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  1. [video=youtube;7CCKERTzGJI] This is the format of the banlist: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 98 7E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D8 03 Notes: The banlist is 0-based and should be read in binary. Bit=0 means its corresponding Pokémon is allowed. Bit=1 means its corresponding Pokémon is banned. Formula to find whether a Pokémon is banned or not is P=(8×B)+b with: P (Pokémon) being a number between 0 and 649 included; B being the Byte number, counting from 0; b being the bit number from a given Byte, from 0 to 7 included read from right to left. The banlist is located at narc a/1/0/5 in BW, and narc a/1/0/6 in B2W2. Even though the banlist is the same between the facilities enforcing it, the banlist itself is technically not unique as you'll see below: Battle Subway and Battle Institute (All versions): Single Battle and Wi-Fi: file 20 Double Battle: file 21 Multi Battle: file 22 PWT (Black 2 and White 2 only): Single Battle: file 33 Double Battle: file 34 Triple Battle: file 35 Rotation Battle: file 36
  2. Author's Webpage: http://www.geocities.jp/bt_vermeille/remodel/pokemon_bw/ | (B2W2) Japanese Program. .NET 2.0 Required. Edits the ROM, not narcs. Features: Species Editor Evolution Editor Encounter Slot Editor Move Editor Download *TRANSLATED* Pokemon ROM Changer: B2W2 - English ROMs (by Kaphotics) B2W2 - JP Translation (by Kaphotics and Andibad) BW Translation (by Andibad) For ROM Hacks: PRC for BBVW2 Complete 1.1 PRC for BBVW2 Vanilla 1.1 PRC for BBVW2 Complete 1.00 PRC for BBVW2 Vanilla 1.00 Bond697 has graciously provided decompiled code (via .NET Reflector). It's not the original code, but it compiles into the same program. Original prc_bw2 (B2W2) Original prc_bw (BW) --Source for prc_bw2 translation (English) --Source for prc_bw2's translation (JP)
  3. This is more like a proof of concept than a ROM hack, the pokemon are added, but are currently not obtainable yet, use enc.lua to force an encounter with them. ROM base is clean Pokemon: Black Version 2. If you are having patching problems, verify ROM base with DS-Scene Rom Tool. Battle Animations OFF! Attemping to use a 6th gen move with battle animations on might freeze the game. 6th gen moves that boost stats, inflict a status, or do damage should work, mostly... but moves with specific effects like Sticky Web or Misty Terrain, will just fail. 6th gen Abilities do nothing at all. This AR code is required to play the hack. It modifies some of the game's code so the game can function properly with these changes. 52020478 000002C5 02020478 0000033A D2000000 00000000 5201E3A4 0000028B 0201E3A4 000002D3 D2000000 00000000 52033CE0 0000028B 02033CE0 000002D3 D2000000 00000000 52033CDC 00003584 02033CDC 00003890 D2000000 00000000 5201DDF8 80A84308 0201DDF8 46C04308 D2000000 00000000 Things to do Add Fairy graphic. Update typing table to include Fairy. Fix Subsitute bug. Add proper icons. Give 6th gen moves a dummy animation. other stuff I can't remember now. Sprites for the Kalos Pokemon and Megas are from http://pokemonshowdown.com/ 721_beta1.zip
  4. NARC file order (CLICK THIS FOR HUGE LIST OF NARC LOCATIONS): Notable files for ROM Hacks: /a/0/0/3 - Story Text /a/0/0/8 - Maps /a/0/1/1 - battle backgrounds /a/0/1/2 - ZoneData /a/0/1/6 - personal.narc (pokemon editing) /a/0/1/8 - level up moves /a/0/1/9 - evolutions /a/0/2/1 - Move data (type, bp, etc) /a/0/2/6 - title screen /a/0/3/0 - Start Menu Sprite /a/0/5/6 - Ingame Scripts /a/0/6/5 - Move Animations /a/0/7/1 - Animated Trainer Sprites (front, vs) /a/0/7/2 - Animated Trainer Sprites (back, send out) /a/0/9/1 - Trainer Data /a/0/9/2 - Trainer Pokemon /a/1/2/4 - Egg Moves /a/1/2/6 - Overworlds /a/1/2/7 - Encounter Tables /a/1/6/3 - In Game Trades /a/2/6/7 - Trainer Mugshots /a/2/7/3 - Hidden Hollow Encounter Table /a/2/8/2 - PokeMart Data /a/2/9/1 - PWT Board Trainer Sprites /a/2/9/6 - Pokedex Ingame Locations /a/0/1/6 indices and structure (personal.narc): Encounter Table: Now has 135 locations. Here's their entry->ingame location: Poké Mart Locations: Credits & Thanks To: personal.narc identification and structure: Codr and magical Location Map of encounter slots: xfr File identification: Kaphotics, magical, Bond697, Codr, veekun, Sanky, Jerry, Andibad
  5. Version 1.0.0


    all pokemon are legal
  6. Some simple tools to edit stuff that didn't have an editor (yet). Mart Editor (B2W2 Mart Inventory Editor) Image: Instructions: Use kiwi.ds to extract all of the files from the PokeMart NARC (a282 for B2/W2) [Open] -> Select folder with all of the files [save] to save all of your edits. Use PPNFR or kiwi.ds to build a new NARC out of the edited files. Pretty straightforward, operates like Kazo's BWTE. Egg Move Editor Image: Instructions: Use kiwi.ds to extract all of the files from the Egg Move NARC (a124 for B2/W2) [Open] -> Select folder with all of the files [save] to save all of your edits. Use PPNFR or kiwi.ds to build a new NARC out of the edited files. Pretty straightforward, operates like Kazo's BWTE. MartEdit.zip MartEdit_%28src%29.zip EggMoveEdit.zip EggMoveEdit_%28src%29.zip
