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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Well here's a list of the Flash Carts that are known to work for the DSi: Acekard 2i DSTTi R4i (which i hear is going to be run by the M3 Team) (some other i can't seem to recall) And soon to be released: M3 Zeroi. which should be an amazing card, because of the team that's behind it.
  2. Somebody is thinking about Narwhal.:tongue: Hello There. I have played Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, but i didn't clock it, it's just to repetitive, and i really didn't like the idea of if one of your party members die, they stay dead. LOL! typos are unacceptable to the dungeon. :mad:
  3. Hello There. I love the sprite and look of Blaziken in the Ranger, and must you write in red? it's getting kinda annoying, yes this maybe your first post, but your not the first person to write/type in red, it's not like i hate the colour, but when reading, i prefer a less irritating colour. Just to rephrase it, your kinda saying that your the longest active member.:tongue:
  4. Hello There. No need to brag, there are older people that still play Pokemon. :tongue:
  5. I'm guessing he is ranting about the Motion Plus, and other accessories, like those plastic imitations, where you fit your Wiimote in, like the gun, and cross bow? LOL! well that's Sony for you, take the PSP for example, they focus way more in media and graphics, which in the end, led to the current state of the PSP. I believe there really isn't a best system, because each console has it's own "better" feature, which splits it apart from the other console. The Wii has motion sensing, when it was nearly released it sounded so awesome, and the ideas were endless, although the motion sensing isn't that great, it doesn't 100% motion sense, and sometimes it's just too difficult, but the gameplay is super fun, grab a handful of friends, play games like Super Smash Bros, then the hours start to pass, i have experienced giggles, tears, and screams.:biggrin: With the Xbox 360, once we pop in Halo 3, or other games, it's all silence, all you hear is either ranting, or excuses,:tongue: but that's a different story with Left 4 Dead, all you hear is screams, and people shouting: "Witch" Boomer" Tank" Hunter" Smoker" Run!" Follow Me" Horde is coming" HELP!" ahhhh adrenaline pumping fun, while the Xbox Live thing you HAVE to pay, it just has a better experience with online, like there is way more people then Nintendo or Sony's online, and there is defiantly more Co-op games to play, comparison to PS3. PS3 is a great console, gorgeous graphics, and some... awesome games, but it didn't really do that well, the main problem with the PS3 is it's heavy price tag. But soon i think Microsoft may conquer in the future, the Wii, unless it already has, because of Project Natal, the demo was amazing, and you don't even need a controller, it's the Wii but better, while Sony's answer to the Wii is..... strange, it doesn't even motion sense, it uses the camera to sense your movement, it's just like the Eye Toy, but on a more expensive machine.
  6. Hello There. I'm HottSushiz obviously. :tongue:
  7. Yeah the odd thing when i was playing Pokemon Platinum, commonly Trainer/Gym leaders are actually using those items, although when i played Pokemon Diamond, i never came across a Trainer/Gym Leader using those X items.
  8. Well i believe there is this DSiware game coming, or already out, that you move your DSi around, and take a photos of ghosts, and such, it sounds quite fun and scary, at the same time. :tongue: Well if you have the paitence, then i suggest the M3 Zeroi, but if you don't possess paitence, (like me:biggrin:) i recommend the Acekard 2i, i choose that Flash Cart over the DSTTi, because....... erm....... i haven't really researched about the device yet.:redface:
  9. Techron, because it's impressively faster then all the other candidates. :tongue:
  10. You can't, because Pokesav can't access that part, because of some reason i can't seem to remember, (DARN! brain) although I'm sure Pokemod would include this feature........ i think.
  11. The Pokemon didn't die, although they became so weak, brittle, and old. I wish that instead of HM moves, you gain Key, or regular items in your bag, which could carry out the desired action, like you would bring a sledge hammer to destroy rocks, or a folding helicopter, so you are able to fly, even a broad sword to cut tree's.
  12. Gallade - His arms are obviously blades, what's not to like. Weavile - He's fast and powerful, plus he's all icy, and rebellious. Luxray - He looks quite lion like, he just looks wicked. Empoleon - He has a tuxedo, and his steel wings look so sharp, ouch! my eyes. Lucario - Just looks so awesome, and dark, while spikes are protruding out of his body, although i do question why he's a steel type.
  13. Or maybe someone's just bored? :tongue: we currently have quite a small amount of members, compared to other sites.
  14. Scizor, it was my absolute favorite Pokemon before i met Lucario, and Weavile, Steel types are one of my favorites types, and overall looks is just fabulous, i have nothing against Heracross, i just prefer Scizor, and i do love X-Scissoring opponents. :biggrin:
  15. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Wait isn't it Coolbho3000 the first member, or doesn't he count? oh wait I'm referring to Pokesav, not Project Pokemon silly me. :biggrin:
  16. Well legendaries aren't that too difficult, because I'm able to form my catching team, i just think the legendaries take way to long, because of the process, it's like: -Bring out Pokemon. -Status it. -False Swipe it. -Switch to Pokemon that can take a large amount if hits. -Start hurling Pokeballs. I found Giratina quite annoying, because i was unable to use False Swipe, and it was frustrating to get to the Pokemon. For status i prefer Paralyze, because they get slowed down, and quite often they are unable to do an action, while Sleep the Pokemon can break out of it, Poison it's kinda based on luck, you only have on chance until the Poison kills the Pokemon, getting the Pokemon Burned is basically the same as Poison.
  17. Also did you click on "Stats" then "All Max" you are required to so for inputting all the stats into the desired Pokemon.
  18. It's such an awesome book everything is so epic. While L and Light are so impossibly smart, in every page it makes you really think.
  19. How could of they improve the graphics, I'm pretty sure that's the DS's limit, they already used up all the memory on the DS which is 256MB, although that's untrimmed. I'm not gonna buy it...... physically, but the only problem i have with the game is it's awkward feel, playing Kingdom Hearts without an analog stick feels strange, but other then that i am really impressed, they succeeded in creating Kingdom Hearts to work in the DS, all in a smooth frame rate, and a decent amount of enemies on screen. Kudos Square Enix! it took around 1-3 years but you did it.
  20. Hello There. Pal Park for Pokesav Platinum is inaccessible, for reasons i can't seem to remember, it's either Com hasn't written the script, or it's hasn't been programmed yet, something in the lines of that. :tongue: As for wander cards, (wonder) i haven't really learned much about them, so I'm not the guy you should be asking.
  21. I recommend the M3 Real. although if you have a Wii. and you wanna play games like Pokemon Battle Revolution. then i suggest purchasing a CycloDS Evolution. although I'm not so sure how much it is in your area of the world. it's quite pricey. although it's a very high quality flash cart. But if you just want a flash cart that get's the job done at a cheat price, go for either the DSTT, or the Acekard 2, try visiting Gbatemp.net, and view some reviews on the individual flash carts. Here are some links to reliable sites to purchase your desired flash carts, and no you can't buy flash carts in retailers such as Gamestop. >>> Dealextreme.com >>> Gamebygame.com >>> Kickgaming.com If you posses a DSi, or considering purchasing a DSi in the future, then i suggest either waiting for the M3 Zeroi, or buy the Acekard 2i, which are compatible with the DSi, and Lite. If you have any further question(s) feel free to PM me. :biggrin:
  22. Hello There. Well I'm a Metal Sushi...... and it's a Hot Metallic Sushi. :biggrin
  23. Eeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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