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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. It's not a bad idea, but why add more forums that people don't use? Off Topic and Creative Discussion are barely used as it is. That's the entire point of this forum. To offer suggestions. Cheers, Shroom. No. Absolutely no. Never. It'd become a huge spam fest. People are welcome to link to that stuff in their signature, but please keep it there.
  2. Any general store sells these batteries. Wal-Mart, Target, etc... I'd suggest looking through your local phone book or an online resource to find out what's in your area.
  3. No. You can at least back up your save with an ARDSi (requires DSi). Question answered.
  4. Please do not make crap up and present it as factual. The 5th gen of Pokemon is being released in late 2010 in Japan and will feature a new region. A new Pokemon line has already been revealed. Little else is known but Corocoro scans usually leak around mid-April, so keep checking. In the mean time, ignore what this guy posted.
  5. Faraway Place is what appears when a Pokemon from Johto remakes/Pokewalker are traded to a Sinnoh game.
  6. Please direct your question to SAV Editing. I believe there's evena help/questions thread.
  7. Go check RAM Editing. I think Sabresite posted the contents of both the new and old disc. Otherwise, I recommend you look for it again.
  8. Yeah. Ones you create yourself are free to use. Otherwise, in all circumstances unless otherwise noted, you'll need to get the owner's permission.
  9. No survey was taken. No data was collected. And with the lottery system, you don't know what the teams that didn't compete looked liked. That being said, if you want to win, you probably want every advantage you can get. Start with good natures and a diverse move selection (involving egg moves and move tutor moves if need be) for your Pokemon. Then get as good IVs as possible. Then EV train. If you learn how to RNG, it'll help greatly. It has not been cracked for HG/SS, but has been for D/P/Plat.
  10. Are you using the Java client linked to on the forums/main site or are you using a client like MIRC or Chatzilla?
  11. Dragonite has a ridiculous level up-movepool making him quite useful in the game. But no need to catch one, or even buy it from the Game Corner. You get a Dratini with Extreme Speed after the 8th gym battle in Johto. Our Shoddy server is up and running. We used to have tournaments going for a few weeks, but wiht the switch of the forum software, that ability got lost. Every now and then Purplesurge (an IRC server) hosts their shoddy tournaments on our Shoddy server. We are too much of a small site to do any mass testing right now, but that's no reason to rule it out. I'd like to do some trial tests just to see how the process works, adapted for the smaller, close knit community we have around here. Many of us hang in IRC and Shoddy throughout the day, so feel free to come chat with us.
  12. That's exactly right, wraith. They ban Pokemon base on availability and levels previously, so any Pokemon over level 50 (or reaches it's final evolved form after level 50) was banned. This caused Pokemon such as Rayquaza, Dialga, and Palkia to be banned. Even though they were available, they didn't match the levels requirement. Availability previously caused Rotom to be banned due to the Secret Key. But with HG/SS, that's now easily obtainable without an event. It seems they've relaxed the levels requirement. Some people who use NetBattle, which has a simulator to do VGC 2010 stuff ready, have said Kyogre and Rayquaza are the two big threats due to their abilities. Personally, I won't worry about constructing a team until dates are actually announced. If it's in my city (doubtful), I'll go. If it's elsewhere, meh, I probably won't.
  13. You can't "make" a legit team with Pokesav. Wrong forum. Feedback is for Feedback on PP and the forums, etc..., NOT for Pokesav help.
  14. <p><p><p><p><p>Okay... I know that. I don't remember specifically what that thread was about, but I do know most of the ideas Internet Fans have for this franchise are completely unrealistic and wouldn't fit into the format that is Pokemon.</p></p></p></p></p>

