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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. May i join, I'm not really sure what i could, do although if you gave me a specific job, i will do them to the best of my ability....... and i don't really have anything better to do, well i have to do my homework, although i could just wake up early, and do it then. :tongue:
  2. What's so bad about Galaxy? I really want to try out the Project Natal for Xbox 360, it's like the Wii but a upgrade, a ridiculously large upgrade, but i think the only think the 1 game that was announced in E3 that is going to make this year slow for me is.......... Left 4 Dead 2, or maybe Golden Sun DS, but there is Scribblenauts, although Megaman Starforce Black Ace, and Red Joker look really wicked, Eeek! :eek: i can't decide.
  3. So you can use other Pokemon? I thought it was only starters, oh well i guess i was wrong which was a good thing? :tongue: I would get Mew, or Groudon to follow me, since Groudon is the heaviest Pokemon, but if they had the same effect with Regice in Pokemon Ranger, then i would defiantly pick Regice, or maybe the ball formed Pokemon, and they could roll around, ha this games sounds so good.
  4. It's kinda too bright for my taste, although it looks pretty.... pretty.:biggrin:
  5. I posted that image already,:biggrin: i found it off DeviantArt.
  6. This is just a suggestion, but shouldn't you mention if the Pokemon that have been included are "legal looking" or to be more specific, what levels, gender, nature, moveset, item, if EVs, or IVs are included. even list the Pokemon that will be in the file. :biggrin:
  7. I don't think that would be such a good game, because Mystery Dungeon games are games you should play on the go, i don't think it's a type of genre where you must sit down, and play on a TV.
  8. Well seeing this is a free service, (right? :biggrin:) then take all the time you need, i don't think it should have any due time.
  9. Yeah i hate Naruto also.:rolleyes: I too rarely watch it.... because it's not on anymore, and when it is on, it's like the first episode, why does New Zealand Sky is behind in everything, we aren't even in the Shippuden episodes yet, usually when it gets to the episode where it was before it repeats, it goes on and repeats again! :mad: Even though i don't watch the Anime, i still plan on watching the movies, because they actually seem interesting, also I'm very curious in what happens. oh and NZ Sky is slow in movies too, the latest Pokemon movie is Rise of Darkrai. :frown:
  10. Hello There. Interesting avatar did you draw that?
  11. Sowwi it's just a natural habit when I'm typing a name, i always seem to press shift, i guess i will force my body's natural habit for you. :tongue: Do you put the image as stretch, because it doesn't really look good when it's stretch, then i have to resort to Centre, but see those black outlines creating space, just doesn't feel right, i guess i could try changing my resolution to fit background.
  12. Well when i hear my voice through my ears, (duh:tongue:) it sounds like i have a dark, or low voice, although everyone else says it's medium? or normal? I don't think i will upload my voice, well because i don't want to. :biggrin:
  13. :confused:.................................................................... .................................................................................. ..................................................................................... .........................erm that was strange, i could see you doing that we a couple of friends, but i think, I'm just gonna stop talking. :redface:
  14. LOL!:biggrin: I guess i could try it out, can you please make a sig of: Minato Namikaze Kakashi Hatake Itachi Uchia Before i actually never wanted Sasuke, but for me it felt guilty if i asked them to create it again, just without Sasuke, but even though i never wanted Sasuke, it looks pretty cool with him. I actually mistyped it, i was suppose to type in Itachi's last name, but i somehow typed in Sasuke ....strange.:bidoof: How would you get angry if someone creates another "Sig Creating Thread' it's like buisness, if a small dairy with more vairety of food and drinks, with cheaper price, near another dairy that's been there quite a while, he can't really do anything. Yes this has happened in real life, it's quite sad, because everyone knows the guy in the original dairy, and he's very friendly, like if you went to buy a drink that would be $1.50, he would say $150 dollars, or 1 million, the first time he said it to me, i thought he was being serious, and i got such a shock.:eek: EDIT: Whoops me forgot, also add me name somewhere, can you also use the same font, it looks very fancy.
  15. Why are you always seem to be using Mewtwo, sure it leads into A LOT of creative concepts to be thought of, but i would like to see more of a variety of the Pokemon you use in your genetic experiments.:tongue:
  16. I meant fully training, which includes EV, IV, and whatnot. For me, since i spam the Elite 4, it takes a few hours if i just want their level high. :biggrin:
  17. Hello There. Your avatar seems alright to me, although possibly the community contains kids, leaving them exposed to the words that would rot the brain. Don't know why I'm saying, that I'm pretty sure children have been already subjected to cursing, either though Parents,School, and any form of Media.
  18. ^ ^ Yeah BUT! you will possibly regret spending that much time training Pokemon, and eventually some people go through a stage in life where they just despise Pokemon, it's quite a sad event, but it happens. Fully training a Pokemon can take weeks, in those weeks you probably can do something more productive, while Pokesaving takes a few minutes, depending on your skill level.
  19. Well even though i didn't really know you that well, i will miss you like a brother..... or maybe a Goldfish, reading the post of people that were in the previous forums, it sounds pretty sad i think i may cry. *tear* Although i don't know what you are referring to about Serebii, and i may never know, good bye friend that i never knew.
  20. Actually we aren't. mine are the following, and of course they're gonna be the starters, they are the first Pokemon you get in the game, unless you hack/cheat. (My memory is quite vague so i will do my best) -Red - Charizard. -Blue - Blastoise. -Gold - Typhlosion. -Ruby - Sceptile. -Sapphire - Swampert. -Emerald - Sceptile. -Firered - Venasaur. -Diamond - Infernape. And I'm to lazy to play Platinum, Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier, and Knights in Nightmare just keeps on beckoning.:biggrin:
  21. lul i can picture myself or you saying JAHOOZE! i watched Land of the Lost yesterday, i loved his erm.... cry? or it's not really a catch phrase, because he only said it once, anywhom don't know what to call, it but here it goes. "holy Captain Kirk's nipples" LMAO!
  22. Yeah it responds way faster, the Rocket Dock skin suites your desktop very well.
  23. Yeah when you first signed up, i saw that as your avvie, it's like a hybrid of a Unicorn, and Whale, my friend thinks the massive horn is it's teeth, but it looks to be it's on it's forehead.
  24. It looks beautiful Steve. :tongue: Damio can you send me the background of your Desktop, it looks too epic. Enkidu what's that thing on the top left of your screen, that says FFox etc, it looks pretty slick. Which do you think is better Rocket Dock, or Object Dock, Object Dock seems to have more options of skinning it to different alterations, although Rocket Dock loads up faster, yes i am using them simultaneously. :biggrin:
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