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  1. Hello. I have difficulty porting a DECRYPTED Action Replay code from Emerald to Ruby/Sapphire. Here is the code: Instant Win (Single Battles) 0A22076E 00000002 0022433A 00000001 Instant Win (Double Battles) 0A22430A 00000001 0022433A 00000001 ...I know the answer is in the offsets, but I have trouble finding it. Al least I'm not giving up to find the offsets. If anyone can help, I could appreciate it.
  2. Fire Red/Leaf Green Action Replay Codes This thread contains content originally posted by Lady Aquarii on Pokesav.org. Important Notice : Theses Codes Were Originally Collected & Posted By Our Dear "Lady Aquarii" So All Credit Should & Will Go To Her. I Am In No Means Claiming This As My Own Work Nor Am I Waiting To Be Credited For It Thank You For Your Hard Work Lady Aquarii Thank You Archanfel for reposting these after pokesav.org became projectpokemon.org
  3. Version 1.6.1


    PKHeX plugin to find and edit Feebas fishing spots in Gen 3, 4 and 8. How to use Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu. Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald as well as Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are supported. Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here). Example of how to unblock: Any questions, issues or suggestions? Create a post in my support thread, create an issue on Github or send me a DM! Credits & Thanks Kaphotics for PKHeX. TuxSH for his extensive research about Feebas fishing spots (RSE, DPPt). suloku for his Feebas Fishing Spot tool that has inspired me to make this plugin. foohyfooh for BDSP support. Translators: Chinese (CHT/CHS): ppllouf & wubinwww Source
  4. Version 1.4.1


    PKHeX plugin to help making Mirage Island appear in Gen 3. How to use Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu. The seed has to match the last 4 digits of a Pokémons PID to make Mirage Island appear. If a Pokemon was found that makes Mirage Island appear, you can select and right click it to view it. Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald are supported. Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here). Example of how to unblock: Any questions, issues or suggestions? Create a post in my support thread, create an issue on Github or send me a DM! Credits & Thanks Kaphotics for PKHeX. Translators: Chinese (CHT/CHS): ppllouf & wubinwww Source
  5. Helmschrot

    Gen 3 PkHex?

    Hello, so I'm currently playing pokemon ruby on an emulator ... now I wanted to pick up a Pokemon, but somehow it doesn't work. I play on "Retroarch" where the files are saved as ".smr". This was already in Pokemon Gold that I played. There I solved it so that I simply renamed the ".smr" file to a ".sav" file and then dragged it in. But now when I do that with Ruby the following error message comes up: Attemted to load an unsupported file type / size. This could be caused by loading a different generation Pokemon file on an unsupported generation or youre file is courupt. File loaded: \ User \ [My name] \ Desktop \ Pokemon Ruby.sav File size: 139264 bytes 139264 bytes (0x22000) It may be important to mention that it is a randomized rom, which was the case with gold and still worked there edit: Yeah, that smiley sould ba an C_: xD
  6. Hello! So I've made this file (attached below) to use as a save file in Pokemon box with pkhex so I could have some of these Pokemon on my physical carts. However, no matter how I export the file in pkhex, the game will not show any Pokemon that I added into the save in game. Any idea why this might be happening? I've tried adding pokemon from my cart to an exported save then adding my new Pokemon, I've tried adding Pokemon on an exported save with no Pokemon. The second method would tell me that the save file was corrupted and the first method wouldn't show anything in my pc box. I've googled around for answers for hours and I couldn't find anything Thanks for any help 01-GPXE-pokemon_rs_memory_box_00.gci
  7. I've been digging into how it would be possible to edit the checksum on my Pokemon Sapphire savefile so that it ends up at A030 for a shiny (naughty) Jirachi from the Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc. Sites such as JirachiCalc have been useful in helping me figuring out my current checksum but that's about it. I've read a lot of older posts about using hexeditors and such but I always end up more confused and ultimately give up in the end. I'd apricate any help and possible explenations so I can understand and maybe generate other types of Jirachis down the line. My current checksum is at 3C71. Savefile is attached below. POKEMON_SAPP_AXPE01.sav