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Very good Battle Collection
  8. I didn't want to necro this thread but what I found might be useful information to anyone who plays on Battle Subway. Just so you know I've only tested this on Pokemon White 2, but this should in theory work on all other Gen 5 versions (note MeroMero's different narc locations for BW vs BW2). If you follow that thread (and read the replies too), you will see that, for Black 2 and White 2, you have to use a Hex Editor on a\1\0\6 (in this case). In this case, I am using HxD so this next sentence will make sense if you're also using it: After changing all the sequences laid out in that thread, I changed the second "B0 0E" to "00 00". This can be found in Offset (h) row 000000B0 columns 0C and 0D. After you change those 2 Hex values, recompile using PPRE beta 0.14 and try playing in Battle Subway You will notice that Soul Dew is no longer banned and you can use the same pokemon multiple times, holding the same items, and you can even play with 4, 5 or even all 6 of the pokemon on your team. As far as I know, this removes every single restriction on Battle Subway, so you will not only be able to play with banned pokemon, but you can essentially... go all out with whatever haha. Hope this helps!
  9. The first post will be the patch and instructions and the second will be a look into how I managed to do this. Using this will be a little bit complex for now until the new version of Kazo's trainer editor shows up. I don't know if he'll be doing it or if I'll be doing it, but it will be available at some point soon-ish. Until then, there are basic instructions in the text file and obviously you can ask questions in here. So what we've got here is the first implementable hack for 5th gen Rom hacks. For now it will just be for B2W2, but will eventually be for BW as well. As the title states, it lets you pick the nature for opposing trainers' pokes. http://hack.thundaga.com/trainer_nature.7z Also, here's a pic of what I was talking about in the text file: The red square is byte 0x4B, the one you're supposed to edit.
  10. Pokémon Gray, a remake of Pokémon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2. Introduction: Hi all, I'm thinking of doing a history hackrom collecting Pokémon Unova Pokémon Black and White and Black and White 2 called Pokémon Gray/Grey. The story would be Hilbert and Hilda starring in his journey through Unova mixing history of this region of the anime and manga as main story and the remaining after the Pokémon League. For example: start the standard story of Pokémon Black and White battling the gym leaders that appear in the anime with the manga events after the league will follow the story that appears in Pokémon Black and White starring Nate and Rosa. Main characters: Hilda and Hilbert are young coaches who live in Nuvema Town located in Unova. Professor Juniper sends home a gift with the three starter Pokémon so they enlist to start your Pokémon adventure. During your trip, you will find all kinds of Pokémon and trainers Unova region. Also will face Team Plasma to thwart their plans. Hugh will be your opponent in the entire game. Professor: Juniper is the proffessor Pokémon Unova region. She is responsible for delivering the starter Pokémon in that region, she is the first teacher of the main series Pokémon game and specializes in the study of the origin of the Pokémon. History: The adventure is located in the new region, Unova and begins in Nuvema Town, where you will receive the starter Pokémon: Snivy, Oshawott or Tepig. Professor Juniper and Colress will find recurring characters throughout the adventure on several occasions, as well as your good friend (Nate if you are Hilda or Rosa if you are Hilbert). The villains of Team Plasma have the task of freeing the Pokémon coaches, they believe that the Pokémon are free beings and their relationship with the legendary Reshiram and Zekrom. Will also Natural (N), which will have a say in this story. Your mission is to become champion of the Unova region, after that two years have passed since you left to start your adventure Unova's image has changed: the works have been completed and on Route 4 buildings have been built. In addition, the Driftveil City's lighthouse is gone resulting craters and founded new cities, as Aspertia City southwest of Unova. Project: This hack is conducted through Pokémon Black & White 2 and need the tools collected links at the moment for these games to pull it off, I have little experience so if one wants to do this project have permission. A greeting and thank you all.
