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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. Oh, yeah. A REAL idea, unlike my previous suggesations in the old forum: Tricking the game into thinking that it is from another region (so you can receive Japaneise Wi-Fi WonderCards after patching a US rom).
  2. *Liable to change, it has before* -Riolu -Gardevoir -Piplup, and it's evolved forms -Manaphy -Luxray ------------------------------------------ Types: -Water -Flying -Electric -Psycic -Fighting -Grass ------------------------------- There was a lot more room to be creative then. Now, after 493 ideas have been taken, it may be hard to come out with more.
  3. [sarcasm] I don't think you made it clear enough that we should read the entire feature list [/sarcasm] What about the DIRECTION the user if facing? As useless as it is, it still should be included.
  4. Thread Closed Until Further Notice. I do not know how to fix the checksum. Please see this thread. --------------------------------- Do you ever in Diamond or Pearl, do something and think to yourself, "I can always change it later. I'll just use PokeSav"? Have you ever done the same in PkMn Mystery Dungeon 2, but then remembered that there ISN'T a SAV editor for it? I have. So, I have decided to make one. This, is easier said then done. First, I have to find a value to change, when there are 262,144 bytes to look at, and at the same time, all the bytes relating to each other are on completely different locations. ---------------------------------- Currently needed: -Someone to check to see if the SAV for Time and Darkness are the same. -Time. I could really, really use some time. If only someone could help find wich locations go with wich values, then send them to me (hint, hint). -Suggestions, to give me some things in particular to look for. Please? ---------------------------------- My Current Progress: -Edit Team Name (Pretty Useless, Isn't it. This can be done in-game) ---------------------------------- Status: Delayed Why?:Because Nintendo didn't make this easy. If I was anyone else, I would have given up long ago. But, this is testing me. I will not let it win!!! ---------------------------------- The latest version can be found at: http://www.uniquegeeks.net/apps/PMDEOTSavEditor/ V VERY early stage of development. So early, that I haven't even had time to perfect the GUI. For those curious, it is being coded in VB.Net. Is anyone out there? ANY QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS/RESPONSES TO MY HELP REQUEST/ANYTHING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? --------------------------------- Requested Features: -Inventory -Mission Edit -Team Edit List of people who would be black-mailed because they voted yes, if I didn't say I wouldn't: -Chase-san -Friendsxix - claims to have accidentally voted :kikkoman: -skymin ----------------------------------- Assistance needed. Please contact me if you are interested. To begin, find what locations store what values. If I do not get any assistance, then it will take forever and a half to finally edit something at all. I change all instances of "Piplup" to "123456", and still, my partner's name is "Piplup"!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------- Sorry if anybody out there is becoming impatient. I am currently experimenting with ways of finding the values. I suspect that the bits do not line up on the byte perfectly, so I am planning a program to turn bytes into bits and back. Once I finish that, I will publish it here.
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