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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. You can't just magically transfer Pokemon to the Wii console. You have to have a compatible game. Pokemon: Battle Revolution doesn't transfer Pokemon from the DS to the Wii, but makes a copy of your Pokemon to be used on PBR. There is a legality check during the transfer, and if your Pokemon is caught during that, it'll show up as a Bad Egg. For example, any Pokemon that has more than 510 EVs or 255 in one stat will be turned into a Bad Egg. My Pokemon Ranch, to my knowledge, has no legality check.
  2. Off-Topic is not your personal tech help forum. Even if it was, you need to say much more than "My generic device is having trouble, what do I do?"
  3. I think it's important to stress that on so-called suicide leads (basically only Aerodactyl and Azelf), their ONLY purpose is to lay down Stealth Rock. If they're able to do anything else, consider it a bonus. So lets first analyze Aerodactyl (Shogun, feel free to use whatever I write to edit into your guide, but please credit me for whatever I contribute). Aerodactyl's base speed is 130. He is outsped by Ninjask and Electrode. He is tied with Crobat, Jolteon, and other Aerodactyls. Ninjask actually doesn't pose a problem to Aerodactyl at all. Aerodactyl resists Bug type attacks, and that's all lead Ninjask will carry, if it carries anything on it at all. This is one of the few instances where you should ALWAYS use Taunt before Stealth Rock. If Ninjask Protects on Turn 1, the worst that can happen is they'll pass +1 speed to someone. If they substitute or stat up in some way, then they won't be able to do ANYTHING. Then go ahead and use Stealth Rock. Using Stealth Rock first pretty much guarantees that Ninjask can pass +2 speed and +2 Attack to someone. Don't risk. Taunt it first and then use Stealth Rock. Electrode is a problem because it has access to Taunt and is faster than Aerodactyl. If you have a counter, probably someone who can absorb an Explosion, then switch out. Even though Aerodactyl might be able to beat Electrode one on one, you don't want Aerodactyl at 1 HP when you're trying to get him back into the game. Electrode also has access to Rain Dance, so it might be a sign that Kingdra and friends are coming. That being said, it is rarely used in the OU game. Jolteon is very rarely used as a starter because it can't do much set up, as leads tend to do. It can't even Taunt. Stealth Rock first, and hope you get the speed tie when you try to Earthquake it on turn 1. Crobat and other Aerodactyl can cause some problems. The regular two attacks for lead Aero are Earthquake and Rock Slide/Stone Edge. However, I've been carrying Rock Tomb on mine. With 90% accuracy, it'll lower your opponent's speed by one stage. This provides a handy 2HKO on Aerodactyl. Crobat is a bit bulkier than Aerodactyl and has access to Hypnosis, so it might be wise to switch out to a counter so you can bring Aerodactyl in later. Trick-Scarf users (not Jirachi): Just go ahead and take the Trick. You weren't expecting to live long enough anyway. Scarf Jirachi: This guy is annoying, isn't he? Now everyone just assumes it'll be Scarf Jirachi even if the lead is Body Slam Stealth Rock Jirachi. What I personally do is try Stealth Rock first. If I flinch, switch to a bulky water to resist Iron Head. Switch back to Aerodactyl and then set up SR. Now, I could go on and go down the rest of the leads such as Anti-Lead Fake Out users, Draco Meteor-Extreme Speed Dragonite, etc... but just remember: Aerodactyl's main goal is to set up Stealth Rock. Anything besides that is a bonus. The Pokemon outlined above (besides Jolteon and Ninjask) may actually stop Aerodactyl from doing that, which is why they're the threats to watch out for.
  4. Just because you're able to beat someone on Wi-Fi doesn't prove much. It just shows that your opponent kinda sucks. Umbreon is one of the easiest Pokemon to come in and set up on, if not just completely KO it by yourself. At worst, Scizor and come in, get Mean Looked, and U-Turn out. I've all too often been able to set up massive amounts of Curse or Swords Dance on Umbreon. Toxic Orbed Breloom is also a decent counter since it can't be put to sleep.
  5. If it can breed, just hatch it from an egg. Hatched Pokemon do not have a PID-IV correlation so any combination of IVs can result in a shiny.