  8. In this thread you can find Action Replay v3/4 codes for the e-Reader berries. These berries will replace the Enigma Berry (#43) with a custom one. The new berry will be available until you inject another berry or remove the data, in latter case all occurences become an Enigma Berry. Since the berries consist of a lot of data (about 1.29 KB) which the AR can not handle in a single code (maximum ist about 50 lines) they had to be split into multiple parts. The codes were already shortened with loop codes but still they are too large for a single code. Use them as follows: enter and activate the first code go ingame and save once shut down your game and disable/remove the code (on VBA-M you don't have to shut down) now continue with the next code Master Codes English Berries Working on all European and American language versions of Ruby/Sapphire (English/French/German/Italian/Spanish). The berry tag will always be English though! Japanese Berries Only working on Japanese language versions of Ruby/Sapphire. Get 1 x Enigma Berry from Norman Injecting the data will not automatically let you receive that berry from Norman since the e-Reader also sets a flag in the save file. You can use this code to enable the event at Petalburg gym. It will only work if you don't have an e-Reader berry in your bag or PC storage yet! Get 1 x Enigma Berry from Norman (Press L or R) ENGLISH 57A0ECFC 32CDF928 50A7B662 26EDAD04 JAPANESE 57A0ECFC 32CDF928 C9C8078C E18C2D7E Remove e-Reader Berry data This code will completely wipe out the e-Reader berry data. Resulting in all occurrences of berry #43 becomming an Enigma Berry. ENGLISH 429DAD76 B9182DE1 D0149A8E 4F3D136F C8A552E0 34657A6B D0149A8E 4F3D136F DC60EC77 05427E5D 33B67761 623AFA3A JAPANESE 179BE661 106A0F98 D0149A8E 4F3D136F 9CAE16B7 7D359FC5 D0149A8E 4F3D136F 20741C1A BC438A5B 33B67761 623AFA3A RAM offsets Data size: 1328 (0x530) Bytes EU/US 0x02028894 JP 0x020285F4
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Has all badges and pokemon! Not sure which version. All legal.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    All pokemon, I still couldn't get them in a file. All legal.
  11. Hi, I'm currently hacking Pokemon Omega Ruby, and I went through most of the game's files, but I couldn't find anything with Team Magma's logo (the one that appears in battle). I just want to know where in the game's files it is. Thanks!
  12. Version 1.1.0


    All 386 legal Living Dex Pokémon ordered by PokéDex number in boxes 1-13. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo and Deoxys (Spanish Aurora ticket obtained with the Gen 3 Event tool by suloku) obtained from my copy of Pokémon FireRed. Groudon obtained from my copy of Pokémon Emerald. Latios obtained by activating the Eon Ticket event with the Gen 3 Event tool by suloku. Jirachi obtained from an emulated copy of Pokémon Channel. Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Charizard, Pikachu, Articuno, Latias and Latios obtained from the Spanish 10ANNIV distribution ROM (as used by Nintendo in Moviplaya 2006). Mew obtained from the Spanish Aura Mew distribution ROM (as used by Nintendo in Moviplaya 2007). Celebi obtained from the Pokémon 10th Anniversay Journey Across America 2006 dsitribution event (got from this web, thanks to @GalosAlan10 for uploading the big Celebi save file). Shiny Zigzagoon obtained from the Berry Glitch Fix ROM. POKEMON_SAPP_AXPS01.sav
  13. I've played a few Soul Link's so far and every time I start my play session for the day it's always kind of an annoying process. Loading up 2 separate emulators, 2 roms, having to rekeybind the controllers every time. I was wondering if someone would be able to make a program that could make it easier. If your unfimiliar with a Soul Link Nuzlocke, heres the rules. 1- Any Pokémon that faints is considered "dead," and must be released or stored in a specified PC box for "dead" Pokémon. 2- You can only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. 3- You must also nickname all of your Pokémon, for the sake of forming "stronger emotional bonds." 