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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Another cute thread? oh well better prevent from Damio from entering. My cute Pokemon are between Mew, and Igglybuff, seriously would you say no to this wittle face, and yes this is the same image of Mew, i used in the previous forum, and cute thread. and heck i will even throw an adorable picture of Riolu :biggrin:
  2. Hello There. I also find introductions semi difficult, but all i do is just read some other introductions, and take from there.
  3. This was an always reoccurring thought, every time I grew a berry, or migrated Pokemon, I always assumed when you insert the cartridge into the DS, it somehow connects with the inbuilt clock.
  4. That's why people have invented, or created, "No Random Encounters":biggrin:
  5. Erase - Chris Brown. Yeah i know, but the beat, and lyrics sound so wicked.
  6. I was gonna make a thread about this, but i thought that the Newbot will, and there you go, it did, this is another game i won't be playing anytime soon.
  7. CoRrEcT! a rather simple question.
  8. Uhhhh, Leftovers, and Premier Ball.
  9. What i mean by bland is that well erm.... the image is sort of slightly faded out, or like when you print a picture, and the ink is quite low, the quality of the image isn't at best, sorry that's the best how i can explain it, as i stated previously, it's quite difficult for me to describe. :eek:Ha you recreated it? kinda makes me feel guilty,:redface: but they look so awesome, I'm about to go into my control panel,:biggrin: and Pokemonfan's background looks wicked, what is that effect Green Gases? while Telos background suits the character, and the Anime, also the way you both did my name, that was something i was sorta aiming for, and you did a really good job of it. now i have another problem, i can't seem to decide which avatar to use, hmmm, maybe i should flip a coin. EDIT: i can't find my wallet.:frown: EDIT2: Found it! it was in my pocket.... i thought it was my DS, anyway Pokemonfan: Head, and Telos: Tails. Flip1:....Heads Flip2:....Heads Flip3:....Tails guess I'm using Pokemonfans.
  10. I guess i will go, this certain Pokemon attack stat can reach 471 max, it has the 2nd highest attack out of every Pokemon, falling behind Deoxys.
  11. Since it's only for competitive play, there's really no way that it could screw up your game, or computer, but having too many of those codes like walk through walls, the map coordination, weather modifier, etc. but when you activate too many codes, sure your game freezes, but you just restart your game, and it's ok... but that's why you create backups.
  12. Stuttering - Mario awesome song to dance with.
  13. Have you seen some videos on Youtube of people destroying their Nintendo DS Lite, it takes a hell of a beating, and it survives so much, there was a really good video of testing the DS durability, but unfortunately it has been removed, and the bottom screen is probably the toughest part of the DS Lite. Facts ( I will try) ~Improved Battery Life. ~Brighter, it will make games look so much better, especially those dark area games like Zelda, or Dark Spire, even Avalon Code. ~Lighter it actually becomes a portable console, that you can fit in your pocket easier then the Phat. ~I think it has improved wireless, because when playing Bleach Dark Soul, while it loads, the Lite seems to download the data faster then the Phat. ~Improved stylus, making it thicker, defiantly reduces the chances of the stylus swinging out, or slipping down. I'm not so sure if it has improved wireless, but it seems to be, with the experience I've been through, when VSing my friends.
  14. Probably the only thing i like about iTunes is the Visualizer ...pretty colours. is there anything portable device that supports that feature i assumed a iPod product would maybe some 3rd developer has released something similar Also typing on the iPhone/iPod Touch, then typing on a actual keyboard, it felt like heaven.
  15. I don't believe Pokesav can cause any problems, but maybe you should be careful where you save your AR Codes in?
  16. Wow tough life dude, as everyone stated previously, contact authorities, or unless you don't want to, because your father maybe put in prison, and in some cases kids just love their family so much, that they wouldn't want them gone, and what is your real age? you don't need to say that, but just curious. just saying i was about 11 years old? when i joined the site.
  17. :eek:3? Thank you Pokemonfan for notifying me?:confused: Sorry it's Friday, which is basically a busy day for me, had to go to Basketball, then help my friend install YSMenu on his DSTT, and getting Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days, Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars, and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time to work for him, then when i got home, i had to walk my dog for an hour or so. Pokemonfan's one looks psychedelic, with the rainbow, but my name is quite difficult to read, and I'm not really into rainbows, but overall looks pretty.:biggrin: Telos's one looks pretty cool, and with the shuriken flying past, very nice,:tongue: although the image of Minato, kinda looks bland, i can't really describe it. Enkidu's one looks very creative, with the speech bubble, and yeah i can see how hard it is trying to fit all of that creativeness into a small square/rectangularish shape, they all look awesome, but something about the image, it's like bland, or not sure how to describe, it i will defiantly use them... in different forums, or when i get bored of my current avatar.
  18. Hello There. I discovered Pokesav by researching anyway to get an advantage to obtaining Pokemon through my Flash Cart and since Google has always been there with me i ended up here, well not here, i first ended up in the previous forum.
  19. Well i will guess i could try it out, i would like an avatar of ..... probably Minato Namikaze, and i would like my name on it, and make it visible, but not too distracting that you focus on the name, instead of the picture, and can you please use this type of Minato, because there is quite a few versions of him, and this seems to be my favorite. When i mean by this type of Minato, it doesn't necessarily mean use that image, just a image that looks similar. Thanks
  20. It was a pretty good idea, which breaks down the basics of Pokemon to beginners.
  21. That's a lot of requirements for such a simple concept, although i won't be purchasing a slot 2 device anytime soon.
  22. You should see how simple getting AR Codes, or bundles in a Flash Cart. and yeah, like some that have posted above, it doesn't feel natural, and using the mouse as a touch screen? feels even more awkward.
  23. Well it's only 2 games, and when you put them in abbreviations, people are most likely to miss it out, and there's even a higher chance of missing it out, when the list consist of abbreviations.
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