worked out that way.
  15. Have you tried this? I wasn't sure since I couldn't confirm it because I don't have the little transfer dongle thing. But if it does work that's just awesome.
  16. Thanks for the upload Nigoli great work as always! @randomcouchpotato : Google Translate > Babelfish?(sounds like it anyways)
  17. do you mind attaching your save so we could look through it?
  18. If I remember correctly Dolphin's Mem Card utility has the Fix Checksum option built in and works quite well, I did this for my younger brother a week or two ago since he wanted a Celebi with a completed save from gamefaqs. If anyone else is doing this for a Celebi, remember you need will also need the japanese gba game version of.. your 3rd gen? pokemon game.
  19. this to me sounds to be a problem of Wondercard IDs/Corresponding Card Number, look it up at http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/pokesavmysterygift.php for more details.
  20. I haven't checked them out myself but head on over to Legality Checker's official thread for an answer, if those arceus are non-US ones: http://www.projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?645-Legality-Checker-vB54-21&p=62866&viewfull=1#post62866 That might explain what is wrong.
  21. its because the apricorn balls weren't programmed in to the games before HG/SS.
  22. Yup you got it! And yeah it'll show up as a normal pokeball.
  23. Awesome work Grovyle! I like the program a lot, I haven't gotten around to testing all of it yet but from what I did it seemed to work great (Pearl & Platinum) I plan to test Heart Gold later on as well but I'm sure it'll work great. Text didn't get corrupted or anything either and umm let's see unlike SCV the é in the filename/config made no difference for me but I'm on windows (Win7 x64) Only thing I'd suggest is using the .pkm format instead of .bin since I don't think a lot of people are used to it. anyways once again great work!
  24. I think it's because poketext doesn't know how to encode arabic characters and that's why you get the error: "LookupError: unknown encoding: cp720"
  25. Not sure if this is what you asked for Angel, but here it is anyways the content of map_matrix.narc
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