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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. There is no e-mail and probably never will be. You can always subscribe to the RSS or follow PP's Twitter account.
  2. It doesn't work with Windows 7 and there are no plans yet to release an upgrade for Windows 7 compatibility.
  3. Help mods out by clicking the report button so we know about these posts in the future. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for sharing something that could easily be googled?
  5. You don't get to keep your old name "for reserve." Choose a username and if someone shows up and registers the old one, then why does that matter?
  6. You don't need two DSes. You do however need to have access to a game, a working save file, and either an Action Replay (or ARDSi if you have a DSi) or a flash card (again, flash cards have compatibility variations depending on DS or Dsi).
  7. I'm going to type in big red letters so you can't possibly miss it, because you obviously didn't bother looking through the forums at all. This isn't just to you, but to every user who is using the Contrib threads from here and previous ones as their own personal Q&A forum. THIS IS THE EVENT CONTRIBUTION THREAD NOT THE ASK QUESTIONS BECAUSE I DIDN'T SEARCH FIRST THREAD. IF YOU ARE NOT CONTRIBUTING AN EVENT, DISCUSSING A RECENTLY CONTRIBUTED EVENT, OR SAYING YOU'LL BE GETTING AN EVENT THAT YOU'LL EVENTUALLY CONTRIBUTE, YOU SHOULD THINK TWICE (OR THRICE OR MORE) BEFORE CLICKING THE "SUBMIT REPLY" BUTTON Also, again, answering your question which again, you could've searched for: You cannot generate pkm files from a game cartridge. They cannot magically transfer to a computer. By definition, a pkm file is not legit because it involves using an external device to extract it from the game cart to the computer. I don't know what you "heard" but the person either lied to you or you made it up. Search and you'll see the same announcement. It's at the top of every single forum. Also, this is the projectpokemon.org forums. We are in no way associated with pkmdb.com (besides Fenzo used to admin here and we have similar materials we both cover) and cannot speak on their behalf. Why you are asking about pkmdb.com on projectpokemon.org is a complete mystery to me.
  8. Good right now. No reason they couldn't have done it a year or two ago. But for anyone who has ever played those systems, it's relevant to keep in mind, especially if one considers these old systems their favorites. It's a double standard if someone loved the N64 or SNES and ignored the shovelware but criticize a future system for having too much. Shovelware, in my opinion, does not indicate quality of a system because there's usually little to nothing the game console manufactutrer can do about it. But if you're going to praise one despite shovelware, you shouldn't detract from other consoles BECAUSE of it. But it is subjective. Glitchy is somewhat definable and objective. Frustrating or "waste of money" is very, very subjective. To the average Wii owner, Pokemon Battle Revolution would be a "waste of money." But to someone with 4th gen core Pokemon games on the DS, it gives them easy access to certain items, some exclusive bonus Pokemon, and a world wide 3d environment to compete in from players around the world. You completely missed my point. Hundreds or thousands or a million or a zillion, it doesn't matter how many games are released on a console for the sake of this argument. Using a number I guessed at proved my point just as well. That no one is going to like much, if not most, hundreds (or thousands or millions or zillions) of games released on a console. I don't know what video games you play, but I stick to ones that I like. And I don't play the ones I don't like. I don't see why people rate a console lower just because there's a bunch of other games out that don't appeal to them. Because that's likely true for every console. lol urbandictionary is not an actual dictionary. Again shovelware is not just a bad game or waste of money or whatever. Bad is extremely subjective and just because I don't like a game doesn't make it a game of poor quality. Games that are rushed through development or hastily ported mostly to cash in and promote a franchise quickly. These are very objective terms of measurement and still allow a game to be favored or not in an individual's eyes and still have a factual definition of shovelware. These are usually, as I mentioned earlier, games tied in to some type of franchise such as games based on a movie. A clone of a game can still be a good game to someone, no matter how much you don't like it. So hence, saying clone/shovelware as if they're interchangeable is misrepresenting both words. Also, ironically, Rushn Attack came out BEFORE Ninja Gaiden. 1985 vs 1988. If anything, Gaiden is the clone, not Rusn'n Attack. You yourself said every console has a ton of shoveware on it. Then you said how could I think the Wii has a similar amount of shovelware on ti as others. Simple. You said it yourself. Every console has "a ton" on it. Maybe to someone with patience like me. But when games are marketed to a younger audience, I know I wouldn't have put up with the bullshit that was Dobbleganger in Maximum Carnage when I was young(er).
  9. It has a unique OT/ID/SID. If you have already gotten the Gamestop Pichu, you won't be able to get this.
  10. They aren't developing. It's finished and is out in Japan. IT's getting a NA release soon too.
  11. This topic is several months old. While there is no rule against "graveyarding" a thread, make sure you have something relevant to add to the discussion.
  12. <p><p><p><p><p>Yep, same one.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>GTS Guardians didn't crash and burn. I just couldn't keep people motivated and working on it. So I decided to close it down. I offered to help transfer it to a Groups Page, but no one took up the offer.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Their loss, I guess.</p></p></p></p></p>

  13. They are actual events, but because they are literally just normal Pokemon with OT/ID#s from people in the Daisuki Fan Club, there is no real way to verify their legality.
  14. <p><p><p><p><p>People need to turn on VMs. I cannot respond to a VM if your VM page is turned off.</p></p></p></p></p>

  15. If a year is something too long of a contract for you, I doubt you have use for hosting that provides high bandwidth.
  16. Search before posting. Specify what game. Consider this your warning, please.
  17. Sisee is right. There are also have been the CHANNEL Jirachi event in Europe. I'm probably forgetting another couple from Japan. What the article should say is there is no other legal way to obtain it in 4th gen games without Pal-Park.
  18. These are old GBA events. GBA Events ahve the trouble of finding out their legality. TLDR is if you didn't receive it yourself, it's debatable as to if any hosted pkm file is legal.
  19. How can they do that? It's not like DS' have IP addresses (just the routers they use) The GTS has a legality check for Pokemon. It does not actually ban the trainer. The Battle Video share also has a legality check. I got a "this Pokemon can not be traded" two nights ago. Picked up a Ditto a few hours ago.
  20. You won't even need to unlock Mystery Gift. It'll automatically open up once it detects the wireless signal of the distribution event.
  21. All Wi-Fi Battle requests go in the sticky thread in 4th gen game discussion in the D/P/Plat forum.
  22. While I'm not too knowledgable about the flashcart industry, I do know that the original manufacturers of the R4 went out of business. All that exists now are clones, which is a fancy word for knock off. Many peoeple also tell me that the R4 is basically the worst flashcart, but for a time, it was the cheapest, hence it's popularity. Anyway, very few flashcarts are compatible with the DSi. I know Acekard (or however you spell it) is. Do some research on it. randomspot555 uses CLOSE ATTACK
  23. Thanks, but we don't really need random shinies. I know the topic is a bit misleading, so here's what we are looking for: In-Game Trades from NPCs Gift Pokemon from NPCs (like Bill's Eevee from FR/LG, Stevean's Beldum in Emerald) Pokemon placed in unusual locations, usually showing some type of sprite before a battle (Sudowoodo in Emerald, Snorlax on those routes in Kanto, legendary Pokemon, etc...) Starter Pokemon received from the Professors Pokemon from the Pokeradar Yknow, stuff like that. In the next few weeks, I'm going to compile all the Pokes in this thread from posters who say they caught their contributions themselves and then I'll notify Sabresite of what I have. And I might be able to fill in some gaps myself.
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