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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. HottSushiz


    Hello There. I also wish to learn C++, however I'm sure i won't understand a thing.:biggrin:
  2. Hello There. Yeah you seem rather hyperactive, and don't worry with creating any Action Replay codes, just PM me, or some other members if you want a specific AR to be created, also is Jahooze a modified version of your name?:biggrin:
  3. Well first off i couldn't really think of a name that i could use for everything, it felt like a went through countless, and it didn't really fit, also i didn't really like the name. >_> -Commando_K (The front letter of my name, and i always like war.) -D4rk Rebel (I was going to put to two 3's, but that would looks stupid.:biggrin:) -Gamer-K (Same as the first one, although it sounded lame after a while.) -Blackout (Off the Transformers, and i am that.....colour?) -ChocolateThunder (Famous Basketball player, although a few sites, and games, couldn't fit the name.) -KnightVVing (Was my name of the previous forum, and i just copied from someone.) -XcrossFire (I just added X in front of Cross, it was originally Cross Hair, but that sounded strange.) -HottSushiz (I thought long, and hard about a name that was original, and that if i used it for online games, or forums, it would always be avaliable, so i tried to think of putting "Hot" or "Cold" i was originally going to be ColdPizzasz, but i didn't like Pizza THAT much, and Sushi sounded better, so i thought of HotSushi, so i interwebed it, my creations of HotSushi: -HotSushi -HawtSushi -HotSushizz -H0ttSushiz -HottSushiz I didn't want to make it too interwebed so that's my story. Tadaaa
  4. No that's not it, what are you on about. :creep:
  5. Hello There. i take it your a Lady Gaga fan, :biggrin: there's always a reoccurring chorus, that usually gets stuck in my head when i listen to her music. :tongue:
  6. Hello There. Pssst! did you know in Maori language "Kai" means, "Food" or "Eat" and yes i am also curious what are you loading. :biggrin:
  7. Hello There. I can't seem to find a way to be intimidated at the name, oh well.
  8. Yeah i was thinking of something the lines of that, or an unlock able item only avaliable by inserting either Golden 1 or 2 into the Slot-2, like what they did with Pokemon, or Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier.
  9. I really wasn't quite sure what section to place this, because the problem could of occurred in the Flash Cart, or MicroSD Card, perhaps even both. Just recently a problem occurred in either my Micro, or R4 ,(no duh:redface:) it started when i woke my DS up from sleep, it was already in the YSMenu, as i forgot to turn off at school, and when i tried opening a Rom, more specific Knights in Nightmare, but then a error message popped up saying: "Error opening NDS file" (something in the lines of that) So i thought OK, i rebooted my DS then the message popped up saying: "Couldn't find _system_.dat" (something in the lines of that) I started thinking O NO!:eek: So i plugged my MicroSD Card into the adapter, then into the computer, and now my computer doesn't even recognize my SD Card, only the adapter, i have tried rebooting the computer, blowing on the SD Card, Adapter, R4,Slot-1, even the area you insert the MicroSD Card Adapter, but of course no avail.:frown: Much to my surprise there were some files in my Adapter, which are: -TTMenu.sys -YSMenu.sys (My memory is quite vague at the moment) Now I'm not so sure what to do,:confused: and please i hope I'm able to recover the files on the SD Card, i haven't updated the back ups recently, and losing all those files on my SD Card would be heart breaking, all those save files, and the R4Ysauto took ages installing, i would have to replay several games i was half done.:frown:
  10. Toodaloo for now, also: *robotic voice AcTiVaTe* Thank you the information you have given us will dramatically ease any problems we will encounter in the future. :tongue:
  11. Hello There. What are you talking about, I like the title, and i was already interested in you once i read the title, :biggrin: yeah I'm not talking about interested interested, just interested, :tongue: and L WILL find you.
  12. Is it Hoothoot, no wait it's Nocktowl, is that how you spell it, I'm too lazy to Google or Serebii it.
  13. Hello There. English please? i will just assume that says Hello, or Hey, maybe a random form of Hello.
  14. Hello There. This usually happens because they either make a topic of their introduction at a odd time, where no one is online, and i assume the majority of people click on "New Post"
  15. Hello There. Yeah of course cheating takes the fun out of Gameplay, like cheating on a test defeats the whole purpose of studying, i usually only use the cheats once i actually completed the game.
  16. I don't really take too much interest in the Anime, but if it's on i will be watching it. Yeah i can picture Brock catching the Tangrowth, maybe even the Tangrowth would assist Croagunk from restraining Brock, erm.... pretty womon obsession?
  17. Yeah that is.... semi.....no very creepy, and Dialgatwo, and Palkiatwo? seems like a strange concept, how can you fit something as small as a humanoid, into something larger then a building, unless size does matter. I've always liked Sprite Mixing, and viewing how they create, and modify different Pokemon's limbs.
  18. Hello There. WAHT we have 2 Lords! interesting i think Overlord out ranks Darklord.
  19. Hello There. Some people can be quite strange in our family.
  20. Hello There Joqu. Glad to see your back, yeah it's really confusing at first, that's what all, or most of us felt, we weren't really acquainted back in the previous forum, you are probably don't know who i am, well i was KnightVVing before, if you are able to remember, i have just changed my name, oh and there are more SMILEYS!.
  21. Ahhh a mass production of Poke Frogs! It's quite difficult determining the "Cutest" Pokemon, because people will say they like this Pokemon, and other people will say quite the opposite, but we should all agree on one thing, the cutest Pokemon is: IGGLYBUFF!
  22. Possibly when Heart Gold, and Soul Silver releases, because Pokesav is created for Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
  23. It's even weirder reading it, this thread is strangely becoming.... strange, i think it would be fine if you were females.
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