  6. You're still wrong. You can not make a legit Pokemon via Pokesav. That's the OPPOSITE of a legit Pokemon. Legit: From the game using no external devices to modify the game save file or the cart. Legal: Falls within the bounds of legal in-game parameters but was created with the use of an external device. Illegal: Falls outside the legal in-game parameters and was created with the use of an external device. Example: I hatch a Caterpie egg in my game. That is legit. If I then upload that pkm file from my save file to this post, and then someone makes an AR code and generates it on their game, that Pokemon is now "legal". It was hacked onto the game but breaks no legal parameters.
  7. Gamestop has already received the distribution carts since the Pichu and Gamestop events are almost back-to-back.
  8. THIS IS NOT HELP ME CHEAT ON MY GAME THREAD. This is discussion about the Pichu event and it's distribution. Any further discussion about AR codes, cheating, Pokesav, etc... will be infracted.
  9. I was getting bored of the 5-6 OU teams I was using, and have no idea what is even being tested on Suspect, so I decided to venture into UU. Pokemon are in bold and the original set follows. Any changes made by users will be shown in red font. And I have as much knowledge of UU as I do Suspect, I imagine it could be improved by quite a bit: Ambipom (M) @ Silk Scarf Ability: Technician EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Fake Out - Knock Off - Taunt - U-turn I couldn't really find a good suicide lead for Stealth Rocks, so I decided to use the standard Ambipom set. I felt Focus Sash wasn't going to be too helpful in surviving much, and Silk Scarf powers up STAB Fake Out. I don't think Ambipom will be living through too much, so I opted for Knock Off to get rid of early game items. U-Turn to scout out if Ambipom gets the chance. Torterra (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Overgrow EVs: 252 HP/6 Atk/252 Def Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Substitute - Leech Seed - Wood Hammer - Earthquake Only reason I'm using this is because I'm familiar with the set and the overall strategy. Sometimes it performs well and sometimes it's dead weight. I think the key is to eliminate Scarf users and other fast Pokes before bringing it out. I'm also thinking it really doesn't need BOTH of it's STAB moves. A Stone Edge would help greatly with coverage. Or I could ditch Leech Seed for Synthesis. How common is Sand Stream in UU? Is Sand Storm the move ever used, since only one Pokemon can summon Sand Stream? That all being sand, he provides a handy rock resist. I'd also like to try to fit in a Rapid Spinner somewhere, but I have no experience with them in UU outside of Claydol, which I run on two of my sand storm teams. Altaria (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Natural Cure EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Dragon Dance - Outrage - Fire Blast - Earthquake I'm ready to ditch this thing. Give me something else that can be a set-up sweeper. I saw a Swords Dance Venasaur a while ago. And from how many people talk, Venasaur is THE Pokemon to use and the one you need to check for. Feraligatr (M) @ Choice Band Ability: Torrent EVs: 128 HP/252 Atk/128 Def Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Aqua Jet - Superpower - Crunch - Body Slam My logic behind this was it's speed isn't all that great, but it's got decent bulk and a great move pool. I tried a Swords Dance set to abuse Aqua Jet, but I never really got it down so I can always get 1-2 SDs in. This set has worked out pretty well, though I'm tempted to ditch Aqua Jet. Base 40 power doesn't cut it, even with STAB. Body Slam has been handy for hax. Clefable (M) @ Flame Orb Ability: Magic Guard EVs: 252 HP/58 Def/200 SDef Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Stealth Rock - Trick - Wish - Reflect/Light Screen What an amazing and ridiculous Pokemon. I like to set up Stealth Rock first so Clefable can be burned. This acts as a check on status. I then find someone with a beneficial item, though really anything will do. I'm really not finding too many special attacks to soak up in UU, so I'm considering re-investing the EVs into physical defense. Milotic (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Marvel Scale EVs: 252 HP/128 Def/128 SDef Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Rest - Sleep Talk - Toxic - Surf Really on the team to soak up hits. Isn't performing too well. Probably cause rest-talk isn't my style. Is Milotic useful in UU? How can I make it work? Icy Wind was chosen over Ice Beam to lower speed of opponent's, but it's not at all useful. I'm sticking Toxic on there instead in the mean time until ya'll can help with the set. What I like to do is Fake Out+Taunt with Ambipom. If it's still alive, Knock Off. And if it's still alive after that, U-Turn to Clefable so it gets burned right away and can set up Stealth Rock. I think I can ditch Milotic for a Rapid Spinner, but what? Also, I haven't encountered many Porygon-Z in UU. Is it something to watch out for? Maybe go with a DD-set for Feraligatr and Specs for Porygon-Z? FAKE EDIT: Currently testing out Swords Dance Venusaur replacing Torterra, and Choice Band Hitmontop replacing Milotic. Original thread from SPPF: link
