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  1. Hello, I have a Pokemon Heartgold save file that pk hex says invalid file size i think it is corrupted is there any chance i could get my Pokemon back even an individual one the file is attached here so if anyone could help that would be amazing! Pokemon HeartGold .sav
  2. Background About a month ago I ordered a DSi off of eBay (it was only $40). When I got it I noticed there was something strange on it: "PWC2010"? I never heard about there being DSiWare for Pokemon? I consulted with other people on the internet and it turns out nobody else has heard it either. I tried to message the seller, but he said that he has no idea either (most likely he bought them in bulk as he was selling a lot of other models at the time). The mystery was just starting, a group of individuals from the DS(i) homebrew scene started to get to the bottom of this (me being invited despite my lack of knowledge due to being the one who found it), here's what we were able to figure out: The Investigation Begins... The hardware The system itself is appears to be a normal black DSi, nothing about it is different from that of a stock model The casing has some minor scratches and such, and is missing the original stylus. On the front side where the camera is, there are two faded silhouettes of what look to be rectangular stickers The system was formatted when I got it and it didn't come with an SD card (this will become a problem later on) The Software The apps included are: Flipnote Studios, DSi + Internet, PWC2010 Rule Check Tool, PWC2010 Log Viewer, and PokemonBW2 Rule Check Tool. All of which were preinstalled to the NAND as there is no way to access "Data Mangement" to move them to a SD card. At first, the only app that would boot was Log Viewer as both of the Rule Check Tools would just crash and return back to the menu. It was later revealed the apps were looking for 3 files at the root of an SD card before being able to boot. Through observations we were able to get some insights on what each of the 3 mystery apps do: PWC2010 Rule Check Tool From what the name implies, this tool must have been used for the Pokemon World Championship (PWC) in 2010 The app looks for 3 file on the SD card: regulation.bin, regulation.cfg, and rule.prd. By making 3 dummy files full of garbage data and naming them as the files listed before, we were able to get it to boot, after which we were greeted with a lovely message: The weird thing is, Black and White were used for the 2011 PWC, not 2010. This could imply that the app was a carry over from a previous tool used the year before. Luckily, I just so happen to have a copy of Black. Putting in the correct cartridge displays the message "No problems found" and ask if you want to save the results. Through testing we were able to figure out how to get past this screen as it turns out "No problems found" also acts as a default message, if something does fail one of the checks it will display what the error was. It's possible to make it check both the party Pokemon and Pokemon in the Battle Box by editing regulation.cfg file. PWC2010 Log Viewer Log viewer shows the results saved from Rule Check, it shows the player's username and gives a technical description of each Pokemon in the party (stats, friendship, exp, moveset, etc.). By pressing "X" it will do the same thing but for the Battle Box instead. PokemonBW2 Rule Check Tool Exactly the same as PWC2010, expect looks for the Black2/White2 cartridge instead More Technical Details Looking into the game's files, we were able to extract the messages displayed by Rule Check: Rule Check Messages regulation.cfg is, as the name suggests, a config file. Through dumb luck I was able to figure out this much: Offset 0x00: checks party Offset 0x01: checks battlebox Offset 0x05: turns on cart access Offset 0x0C: save to livematch.dat These values have to be "turned on" meaning the value is set to '1' If offset 0x05 isn't turned on then it will say that the cart isn't inserted. If offset 0x00 or 0x01 aren't turned on but 0x05 is, then it will say that it passed all checks (probably the default message) The files saved from Rule Check and are viewed in Log Viewer are named "logTYYMMDD.dat" and "logBYYMMDD.dat" (YYMMDD is the date, so something like Oct. 31 2019 would be 191031). LogT is for the results from the party (T=Team?) and logB is from the Battle Box. Through great efforts, users Epicpkmn11 and edo9300 were both able to reverse-engineer these files before we were able to figure out how to save it: Google Sheets regulation.bin appears to handle simple checks like invalid number of Pokemon in party, level caps, and duplicate items/Pokemon rule.prd may be used for more advance checks like invalid movesets and banned Pokemon/items Conclusion As of right now, interest has been dying as people began shifting to their own personal projects. For the past 3 weeks nobody has found anything new and I'm left to try and figure it out on my own. The problem is I know very little about NDS development and how the Pokemon games work in a technical level, which is why I'm turning here for help. We still know very little about regulation.bin and rule.prd, which are believe to be two key factors in order to get Rule Check to work properly, and without the original SD card we are left in the dark. It's possible that rule.prd is somehow linked to the hex values found in Pokemon (movesets, lvls, type, etc.), but can't really determine where and what to look for We don't know how much is relied on the files or if certain checks are programmed Any insights, suggestions, resources, or tips are greatly accepted!