  11. so i have this idea that i've been kicking around in my head probably since right after b2w2 came out in japan. i think this will be a set of games that is hacked for a good long time to come. this is quite likely the last set of main series releases on the ds. anyway, what if we could actually program for the games? i don't mean in assembly, but in C or C++. i know what i would have to do and exactly what i would have to write to create a nice, robust library for low-level manipulation of the game. for example, say you wanted to decrypt a party pokemon do something with one of its fields: (let's say the level for pkm party slot 3) u32 slot3_lv = getPkmStat(getPartyPkmAddress(&PkmBlk, 3), PKM_LV, NULL); you could do that instead of writing some assembler and compiling it with the gcc assembler from devkitarm, arm-none-eabi-as, and hoping you got the syntax right, all the pointers right, etc etc. some of the things you could do: -create your own set of overlays and load them like gamefreak using their overlay handler -not just write your own scripts, but write your own code and create your own script commands to use in your scripts -create your own data files and load them into memory to manipulate them with your own code -add your own code to the engine -add new fields and data to pkm files -add new data to the save game -add your own events and save them, add new swarms and other events -add new stuff to happen at midnight -tweak damage calculations, stat calculations, a lot of stuff without needing an AR -hell, rewrite the graphics renderer if you're feeling really enterprising my list of script commands is very nicely filled out and quite thorough- all from analyzed code, all completely correct. i've done everything on this list(barring a lame attempt at the last one). what i'm offering is a way to do it more easily through a library and higher-level code instead of assembly. something like this would be much more accessible. i have an IDA database absolutely packed with info that would be so useful to this along with quite a few pages in a notepad of stuff and even more kind of bouncing around in my head that i've never mentioned to anyone. i have a script compiler partially done, a script decompiler partially done, and the source files for libPKM prepped, but not started. this has the potential to be a full devkit for bw2. the reason i'm doing this and not just starting work directly is that i'm wondering how many people would actually use it. i can think of less than a half dozen people that even could use it. so.. would anyone out there use this? it would take hacking this game to a whole other level, but it's not worth doing if i'm going to spend a ton of time on it and no one is going to use it. i'd love it if people could get behind this a little bit because it has huge potential, but like i said i don't really know how many people can use it. thoughts?
  12. I've played a few Soul Link's so far and every time I start my play session for the day it's always kind of an annoying process. Loading up 2 separate emulators, 2 roms, having to rekeybind the controllers every time. I was wondering if someone would be able to make a program that could make it easier. If your unfimiliar with a Soul Link Nuzlocke, heres the rules. 1- Any Pokémon that faints is considered "dead," and must be released or stored in a specified PC box for "dead" Pokémon. 2- You can only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. 3- You must also nickname all of your Pokémon, for the sake of forming "stronger emotional bonds." 4- In a new area, the first encounters for both players will be, "linked," together until death. 5- If one Pokémon in a linked pair is placed in the PC, it's Soul Link partner must be placed in the PC as well. 6- If one Pokémon in a linked pair dies, it's Soul Link partner is considered dead as well. 7- If one player fails to capture their first encounter in an area, the second player must forfeit their encounter in their corresponding area. 8- Across both players parties, primary typings may not be repeated. Basically what I'm looking for is a program that emulates 2 roms side by side and be able to control them individually. I've thought of a few features to make it better. Features -Emulators from all consoles built in - Ex. VBA, Desmume, and Citra -Saves both roms under 1 "project" and loads them on the same side every time -Type Chart ready -Online Remote Play - Be able to join your friends session online to see and control one of the games. -Games connected locally so you can trade and battle -Database where you can input your linked pokemon pairs and where you caught them -Built in Pokedex Database (Not necessary but would be helpful) -Program reads both your teams and displays them between the game (I'm aware that's not an easy ask but if it's possible, why not) I feel like except for a couple of them this is a completely possible thing to create. I know it probably wont happen but I just thought I'd get the idea out there. I love doing Soul Links and I'm so happy people found a way to make Pokemon Co-op. Thanks for your time.
