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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Dang, that's hardcore! Good luck! Which game are you returning? LeafGreen?
  2. Oh good point. That's a ton of Pal Parking. Also, that surskit sure sounded like a serious PEST!
  3. Well, the scans are out... but they're ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE digital camera snaps. It looks like they just focused on the screens and hardly any of the text pieces are full, so I can't completely read them. I think I'll just go buy this danged kids' comicbook on Friday so I can read it.
  4. Probably not. But it's probably red. The Pikachu-Color Pikachu overworld sprite keeps its color, right?
  5. The Red Gyarados had a red overworld sprite in the lake in the video, fyi.
  6. An idea... couldn't you just back up your Emerald sav file and restore it after trading the Pokemon to ? By the way: First release is done! First post is updated, so check it out!
  7. I started with Metroid... on the NES. Fusion is the only Metroid game I haven't completed, and I'm pretty close to the end now. Can't beat that dang SA-X...
  8. I've played them all and I intend on buying it. The Metroid series has always been one of my favorites and I can't wait to play the first two with the wii controls in widescreen. Prime 1 had an AWESOME story and is definitely classic Metroid. Prime 2 had a really creepy story and set things in motion for 3. I recommend it, definitely.
  9. I use Pidgeot pretty successfully in my 2vs2 competitive team.
  10. We're going for all of one set to have the same OT, but thanks. Guess you missed that part. To Gallade: I think that's exactly what I'm going to do. Hopefully I'll get the first set arranged within the next couple days. I ended up having a really long weekend. Everything seems to check out, I just need to organize it all.
  11. Huh? Did you read his post? Did you look at this article? http://projectpokemon.org/articles.php?req=read&article_id=83
  12. Yeah, there is a way. The thing in Pokesav that says "seal" isn't JUST seals evidently. I don't know which number range is related to underground decorations, but if you wanted to dig into it (no pun intended), you could use the Lucario Doll wondercard as a starting point and work in both directions until you figure out which numbers related to which decorations. Unless you knew more about the ROM coding.
  13. Since Gallade went through the trouble of two playthroughs to get the full set, I'm going to include his Pokemon when I get this thing finished. However, maybe we can do yours, (DanteKoriyu) as a second set after you've finished?
  14. Wow! That looks great, Jiggy-Ninja! I'm really excited with the way that this program is developing.
  15. A lot of that information isn't shown in the scan, but it's what as reported by the guy who read it on 2ch. Until the issue is released or someone takes some better pictures, it won't be 100% confirmed.
  16. Except he didn't have the full info. Also, this was also posted yesterday on this site and one pokebeach.com, so take your serebii-lovin' cynicism and shove it.
  17. Nevermind, there's a source BUTTON! I didn't see it. I'm an ass, sorry.
  18. ..... sigh..... Source: Pokebeach.com? Evidently?? By the way, whenever you post an image in a news posts with whatever formatting you use, it doesn't display properly in Google Chrome.
  19. There's a documentary on this. It's called "Back to the Future." Check it out sometime.
  20. Haha, good luck. I know how you feel, though. Thanks to you, the Colosseum Pokemon are all the same OT, except for the special ones. And the Pokemon are 98% the same player (Gallade), but two different OTs, and then the three Mt Battle Pokemon were graciously contributed by SolaDept, who plays through Mt Battle occasionally anyway in order to get the Earth Ribbons.
  21. Semi-update. Expect a real update real soon. I'm almost done here. I've chosen the Pokemon that will be used in the final collection and I'm just now in the process of organizing them and the extremely tedious process of checking and double checking everything. This should be finished within the week.
  22. Notched is a fine translation. It's just not an accurate English representation of what is happening there. "gizagiza" can be translated in more than one way. Look up "notch" in a dictionary.
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