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  1. Zeraora Wild Pokemon Modifier Code (works on both Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon) if it doesn't work change YY to any number below 99. [Wild Pokemon Modifier v1.0] *citra_enabled 005B9FC0 E1D500B0 005B9FC4 E12FFF1E 005B9FC8 E5C40004 005B9FCC E59F0000 005B9FD0 E12FFF1E 005B9FD4 00000327 005B9FD8 000000YY 003A7298 EB084B48 003A72A8 EB084B44 003A72C4 EB084B3D DD000000 00000004 005B9FC4 E59F000C D0000000 00000000 Now catch and enjoy your new Zeraora! Extra Mythical and Legends are listed below. If you change the code on row six from 327 each time you can catch a different mythical or legendary pokemon every time. 326 - Blacephalon 325 - Stakataka 323 - Poipole 322 - Marshadow 321 - Magearna 320 - Necrozma 289 - Genesect 288 - Meloetta 287 - Keldeo 286 - Kyurem 284 - Zekrom 283 - Reshiram 182 - Deoxys 181 - Jirachi 180 - Rayquaza 097 - Mew 096 - Mewtwo I'll add a lot more codes once I've researched what is what and which ones doesn't work (a lot of pokemon don't match their number at all!). All encounters are Level 1 unless you change YY value.
  2. Just a simple question here: What order of Ai bits make it harder? You can make lots of combinations of them, like you can have 'strong' and 'basic' checked, or all three of them checked and I'm just wondering if it just uses whatever the highest level checked is. And if that's the case why are they in random combinations in the editor? - Screenshot so you know what I'm talking about Thanks in advance
  3. Im currently shiny hunting in ultra sun, i encountered guzzlord, and because i havent captured it before, i have to go thru a 40 second cinematic, making the shiny hunting more tedious, i checked if i can check a flag so it counts as captured and didnt have to see the whole cinematic but theres no option that i see can anyone help me?
  4. Project Pokémon OP GBATemp OP PokéCommunity OP Reddit /r/3dshacks OP ROM hack of: Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon (3DS) Pokémon Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon are mods for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Like my Rutile Ruby & Star Sapphire hacks and my Nova Sun & Umbra Moon hacks, their main purpose is to provide a more challenging game experience while not artificially limiting the player. The premier feature of Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon is the ground-up redesign of Pokémon Trainers in the world to increase the game's challenge. Every trainer in the game has been edited, and the level curve expects use of the Experience Share, which means that the player levels up very quickly. Every Pokémon in Trainers' teams has a a proper moveset and many are holding items. The Elite Four and Champion are Level 100, and the player doesn't need to grind to equal that! Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon's secondary focus is inspired by Super Smash Bros. Melee's "20XX Hack Pack" which is designed to improve competitive players' ability to practice and grind. In Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon's Legit Build, everything obtainable is 100% legal and legitimate for real online battles or trades. In all Builds, some features are designed to make preparing competitive teams much less of a hassle. Competitive hold items are much more available, a 6IV Ditto is available through an in-game trade (holding a Destiny Knot), Eggs hatch in one cycle, and Level 100 Memento Blissey battles are available in the Battle Buffet once the main story has been beaten. (As discussed, link removed as it directs to page that host files from ROMs. Please upload files accepted by the forum, thanks )
  5. Hello. I'm having an error while running Pkhex in Citra. The error only occurs with Pokémon Ultrasun, with Sun it's all ok. The error is 0x6CC00. Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size. My version of Pkhex and Citra are the latest.
  6. PKHeX for Mac Made with Wineskin Welcome to PKHeX for Mac Discussion thread! Please post here if you need help or are experiencing issues related to this Wineskin wrapper, and use the PKHeX Support forum for issues related to the program. This is a Mac App that was made using Wineskin; it is not a port of PKHeX onto the Mac operating system. With Wineskin, we can recreate an environment where executable files will launch on Mac. As far as what is known, all features in the original program work in this wrapper. There are a few differences though. PKHeX for Mac is styled with MacOS. Also, the app's icon is different from the original PKHeX program to better fit in with the theme of the app. Download Credit to Kaphotics Source: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/1-pkhex/ Issues with Wine and PKHeX? This app not working for you? Check out the PKHeX on Mac guide:
  7. I've played a few Soul Link's so far and every time I start my play session for the day it's always kind of an annoying process. Loading up 2 separate emulators, 2 roms, having to rekeybind the controllers every time. I was wondering if someone would be able to make a program that could make it easier. If your unfimiliar with a Soul Link Nuzlocke, heres the rules. 1- Any Pokémon that faints is considered "dead," and must be released or stored in a specified PC box for "dead" Pokémon. 2- You can only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. 3- You must also nickname all of your Pokémon, for the sake of forming "stronger emotional bonds." 4- In a new area, the first encounters for both players will be, "linked," together until death. 5- If one Pokémon in a linked pair is placed in the PC, it's Soul Link partner must be placed in the PC as well. 6- If one Pokémon in a linked pair dies, it's Soul Link partner is considered dead as well. 7- If one player fails to capture their first encounter in an area, the second player must forfeit their encounter in their corresponding area. 8- Across both players parties, primary typings may not be repeated. Basically what I'm looking for is a program that emulates 2 roms side by side and be able to control them individually. I've thought of a few features to make it better. Features -Emulators from all consoles built in - Ex. VBA, Desmume, and Citra -Saves both roms under 1 "project" and loads them on the same side every time -Type Chart ready -Online Remote Play - Be able to join your friends session online to see and control one of the games. -Games connected locally so you can trade and battle -Database where you can input your linked pokemon pairs and where you caught them -Built in Pokedex Database (Not necessary but would be helpful) -Program reads both your teams and displays them between the game (I'm aware that's not an easy ask but if it's possible, why not) I feel like except for a couple of them this is a completely possible thing to create. I know it probably wont happen but I just thought I'd get the idea out there. I love doing Soul Links and I'm so happy people found a way to make Pokemon Co-op. Thanks for your time.
