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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Thanks to everyone for your contributions. Especially DanteKoriyu, that's a pretty impressive collection and a pretty impressive victory streak at Mt. Battle. I hope to get the collection compiled very soon, but unfortunately I have to work on a Saturday for a special seminar ... in which I have to lead a section..... ugh. These contributions will definitely make my work easier, though.
  2. I'm planning on buying it in Japan. But in all seriousness, I'm just relieved that it's coming out earlier in the fall rather than later in the fall. Edit: That's a pretty normal Japanese price for bigger games.
  3. I know the Shaymin article is wrong, and I agree with you 100% on that. In fact, I think I said that already. I had nothing to do with that article and I'm not defending it. There's no excuse for that incorrect information. I know that you have to bring Arceus to the Ruins of Alph, but that location in the Ruins of Alph IS the Shinto Ruins. Do we really need to note down EVERY step? While we're at it, should we say that FIRST you have to bring Arceus to Violet City? And then you have to bring Arceus to either Route 32 or 36? And THEN you have to bring it to the Ruins of Alph? And THEN bring it to the Shinto Ruins? It's unnecessary.
  4. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess I actually did read that, but forgot. You are correct.
  5. Don't change the class, but change the ability to match the class it already has. Ie, if it has class 1, change the ability to the Makuhita class 1 ability. I can do the Pokesav stuff if you don't want to. It's your call.
  6. That's why I was helping with translations from official sources. To help keep facts straight. I can't vouch for the Gracidea page, unfortunately. The correct information is out there, just... not on that page. But as for the Arceus event, it's been updated by fenzo using stuff that was taken from the HGSS official site and video releases from Oha Suta and Pokemon Sunday, so that is completely accurate now.
  7. I actually didn't have any problems with those. The one that was the hardest for me (ever) was swarming Beldum. Ugh. Same catch rate as all of these: But the only move it knows is Take Down. So... if it wakes up (after you've hopefully put it to sleep) and you've used False Swipe on it, and it hits you... it dies. Pretty frustrating.
  8. My apologies for not keeping up with the confirmed information updates in the first post. I've been pretty busy with real life and translating official website stuff for the PP main site. Basically 99% of the stuff that has been confirmed recently has been translated and fenzo has added it to the HGSS sections of the main site. Please check it out if you have time or want the info, especially the Arceus and Pichu event pages (which includes the details of Jagged-ear Pichu.... moveset, etc). http://projectpokemon.org/games/heartgoldsoulsilver/ Also, the article says that it hasn't been confirmed if Pichu joins your party or not, but due to the terms used by the hosts of the shows in the videos that have been released, I'm pretty sure it does join your party. The game displays a message saying that "Jagged-ear Pichu became your partner!" and the hosts say that it (literally) "enters your hand." Which I'm fairly certain is the term used for describing on-hand Pokemon, ie, your party. For those of you who are two lazy to check the link, the moveset was revealed to be: Helping Hand Volt Tackle Swagger Pain Split It was also shown to be at level 30 and female. Level 30 is the same level as Pikachu color Pichu (for those not paying attention), and Jagged-ear Pichu is female in the anime (for those of you not paying attention to the anime, like me).
  9. I can get you the in-game trades and one-off Pokemon from FireRed. Jay gave them to me... I think that was his username... and I Pal Parked them for him.
  10. Since there are so many people saying they are close to the end and will submit a bunch, I've made a decision here... The collection of Colosseum pokemon I have now is mostly one OT, and about five or six pokemon of other OTs. If you can submit an entire collection (Ho-oh is not needed) in the same OT (touched is okay, if it's only a few Pokemon) then I will probably include THAT set as the Colosseum set. Let me know if it's something you can do.
  11. Out of your first six, pick the three that have the best stats and the best moves. The moves will probably not be that strong, but if you pick strong pokemon to go with them, you should be able to hit hard enough. Pay attention to the hints the guy gives. If your first Pokemon is weak to the opponent's first Pokemon, try to trade it for something that has an advantage... but usually in that first round trading just gives you worse Pokemon. After the first round of 7 battles, the Pokemon and movesets get gradually better.
  12. Thank you for the heads up, but could you be more specific? I'm not familiar with PPN or their story or what their story was.
  13. Hmmm... but... it's already all over the internet. So I doubt G4TV will have any new news.
  14. Didn't E3 already happen...?
  15. What you say is true, but if I remember correctly... If I traded a Mudkip to FRLG and it reached the proper level, it would stop evolving if I didn't have the National Dex. And what about the Dusk Stone? You could say that it couldn't be found in-game until after the Nat. Dex, but it could always be traded over with a Pokemon. There's a lot of possibilities for evolutions to find there way through, so that's why I'm hoping they don't implement the FRLG evolution restrictions.
  16. I seriously hope the dex system follows DPP and not FRLG. If HGSS uses the original Johto Dex, then there are many pokemon who have evolutions now that didn't then. In FRLG when such a Pokemon was going to evolve into one that wasn't in the original 150, it would stop evolving. But this isn't the case for DPP with Pokemon who evolve into something outside of the Sinnoh dex. So... I hope it goes like DPP instead of FRLG.
  17. Yesterday I got the Silver Print from the Battle Factory to complete my Silver collection. I had a panic moment... in the battle before the Factory Head (like battle 20? or something) a Guillotine Kingler took out two of my Pokemon without missing once!! Luckily I was able to sweep it (with two Surfs??) and the rest of that team with my Seadra... For the places I can use my own Pokemon I've decided to switch out my Jolteon for a Zapdos... much slower, but better type coverage and a little beefier in the defensive areas.
  18. I hope there ISN'T an Underground. I'd rather see REAL secret bases like in RSE that are still in the main overworld after you've mixed record with your buddies, rather than one that is only in the barren underground when you're both playing together, next to each other.
  19. Gallade is correct. The project is essentially done, all I have left is some organizing and double-checking. The problem is that I've been extremely busy lately (last week especially) and have some extra (real) work to do this upcoming weekend. My spare time lately has been used helping out with translations for content for the main site. However. Please feel free to submit any Pokemon you wish to submit, UT or not. The more we have, the more it will provide material for those who are studying the GC game algorithms. I'm sure anything you have would help. Thanks!
  20. http://projectpokemon.org/articles.php?req=read&article_id=49 Haven't been reading the news, eh? :wink:
  21. You're going to need to give a LOT more information for someone to be able to help you. First of all, there's a Save Editing Help sub-forum specifically for stuff like this. Secondly, what are you using? Retail cart with AR? Or a flash device? Also: http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/
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