  13. Hey. I'm currently doing a hack for Pokemon Black 2 which will include the whole Sinnoh region, Pokemon, trainers etc. Something like Pokemon Platinum in Gen 5. Main Features (all the features will be listed later) story, characters and locations from Pokémon Platinum (+ some characters from other regions ) National Pokédex from the beginning Pokémon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova are obtainable moves and abilities from generation 5 boosted weaker Pokémon stats, moves and abilities "improved" some bad or annoying things from Platinum increased difficulty some things have been added, replaced or removed - no GTS, Pokétch replaced with C-Gear, Battle Frontier with PWT etc. Progress It will probably take a few years to finish this hack. I'll just hope that there will be more tools for editing gen 5 roms, so I could do it quicker. Why I'm doing this hack? Pokemon White 2 is my favourite Pokemon game of all time. But I like Sinnoh more than Unova. But as we all know 4th gen games (especially D/P and not so much but still Platinum) are slooow (compared to 5th gen), so I don't like playing them. But I still love the region and the story. So I want to play them with the 5th game engine and graphics. Screenshots Other stuff Please let me know if you like the idea of this hack If anyone would want to help me, please write to me
  14. Background About a month ago I ordered a DSi off of eBay (it was only $40). When I got it I noticed there was something strange on it: "PWC2010"? I never heard about there being DSiWare for Pokemon? I consulted with other people on the internet and it turns out nobody else has heard it either. I tried to message the seller, but he said that he has no idea either (most likely he bought them in bulk as he was selling a lot of other models at the time). The mystery was just starting, a group of individuals from the DS(i) homebrew scene started to get to the bottom of this (me being invited despite my lack of knowledge due to being the one who found it), here's what we were able to figure out: The Investigation Begins... The hardware The system itself is appears to be a normal black DSi, nothing about it is different from that of a stock model The casing has some minor scratches and such, and is missing the original stylus. On the front side where the camera is, there are two faded silhouettes of what look to be rectangular stickers The system was formatted when I got it and it didn't come with an SD card (this will become a problem later on) The Software The apps included are: Flipnote Studios, DSi + Internet, PWC2010 Rule Check Tool, PWC2010 Log Viewer, and PokemonBW2 Rule Check Tool. All of which were preinstalled to the NAND as there is no way to access "Data Mangement" to move them to a SD card. At first, the only app that would boot was Log Viewer as both of the Rule Check Tools would just crash and return back to the menu. It was later revealed the apps were looking for 3 files at the root of an SD card before being able to boot. Through observations we were able to get some insights on what each of the 3 mystery apps do: PWC2010 Rule Check Tool From what the name implies, this tool must have been used for the Pokemon World Championship (PWC) in 2010 The app looks for 3 file on the SD card: regulation.bin, regulation.cfg, and rule.prd. By making 3 dummy files full of garbage data and naming them as the files listed before, we were able to get it to boot, after which we were greeted with a lovely message: The weird thing is, Black and White were used for the 2011 PWC, not 2010. This could imply that the app was a carry over from a previous tool used the year before. Luckily, I just so happen to have a copy of Black. Putting in the correct cartridge displays the message "No problems found" and ask if you want to save the results. Through testing we were able to figure out how to get past this screen as it turns out "No problems found" also acts as a default message, if something does fail one of the checks it will display what the error was. It's possible to make it check both the party Pokemon and Pokemon in the Battle Box by editing regulation.cfg file. PWC2010 Log Viewer Log viewer shows the results saved from Rule Check, it shows the player's username and gives a technical description of each Pokemon in the party (stats, friendship, exp, moveset, etc.). By pressing "X" it will do the same thing but for the Battle Box instead. PokemonBW2 Rule Check Tool Exactly the same as PWC2010, expect looks for the Black2/White2 cartridge instead More Technical Details Looking into the game's files, we were able to extract the messages displayed by Rule Check: Rule Check Messages regulation.cfg is, as the name suggests, a config file. Through dumb luck I was able to figure out this much: Offset 0x00: checks party Offset 0x01: checks battlebox Offset 0x05: turns on cart access Offset 0x0C: save to livematch.dat These values have to be "turned on" meaning the value is set to '1' If offset 0x05 isn't turned on then it will say that the cart isn't inserted. If offset 