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Everything posted by Guested

  1. .... only 120 power? Because that's how much power it has. Do you think that's not enough...?
  2. I'm pretty sure he's not working on pokesav anymore. He hasn't really updated it since the Japanese release of Platinum despite the fact that many features are missing. If you want something different, your best bet is to wait for one of the various projects that are being cooked up on this site.
  3. Seriously, everyone needs to 1) Think 2) Read around in the threads pertaining to the Pichu before making a new thread First of all, it's Movie 09, not Movie 9 Second of all, what do you think 09 could mean? I'm being cranky because you're not the first... nor the second....
  4. Yes, but the ads (and also the purpose of this Jirachi) was to promote the new service launch at McDonald's (Nintendo Zone), which is also reflected in the OT (NZ). The fact that it was also available at Download Spots was secondary, because that service was already available. They didn't strongly advertise the fact that it was a normal wi-fi event because they wanted you to go to McD's to try out the new Nintendo Zone features (like coupons and the Scramble mini-game.... which promotes both the new Scramble game AND rewards you with more McDonald's coupons.... ) This is the first time Jirachi has been available on such a wide release in Japan and I seriously feel like it has cheapened Jirachi to the status of "selling out." In the past, Jirachi in Japan was mainly only given away to people who one the Pokemon Fan Club Tanabata lottery drawing, and those numbers were seriously limited. The US release with Colosseum and the UK release with Channel were much more readily available than Jirachi ever was in Japan. Now anyone in Japan can have this.... all for the sake of promoting the new internet service at McDonald's.... sigh
  5. This was answered in the thread in which you asked about this already. It's a static PID, it will always be Jolly. It wouldn't be possible to be shiny every time if it didn't have a static PID.
  6. Seriously, think before you post. The Pichu event is not wi-fi, and isn't even wireless!
  7. Yes, that's the Pichu you get in HGSS, but the translation "Notched ear Pichu" is terrible. Around here, we call it "Jagged-ear Pichu."
  8. Again, not a notch, so stop calling it that... inaccurate name.
  9. First of all, it's not a notch, so don't call it that. Second of all, that Pokemon will be released with HeartGold and SoulSilver are released.
  10. Soooooooo..... Evidently those jerks misled me. It turns out the reason you needed to get it by wi-fi at the hotspots was because it's a wi-fi event... ;; They shoulda just said that in the first place, ya know... instead of trying to trick me into going to a McDonald's. It also looks like it was made available a couple hours early.
  11. I think your ideas for a possible story-line regarding this are moot. I'll say it again: Pokemon eggs were in FireRed and LeafGreen which Heart Gold and Soul Silver are a sequel to. These games are not sequels to Red, Green and Blue like the original games were. They are sequels to FireRed and LeafGreen.
  12. Cynthia has already been shown to be in the game. You yourself keep preaching that this is a remake, so you need to realize that GF can do whatever the hell they want with it. And for those of you saying this or that "wouldn't make sense," think about all the things GF and TPC have done in the past that didn't make sense, yet the games still sold by the boatload.
  13. The official site has stated that HG/SS is a sequel to FR/LG and takes place three years later. There were eggs in FR/LG. I don't think it'll be much of a discovery.
  14. It did take a little bit of time to load up the view, but not too long. Then once it was loaded up the first time it was just fine. I was able to scan through my whole collection and make sure nothing was missing from movesets, make sure all Pokemon were at the correct level with no EVs, and things like ribbons, etc etc etc etc. I still use it, by the way, just for looking at my regular collection. Now if you could load up a DIRECTORY of pkm files into a list view, that would be sextastic.
  15. Just keep in mind... the Pokemon world is merely based off of the real world. I could tell you a million things that are incorrect about Hoenn and Sinnoh, compared to Kyushu and Hokkaido. My favorite: The fact that there's a tropical resort area on Sakhalin Island.... >_>
  16. Agreed. By the way... keep in mind the title of this thread. Same sex marriage, not whether or not homosexuality is okay by you. Here's something for thought: Legalizing same sex marriage would actually decrease the number of sexual partners a gay person has, thereby significantly limiting their probability of increasing the spread of AIDs through the homosexual community (through passing it on if they have it, or getting it from someone else).
  17. Hey man, looks great! One suggestion: How about a button that fills in a random set of IVs, for those who just want to randomly generate a legal pokemon?
  18. No, it's not. It's going to happen more between two people who do not practice safe sex. Whether they are man or woman has nothing to do with it. Did any of you even watch the video I posted? I'll post it again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnHyy8gkNEE
  19. That Pikachu was only at a handful of McD's in western Tokyo (aka, the middle of farm town). It COULD have been a regular wireless distro (and I remember reading about it at the time, so I think it probably was because I don't remember hearing anything weird about the wi-fi back then... BUT This page http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ds/nintendozone/index.html says the Nintendo Zone launches on 6.19 Soooo... I guess it could be either way. It could be brand new, or it could just be an expanded (or newER) service compared to what they used to have. There's going to be things like coupons and junk.
  20. That is basically what those things are supposed to do. My hunch is that it can't do that AND the mystery gift wireless distro at the same time, so that's why they have to do it through wi-fi. And you're probably right about that, the server will probably only send it to those connected through those specific spots. It looks like this Nintendo Zone thing is brand new for Japan and will be starting on June 19th, and THAT's why I haven't seen any. Not sure which stores will be getting it, but probably a lot. Anyone know how common they are in the US? They were supposed to launch there a while ago, I think... or maybe that was talking about Japan and it just took forever, I dunno. Anyway, positive news! I just checked the official site and the electronics store that is literally a 10 min walk from my apartment has several wii and DS demo units... and also a Nintendo Wi-Fi Station(!). I'll try and pick up Jirachi after work on Friday.
  21. You can't do it at home. NTR-AAQE-USA, this is weird... It's distributed on wi-fi, but only at those two kinds of spots... not on just ANY wi-fi connection. Pretty strange... The original advert I looked at was pretty vague about it, but this new one seems to be quite thorough. I still don't understand WHY it's like this, and not just a normal wireless distribution. Maybe Download Spot and Nintendo Zone aren't compatible of running a mystery gift distro AND their normal functions full time? That's gotta be it, right?
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