  8. I've just gotten into ROM hacking, playing around with pk3DS in ultra sun. I notice that some moves have inherent effects that cannot be changed with the standard move editor, the main culprit being Mind Blown. I am trying to remove the 1/2 health recoil effect and it seems it's built in to the move's code. What is the best path forward if I want to change this?
  9. Hi everyone, Basically I am just looking for a save file where someone has become champion but hasn't progressed any further in the game. Preferrably, the safe file is completely clean and hasnt been tampered with whatsoever. I want to be able to play the RR mission and cath all the extra legendaries and ultra beasts since I never did any of that when I played through originally. Thanks!
  10. 1. Are you able to edit totem pokemon battles? (eg. I change Gumshoos to a Pikachu) 2. If so, will the models used in cut scenes be replaced or nah 3. How can I change a battle from a single battle to a double battle? 4. What does "AI Val" mean 5. Can you change the z crystal rewards using Pk3DS? Hope somebody can help. Many thanks, Ben
  11. Hello everyone, I have edited my Ultra Sun save file using PkHex, getting myself a Rayquaza, among other Pokémons. While I'm able to mega-evolve every Pokémon I want, I can't always mega evolve Rayquaza. More precisely, I can mega evolve Rayquaza during normal battles, though I can't do the same when I'm playing online. This is pretty weird, considering that any other Pokémon (I've tried Metagross, Gengar and Salamence) can mega evolve during both wild encounters and online battles. Before you suggest anything, here's what I've already done: Since I'm pretty behind with the game (I've just arrived in the Akala Island), I've manually checked the "Allow mega evolutions" flag in PkHex I've put a Keystone in my bag using PkHex I've generated a Rayquaza who has Dragon Ascent in its move pool I've checked the "Rayquaza captured" flag using PkHex Do you know how can I solve this issue? Thanks in advance
  12. I am currently working on making mass changes to my Ultra Sun file in preparation for an Egglocke I am doing with my friend. I am rather new to this Batch Editor, so I am not sure if all the desired changes can be done at once or not. I will include a .text with desired changes (I did some research to make sure that the data values were at least correct) and the default .main file before changes. Here is a paste of the lines I want to implement: Basically, I want them all in an egg with random PID and Encryption Constant with Hatch Counter down to zero. No nicknames while they are all in pokeballs obtained at the default daycare in US. Trainer location is Louisiana, United States. Any suggestions on how to implement these changes would be appreciated. If I have to do multiple batch edits or even make some of the changes manually, that would be ok too. This would save me a LOT of time and patience if I could get the hang of batch editor. Thanks in advance! TeamRocketCollector's Egglocke_US.zip
  13. Pokemon Species: Altaria (Female) Held Item: Big Nugget Level: 75 Ability: Natural Cure Nickname (If wanted): [None] Trainer ID (If specific): 348624 Secret ID (If specific): Any Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Jolly Pokérus Status: None Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball EV Stats: 0/252/04/0/0/252 IV Stats: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ribbons (If any): [None] Location/Date Met: Paniola Ranch, lv1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Paniola ranch, lv1 Friend Code (If Trading): 0018-1111-4196
  14. Need help. Playing in Citra Nightly Managed to open PKHeX with the correct save, but im unable to edit anything. The correct pokemons show up, but everything is wrong, my zoarak show pund as a tm... Hwo to fix this?
  15. So I want to make the zygarde encounter in Ultra sun/Ultra moon permenantly shiny (I'm aware this isn't legal). Basically every time I encounter him, I want him to be garunteed to be shiny. Can I do this with either pkhex or pk3ds? Preferably with pkhex, if its not possible with either of these, its possible i can edit the hex values of the game. I have cfw and luma and all of that. Much appreciated
  16. Can someone upload a completed save file with a Female Trainer please, that hasn't been enter on the PGL. Thanks!!!
  17. Hey guys, Trying to edit Dawn Wings Necrozmas wings, But have been unable to find the file so far to edit. Only the black parts of Necrozma are in the file, Along with that 'glow' on Ultra Necrozma, because despite changing that forms wings colour, the glow is still yellow. Thanks!
  18. Could we get a way of editing our Festival Plaza, such as editing stalls and level. While being able to add Festival Coins does allow easy climbing albeit monotonous of the Festival Plaza Ranks, it would be nice to have this feature.
  19. A
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