0x00 or 0x01 aren't turned on but 0x05 is, then it will say that it passed all checks (probably the default message) The files saved from Rule Check and are viewed in Log Viewer are named "logTYYMMDD.dat" and "logBYYMMDD.dat" (YYMMDD is the date, so something like Oct. 31 2019 would be 191031). LogT is for the results from the party (T=Team?) and logB is from the Battle Box. Through great efforts, users Epicpkmn11 and edo9300 were both able to reverse-engineer these files before we were able to figure out how to save it: Google Sheets regulation.bin appears to handle simple checks like invalid number of Pokemon in party, level caps, and duplicate items/Pokemon rule.prd may be used for more advance checks like invalid movesets and banned Pokemon/items Conclusion As of right now, interest has been dying as people began shifting to their own personal projects. For the past 3 weeks nobody has found anything new and I'm left to try and figure it out on my own. The problem is I know very little about NDS development and how the Pokemon games work in a technical level, which is why I'm turning here for help. We still know very little about regulation.bin and rule.prd, which are believe to be two key factors in order to get Rule Check to work properly, and without the original SD card we are left in the dark. It's possible that rule.prd is somehow linked to the hex values found in Pokemon (movesets, lvls, type, etc.), but can't really determine where and what to look for We don't know how much is relied on the files or if certain checks are programmed Any insights, suggestions, resources, or tips are greatly accepted!
  15. Hello to all. I have just figured out that the midi mappings that Pokemon Black and White in bwmidi.zip (which are direct rips of the game files), and PKMN_E.zip (again, direct rips of the midi files) use are almost completely compatible with the sound mappings for the default Roland MT32 and CM32L patches when mapped to 16 channels. A way to emulate this on GS modules is to force all channels to the last bank, and set the drumset to the last one in the default bank. This gives MT32 Sound, which maps better than GM, and is universal across all areas of the game's music. For a DS-sized MT32 bank, you can either google "2GMGSMT.sf2", "4GMGSMT.sf2", "5GMGSMT.sf2,", "8GMGSMT.sf2", or "16.5mb gm gs mt32 bank v2.51.sf2", and add "LuckyMax" to the query. The bank was made in '01. It is not very accurate to the real MT32 though. I will provide a 1 gig sampleset via google drive, but in case a homebrew music project is in need of even more sounds, I will provide a mod of Zandro Revielle's DB50XG sampleset which has the inaccurate MT32 samples, and the SC-88 samples from a similarly accurate SC88 soundfont in this post. The link to the 1GB uncompressed 24bit MT32/CM32L/BW/RSEFRLG/HGSS/DPPT soundset is here https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3iwOegRlzCXVkZ6WmFHNzNhcTg Attached to this link is the soundfont containing the DB50XG Mod, the SC-88 Samples, and the MT32/CM32L samples: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3iwOegRlzCXWmRQbktoWDBmQTA The file above is 32.5MiB Below, I have an even less accurate, but more faithful version of the MT32 samples, but with GM and GS drumsets, and GM instruments where possible. It is 8mb. MT32.sf2
  16. Hello, I'm trying to edit the elite 4 so that they have different trainer sprites and trainers altogether. Ie replace the current elite 4 with blue, red, cynthia, and steven. In which they all have their over world sprites vs intro screen and music. So far i managed to get their proper teams to work in game, however, the over world sprites register as the standard elite 4 theme, and when challenging them they use the normal battle theme for a trainer. Also instead of saying "pkmn trainer red would like to battle" it would say something along the lines of "red shauntal would like to battle" Anyone know how to make it work so that the elite 4 trainers i want to put in have their proper sprites and music playing? Examples of what i mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWce-Ds3nLo (vs hilbert with elite 4 theme) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srvv803EvU8 (vs aaron with his theme) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPnOMvDZKFU (vs drake with his theme) Youtubers like Rubycario, Swagsire, and Garchie showcased that modding the battles so that the over world sprites and music work properly. An in depth or basic tutorial would be a great help!
  17. Any AR codes or hex offsets to unlock being able to use party pokemon in Pokestar Studios for all scripts (whether unlocked already or still locked)? There's none so far in the internet (all I see are unlocking all scripts, but that's something else)
  18. Hello, PP Just dropping a question to see if Gen 5 games will get more support such as functioning c-gear skins, PokeDex Skins, and dream world pokemon editing. Please do consider this as it will only benefit Gen 5 games. I'm playing through Black again so I thought I'd ask this question Thanks!
