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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. When have Pokemon games ever been known for their superadvanced graphics?
  2. http://www.pokemon.co.jp/bw/index.html There's the original site. It also says more news will be announced 4/15.
  3. Those that run Pokemon Secure can run their website any way they see fit, and any privately owned and managed web site can restrict membership in any way they see fit. There is nothing we can do to help you. As a courtesy to other Pokemon fan sites, we do not get involved in the bannings of people who also happen to have an account here. We don't care what other web sites you visit. Apparently, Pokemon Secure does. which is weird because a number of their members and some staff have accounts either or have had accounts here in the past but meh
  4. You should evolve them whenever they have learned all the level up moves that they can't learn during their evolution. Nothing else is really applicable, unless it's a rare case of a more basic form having advantages over it's evolved form (like Pikachu and Raichu).
  5. You mean...like Fire Red/Leaf Green and Heart Gold/Soul Silver?
  6. Unless a router is actually inside a microwave oven, it won't make a difference unless it's on.
  7. As I've expressed in other threads, I still watch the anime (am really enjoying Sinnoh), but the movies have always been, at best, average. More often than not, downright horrible. I suspect it's because it's a different company that makes the movies than the one that produces the anime series. Hence why they rarely adapt stortylines from the other medium. I thought the Shaymin movie was okay. Darkrai was absolutely horrible. Arceus sucked. The dub, at least, had a horrible VA for Arceus. Not sure if it was retained from the original or not.
  8. I work in IT. However, it's difficult to do IT support over the computer without remote access to the device. My advice would be to either call Nintendo Customer Service or Verizon Customer Service. If you live with anyone else, make sure no one changed any settings or downloaded new firmware.
  9. COM's website has the latest version of Pokesav on it. PP has the latest translations. Question answered, I guess.
  10. If you have connected to your wireless before, do not modify your connection. It is probably fine. The problem is either your end, your friends' end, or Nintendo's servers. Wi-Fi across all Nintendo products can get a bit slow at peak hours. Think mid afternoon-early evening, when school lets out and people are done with extracurriculars/work. If you are too far away from the wireless signal, your connection might drop in and out. Unfortunately, the Nintnedo DS has wireless capabilites that are stuck in the year 2002, and the DSi only upgrades to about 2005. The other possibility is if you or someone in your household downloaded an update for your wireless router, and the firmware update could re-set the settings so that it no longer functions at all with your DS. That'll involve some tinkering, and probably some Google-fu.
  11. Blissey has massive HP, can heal itself with Wish or Softboiled, can Thunder Wave/Toxic Alakazam (and can recover status from Synchronize with Natural Cure or Aromatherapy), while Alakzam can do what...sometimes hit with Focus Blast? If someone with Blissey really wanted to, it'd just end up in PP stall. Either you faced a poorly trained Blissey or you got real lucky in being able to do all that set up. Double Battles are different, and if that's your preferred playing style, you should mention that. All rates here are assuming single battle unless otherwise noted. I'm blunt, not rude. If you can't handle a bit of bluntness, then feel free to not respond to my posts. YOU threw insults and called names. I did no such thing. And your point? Serebii is a Pokemon web site focused on games and to a lesser extent, the anime. They have one competitive feature that runs once a week. The guy who writes it chooses one move, usually a standard set, because that article is aimed to be read by competitive and non competitive players alike. So that anyone can understand what this Pokemon can and cannot do, what they're the best at, in a competitive battle. Even so, just because Serebii's feature has a set doesn't invalidate it. Just because you find sets "boring" doesn't make them bad. And just because you don't like battles that last "long" doesn't make all Pokemon who are walls bad Pokemon. In fact, it can put you at a disadvantage because it probably means Pokemon like Blissey and Skarmory can wall your teams to no end. And yes, some sets look similar to pretty standard sets. They probably shouldn't have been posted here. But just because standard sets shouldn't be posted doesn't mean anything should be posted. Either way, this mini-discussion ends now. If you want to start a thread on this subject of double battles or how Alakazam can take out Blissey or whatever, please do so.
  12. It wasn't sarcasm. Any number of Pokemon will gladly come in and set up on you. Some Gyarados and Salamence sets only need one Dragon Dance before they become almost unstoppable. One Swords Dance from Lucario also. And because you used a Hyper Beam move, you can't do anything. Alakazam is an absolutely horrible counter to Blissey. I'd respond to the rest of your post, but it's just flame bait. If you think anybody goes to Serebii for movesets, you have no idea what you're talking about. If you can't handle criticism without lashing out, feel free to not post.
  13. Try saying that when your team keeps getting hit with status. ONE use of that move can heal ALL status of your entire team. You'll never get a chance to use it. You'll die soon after because your opponent sets up on you. [qiuote]When it comes to Empoleon, I firmly disagree. To this date, I have not lost a single competitive battle (WIFI battles, Battle Tower, Pokemon League, you name it) using Empoleon in the capacity I mentioined above and I've been using Empoleon since Diamond. I doubt that all my opponents were just simply incompetent. They are. I also don't believe you made it too far in the Battle Tower. [qiuote] but I urge you to try Hydro Cannon with an Empoleon whose Special Attack is maxed out--grass, electric, ice, and some water types don't stand a chance. Blissey and Vaporeon would laugh in your face. I'll say this once again. This is for original sets. If your set sucks (And you were told quite kindly, might I add), take the criticism and make changes. Don't want to change it? Don't post for your Pokemon set to be rated then.
  14. Please do not create "I'm here for help" threads. Rather, when you see a thread that you can help in, go to it.
  15. Don't ask for a sticky. I'm closing this. It's an old thread, nobody has posted anything of relevance in it, and by the OPs admission, he doesn't know how legal they all are. OP, I thank you for your hard work. Anybody who wants to keep tabs on this thread, I'd suggest bookmarking it.
  16. He never specified they be legal. Please further discuss trading him these pokemon via PM.
  17. No way do you need every single possible pokewalker pokemon right now. You probably won't even use half of them. Go get your game and extract them yourself. Otherwise, please make a reasonable request and someone will get it to you when they can.
  18. Great. Yeah. Your teams are basically Pokemon w/ 4 moves. Thse are in-game teams and can't be discussed, because just about anything works in the game. Closing dis.
  19. I know I've given tons of illegal move sets and illegal EVs on Pokemon I hacked onto Diamond. So are you saying HG/SS prevents this?
  20. Every single Arceus descriptions says "In mythology" or "according to legend" or something like that. Mythology=myths=not necesarily real. The point of mythological stories isn't to tell a a historical event or describe something as factually correct, but to make a point. The point of Arceus is he's friggin powerful, going so far as to create two different trios of Pokemon (Lake Trio according to Sinnoh myths, Dragon trio according to the HG/SS Arceus event).
  21. This is the CONTRIBUTION thread for in-game special Pokemon, not for chat or pokesav help or whatever. I infracted a handful of posters and then got tired. If you are on Page 8, consider yourself lucky.
  22. If we ever go ahead with any testing, we'll have this discussion at that itme.
  23. So you're cheating to promote your anti-cheating group? That's nice and hypocritical. But the Intro forum isn't for giveaways, so....*closes*
  24. This is not true at all. There will be no Crystal re-make. There's no need for one. The Suicune storyline is integrated into HG/SS and a Battle Frontier is available. Closin dis
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