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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. It's the small CD, isn't it... Shouldn't there be a small groove in the tray the same size as the disc? If it is legal, I can upload an ISO of the Disc. (Hey Admin, that's your cue to specify wether it is or not..)
  2. How about an Adik?
  3. I noticed that all the codes on the AR for GBA are stored in the ROM, not the Save file. Because of that, would it be possible to use it as a GBA Flashcart? [Edit]: How about ARDS for that matter.
  4. See, that is why they stopped airing Code Lyoko. People actually like seeing completely stupid shows.
  5. The DSi runs out of memory frequently when I use it. The "Site Theme" works fine, though.
  6. Well, unlike you and Greencat, I'm not.
  7. However, it's very "heavy". It is not recommended for a DSi.
  8. <p><p><p><p><p>You looked at the source, didn't you?</p></p></p></p></p>

  9. <p><p><p><p><p>You looked at the source, didn't you?</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. You even scared the camra by making it go to black-and-white :biggrin:. As for mine, I'll show everyone again: [Edit]: I used a DSi in a pitch-black closet to take it. I had to lower the Brightness, so it wouldn't be as clear.
  11. It's a good thing that Nintendo dosen't know about this place (becuase if they did, they would most likely request that all of this is removed. If by the un-likely off-chance they do know about it, then it is odd that they haven't requested its removal already.
  12. GUI=Graphical User Interface. It beats having to deal with a console :kikkoman: I can't really help you with ROM hacking, but I can help you with DS Lazy. 1. Open a ROM by pressing the "..." button 2. Press "NDS Unpack" 3. Wait for it to finish, don't pannic if DS Lazy stops responding, there is a command-line tool in the background, wait for that to finish. the folder "NDS_UNPACK" will pop up. 4. Do whatever you want to do with the data 5. When you're finished, press "NDS PACK", and it will assemble a ROM. If you need help with ROM hacking, I not your man. I think SCV can help, but I'm not sure.
  13. I don't remember where I found it, but I found this smilie somewhere: I am requesting that this get placed with the existing smilies. [edit]:Hello? Is anyone out there?
  14. You weren't flaming me, although it was a little interesting seeing an admin being flamed!
  15. You will probebly need ndstool to dump the ROM's contents. I recommend DS Lazy because it is a good GUI to it. Hope you have a good time at this [rather large] forum.
  16. Wow, this is one-of-a-kind introduction! Flame-Intro! Anyway, I hope you two will get along here.
  17. Wouldn't it be interesting if instead of floating around like some games do, if it flopped around helplessly...
  18. DS Video runs on just about every flashcart, and we were talking about built-in capabilities. I have a Max Media Dock, and it works fine (I only had a little trouble with the encoder at first. Remember: If you use a GUI encoder, put the command-line encoder in the same directory as the GUI).
  19. What kind of Bad Egg is it? Will it crash your game if you look at it's summary. Either way, leave it alone. Put it in storage if it lets you.
  20. Eh, I have nothing better to do at the moment. Right now I'm readying the TRU Shaymin, and looking up my friend code (I haven't done this kind of thing before). As for what you're trading. I don't really care...
  21. Hello Dave. Have you installed the drivers correctly? What version of Windows do you have? XP? Vista?
  22. It was a little odd having a wiscash floating around... As for the Pokemon following you. What ones CAN follow you? It would probebly be a Riolu if it had data implemented, but they might not...
  23. All of the graphics of each side of the person in the middle. But it is just opinion, because I'm more of a simple graphic person. Example: I thought that the title screen for Pokemon Ranger 2 was the best, because they didn't over-do it. They just put a simple "Pokemon Ranger" in the middle of a landscape.
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