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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Your welcome, glad to of helped you out.:biggrin:
  2. Well mine is a slightly modified version of Smogon's Typhlosion, which suits my style. :cool: Typhlosion @ Life Orb Mild/Rash \ Blaze 144 Atk / 252 SpA / 112 Spe ~ Eruption ~ Focus Punch / HP Ice ~ Overheat ~ Earthquake I love this lead, it either kills every Pokemon it faces, or drastically lowers their HP... unless they either resist, or is immune to Typhlosion, which is my you have Earthquake, HP Ice, or Focus Punch, Overheat is in there when you are low in HP, and when Blaze is activated, also when Eruption isn't as powerful, and Focus Punch is there when you encounter a Pokemon you predict is going to switch, you then pulverize, it's 2HKO against Blissey.
  3. Well if you want to master, or learn more about EVs, and i think IVs, visit here if you haven't already: >>> http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=925601&topic=38648412 Well to get the exact, or close to the stats Smogon suggest, you will see these numbers for example this Scizor set: 32 HP / 252 Atk / 224 Spe That represents how much EVs you should apply in each of the above said stats, if there are stats you can't see there, then DON"T place any EVs in that specific stat, EV training is a very very VERY tedious task, that would require commitment, and determination, it would take months creating your ideal team, but thanks to Pokesav, that tedious work doesn't even exist, although having to make the Pokemon LOOK Legit can be a boring task. In the Pokemon Edit Menu, you would find a EV box, that's the area where you apply the stats you see in Smogon, or the one stated before, the other stats without numbers you just leave with a 0, IVs are basically what slightly improves your max stats, like you would have a higher number of a specific stat, then someone without any IVs, you can have a total of 31 IVs in each stat, but to make it look more legit, just give one stat 31, and others a lower number, and I'm not to sure if Smogon optimized having max IVs. Once you apply the numbers to the area that is appropriate, you are also required to click on the Stats Edit button, above the type of Pokemon, and next to the name of the Pokemon, you must click on All Max for the EVs, and the IVs to be set to the Pokemon, failing to do so will result in the EV, or IV, not being applied to the Pokemon..... I think, i haven't done that before.
  4. I believe Action Replay utilizes codes? so it may be wiser instead to export your Pokemon requirements for codes, or you may want to look into converting the .duc file into .sav, or what ever save file you desire to convert in, I'm not so sure if converting it works with .duc, because i haven't experience using AR Max Duo, just those uncommon, unpopular Flash Carts.
  5. WHOA now my mind is racing about Darkrai, although i would prefer Darkrai being a legendary uber. It's pretty obvious Gamefreak did run out of ideas while making more Pokemon, so they possibly looked throughout their Pokemon creations, and sprung an idea out of one, or more, and created a Pokemon. I think the shapes on Togepi, and the Jet looking Pokemon, represent their Psychicness? well that's the only thing I'm able to think of.
  6. Well i believe that the Acekard 2i is currently the best for DSi Flash Carts. but unless miraculously springs up a Cycloi or M3i, then the Acekard 2i is the safe choice, it was also the very first flash cart to be working on the DSi. The R4 isn't as horrible as most people think, i was one of the few thousands who thought that the R4 is an outdated piece of junk, but it's more it's actually slightly better then the regular updated Flash Carts you see today, it's compatibility is phenomenal, well if you install the R4YSauto menu, which eliminates most, or not all of the problems you would encounter of using the R4, but there is a catch, it uses slightly more battery power, what i mean by compatibility, is that it is able to run technically every single DS Rom out there, even the really hard to get working Roms, for example: Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and by the way they all work flawlessly.