4- In a new area, the first encounters for both players will be, "linked," together until death. 5- If one Pokémon in a linked pair is placed in the PC, it's Soul Link partner must be placed in the PC as well. 6- If one Pokémon in a linked pair dies, it's Soul Link partner is considered dead as well. 7- If one player fails to capture their first encounter in an area, the second player must forfeit their encounter in their corresponding area. 8- Across both players parties, primary typings may not be repeated. Basically what I'm looking for is a program that emulates 2 roms side by side and be able to control them individually. I've thought of a few features to make it better. Features -Emulators from all consoles built in - Ex. VBA, Desmume, and Citra -Saves both roms under 1 "project" and loads them on the same side every time -Type Chart ready -Online Remote Play - Be able to join your friends session online to see and control one of the games. -Games connected locally so you can trade and battle -Database where you can input your linked pokemon pairs and where you caught them -Built in Pokedex Database (Not necessary but would be helpful) -Program reads both your teams and displays them between the game (I'm aware that's not an easy ask but if it's possible, why not) I feel like except for a couple of them this is a completely possible thing to create. I know it probably wont happen but I just thought I'd get the idea out there. I love doing Soul Links and I'm so happy people found a way to make Pokemon Co-op. Thanks for your time.
  14. I have a MYSTRY Mew and was wondering if anyone could confirm if it's legit or not, please. OT: MYSTRY, ID: 06930, Nature: Serious, Characteristic: It's very finicky! IVs: HP: 23, Attack: 21, Defense: 6, Sp. Atk: 29, Sp Def: 8, Speed: 6,
  15. Hey guys I wanted to start a LEGIT shiny collection. I've been a shiny collector for years and just got into .sav files. I'll be uploading a .sav file soon with a collection of the shinies I've caught over the years as well as some I've gotten some friends. (I'm just waiting for my package) My collection does include some RNG shinies since I did a bit of experimentation with it but the rest are full odds. I'm we can all pool our shinies to make a complete shiny-dex of non RNG pokemon.
  16. Hey guys I was just wondering if anyone had/ could please make me a sav file with any of the shiny starters in any of the gen 3 games. Either fire red/ leaf green or Emerald. Also could you please put the name of the player to Ryan and select the male character. Thank you so much! I appreciate it! P.S. If possible would Could I also get max money and the aurora ticket.
  17. This thread contains all the Master Codes and DMA-Disablers for all language versions of third generation games. They are in ARv3/4 format which is the most used and should be supported by all current real hardware Action Replays and emulators. English French German Italian Japanese Spanish
  18. Hello readers! About a year ago I found on an archived Geocities Page linked via a strange Pokemon forum a zip file which contained a readme, and a strange binary file called colbtl.bin that is to be used to replace Pokemon Colosseum NTSC-U's copy with a program, that instead of GBA trading over the link cable, flashes any region of RS with a self-contained save file that is expanded. The gba displays info with a splash screen, while the Gamecube appears to fail the trade. I have painstakingly dumped this save file via FIX94's tool. You need to extract this zip file, grab colbtl.bin, put it into a Legit US (or possibly British/Aussie) Colosseum ISO (using GCISOTOOL, GCISOREBUILDER, or GCMTool, maybe wiiscrubber), and replace the file. You also need a way of loading the iso, so either PSO, XenoGC, Wode Jukebox, Swiss, Nintendont, Devolution, Wiikey/Wasp Fusion, QOOB, or other loaders/chips. No actual Nintendo rom code is in the zip file, all of it was freely given as public domain by an ancient hacking group. I suspect FIX94's PokeLoad Gamecube HB exploit for Colosseum and GoD, would be able to allow a talented GC hacker to make some sort of .dol executable on a memcard, that has Ralf@gc-forever's Colosseum Codes for enabling, farming, and Swapping the Ageto Celebi Event out for a selection of events, or allow them to hex it in, along with patching and loading colbtl.bin from the card's dol to trick Colosseum into flashing duplicate saves. There is no current way to set the save file in the colbtl.bin file. Hopefully some data can be found so that the data can be swapped like how Decchi.bin has swappable wondercards. Here is the zip, which also has my personal save file. That one has the word current in the filename. colbtlsv.zip
