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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. VCG don't really ban on "power" so much as availability.
  2. Nothing illegal about it. Please PM me of the user who's advertising on your forum.
  3. This isn't for cheat codes. Check RAM Editing. And search before asking for codes.
  4. This thread is NOT for random hatched Pokemons. This is for the Pokemon you encounter in the game in unique ways. The in-game trades, the "gift" Pokemon you get along the way, or encountered in unusual ways in the wild (legends, Snorlax in FR/LG, Sudowoodo in Emerald, etc...).
  5. SPPF does not have a "no entry hazards" clause. Their Wi-Fi Battle forum follows Shoddy standard rules to a T EXCEPT they also list "no hax items" as standard rules as well. ALL other clauses they list are under "NOT STANDARD" , which is basically a nice way of saying "these are mostly pretty dumb, but people still battle with them." We're holding off on making a Shoddy rule to use until Shoddy 2 comes out, last I checked.
  6. Don't take offense, but where did these all come from? Are they all from this thread, or are these something you gathered together?
  7. Search before posting. If you had bothered to read the Announcement that appears on the top of every forum, they're down.
  8. Your games are probably bootlegs. Don't buy from online retailers. Always buy from brick and mortar, because then you'll at least have a return policy. Anyways, I'm closing this. If you have further questions, learn how to type and also know that using a million smilies isn't going to get you an answer faster.
  9. All legit means, as far as Pokemon goes, is it came from the game with no external device interacting with the game. So if it's Emerald's cloning glitch, GTS cloning, or the cloning that happens when doing a direct trade with someone, then it is by all means legit, assuming the original Pokemon's origins are legit also. If you are using an Action Replay or flashcart to mass clone, it is not legit.
  10. Go to Pokemon Requests. READ THE RULES AND THE STICKIES BEFORE POSTING. Consider this your warning, thank you.
  11. Or you can show your support through your wallet. Does your toys r us have a massive amount of Pokemon merchandise? If not, that might be an indication that Pokemon doesn't sell well in Canada (remember, the point of the events is to promote and get stuff sold; not just games, but anime DVDs, toys, etc...). Toys R Us is a much better place to do an event than Gamestop because they sell all those things. Gamestop only sells games, and they don't even carry that many copies and anything older than 2 years or so relies on used games being traded in. Compare that to TRU, where I still see a copy of R/S/E every now and then. So while in addition to telling TRU, start buying this merch to show that there is interest in Pokemon events. You can buy crap at Gamestop too, but meh, I doubt it'll make much difference. Gamestops are horribly disorganized and, as I mentioned before, ownership can be screwy. Since TPCi mentioned Toys R Us in their e-mail, that means that's where they're trying to go.
  12. Yes. Whatever you do, don't use the multiple help/small questions thread posted in all the game discussion forums
  13. Gamestop has no control over getting/not getting the event. Your complaint lies with Pokemon affiliates, probably specifically Nintendo of Canada (is there one? Or do they just use NOA?) and TPCi. The reason the US and Canada don't do events at the same time is because often, chain stores are owned by entirely different companies. It's basically a franchise that shares none of the agreenments the chain has with the corporate HQ in the US. A good example of this is Circuity City. Even though the company FILED FOR BANKRUPTCY, closed every store in the US, and just has a skeleton crew at their corporate HQ handling some paperwork before closing forever, the owners of Circuit City-Canada own Circuity City and have none of the ties to Circuity City in the United States. Their stores are still open. Interestingly enough, Gamestop purchased EB games in the states a few years back. And a few posts above, you said EB Games owns Gamestop in Canada. And just FYI, just because Gamestop hosts the event in the US doesn't mean that's the only store that'll distribute it elsehere. In Australia, they distributed one of the movie events at TARGET stores.
  14. Well, first off, Celebi hasn't been available for in-game capture since Gen II. Gen III-onwards makes it impossible to have a Celebi with an in-game OT/ID#. They are all events. And as of right now, all 3rd gen events.
