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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Please look around before asking questions. This one has been asked numerous times already. Legality Checker needs to be updated to specifically account for new event Pokemon as they are released. Sabresite hasn't updated in a while, so they show up as such. They should be fully legal if you downloaded them from here and didn't change anything that would unlegalify it.
  2. Legitly, I used this: Bronzong with Block and Gyro Ball Gyro Ball didn't really do much damage so it was pretty easy to whittle away the health. I think Dante's Crobat is a much better choice, but this Bronzong is really easy to put together (just catch one at Mt. Coronet).
  3. The Arceus has not been released yet, so no. Also, you can't make a legit Pokemon with codes. Just fyi.
  4. I think we're saying the same thing...
  5. Right. Everyone has mentioned that quite a few times. And that makes much more sense than discovering the eggs for the first time like back in GSC.
  6. No, because this is a sequel to FireRed and LeafGreen where eggs were already present. They'll most likely want to delve deeper into the "mystery" of why the eggs just mysteriously appear.
  7. Well, I'm trying to get the various achievements needed for a black Trainer Card on my Platinum game, and I distinctly remember repeatedly failing at the Master level contests in my Diamond game. Even though I'm only half-way through the Battle Tower, I thought I'd try out the contests when the Tower starts becoming mundane. Does anyone have any tips for getting through the Master rank? Like which division is easier or has better moveset possibilities? And what IS a good moveset for the contests anyway? Thanks for any input you can give me.
  8. Well, it's not that impressive considering the movie Arceus hasn't been released yet, so you basically cheated.
  9. Jirachi was not ever available inside any game. It was distributed as an event Pokemon in Japan, from a special GameCube bonus disc from Colosseum in the US, and with Pokemon Channel in the UK.
  10. I think Endure/Endeavor is a better idea... Wouldn't you lose the Focus Sash since it's a wild battle? Also, you could always just get a high leveled Pokemon with False Swipe, but that'd take more time to trade.
  11. Technically he's implying and YOU'RE inferring. But you don't want me to get technical or we'll be here all night.
  12. Yanma has always been pretty rare, hasn't it? I'll agree with you that it's a pain to get. 10% encounter as a daily Great Marsh Pokemon in DPP (and only after the National Dex in D and P) and something like a 1% encounter rate in ONE route in GSC (unless there was an outbreak/swarm, but that was a different route I think). A little bit easier to get in FRLG, I think. There was some place in the Sevii Islands where you could encounter it normally, but with a pretty low encounter chance I think.
  13. I'll... do my best to restrain my ... feelings.
  14. 春原さん、PPにようこそ! And in case that isn't your real name and/or you can't read Japanese... Welcome to PP, HH.
  15. I talked to fenzo, and he updated the Arceus page to account for the ambiguity on the location of the Shinto Ruins. Pokemon Sunday this week didn't really give any new details on that. http://projectpokemon.org/games/heartgoldsoulsilver/arceus.php Thanks for the debating, DanteKoriyu
  16. Guested

    hi! i'm pip!

    Welcome. Here ya go. http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/
  17. Yeah, I've seen the ruins and I think the re-design is pretty cool. So that probably is the research house. I'm thinking you might be right that Shinto Ruins are in a different place, but... I still don't understand the connection with the Ruins of Alph if they aren't near each other... It seems strange that they'd reveal it this way, this early before the release... I guess there's just not enough info yet for me to really be able to decide either way. I wonder if anything better will be on Pokemon Sunday tomorrow...
  18. The price will most likely be higher, factoring in importing costs. By the way, that's pretty much just how expensive big name DS titles are in Japan. Other console games are more expensive, as well. For a reference, the recent Kingdom Hearts game for DS was around 5500 yen at most places I saw. Some were 5800. So I don't think this is a higher price just because of the IR and PokeWalker, I think it's a pretty normal price.
  19. The official site had a caption (of the picture of walking with Wobbuffett) that said that they can find Accessories. Which.... I guess is fashion case stuff? I watched the Arceus video again. They don't give a LOT of detail, but it really seems to me like the Shinto Ruins is in the Ruins of Alph. The only thing the guy says about that part of the video is: "Okay, so he's got Arceus, right? If you do that, and you go to the Ruins of Alph, the way will open to the place called the Shinto Ruins." So... it DOES sound like it is a necessary step, but it still sounds to me like the Shinto Ruins are IN the Ruins of Alph somewhere (most likely not through that house, though). Also, the presence of Unown in the event makes me believe that it's in the Ruins of Alph even more. BUT, it doesn't say it for certain, I guess it really could be anywhere. I'm thinking that scientist (or whatever he is) probably guides you or tells you where to find the entrance. Last week on Pokemon Sunday, they covered all of the topics that were revealed on Oha Suta that week... except the Arceus event. They had one treasure chest topic leftover by the time the episode ended and they said they'd get to it next time. My guess is that it was about the Arceus event, so perhaps tomorrow's episode of Pokemon Sunday will reveal a little more detail on this subject. Then again, we may just have to wait....
  20. Maybe it won't be a discovery. Maybe it'll just be Elm trying to dig deeper into the research of this "mystery" of how eggs magically appear from Pokemon.
  21. Hmmmm... When I looked at the map of the Ruins of Alph, I assume the little house shown in the HGSS picture was not the same as the one where they were doing the research. It looked like it was added in and was an extra house. But it's possible it was just a layout re-arrangement... and come to think of it, I'm not sure why a house would have an entrance into the Shinto Ruins. I guess it looked like it could have been a shrine or something. And come to think of it, that man isn't really standing in front of the doorway of that house either. So now I'm not sure. I'm gonna have to re-watch that video and listen closely to what the hosts are saying, but there might not be any more detail to be found.
  22. Wait... I was under the impression that the place where the player speaks to the man in the Ruins of Alph was the entrance into the Shinto Ruins. Is that different from what you are thinking?
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