  19. Because nobody ever really understood how trainer music was determined until now, and it seems like a useful feature to have. Alright so for this you're gonna want to extract your rom and decompress a couple of the files. I normally use ndstool and blz.exe to do this: ndstool -x originalromname.nds -9 arm9.bin -7 arm7.bin -y9 y9.bin -y7 y7.bin -d data -y overlay -t banner.bin -h header.bin copy arm9.bin arm9decomp.bin blz -d arm9decomp.bin copy overlay\overlay_0036.bin overlay_0036decomp.bin blz -d overlay_0036decomp.bin Now we need to make a few changes to our decompressed overlay 36. They change slightly based on version. Black 2: White 2: Now, this change will affect how big the file is when compressed, so we need to edit a table in y9.bin to take that into account open it up, go to offset 0x49C, and change it from 58 E9 03 -> 5C E9 03 for Black 2 or 30 E9 03 -> 34 E9 03 for White 2. Finally, we insert the music table itself. Originally the game contains a table for each of the 236 trainer classes in the form AA GG EE EE, where AA is unknown, GG is gender, and EE EE is the encounter (not the battle) music. The gender field isn't really used for much of anything, so we're just gonna overwrite it with a field for battle music. Note that we only have one byte to work with, so we're restricted to music in the range 0400 to 04FF, but that includes pretty much everything anyway. Now, open your decompressed arm9, and go to 0x8E394 for Black 2 or 0x8E3C0 for White 2. Here, you want to replace with This will assign each trainer class the same music they had in the vanilla game. Obviously this is not very useful, so go ahead and edit that second column to assign whatever music you like to each trainer class. You can use BWTE or something to remind yourself what order the 236 classes come in. Once you've done that, it's time to rebuild the rom. Which brings us to the bad news. Even though we didn't change the size of the decompressed arm9, our changes still affect what size it is after compression, which for some reason causes major issues when rebuilding the rom. One way to solve this is to just insert the decompressed arm9, instead of compressing it first. This basically solves the issue, but at a cost: the game will now supposedly only be compatible with emulators, not an actual DS. copy overlay_0036decomp.bin overlay\overlay_0036.bin blz -en overlay\overlay_0036.bin ndstool -c newromname.nds -9 arm9decomp.bin -7 arm7.bin -y9 y9.bin -y7 y7.bin -d data -y overlay -t banner.bin -h header.bin Obviously this is not ideal, so if anyone knows how to insert a compressed arm9.bin with a different size from the original WITHOUT making the game impossible to boot, please let me know. But either way, hope someone finds all this useful.
  20. For some reason, the option to edit battle points for Gen 5 saves is not available. It's not found in the Trainer Info nor in the Misc Edits buttons. However, it is present for Gen 4 saves though... Hope it's added to the next update too.
  21. Pokemon Black 2: 251 Edition Hi there, this is my first hack and its relatively simple. Gen 5 is my favourite Gen and I have played them a lot of times. Recently I played a hack called Pokemon White 151 which replaces all the Gen 5 Pokemon with Gen 1 Pokemon. I was inspired by this and decided to make a sort of spiritual successor. What's been changed? I have changed it so that the Pokemon you encounter and battle are all Pokemon from the first 2 Gens of Pokemon, Kanto and Johto or RBY and GSC. Why the first 2 Gens? Because B2W2 has about 300 Pokemon and excluding overlap, Gen 4 evolutions, legendaries etc etc it works out to about 270ish which depending on location and what not can easily be trimmed down to fit in to 251. Also I thought it would be interesting to have the world and setting of Unova but with only Pokemon from the first 2 Gens to add a sense of old school clashing with new school. Pokemon I have not changed any Pokemon's stats, movepool, or typing. I have changed only things involving evolution. An in dept review will be in the download folder. A brief overview is as followed: 1. If a Pokemon evolves via trading only, they now evolves via level up 2. If a Pokemon evolves via trading with item, it now evolves via using said item like a Firestone 3. If a Pokemon evoles via item, it has a 50% of holding said item 4. If a Pokemon has a prevolution or evolution from the newer Gens, it has been removed. Pokemon Locations In the download folder, there is a general list of what you will find in each area. However, if you do not want to spoil yourself, here are some basic hints. 1. Most Gen 1 and Gen 2 Pokemon that were already in B2W2 are in the same areas as before. 2. You can get all Gen 2 starters before the 3rd gym. 3. Alot of Pokemon have pretty logical replacements. IE Emolga is the Electric Rodent of Gen 5, what do you think you will find if you try searching for an Emolga? 