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Everything posted by Guested

  1. No, that didn't work either. It worked fine when I downloaded it with IE instead, though. However, my goal was not Pokemon related. I was trying to convert a .duc file that I downloaded so I could use it with Kingdom Hearts (in order to have all the characters in Mission Mode), but the sav file that came out was only about 200kb, so it didn't work. That might be because the sav structure/size is different from Pokemon, but I thought I'd let you know.
  2. It didn't work. The file it wanted to download was some weird html command or whatever. It turned out it was just some Google Chrome nonsense.
  3. Incorrect. The character that you do not choose takes up the role of a supporting character throughout your journey. So you'll see her plenty.
  4. Something weird is goin on 'round here... when I click on the download link, it wants to download this file: ARDSMEDUC-SAV-Converter.download Which is nothing. ...?
  5. To use the 3-in-1 version, you need an EZ Flash 3-in-1 slot-2 device. It's cheap, and is the best way to go if you don't want to deal with the wi-fi.
  6. I think he looks like a vulture, actually.... I do think it's a step backwards, but the HGSS sprite actually looks pretty similar to the GSC sprites. I like DP the best.
  7. So, get to work! It looks like there's a lot of unfilled requests here. Don't just say that you can help... do it!
  8. You've got it totally backwards. It's not that girls will choose to not buy the game if the girl character has bad fashion, it's if she does that will attract them to buy it. You have no idea of how strong the power of what is "in" in Japan really is. So by appealing to what is currently cool, there will be girls that are drawn in because of that.
  9. Naru-chu, thanks for the tips Because of your tips for the second two parts, I was able to beat it easily Now it's time to play through Zero Mission again before the Prime Trilogy comes out.
  10. That battle vid is pretty sweet! Thanks for the links, Dante! I think it would pretty awesome if HGSS implemented a level 5 battling situation... like how PBR did. I really like it, but NO ONE else seems to have any level 5 teams, whereas I have an entire box (had no idea what would be a good strategy in PBR, so I went overboard). Here's another random thought I had today that would be cool: Picture this: National Park Bug Catching contest.... post-National Dex! Wouldn't it be cool if most (maybe all) of the National Dex bug Pokemon could be caught in the National Park?? Some would be rarer than others, of course.
  11. Exactly. Bulbapedia is a good site because all of its pages are uniform. They all have the same layout and information, etc. If we had some kind of template decided for our wiki, then we wouldn't have all of this random, half-done stuff floating around (as much).
  12. I think everyone should take a look at this. DanteKoriyu recently posted a youtube link to an account of a guy who spent some time at Pokemon Festa this weekend. I was looking at his other videos and he had one of the Senior group Tournament finals on May 4th in Tokyo. But... I have never seen this before. Two strange things: The trainer characters are the DS mode characters, but the players are using wiimotes for controllers, not DS... ??? It REALLY looks like the trainers are wearing their Platinum outfits! Were those programmed into PBR? It came out way before Platinum did.... Has anyone ever seen this before??
  13. I think we need templates. Also, I agree with you on the "credits." Totally annoying. Just check the history page, seriously. And I agree with you about the "I" stuff. These are wiki pages, not FAQs. But I think we need templates.
  14. This stray was partially my fault, but let's get back on topic here. If you wanna talk about the GS Ball, talk about it here. If you want to talk about other features of HGSS, take it to the Speculation thread.
  15. DanteKoriyu brought this up on the HGSS Speculation thread a few days ago and we talked about it a bit then. I'm too lazy to type it out again, so here's a link to the page where we started talking about it. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1470&page=68
  16. Yeah, the Collection is complete. I can't really think of any way that we'd need MORE... I'll probably only update it if someone finds a problem or error with it.
  17. Those haven't been confirmed as their names, by the way. If you played on HeartGold, and chose the girl character, don't you think the suggested name would be Gold? Also, there have been MANY screenshots released where the Boy character has been referred to as Soul. They don't have a specific name.
  18. Yeah, I think you're right. .... haven't been getting a lot of feedback, though.... but hopefully that means no one is seeing any errors. I talked to Fenzo, if you (Dante) and Gallade want Contributor badges, just send him a PM.
  19. That's cool, but I wish that guy would have included the original audio... as well as say something about where that video was from. That's the first I've seen of it.
  20. Dante is right, we HAVE talked about this before. But how do you know THIS?
  21. That almost looks like a jab at COM...
  22. I don't think it's a matter of them deliberately keeping the "special" things on the latest game, but a fact that the data for new forms and items just aren't present on Diamond or Pearl. And since the Jagged-ear Pichu is not programmed into DPP, it only makes sense that it can't be traded... although I'm not sure why it can't be traded to other HGSS games... maybe cause there's only just one and it's that special...
  23. Another double post, but for good reason! New update! Please read the first post! The first release has been updated! The second release has been uploaded!
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