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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. Those won't run GBA roms. The only alternative to a GBA flasjcart is manually transfering them from their Save files with a HEX editor, if you dare try.
  2. Perhaps the reason why I'm having trouble with Mystery Dungeon 2 is this checksum error in which I don't know how to fix, nor is there an existing way.
  3. <p><p><p><p><p>Please forgive any bugs in CSS, I am not finished customizing the profile page, and have run out of time for the day.</p></p></p></p></p>

  4. <p><p><p><p><p>Please forgive any bugs in CSS, I am not finished customizing the profile page, and have run out of time for the day.</p></p></p></p></p>

  5. Actually, the video games are a virtual world, so unlike the real world that we are not in, they don't care (Plus, they are all genetically identical, but that's another story. PM me if you wish to know all that I have researched about these universes, and all my theories, and all my storyline add-ons, but not if you do not want to know EVERYTHING!!!). James isn't a true antagonist. If he was, he would be like Jesse (if that's how its spelled)
  6. And that goes to show you that you should ALWAYS pay attention to the codes you use in Action Replay. For all you know, some weird game feature enables bricking the DS when the save file has a certain value, and using ARDS codes can enable that. Now, that would be stupid, but it can happen....
  7. Um, either I'm not looking hard enough, or the Developer rank isn't on the list. ()
  8. It sort of looks like colored text in the Mystery Dungeon series. I mean that it looks like it is a message template and the WORD substitited is IN CAPS or in color, depending on what game it is.
  9. Yawn! Why do they have to make all of these episodes that could go without airing?
  10. Interesting... Last time I checked, Platinum was compatible with everything Diamond and Pearl are (except ARDS codes).
  11. Is there a reason in particular that http://www.thepokemod.com/ still links to Pokesav.org? [Edit]:Thread Closed because thepokemod.com expired.
  12. Because it is being released sometime between tomorow afternoon and the next supernova of a star in the local star system.
  13. I found one on Amazon.com Search for: "Nintendo Screwdriver"
  14. This is how my AR works. It dosen't have a slot like that, so I have no choice. See it:
  15. Try taking the AR out WITHOUT cutting the power, and insert Platinum. It will not crash (if it does, than it is broken), and it should recognise it then. But, it does sound like the pass-through slot is broken.
  16. ...and there is still a conversation after the main problem has been fixed. Why is that?
  17. The U.S. Wow! There sure are a lot of non-US people around here!
  18. There should be a rank for those who have helped other users, as in PokeSav (or rather when it is released, PokeMod) requests.
  19. Better than the first one. Another thing, not nessesarily bad, but the PP of moves aren't the same as DP. They are closer to 10, so one that has 5 in DP would be 8 in this one, and one that has 20 in DP has 10 here, and so on...
  20. *heavy sigh* Nintendo butchered how time really works. They got nowhere near it. If time worked like most think i does (which it dosen't), no-one would dissapear, but only be stuck on an alternate time-line. Because it doesent, it would be impossible to change anything, because everything finnally works out in the end. It's complicated. VERY complicated. From a non-linear and non-subjective point of view, it is more of a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey, stuff, rather than a strict progression of cause to effect. Serebii.Net confirms that this is a shiny Celebi.
  21. I did notice hat there are remains of a previous save file, one that I intentionally deleted, in it. I removed it with no ill-effects. Also, there is other similer "garbage". The save file seems (but I haven't confirmed it) to have a second, backup, save file, but it apparently cannot be loaded, because it is deleted if it is corrupt.
  22. In the old forum, (specifically the developer rank) special ranks would not be assigned unless the user wants it and is elegable. If the same is true here, how would one apply, or is it assigned without the user's request?
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