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  1. PRESENTATION Hello everyone! Here is the presentation of my rom hack: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven. I've always loved Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, but I was always frustrated by the lack of difficulty, and the fact that the game was finishable without using all the QoL offered by th...
  2. Version 1.2.0


    These are blank save files that include all of the Special Missions as well as all of the Extra Missions for EU, US and Japanese versions of the NDS Pokemon Ranger games. There is no story progression you will have to beat the game first to be able to play the missions in the Ranger Net! T...
  3. Courtesy of : http://cheats.gbatemp.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=572
  4. Explorers Abridged aims to take the games premise and just steer everything in the worst direction imaginable. Main focus is on comedy, gameplay is also harder than base game. Also, there's a LOT of vulgar language. Probably not best for people who are uncomfortable with the such. Only first 3 ch...
  5. I have recently found out that there is an eternal flower floette and is recently taken a liking to it, how would i get it? I didnt know where to put this in because of the rarity of this pokemon and the research-less dude like me. If there is anyway you could tell me or either can do it for me (Bec...
  6. GitHub Source Code Download Latest Release About This tool aims to make past Mystery Gift event contents back again in all the Pokémon games for Nintendo Switch. Since those games won't allow event injection in the SAV file, this tool creates a forged BCAT package, injectable with hom...
  7. The following is a list of what will happen when you use the character modifier code. To use this code, simply hold R while entering or exiting a building area and your character will change to whatever is specified. To get the code, please refer to the spoiler below. Red = DO NOT USE! GAME WILL FR...
  8. As you can see in the screenshot, this code does when you enter a dungeon (be it the first dungeon of the game or the one you stayed in...) it will change your Pokémon starters for these two Mythical Pokémon and not only that with base statistics very high and with extremely broken abilities (Absorb...
  9. Here are some codes for Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia USA 1 Loop Capture, by SCV Browser Complete Max Number of pokemon Modifier, Made by SCV Pokemon Modifier Codes, Made by SCV Corresponding Codes for Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia (E) 1 Loop Capture, made by SCV Browser Complete:...
  10. What's Your Favorite Pokemon? The good ol' classic question: What is your Favorite Pokémon? Since I'm sure most of you have several favorites, this is going to be done slightly different. First I'm going to post a Type and you can comment on your favorite Pokémon of that type. The current Pokémon...
  11. Tera Finder allows users to view, edit and calculate Raids and Mass Outbreaks for Scarlet & Violet, by loading a Save File or by Live RAM reading/editing. Both a standalone program and a PKHeX plugin are available for use. The .NET Desktop Runtime 8.0 is required for this tool to work! Com...
  12. Version 20240626


    PK Injection is a RAM editor that is designed to edit Pokémon from ROM hacks that other editing software is unable to achieve. Before using reading the user manual is strongly encouraged. This software utilizes .NET 8 and requires .NET 8 to be installed on your computer. This application requires th...
  13. Version Gen 1 - Gen 9


    This is a collection of all possible Trades and Gifts of in-game NPC's credentials in every language possible. All Generation I-IV Trades are obtained at the lowest level possible with thorough research. Please refer to the Guide.txt included in the collection archive for details on what t...
  14. NTSC-US $Pokémon Modifier [Heinermann, Master Kirby] 4A000000 90180F08 14000050 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 4A000000 80000000 1462C4CA 00000000 E0000000 80008000 PAL $Pokémon Modifier [Heinermann, Master Kirby] 4A000000 9018F128 14000050 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 4A000000 80000000 14...
  15. Helmschrot

    Gen 3 PkHex?

    Hello, so I'm currently playing pokemon ruby on an emulator ... now I wanted to pick up a Pokemon, but somehow it doesn't work. I play on "Retroarch" where the files are saved as ".smr". This was already in Pokemon Gold that I played. There I solved it so that I simply renamed the ".smr" file to a "...
  16. Hey guys, I just started playing Alpha Sapphire because I finally got my own N3DS! The thing is I'd really love to get that event Beldum that I missed. Any chance I can request a genned one here? Any help would be very appreciated. My Friend Code is: Pokemon Species: Beldum He...
  17. I am on gen 5 using Pokemon Black on desmume. Even when I use PKHaX, i can open the file, modify my pokemon. It works properly : when I save it by overwriting the file it is said to be successfully saved. BUT when I open it to check if it worked, my pokemon was not modified though it can b...
  18. Hey guys, with Pokemon Bank becoming free at the end of the month, I wanted to know if I will be able to transfer my Pokemon from my Japanese 2DS to my French region Switch? As I saw that I can't link my NNID to my switch because it has a different region.
  19. Hello! So I've made this file (attached below) to use as a save file in Pokemon box with pkhex so I could have some of these Pokemon on my physical carts. However, no matter how I export the file in pkhex, the game will not show any Pokemon that I added into the save in game. Any idea why this might...
  20. I have compiled a few raid seeds with raidcalc people might be interested in, if you don't know how to use these seeds, refer to the how to section at the top of the spread sheet, or shoot a dm to the discord listed in the spreadsheet A few notable seeds/files being > 3x 10 Herba Mystica r...
  21. Hello everyone, I hope you are well Well, yesterday I had a doubt about Pal Park. Is it possible to enter Pal Park in the Korean version of 4G games? Thank you very much for taking the time to resolve this question.
  22. Im not sure what is going on with my save file/PkHex, I am trying to edit specific pokemon into my game party & box in Emerald Speedchoice for me and some friends to do a draft race. It seems like gens 1 and 2 are correctly being added, as everything up to at least porygon2 was correct but once i hi...
  23. I'm starting a Pokemon Black Egglocke and need Pokegen Eggs to start off with. Please help me. Legality isn't a problem as long as the Pokemon is able to hatch out of an egg or able to have those moves.Please nickname the Eggs, I'm not creative with names unfortunately... No Legendaries or Phione pl...
  24. sorrry idk if this is the right place i didnt see a GB or GBC section I'm trying to change my trainer's overworld sprite to one of the pre-existing female characters that already has walking frames but maybe im googling wrong or i cant think of the right keywords. Can someone help pls t...
  25. After sending Pokémon from my Crystal VC save to my Yellow VC save back and forth, it seems only the PC box I had last chosen on Yellow has Pokémon in it but all others are empty. PikaSav and PKHeX still shows the Pokémon are there too, the only workaround currently is using PHBankGB to store all my...
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