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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Even though it's quite common, is a hilarious experience when you watch your friends lv 100 Dragonite, get killed by a small rat.
  2. How do you even cheat?:confused: or do Super Mods get some form of special ability.:tongue:
  3. Yeah it's look can kill, or ANNIHILATE you!
  4. Awesome! i wouldn't mind a Ferret, but i would train it so good that it doesn't need a cage, it can roam around freely, and it would always stay with me. Like my dog, oh, and i actually bothered to upload a picture of my dog, this isn't the best picture of my dog, there are better pictures in my camera, but me too lazy. :biggrin:
  5. Well i just use Pokesav to access these wonderful backgrounds, my faves are the following: Galactic - I put all my EV trained Pokemon here. Legend - I think you would of assumed, i place my legendaries here.
  6. Because..... it's first evolution is Trapinch, which is a dedicated ground type, that spends it's life in the sand, creating those sand craters?
  7. Really! but if you pause at 0:25 it shows a yellow dragon? is that suppose to be Tiamat, or something, because my memory is quite vague on Golden Sun, and i can't seem to remember a yellow dragon being there, and i thought it was a remake when i saw the familiar scenes, and Dijin (can't remember how to spell) summons. EDIT: This is actually a sequel, the characters you see in the trailer are descendants, you are able to learn more if you visit this Quick FAQ. >>> http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=960545&topic=49891806 <<<
  8. E4: 45+ can't remember the other details.
  9. Hello There. Flygon is pretty cool, and it's typing is quite unique.
  10. Wall-E it was pretty boring, until Wall-E got onto the ship, where the fat people lived. Hmm i really haven't got a favorite, there really hasn't been a movie that made me watch it over and over again, except..... *Drum Rolls* I seriously don't know why, but this movie possibly made me laughed the most, out of the movies I've seen, which is a lot, usually i don't really like movies that have Jack Black, but this movie was pure hilariousness, and awesome! Although i did like Quarantine, even though i hated the main character, but that movie would of came 2nd.
  11. Yeah but some people possibly dislike the bright colour, and i don't think Enkidu's image is depressing, what are you on about, and i guess i assumed correctly, that he intended to place the "Pixel Noise" in my opinion it looks better that way.
  12. Yeah but i think i might of preferred a remake, or maybe instead of 3-D, make it 2-D, similar to the original, but with a cleaner, and sharper detail, playing Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier is making me play more 2-D games.
  13. The-Dream - Walking on the Moon. (Ft Kanye West)
  14. Hello There. That image of Celebi looks kinda creepy, and i demand someone tells me how to put a line through the sentence. *demanding face*
  15. When i meant by inbuilt clock, i mean the DS's clock, like the game card somehow connects with the DS clock, and it uses some sort of method to monitor if you entered the DS settings, and modified the clock, maybe the DS notify s the game cartridge that you have modified the settings?
  16. The image of Lucario looks so dark, and i can't really express how wicked it looks, the background more suits Lucario, because Lucario in that image seems more dark, the only thing dark about Marowak is it's skull. Yeah I've seen your avatar, it looks so pretty, pretty, shiny, shiny.:biggrin:
  17. Yes it was too easy for my taste, it didn't give me satisfactory i got from beating the Elite 4.
  18. I think Techron is a more suitable choice for the DSi Browser, and in my opinion it loads more faster then the other themes avaliable.
  19. Hmm i like Pokemonfan's, because it's all sparkly, and shiny, very eye catchy, and yet again Pokemonfan has made another "Psychedelic" image. :biggrin: I also like Enkidu, because the background looks all dark, and awesome with all these... stuff, it looks like my Volcom shirt, minus the Pokemon, and Marowak looks cool like he's about to thump you. I also kinda like's Bear831 image, although i wouldn't label it. "favorite"
  20. Hello There. Who does anyway.:grog: Suuuuuuurrrrrrre you do.:tongue:
  21. Hello There. Wow that picture of Pikachu is adorable.
  22. Do remember that Pokemon is aimed at a much younger audience for in-game, so of course it's suppose to be easy, so that Nintendo/Gamefreak won't be destroyed by overly frustrated kids.
  23. Yeah but who does that, i only do that if I'm near my charger, and the games just look really good on high brightness. Do you realize you were saying Plat the whole time, at first i thought you were talking about Pokemon Platinum.:biggrin: Yeah the DSi has a lot of cool dohickeys, and hotkeys, or shortcuts if you prefer, like making the hand held mute, changing the brightness, hot swappable, and you can enter everything without turning the DS off. But the only thing stopping me from purchasing one, is the heavy price tag, it's about $399.00 here in NZ, that's actually the same price as the Nintendo Wii, while the Xbox 360 (Arcade) if i can remember correctly is $449.00, i think i can wait until the price drop.:grog:
  24. Wait what's the point in that? This is sounds totally epic, and yeah i question it too, how does it make the transfer, and since it's bundled in, I'm absolutely purchasing the physical copy of Pokemon Heart Gold, & Soul Silver, this is quite convenient, i can keep it in my pocket while playing Basketball, or even walking my dog, or to school, and we do tons of walking from class, to class, although i wonder how much EXP and Happiness is given for each step. Only 1 Pokemon? well most people do that anyway, they just focus on one Pokemon, usually their starter to level up, i don't do that, but most of my friends, and my brother does it, I find it pointless.
  25. Man the sigs you all do are amazing, I'm constantly lurking through out the thread, admiring all of the work.
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