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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. I find it pointless announcing a game that is far from being released, or announcing a game that hasn't even been completed, why couldn't they announce it a week, or month until release date, the interwebz news goes blindingly fast, heck that's what commercials are for. Sorry i seriously have no paitence to wait, there are numerous games that I'm getting over excited for, that i can't be bothered to wait, my top 5: (for anyone who cares:biggrin:) (list may vary) 1-Kingdom Hearts 358/2. 2-Pokemon Heart Gold/ Soul Silver. 3-Scribblenauts. 4-Golden Sun. 5-Professor Layton and the Diabolical box, or Phantasy Star 0.
  2. Thanks a lot Newbot/Fenzo/<insert Mod/Admin here> now I'm way more hyped, this year is gonna ROCK! first there's Heart Gold, and Soul Silver, and now Mystery dungeon, woot Pokemon.
  3. HottSushiz


    Hello There. *Sarcasm Activate* Wow best introduction EVA!
  4. You forgot: Halo: ODST. Halo: Reach. Crackdown 2. Left 4 Dead 2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Shadow Complex. and Microsoft's answer to the Wii, with it's on Facial, Speech, and Movement recognition. There is even more games that is making this, and next year SlOw.
  5. STARTERS! and in my opinion, or in Gamefaqs IMO, i think the 2nd game was the revolution of Pokemon, or the most creative, and intuitive out of the Pokemon games.
  6. That's all i want, and by weird don't you mean different, or unique maybe, even new, i would really want to see a Fire/Water type, and what it would look like, or maybe a Steel/Ice, or Ice/Dragon, i demand more typing, but with the new moves, I'm getting second thoughts, because it may reshape the competitive gameplay again, but abilities i would like to see GameFreak attempt to make new abilities that haven't been done before, or are very similar to the already existed ones.
  7. How do you know that nothing rare lived there? >_> and i don't think it would be evil eating Pokemon, because well in Pokemon world, they swap out animals for Pokemon, so anyone up for some Miltank, i mean steak.
  8. Well i was aiming for either Cyndaquil, or Tododile, but i got Munchlax which was still awesome, but he didn't get the best of moves, although he was pretty hard to take down, and my partner became Cyndaquil which was a plus.
  9. I'm flabbergasted at the reason why no one hasn't stated this big fish/mammal. come on every time you look at it you just want to cry out, WAAAAIIIIILLLLOOOOORD!
  10. Yeah i was planning to get large angel like wings on my back, but i figured it would hurt a lot, LOL, I'm not too good with pain, well it depends, those big hard pain, like what you get from punches, I'm alright with that, because that type of pain goes away fast, but like getting a paper cut, the stinging pain, yeah i can't really handle that. This is my idea of angel like wings that i was planning to get:
  11. Ohh, Fenzo you dirty little man. :wink: HaPpY BiRtHdAy SaToShI!!! FYI my birthday was May 22nd:frown:
  12. Whoa, when did this topic come back from the dead, anywhom everyone knows Mew is gonna win, stop denying the FACT!
  13. Oh well i was referring into the Anime, where Togepi would glow strange blue, and do a powerful psychic action, and then Misty and co would stare awkwardly, at Togepi, or was it that they never found out it was Togepi, who did it.
  14. I feel that it's not just the parents, it's also everyone else, the environment, technically everything can cause either good, or a bad child, usually the bad child are either spoiled, or have not the greatest of parents, or even their school gives them pressure, or school kids ridicule, and mock them, which causes them to become a person no one would want as a child. It's similar to the teacher, and pet, concept that there's no such thing as a bad student/pet, it's the teacher/owner, when the student fails, the teacher also fails, reason being is that the teachers job is to teach the student to succeed through what ever the teacher is required to teach.
  15. Wow that sounds pretty cool, although that kinda neglects the other Pokemon which in need of more Folklore. Take for example: Banette, if i remember recall correctly the Pokedex states that: "A doll that became a Pokemon over it's grudge from being junked, it seeks out the child that disowned it. That's pretty creepy, i remember when i first read that, i said to myself i will never ever purchase a doll, unfortunately i have a Sister, so every time i find her doll, i hide in a travel bag, it still might be there, it was only around 6 years ago.
  16. :eek:Cool! unfortunately I'm to young to get a tattoo,:frown: but when I'm old enough i plan to get a tattoo of an eagle in a sun near my shoulders, or a set of all ace of cards on my shoulder. This may be an annoying question, but does it hurt, and how much, like what do you have to do during the "operation" and after, like I'm so not gonna get any piercing, because of the crap my siblings had to go through. The Eagle to me represents freedom, and the ability to express free willingly, while the cards just look cool,:cool: or they could possibly represent that life is to short to be all serious, that everyone needs a laugh.
  17. Also remember that Birth By Sleep is a PSP exclusive game, i haven't heard of any "Real" Kingdom Hearts game being released to any 3rd gen console. I'm currently playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, sure it's in Japanese, sure i can't understand it, but i was too excited to wait for the US Release, and i just wanted to try it out, and I'm astonished on how they actually made it work for the DS, the only flaw i can think of while playing is the annoying camera.
  18. Ah too bad, oh well, it's not that wasted, at least i have learned more about Max Duo.
  19. I'm just guessing the Pokemon anime is pretty much aimed at a lower audience. and i believe kids don't really care about what beats what. evolution is stronger then first form, all that complicated stuff, for kids, and toddlers, which only want to see a small cute little mouse, defeat towering monsters a billion times it's size, and i also think that's the message the anime is portraying, that no matter how small you are, you can make a difference..... ok that sounds lame, like Disney channel.
  20. Hello There, Wow Sweden awesome.
  21. "Passion" by Utada Hikaru. Which i believe is the theme song to Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
  22. Hmm it varies on the situation, yeah i wouldn't mind the laws, and i would definatly DON"T wanna see someone walking their Lion. But the Hamsters? I'm gonna go Hulk on them.
  23. Hmm i know a cure: An army of Swinub killing Magikarps.... ohh yeah
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