  10. So why post on a forum that has no affiliation with the programer of OWEDS? Go send him a message on Youtube.
  11. You do know I made that post like, over a year ago, right? At the time, they had re-vamped the PS3 to have no backwards capability. Maybe it's just me, but if you need to re-vamp and re-release the console several times over the course of 1-2 years, maybe they could've held off on the release date. Because good is subjective. I can't define what's good for you because I don't know. What I can say, though, is that shovelware games for video game consoles have been coming out for decades. And for some reason, the Internet erupts in a rage over the Wii's, but don't dare criticize the shovelware on the SNES, NES, Sega Master, Sega Genesis, PS1, PS2, or the 360 or PSP, etc... And moreso, very few, if any one, is going to like anything even close to the majority of games released on any one console. Does this make a system bad? No. It just means you only like X amount of games. I love the 64. But I only own like 6 N64 games. It is not a bad system just because I only own 6 out of hundreds or thousands. Shovelware isn't , by definition, a "bad game". It's usually defined as a game that's thinly veiled as an advertisement for some franchise. Many movie-based games fall into this category, as well as Barbie games and stuff like that. These are not the same as a bad game, like, I don't know, Superman 64 was. And as for games being "hard to beat", there's a difference between challenging and frustrating. Maximum Carnage was frustrating. Zelda games though are usually considered challenging, but enjoyable, not frustrating.
  12. Game discussion rules are not for help with Pokesav or flash carts.
  13. I don't know what the admins want, but I'm betting they don't want this discussion in the public forum. Go to the botom of the main page of the forums, click on Forum Leaders, and PM an administrator. SCV is the guy I always go to, for what it's worth.
  14. Patience is a virtue. Either do that, or feel free to gather events on your own, register a domain name, pay for a server, etc...
  15. Nitpicking, but there are code sharing topics already stickied in RAM Editing. You can probably find it there without having to make a new thread. By definition, Pokemon from codes aren't legit. Feel free to put in a request in Pokemon Request. Make sure to specify anything that the Pokemon needs to be distinguished as such.
  16. <p><p><p><p><p>Cngrats on the modship. Now that cesspool of a forum is yours to take care of <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png" alt=":P" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  17. You probably have to use the proper language version of Pokesav. There are French and Spanish versions that I know of. I used to have them in a Pokesav pack I downloaded back when this place was still pokesav.org
  18. I've got a slight variation on the anti-lead Infernape: Infernape w/ Focus Sash Jolly Blaze 252 atk/252 speed/6 HP - Stealth Rock - Close Combat - Flare Blitz - Encore/Fake Out/Taunt SR to set up as quickly as possible. Close Combat helps you deal with some other threats + a good STAB. Flare Blitz is key to this set's success. If you get the chance to attack with your Sash activated, then BLAZE will also be activated. And because you only have ONE HP left, who cares about the recoil? The last slot is a bit tricky. Encore lets other leads set up, but you can force them to switch. Fake Out=duh Taunt=stops set up.
  19. <p><p><p><p><p>No one ever used it. There's a sticky thread in D/P/Plat discussion for all your Wi-Fi trading needs.</p></p></p></p></p>

  20. Yeah, no, that doesn't hold any water at all. Pokemon have been designed after non-animals since the beginning. The first Pokemon in the dex, the Bulbasaur line, is based on a plant. The Nirdoan line are based on a mishmash of animals. Clefairy line is based off of fairies and pixies. And because I don't have all day, Voltorb and Electrode are designed to look like a Pokeball. Pokemon have always had a variety of influences for the individual designs. Anyone who thinks Gen I/II has more "animal-like" creatures than Gen III/IV have clearly ignored the dozens of non-animal based Pokemon found in the first two gens. I kinda feel like I sparked a discussion. If anyone wants to discuss this further, take it to Pokemon Franchise. Thanks.
  21. Yes, maybe they are. If you ignored the hundreds of Pokemon they release every generation, then your post might have some credibility.
  22. 1 would be a huge hassle and the only difference between Bidoof on Route X and Bidoof on Route Y is...well, the route. Trainer Owned Pokemon aren't identified as such because, when catching them through the cheat, they come out with your OT/ID. Also, pointless.
  23. Try again. Read the sticky threads please.
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