4. The Victory Road Forest has some interesting Pokemon to use and is a great place to grind Trainers In the download folder, there is a general list of what Pokemon replaces what in trainer battles. This is not 100% but its generally what I followed. HOWEVER, Gym leaders and the Elite Four may have vastly different Pokemon. For example, due to the lack of Ghost Pokemon, Shauntal is now a Poison/Ghost gym leader ala Agatha from Gen 1. What hasn't been changed The story and the post game are the two main things not changed. The story wasn't changed since that's not really the point of this hack and the post game would be pointless as trying to use 251 Pokemon to replace 300 was hard, I can't imagine trying to do it with 600+ would be easier. In addition, Battle Subway hasn't been changed either and also fishing too. Things to be added (Highest to Lowest priority) Replacing Kyurem with Mewtwo Replacing the Musketeers Trio with the Dogs Trio Replacing the Genie Tri with the Birds Trio Replace Volcarona encouter with Celebi Replace Victini encounter with Mew Replacing Reshiram/Zekrom with Ho-oh/Lugia Edit ingame trades Credit and Thank Yous Gamefreak Nintendo Exaskryz TwistedFatal KazoWar Andibad Kaphotics cpan1 NF54322 September 3rd 2016 - First Release September 5th 2016 - Starters Added DOWNLOAD - https://www.mediafire.com/?a8m9ats2rbejt5y
  22. I keep forgetting to post this and I don't even have the time to test this out, but when hacking a ROM, if you set fully evolved Pokemon to evolve to themselves at level 100, would they then be considered "NFE" thereby making eviolites give them Def/SpDef boosts? I haven't done any ROM hacking/editing in a while, but I know you can change the way Pokemon evolve and choose what they evolve into. If someone can test this out, it should theoretically work on both Black/White(2) and XYORAS. Otherwise, I guess you could set them to evolve to a dummy 'mon (Mewtwo evolves to Caterpie at level 50). Let me know if this works for anyone
  23. It's been a loooong time, but finally, I've discovered how the BDHC files work. Please, if you are gonna copy this post in other site, give credits! First of all, I have to thank JayT, who discovered how is the file structured in different parts. Now, I'm gonna explain what does each part. Part P Sets the coordinates of certain points, used later to build rectangles or "plates" of different heights in the Part S. The structure of each element is the following one: 00 00 XX XX 00 00 YY YY XX XX are the coordinates in the X-axis, and YY YY the Y-axis ones. Keep in mind that the origin of coordinates is located at the midpoint of the map, not in a corner. This means that the lower right corner always use positive numbers, but the upper left corner instead must use negative numbers. Remember that FF FF = -1, FE FF = -2, FD FF = -3... The four tiles in the midpoint of the map are (FFFF, FFFF), (0000, FFFF), (FFFF, 0000) and (0000, 0000) respectively. Thus, the point of the upper left corner is: 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 F0 FF And the lower right corner: 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 00 Part Q It may be related to the stairs, but I need to investigate further. I've already solved this part, but I've still got to translate it to English Part R It sets the different heights where the hero can be in different rectangles or "plates". The structure of the elements of this part is: MM MM ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ refers to the complete-tiles height, ie; for example if the character is at a neutral level, then ZZ ZZ = 00 00. If we climb some stairs and now we are in a height +1, then ZZ ZZ = FF FF (at higher height, instead of growing, it decreases) . If we were at a height +5, it would be FB FF. And if for example we were at -2; 02 00. MM MM measures, instead of full tiles, 65536-ths of tile. For not to talk complicated things; MM MM = 00 80 if the character is in a lake (it would be half a tile down, ie -0.5 tall) and MM MM = 00 00 if the character is anywhere else. For example, if we have: 00 80 FF FF it would mean: FF FF = Height +1 00 80 = Height -0.5 Total height = +0.5 Part S Link points of Part P to create the "plates" or rectangles, and assigns a height of an element of Part R. AA 00 BB 00 QQ 00 RR 00 AA is the number (in hex) of the Part P element where the point of the rectangle in the upper left corner is. Remember that the first element is 00, the second is 01, the third is 02... BB is the number (in hex) of the Part P element where the point of the rectangle in the lower right corner is. RR is the number (in hex) of the Part R element which establishes the height of the plate. If in Part P, for example, we have this: 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 00 And in the Part R we have: 00 00 FE 00 00 00 01 00 In the S part we have to write: 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 so we create a plate covering from (-16, -16) to (16, 16) (ie, the whole map) and setting a height in the Z axis +2. If instead out: 