  15. Please do not link to uploading sites. Attachments are allowed on your posts for this very reason.
  16. If BellyZard gets to set up without SR damage, you basically will lose a Pokemon no matter what you do. Your Feraligator is basically saying "Hi, I'm a knockoff of Gyarados who doesn't take Stealth Rock damage." Change it to the Swords Dance version and use Aqua Jet.
  17. I think it would help if the picture of a shiny Pokemon wasn't obviously hacked. Charizard can not me "met" or "apparently met", since that is for Pokemon encountered in the wild of the 4th gen. It either comes from a Gen 4 egg or has Pal Park information (IE "Arrived At lvl X") http://projectpokemon.org/games/mechanics/shinypokemon.php
  18. I really don't see why this can't be done in the questions/help thread. Eventually I want to get guides posted in the Competitive Battling section.
  19. Closing and unstickying. Poll seems to be done.
  20. Lead Ape has a couple of options it's other anti-leads don't have. Encore, Taunt, and Counter. Yours is fine if you actually end up utilizing both attacks, but if you find that you're using Fire Blast more often than Close Combat, or vice versa, than consider one of those three options. Encore will probably let bulky slow leads set up SR, but then be forced to switch. Taunt can stop them completely. Counter will hit them hard if they're running physical moves. I would proceed to rate normally, but then I saw Tyranitar. The only other Pokemon immune to sand is Scizor. Tyranitar and Abomasnow and Hippowdon are not Pokemon you can just throw onto any team. At least 3/6 of the members, if not 4-5, need to be immune to the respective weather patterns. So let's play with this: Instead of Lead Ape, let's use the standard lead Aerodactyl. Aero w/ Focus Sash Pressure Jolly 252 atk/252 speed/6 hp - Taunt - Stealth Rock - Earthquake - Stone Edge/Rock Slide/Rock Tomb/Toxic Last slot is up to you. SE causes damage, Rock Slide has flinch hax, Rock Tomb lowers speed (useful when up against other lead aeros), Toxic hits those bulky ground lead Swamperts who won't care about any of the othet attacks. Take Tyranitar out and then use Choice Band Infernape. Infernape (M) @ Choice Band Ability: Blaze EVs: 56 HP/252 Atk/200 Spd Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Close Combat - Stone Edge - U-turn - Fire Punch This causes SO MUCH damage, and because most usually expect Mixape or Nasty Plot Mixape. Get this. Close Combat wrecks everything that doesn't resist it. So when Scizor "cleverly" switches to Heatran expecting Flamethrower or Fire Punch, hit it with CLOSE COMBAT on the switch instead. Stays in? That's fine, because Scizor hates Close Combat too, and Infernape resists it's priority Bullet Punch. The other common Scizor switch in is Latias. Which, with some prediction, is heavily damaged by U-Turn. This makes Ape a great scouter when you can force a switch. SE lets you cover Dragonite, Salamence, and Gyarados. Thunder Punch is also a decent option. Mach Punch is available but not recommended since Ape is already so fast. Flare Blitz is also available, but if SR is on the ground or sand/snow is up, you'll die quickly from recoil damage. Then, for Scizor, let's play defense with it: Scizor (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Technician EVs: 252 HP/184 Atk/72 Spd Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Brick Break - Bullet Punch - Swords Dance - Substitute I'm trying to remember why I put 72 speed there...feel free to reassign it if you don't think it's useful. Basically you get behind a Sub and start setting up near the end of the game. Blocks status, but make sure to get rid of Taunt and Roar/Whirlwinders beforehand.
  21. Closing this. You're clearly not up for criticism. Please don't re-post this again unless you're willing to get help for your Pokemon team. You dismissed my entire post with "friends clause" and crap like that. I offered a smiilar suggestion to another poster, take out the OU Pokes and make an UU team. You know what he did? He did just that. Turned out pretty well. I'm a Shoddy player with a Wi-Fi battle background, so I understand both worlds. Yes, a good Suicune is hard to find. But you flat out dismiss Milotic's best set (RestTalk) because...I don't know, you want your team to suck? Go ahead and battle with this team. Hell, hit me up for a Wi-Fi battle when I'm in #projectpokemon or #pp-wifi. But I don't think it'll end well, because you're basically ignoring what your Pokemon are best at and using them for randomly assigned roles.
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