  7. Jigglypuff. They should make a move that utilizes Jigglypuff's Marker/Microphone.
  8. Well i don't hate cats, but i don't really like them, there was a cat walking around our lawn, (this happened 4 years ago) and it felt really helpless, and cute, so i gave it some food, then my brother told me to leave the cat alone, but i kept looking at the cat through the window, and it seemed so helpless, it started curling around my legs, and brushing it's face towards me, but then it was meowing several times, then to my horror it's mouth was around my leg, i screamed assuming there would be a sharp pain afterwords, but nothing, it felt like a injection, it didn't hurt, even though there was no pain, i felt fear surround me, so i started backing away, then running into the house, and my Mum had to disinfect me, boy did that sting, i was only 10 years old by then. I have never seen a dog shown it's aggression like how that cat did, so now i really dislike ginger cats from that incident, that happened 4 years ago, and all of the ginger cats i have seen throughout the places i have visited, they all seem aggressive, or more cautious, like there are several cats living in the my street, and when i walk my dog, the cats don't run away, they just stare at my dog lazily, as if they know my dog can't reach them, but when i pass by the house with the ginger cat, when it sees my dog it goes into it's form of pouncing look, it never does pounce, but it's a term i would use to describe it.
  9. Disintegrated into oblivion.
  10. I wouldn't call it crappy, although i wouldn't call it awesome either, i guess i will call it better then anything i could do, well i wouldn't know, because i haven't tried myself.
  11. Hello There. I'm also a Kakashi Hatake fan, or Naruto fan for that matter, or you can call me an Anime fan, but seriously just call me by my username.
  12. Wait which is better Rocketdock, or Objectdock, I'm currently using Objectdock, i had this program that changed my log on screen into something else, i changed it into Itachi, i also had this program which changed my loading screen, when it starts up, into this Hydra thing, you are able to see my desktop in that other thread.
  13. Ulquorria looks so awesome, and do you know how to pronounce his name, and i always seem to spell his name wrong, i either have it in Copy, and Paste, or i just Google his name.
  14. This Batman seems more realistic, and creepy sort of, it's like Spider-Mans Web of Shadows, it was a more realistic "Better" Spider-Man.
  15. Feraligator...... RAWR!
  16. Guess what? (rhetorical question) well i have thought of another reason of what persuaded into DON"T WATCH THE ANIME! well when i was a kid, i always hated Jigglypuff for always having to sing, then everyone falls asleep, then Jigglypuff get's angry, and dishes out it's vengeance with marker pens, and now I'm slightly matured, (not really) and older, and i just plainly miss that concept, I demand they bring it back, i want to laugh mockingly at their funny faces.:kikkoman:
  17. AWWW lucky! ...Chimchar.
  18. I have just recently recovered from a fever, really bad sore throat, runny nose, wheeziness, (thanks Asthma) and a coughing fit, they all lasted around 2 weeks. it was horrible, it was bad enough i had to drink the capsule anti-bioethics, (is that spelt right?) which hurts even more with the sore throat, the coughing fits were down right annoying, i would just randomly woke up then cough back to sleep, I'm pretty sure i wasted like 2-5 tissue boxes, i wasn't able to walk my dog for AGES! poor doggie.
  19. Hello There. It's a pleasure to be meeting you.
  20. Can you please explain further in detail so we are able to assist you, for example what are the steps you are taking, what error is showing up, or was isn't showing up that you desire to.
  21. You know what they did with WoW, (World of Warcraft) they should do that with Pokemon, recently when i was walking home, and my dog, I've been thinking a FULL 3-D Pokemon world, completely beyond Pokemon Battle Revolution, like you could walk around, and you can see people battling with Pokemon in the online word, either 2 vs 2, or 1 on 1, you turn right, and left, there's 3-D battling, or a market, even a Pokecentre, maybe just maybe in the near by future, Nintendo would release Pokemon to a console that can make Pokemon full 3-D, just imagine playing Pokemon in full Blueray/HD quality..... AWESOME!
  22. WOW! I'm gonna send this to all of my friends, but at least cows aren't growing wings any time soon, or it's not just the Pigeons you have to look for, and if you look at the bright side, there will be a unlimited supply of cow pies.
  23. Pretty much, we had a previous debate about this subject in the ex forum, some say you can pass if EVs are right, some say it's the nature etc.
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