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 It would be the same as the previous one, but with a height of -1. Part T It divides the map in horizontal strips. Everything must be divided so if we move vertically (up or down) and thus we get in/out of a lake, stairs or similar, we must also be entering a new strip. It's hard to explain; the game can not detect when you enter an area with different height when you move vertically in the same strip (horizontally no problem) so you have to create a new separate strip. As I know it's hard to understand, here's a little picture: There is an element for each strip there. The structure of each element of Part T is: 00 00 YY YY NN NN UU UU Where YY YY is the Y-axis line where the lower limit of the strip is. NN is the number of elements of the Part U that are taken, and starting counting from element number UU UU. Do not worry, I'll explain later. For example, a map where there were two strips, one in the upper half and one in the lower half, would be: 00 00 00 00 NN NN UU UU 00 00 10 00 NN NN UU UU Part U It is a list or enumeration of adjacent plates/rectangles to the strip with which it is linked in Part T. That is, if I'm in the strip 00, Part T load a number of elements of the Part U where there are numbered all the plates where the player is or can access, from this strip. The structure of the elements of Part U is: SS 00 where SS is the number (in hex) of the Part S plate. Part U have many elements of these, and they are usually "segmented" in "zones". In Part T is loaded the number of items to be taken (NN NN) and the number it starts counting (UU UU). For example, in Part U we have: 00 00 01 00 02 00 04 00 00 00 03 00 04 00 And in the T part we are: 00 00 YY YY 04 00 00 00 00 00 YY YY 03 00 04 00 Then, from the first strip, we are or we can access the plates 00, 01, 02 and 04, while from the second strip we are or we can access the plates 00, 03 and 04. Remember they are all adjacent plates, ie, plates belonging to the strip and the ones which are in the limits but do not belong to it (ie, those plates whose height the game has to load while the player is in the strip).
  24. Hey there. New here. Looking for feedback/suggestions, etc. [EDIT] Apparently at some point a Gen IV mod came out called Sun & Moon. So now maybe I need to change the names? You snooze for nine years, you lose, I guess. The sun and moon are actually hugely central to my plotline, so for now the working titles are Solar & Lunar. I've been sitting on an idea for a ROM mod since shortly after Gen III came out, but priorities changed and I left it in the dust until I picked up Pokemon Y recently and started playing again. So here's a quick rundown of my goals: Remake/retell the original Pokémon games with a cohesive and compelling story Present Team Rocket as a credible threat with believable motives Establish an internal cosmology using legendary and mythical pokémon as narrative focus [*]Add/redesign cities and landmarks in Kanto to accommodate a total of 18 gyms One for each type [*]Gradually ramp up difficulty to surpass traditional Pokémon games without starting at an increased difficulty level [*]Include a higher-than-usual but not complete list of catchable pokémon A complete list would be available between Sun and Moon, using breeding and evolution Evolution would include simulated in-game trades [*]Utilize day-night cycle dynamic Early versions of this plan had one game set in day and the other at night, (guess which was which!) because GBA emulators couldn't simulate a real-time clock At the time I originally conceived this, I was only planning to have 17 gyms, as Fairy didn't exist. There's also over 300 more pokémon now. Those pokémon don't serve any purpose for my narrative, but many of them have unique type combinations that could add some satisfying depth to the gameplay without further hacks that might be less intuitive to players. So my questions here today boil down to: Is Black 2/White 2 the best choice to mod from? There seem to be an abundance of resources available, with people making progress on 721 and Fairy imports. Will people be satisfied if I cherry-pick pokémon from across the generations, or will they expect commitment to either 386 or 721? My original plan was 386, but now there's a Ghost/Steel pokémon and that is SO COOL. Is there still enough interest in Gen III mods and enough supported resources to justify abandoning the expanded features of DS emulation? What do people consider excessive in terms of options? How much is too much for a mod to present to players? Can we emulate clocks now? I'm so behind the times! Thanks for your time. I'm looking forward to some feedback before I start cracking hexes open on this little pet project of mine.
  25. Hi everyone is there someon e here who can make black 2 play as red with all overall sprite? Trainer card/ Mugshot battle/ xtranceiver. ETC HElp me please i really want to play as red in pokemon black 2
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