  3. I'm new to pokegen and not terribly computer literate. My problem is that whenever I try to save the PokeGTS.us DNS code my DS tells me that the data I entered is invalid. :confused:
  4. Hello i am starting this thread to dicuss if and anything about pokemon Naranja or Pokemon Orange So ask questions about the game and i will too my question is Will some one Start to translate it again? OR is there a fully Completed English Version with proper spelling and no Bad Language? And finally please do not Post any links on this thread it just wont help the Forum if it is against the rules the forum agreed to Than you for checking this Thread Out please post if possible Last thread got no post's AND does any one know why it was discontinued? I want to know!!!!!!
  5. I have and SDHC card and the Action Replay DSi.
  6. Ok im here to write a quick Tutorial for those of you that have the new Action Replay DSI can now edit Pokemon events items etc from pokesav by loading your games sav file! Does not require.NET Framework 3.5 has been tested Under 3.5 .NET FrameWorks i apologize for any confusion Step 1: backup your sav file using action replay dsi and copy it to your computer Step 2: download this sav file converter http://projectpokemon.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=3917&d=1269701955 Step 3: Drag your .duc sav file onto ARDStoSAV.exe Step 4:Load your .sav file that was created from the converter into Pokesav. Note: the created sav file will be located in C: \ the main hard drive that your computer uses! Step 5: after saving changes in Pokesav drag the edited .sav onto ARDStoSAV.exe and then just put the .duc file back onto your action replay and restore the save file and enjoy [Edit by evandixon] To clear a bit of confusion, this will NOT back up saves for HeartGold/SoulSilver/Black/White. If you want to do that with an Action Replay, you must look here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?16601-How-to-Backup-Restore-your-retail-cartridge-save-file-(D-P-Pt-HG-SS-B-W-Nearly-any-other-DS-game) [Edit again by evandixon] With Megaupload shut down for piracy, legitimate files are gone as well. After a bit of digging in the forum, I found the original link for this program. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=3917&d=1269701955
  7. Bought my Nintendo R4DSI and use to edit my data with pokesav platinum. Everything was right until the moment but when I loaded my game, my data does not, I have to commence the game again, I have try several times and always passes the same. We would appreciate your help.
  8. Alright. I bought the Action Replay DSi and backed up my Pokemon Platinum save. It has the extension ".duc". This apparently isn't usable in the Platinum Pokesav. So I went to the Shuny site (Save Converter site) and tried converting it to a few save files... they were opened up, but everything was completely wrong on the PokeSav application. No Pokemon, random play times, no inventory, no pokemon in my PC box, etc. It was just random mixed up stuff. Could someone please help me figure out what I should do so I can use Pokesav? Thank you.
  9. whats the best flashcards for japanese dsi's like how good it works how good is it with pokesavds and japanese roms?
  10. I did not see this coming. I got an Action Replay DSi in the store, and loved the improvments. EVERYTHING about it was improved. I play with the Save backup/Restore feature, and they made the touch screen usable, and also removed the comment feature. For those of you who wish to convert save files from / to this, just know this: all the tools for the Action Replay Media Edition will work on this device. (Just make sure the save size is the proper size, for you people with flashcarts with 512KB saves for every game) The point of this thread is to state that tools are not required for the ARDSi DUC file.
  11. Following a Nikkei leak earlier in the week, Nintendo formally announced its upcoming DSi hardware revision today. The system will carry the name Nintendo DSi LL. It will see release on November 21 in three colors, Dark Brown, Wine Red, and Natural White. Pricing is set at ¥20,000, a bit up from the current DSi's ¥18,900 asking price. DSi LL will feature two 4.2 inch screens, offering 93% additional area over the current DSi's 3.25 inch screen size. Nintendo will be including two different touch pens with LL. One can be stored in the system similar to the current touch pen, although it's about four millimeters longer than the current pen. The other touch pen is fatter and about 30 mm longer. The spec page lists the LL's dimensions as 161x91.4x21.2mm, up from DSi's 137x74.9x18.9mm. The LL also weighs more, at 314g compared to 214g. Not surprisingly, there are some changes to the system's battery life. LL owners can look forward to more play time. Under mid-level brightness, LL will last 9 to 11 hours, up from DSi's 6 to 9 hour range. At the highest brightness setting, players can look forward to 4 to 5 hours of play time, up from the current 3 to 4 hours. Charge time takes a bit longer on the LL: three hours, or about 30 minutes more than DSi's two hours and thirty minutes. IMO I want my DSi to be more portable instead of a mini laptop. Also I think this DSi is aimed more towards old people because of the colors, screen size, and pen. Another thing that would annoy me would be if this DSi had a better processor, ram, camera, and memory, but I doubt it will since Nintendo isn't that evil. Whats your thoughts on this new DSi? Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ds/dsiLL/index.html#
  12. how do i put one pokemon in a box? i can use a 2nd cart flash device to put the code in cuz my ds has no advance port, how do i make it load the cod into my game?
