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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. *in head* (ABCDEFGHIJKMNLOP.....Q!) Quagsire.
  2. Hello There. I don't think your nickname will catch, on no ones nickname does anyway, so this is going to be my goodbye: BANKAI! (Pssst click down below V V)
  3. Stop this madness! Give Mew. with the power invested with me, i shall smack the living day lights out of anyone who hits Mew.
  4. Thinks in head = ABCDEF...G! Goldeen. (aka gold fish with pointy horn)
  5. Well this is what happened that made me stop: Me: Cool! a new Pokemon show. (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl) Tv: end of horrible theme song, and episode title. Tv: (Ash speaks) *Fumbles for remote* *Changes channel*
  6. Excuse me! i was so the first one that guessed Kyogre, well i haven't for a while anyway, so are we suppose to just sit here, and wait, or is someone gonna throw out a Pokemon? keeping track of who did who is kinda difficult in this thread.
  7. Don't you mean 2 - 9 months? and guys where's the love. Hello There <--- My form of welcoming a new member to the family.
  8. I can imagine using that Swablu as a pillow, ahhh good times, good times.
  9. ^ ^ Ah so that was you, BOOK HIM! Hello there.
  10. Hypno. Then comes the number I.
  11. Please refrain from posting if you have nothing to contribute to what he's requesting. I don't know if such code is able to be created, well not that i know of, why won't you try to post here, it eliminates the clutter of Action Replay request. >>> http://www.projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=180 <<<
  12. Oh bad luck, the only Flash Cart that is able to connect to the Wii, is the CycloDS Evolution, (your screwed) although the M3 Real/Sakura is an awesome Flash Cart, it just doesn't support the feature of the Cyclo.
  13. It's not a good game anyway, sure i haven't played it yet, but I'm not gonna play it any time soon, and it's just pressing buttons, it should really called Frequency, or Amped, wait i can't seem to remember the name of the formula, of how the guitar works, anywhom Rock Band is just a disguise, who would think of putting Rock Band on the PSP anyway.
  14. I was looking at the thread title, and i thought it's probably another fake? i took a closer look, so much energy, and excitement swelled up inside me, that i burst off my lazy ass, ran around the house screaming at my dog, and speedily shouting it out to my family, and friends. I also voted it's a stupid game, because well too many people will pick the obvious.
  15. Give Mewtwo. This thread lost it's fiery rivalry, attempting to sustain a Pokemon's life. (Mew)
  16. Well if you don't mind me asking, what is the GS Ball? and don't gasp, if it is a gasp moment, but i didn't really play Pokemon Gold/Silver to a full extent, it was just me fainting Pokemon with wind.
  17. Well since no one has posted this before, and I'm actually very amused with this Pokemon, and set, and I'm going to be posting only one Pokemon at the moment, well that's all i can think of. (how do you post the Pokemon's original sprite?) Shuckle @ Life Orb/ Focus Sash Adamant 252 Defence / 252 Sp. Defence / 4 Hp -Power Trick -Rock Polish / Gyro Ball -Earthquake -Stone Edge Well this little turtle thing can be either a Lead, or Late Game-Sweeper, switch in to a Pokemon that mainly uses Sp.Atk, for example: Alakazam, Gengar, even Blissey can't even stand up to 614 Atk powered Stone Edge + Critical + Life Orb, it might as well be a 2HKO, throw in a Focus Sash to at least get 1 hit in.... maybe:p This is a sure fire way to leave devestating blows to your opponent, that not even the infamous Blissey can handle.:bidoof:
  18. Well if all the Legendaries had a battle royale, then well from this Youtube video, Palkia came out on top. >>> <<<It's pretty boring, but at the same time cool, because of how the maker created it, but i thought Palkia would get dominated, from all the Dragon typed legendaries there are.
  19. Aipom O! that's right, instead of Zapdos, i named Zangoose, because it looks wicked, it was my favorite Pokemon while i was playing Ruby/Sapphire.
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