  15. Then use Shoddy Battle.
  16. I'd be glad to help. After many, many, many tries in Diamond, I got through with a hacked but legal team. I made it ti 130+ wins. I have not gotten past 100 since then. It is very much a challenge, and without doing researc on how the Battle Tower/Frontier works, it's also a lot of luck. Remember the AI doesn't need to win every Pokemon battle, or even every match. They just have to beat you ONCe before you start over. They will use Double Team, Lax Incense, critical hits, OHKO moves, and all types of crazy stuff that is just flat out annoying. So, before you build your team, you need to do fit in as much advantages as possible. You need to have a competent understanding of EVs, IVS, natures, and all the other game mechanics that affect battles (physical/special split, statuses, etc...). One can MAYBE get through the first 21 matches by only EV training their Pokemon. After match #50, the AI starts using a ridiculous number of perfect 31 IV in all stat Pokemon. The only advantage YOU have is that their nature is random, so it might hinder them, boost them, or be neutral. 100% accuracy: While not all that common, you will eventually encounter a Double Team abuser or evasion inside hail/sand. You can view all 100% accuracy moves here. I usually ended up slapping Aerial Ace on my Band/Scarf Garchomp. Status absorber: The AI will abuse stats to no end. However, status (as in poison, burn, sleep, and paralysis) can NOT be stacked. So if you had a Poison Heal Breloom with a Toxic Orb, then the AI's attempt at sleeping Breloom will fail. RestTalk sets (not a fan), or abilities that can handle status are also options. Individual Pokemon immunities will only cover so much. I like having one Pokemon absorb all status, and usually utilized Natural Cure on Starmie for that. Substitute sets are also a good enough check. OHKO absorber: Sturdy means OHKO moves will fail. Unfortunately, there's only a handful of Pokemon with the Sturdy ability, and even fewer that are actually good. Donphan has great attack and defense, but sucks everywhere else and is soo slow. Magnezone suffers from the ground and fighting dual weakness (2 most common types) but has great special attack and decent bulk on both defense and sp def. Both, however, have very limited movepools and if you're playing completely legit, Magnezone won't be bale to hurt as much without HP Ice/Fire/Fight/Ground/Grass. Substitute sets are also a poor-man's option here too, giving you time to prepare/KO something. Shedinja's Wonder Guard gives it an immunity to all OHKO attacks, but it's Shedinja, so yeah. Minimize the need to set up: Even though I used a Swords Dance-Sub Scizor (requires set up) and many people swear by Swords Dance Garchomp, I encourage to minimize that as much as possible. You want to hit hard, hit fast, and be done. This is what the Choice Items were made for. Having two on a Battle Tower team is NOT a bad idea. Cover your weaknesses.: Between your three Pokemon, when one has a weakness, another should resist or be immune to it. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. Switching is something you'll do often in the BT/BF and the AI won't (unless they can't hurt you at all). But too many attacks in this game, for neutral damage, can result in an easy 2HKO. So, just as an example, and without looking at the move set, here's my winning Battle Tower team: Garchomp (Dragon/Ground): Weak to Dragon and Ice. Resists Fire, Rock, and Poison. Immune to Electric. Scizor (Bug/Steel): Weak to Fire. Resists normal, grass, ice, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Dark, Steel . Immune to Poison. Starmie (Water/Psychic): Weak to electric, grass, ghost, dark, bug. Resists Fire, Water, Ice, Fighting, Psychic, and Steel. Garchomp's weakness to dragon attacks is covered by Scizor. It's Ice weakness is covered by both. Scizor's weakness to fire is covered by both (though in case of a burn, Starmie can recover while Garchomp would be stuck by having his attack cut in half). Starmie's electric weakness is covered by an immunity from Garchomp. Scizor resists everything else that Starmie is weak against. So wow, that's a lot to think about. In fact, that's so much, that I'll just come back and rate your team later. Or hit me up on IRC. randomspot555 in all the project pokemon channels.
  17. If the game isn't enjoyable to the extent that you can't enjoy it at all without hacking, I'd suggest taking a break for a while. We've all gotten burnt out on Pokemon before, but we eventually come back to it as well.
  18. Closed. Please post in the Event Contributions forum. Each forum has a name that tells you what content goes where. If you are confused about where a thread goes, ASK BEFORE POSTING. Don't ask within the post.
  19. Did you ever consider *gasp* playing the actual game? Breeding and stuff? Also, people here will make stuff in Pokemon Requests if you have a little patience. Edit: Wecome to PP. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  20. Got to Vermillion and beat Surge. But now I'm not quite sure where to go. North to Cerulean? East to Snorlax? Such a dilemma.
  21. This does not belong in the feedback forum. Please read the forum description before posting.
  22. This is an absolutely horrible idea. Completely unrealistic. Pokemon is a handheld franchise with spin-off sidegames on consoles. Anyway, this is General Gaming. If your idea for a thread doesn't fall within the several Pokemon specific forum, feel free to post it in the Pokemon Franchise forum.
  23. Ursaring's ability activated boosting his attack to great heights. Even without Ursaring decisive victory over various Pokemon, Paul still would've won the battle. Yes, sometimes Pokemon choose to join Ash's team. But he does capture the majority of them, and for you to say otherwise shows you aren't paying attention. Just in the current lot: Pikachu- Started with in Sinnoh Staraptor: Captured Torterra: Captured Infernape: Joined after being released by Paul Gliscor: Captured Buizel: Traded from Dawn Gible: Started as a following Pokemon, voluntarily joined. This is the anime, not the games. Pokemon are shown to have feelings and a sort of free will. They don't always have to be captured, and sometimes after they're captured, they might disobey (which will never happen in the games as of the 4th gen, as long as you are the original trainer). It's been going for 4 generations and the 4th didn't really introduce any new good electric moves. It learned Volt Tackle and Iron Tail in Hoenn. Why does it need more?
  24. If you want to discuss, discuss. Since this thread has turned more into complaining than introductons, I'm going to close it.
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