  13. Ok so I Bought the new Action Replay DSI and It has the feature of backing up a save file in a .duc format I try to convert it to a .sav file using all the methods listed on the main site but no matter what I do I cant seem to get it to load on Pokesav can anyone help me? Please?
  14. Well. I had a question that kept coming back to me. They recently did Red and Blue (FireRed and LeafGreen) for GBA... However I think they should re-do it ONCE more in the Gen IV graphics with Wi-Fi capability. This would make almost all of the games in the same graphic and technological generation. Is there any way we can convince these guys to do that? And would it be worth it?
  15. I have been forced to update my DSi, because of the DSi Shop channel. The question I was wondering is the Firmware writer says it will update the firmware and make it compatible with the DSi again. This is my video showing that it still won't work on V1.4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9sfc5Y3FnI Firmware Writer: About how long do you think it would take till the AceKard2 team, Cyclo DS team, SC team, and M3 Team will take to get it working on the DSi again? And no, I'm not pissed at all, I'm just wondering.
  16. I recently got a r4i SDHC and a 2G SD card. Since its my first time using them, can someone please tell me how to use them properly (or give me a link of a guide)? also, how do we download musics on the sd card? whenever i try to, it says something like ``cannot find any music (compatible AAC files)``. What is this AAC thing? *This final question isnt really important, but it would be great if someone answers it. So i heard there are many types of R4i. Can someone tell me the difference between R4i SDHC, R4i ultra, R4i Revolution, and so on? thanks a bunch!
  17. Is Action Replay compatible with DSi? If so, how do we make it so? thanks!
  18. I know that the Nintendo DSi can download demos and exclusive titles online using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. All ya gotta do is redeem your Nintendo Points Card and get your Nintendo Points on your Nintendo DSi. There are only certain games found online, and that's what we call, Nintendo DSi Ware. You can download those DSi Ware games using your Nintendo Points. Some DSi Ware games use the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and some use Pay and Play for additional downloadable content. So enjoy what DSi Ware is all about.
  19. Check this interesting article here. What do you think?
  20. Well, I got my DSi a few days ago and the hinge was mad squeaky whenever I closed and opened the system. In addition, the hinge was not tight and I could slide the top screen from right to left a few millimeters. So I decided to exchange the system for another one. This new one has been fine, but it is slowly developing the "squeaky hinge". It's not like this hinge problem will cause an outbreak of broken hinges, but it is really annoying. Every time I press the "A" button on the system, it causes a squeak. After a while, it gets really frustrating to hear those damn squeaks and essentially makes me want to stop playing. Now, my question to the other DSi users out there: Are you guys experiencing this squeakiness as well? Let me know if you are or aren't. If you have had this problem, are there any solutions? Thanks. - fenzo666
  21. I'm just wonderign if anyone has made a word processor / text edit type program for the dsi? Something that I could load onto my SD card and just run to write stuff on?
  22. Hi, I'm wondering if I got an emulator and pkmn plat. Used pokesav on that can I then transfer/trade from my PC/Emulator to my DSi via the wireless/wi-fi? And if so what is the best way going about it. Failing that can someone trade me a basic charmander?
  23. I frequently use my DSi to get onto these forums (like I am now), and it often runs out of memory. Is there any way to "fix" the forum to use less memory?
  24. Since DSi does not accept ARDS, I would be very appreciative if someone would trade me this Pokemon. It's Darkrai, I missed the original Toy's R Us, one, so I hacked my own. It will replace the first Pokemon in your party, sorry. I apologize. If there is a specific pokemon you would like in return, I will try to look for it. My FC: 3738-6642-1452 Just post here or PM me if you accept. Thank you very much to whoever does this. I also apologize if this is the wrong place. I'm new here
  25. Hello, I'm considering getting a DSi flashcart, but the descriptions are [mostly] the same. What is the BEST DSi flashcart available? [edit]: Because I have had an R4 for the DS, please do not post that. It isn't that good, and I almost regret getting it.
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