  19. The codes below will insert a special Trainer into your game against who you can battle in the house with the locked room at Mossdeep City (south-east of the Pokemon Center). All the codes are to be used on the Action Replay v3/4 English Ruby/Sapphire (any version, v1.0/v1.1/v1.2) These codes are also working on other European and American language versions (English/French/German/Italian/Spanish) but introduction as well as win and lose phrases might be grammaticaly incorrect for some Trainers in non-English games. Japanese Ruby/Sapphire Remove Trainer data Ruby/Sapphire (ENG) 2210F546 4E758A05 3A8313FA 554F4427 Ruby/Sapphire (JAP) A63C0E19 C80ADDD1 3A8313FA 554F4427 Master Codes I won't port any of the above codes to Emerald or FireRed/LeafGreen. They won't work properly since Trainer sprites have different indexes in Emerald and in EU/US versions the Trainer names also have the same restrictions as in Japanese versions (only 5 characters allowed). If you want to port these codes or make your own feel free to do so! Trainer data structure Documented by Adam from Furlock's Forest Trainer Classes: RS, FRLG, E (couples and special NPCs like Team Aqua/Leaders/Rivals don't have their proper overworld sprite) RAM offsets
  20. k i was wonderin' if anyone can help me with this um Pokemon bw hack k i like saw a bunch of remakes & i was like "i wanna be like them, a HERO OF POKEMON." so i'm doing a 4 game remake in 2 game (Pokemon Green & Pokemon Ruby is the white version hack & Pokemon Yellow & Sapphire never got the remakes so they are the hack of Black version) if you support plz let me know and i like need some people to recruit such as: Backspriters Overworld editors/makers vs sprite makers some 1 to convert it to a ups patch. some1 to hack the text(like the dialog) I can hack the wild pokemon :creep:
  21. Hi, I'm fairly adept at getting PokeGen-created pokemon to work on B/W Wi-Fi. But I can't seem to get pokemon with Gen-3 moves working. For instance, a perfectly legal set should be: Dusclops 508 EV, 31 in DEF/HP/SPD IV, a correct ability/nature/gender/PID set (pressure/calm/male), correct location, with a legit movepool: Night Shade (by level) Seismic Toss (3rd-Gen) Trick Room (by TM) Mimic (3rd-Gen) Yet this pokemon is rejected by the official server. I assume it's because one of the following reasons: -The official server does not actually consider Gen3 moves legal (even though they could easily be) for simplicity's sake -There's some hidden data that needs to be inserted So I'd like to ask. Whether it's either of those issues or if I'm missing something else entirely. Secondly, my goal is to create a legit ExtremeSpeed / Gluttony / Bellydrum Linoone for Wi-Fi. Is this currently possible? Does the official server recognize that set as legal even if you actually obtain such a rare pokemon? Attached the Duscplos if someone is curious
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKCwEBZcsbk it looks real! can someone please help me understand! I NEED THIS REMAKE NOW!
  23. So, how many people have this title, that was such a nightmare to get in North America for some people? Personally, the whole storage system was one of my favourite features of the Pokemon Stadium games, and I was pretty annoyed that the feature wasn't built into Colosseum, as it should've been. And that it was only made available at a single store for the entire continent; a store of which even the online version could only ship the thing to the US, was maddening :mad:. Europe got a much better deal, I think, as the disc for Box could come included with Colosseum as a set. It's ironic the UK and Japanese versions of Box are more readily available to North Americans today than this region's own version. A bit less than a year ago I got tired of not having it, and gave in by buying it on eBay for a rather obscene price. The plus side is that it was in open, but pristine condition... even some stickers that had apparently come with it were unused.
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