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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Yeah i was a fan, his music were like well music to my ears, and most or not all of his music actually made me wanna dance, :biggrin: and he made such an impact, when he died, there is so much contribution towards him, MTV is having top 12 songs, and the background story, etc while MSN is having quite a few videos, and in Youtube the spotlight is on M.J, and his Moonwalk was truly revolutionary. R.I.P Michael Jackson, you will forever be in my heart.
  2. HA! i thought it was a tongue until i saw the face. :biggrin: *GASP* you corrupted Mew.
  3. Hmm i have been thinking for several ....... seconds, and i have come to a conclusion, i dislike Zubat, seeing it's stupid face, and figure every time i enter a cave, or confusing my Pokemon, gah! it never killed/fainted my Pokemon, it was just so damn frustrating to handle it, so now i enter a Zubat infested cave, i bring a lot of repels.
  4. Hello There. Yeah it's kinda to find the download link around the site, although you will find everything once you spend around a week with us. >>> http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/pokesavdownload.php <<<
  5. They aren't impervious, and what they are weak against is very common types, which are Dragon and Ice, and they obtain additional weakness depending on their typing, also aren't we straying off from the topic, when did the talk started to focus on legit EV training, against Pokesaved Pokemon?
  6. Ha! so i was correct. Hmm is it Snorunt?
  7. Well in the big NZ, (New Zealand) we spell. "color" "colour" Jai Ho - Pussycat Dolls. Hate this song. *Walks over to turn off radio*
  8. Some people's sarcasm detector is broken. :tongue: Maybe "thing" is an item required for the "pogeymon" to evolve, i guess the only Pokemon that comes to mind is Magmar, oh wait it has a pre-evolution Magby, hmmmm?:confused:
  9. ^ ^ I don't know if this is fact, but when if you do have it in your Pokedex, and your tracking it, try not using fly, or the bike, I'm not sure, but when i was trying to catch Latias, those were the procedure i used. Since it's random, it's very odd, but all the Pokemon games I've played with random encounter legendaries, i have always found them near my house, like where you catch the weakest of Pokemon. So the only tip i have for you, and this is sorta of the method i follow, is grab a few Pokemon you would like to train, then train them in some area where there is grass, and your bound to found Latias.
  10. HottSushiz


    Languages i know: Tagalog - use to be fluent, but my years from speaking the language it faded away, but I'm still able to understand it very well. Spanish - semi, i learned it at school, so I'm meh. French - I chose it as an option, i was fluent but it's been a year since I've spoken the language. Maori - I'm currently taking the class, and I'm horrible at it, the only reason i took Maori was because my friend told me it was a VERY laid back class, and we it's quite often we take free period, although when we do do work, (LOL Do do) i just fail, even when i copy down all the work, and such.
  11. Defeating the sheer amount of Heartlesses in that one part, was awesome! although it was dumb that i couldn't use any drive forms while battling.
  12. And if that doesn't help, (it will) then try changing the resolution of your computer, to the appropriate size.
  13. Hmm most likely Giratina, well because it's like the odd one out, Dialga and Palkia seems like a couple, while Giratina is the 3rd wheel, which is usually the one i prefer.
  14. Metroid: Other M looks very sleek, they didn't really show any gameplay, but the way it took down some enemies, it looks like something from God of War, although it kinda makes it look like wrestling. :biggrin:
  15. Well I assume it's a sequel, so new story, it picks up where Time/Darkness left off, and i believe you are able to catch every single Pokemon that exists, not like the Time/Darkness versions, it even includes the new formes i think, and they have also added more starters, which is cool, because I'm able to become RIOLU!:grog: So will i be buying this......
  16. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Before asking questions, read Faqs, and the Rules, or you can even PM me, and i will answer them to the best of my abilities.:biggrin: or i shall give you a name of someone that would answer the questions i am unable to answer. :tongue:
  17. Hello There. Yeah, most people come to Project Pokemon for a single, or most simplest objects, but while visiting the site, they gain so much more.
  18. Well not sure that there's anything particular in mind that i would do, maybe a Faq about: "Pokesav with Flash Carts" Explaining how to use it with Pokesav, and if you encounter a problem, then it will even explain further on what methods to use to tackle the dilema. Although I'm just bouncing random ideas popping into my head, i guess I'm just here if you need any help, or you can call it "Help When Needed"?
  19. It's not a Legendary, because it's not. buwhahahahahah! Serious Reason: (attempt at being serious) To me Spiritomb isn't a legendary, well in-game it's stats don't seem that legendary, while it doesn't have any special abilities. it's typing is..... sorta of rare, although it HAS already been done before. and in-Anime, it doesn't really pose such a horror, or honored feeling, when they encountered it, like when they encountered Palkia, it posed such a threat to humanity and the dimensions. while Lugia displays hope, freedom, and relief. Lugia is a guardian after all.
  20. Well there was this once episode that i watched in the Anime, and it was pretty cool, and yes it may be an old episode/show, but i think you know why, the show is Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Battle Dimensions? and it was these people who were stealling a Riolu, who knows Aura Sphere, and the battle was cool, it was a 4 vs 4, and it was actually cool looking Pokemon, like Tyranitar and.......... can't remember oh well, Tyranitar was in it, so i was pleased.
  21. Rapidash. In Pokemon Battle Revolution, all the Pokemon that are engulfed in flames look naked, LOL! like Moltres, Rapidash, etc.
  22. :confused:Um yeah, i think i will take your answer, and put as. *Writes Mew*
  23. Wow all your sigs look spectacular, although the last sig looks messed up, :biggrin: i won't use these sigs, but they are just so fabulous, (It's just me alternating my words instead of using the word "awesome")
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