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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Why is everyone looking at me, i didn't stuff the ballot. Hello There.
  2. THBP i haven't seen, or maybe heard you around for ages, anywhom aren't you using a Flash Cart, but I'm not so sure how to fix it, maybe you should of backed up your saved game, all i can really think of is try using a different sav file, or start a new game.
  3. Ugh is that the end of rant, i don't see it being such a nonsense, or a problem, it's just there, and i don't think it improves anything, and there Pokemon, that can make grass slash you, or some how make their small little tail into something that is hard as steel, or create a blizzard out of nowhere, so i believe it's safe to say that they deserve all uppercase capitals in their name, and maybe Gamefreak thought it looked cool.
  4. WAAAAAIIIIILLLLLOOOORRRD. i love his little chant thing.
  5. Well i have the most awesomest dog i could ever, have her name is Queena, or is it spelt Quiena, she's a German Shepherd female, and German Shepherds and Huskies are my favorite dogs, although unfortunately i do not own a husky myself, i have also owned a budgie, chickens, and rabbits. -Chickens: Sky and Cloud. -Budgie: Sky. (we liked the name is it suits the bird quite well) -Rabbits Doose, and Dice. While i have been reading the post, this thread is turning out more to a memorial, then a "What kind of pet do you have" i nearly cried, so STOP TELLING YOUR SAD SAD STORIES!:mad: i will soon wait..... eventually, upload the images of my dog, as soon as my laziness fades away.
  6. Uh Hello There? you have been with Pokesav/Project Pokemon for ages, and you choose to introduce yourself now? o well who cares.
  7. Wow already seem to be friends, anyway: Hello There. (<---- my form of welcoming new members of the family so DON'T STEAL!)
  8. Hello There Random Fact: in Maori Kai means food, anywhom i don't see what's so embarrassing, although I'm only 14 (just turned 14 last friday) so i don't think i would know, but just saying playing Pokemon competitively..... Pokemon isn't for kids.
  9. RAWR! yourself. Hello There, I'm well, you should already know my user name.
  10. There is already a store where you are able to download small unimpressive games, and web browsers, and other functions. I believe it's safe to say that your mind is set upon to purchasing a DS Lite, i would suggest buying a DSi in about 2-5 years, when it has "better" DSiware, and when your DS Lite wears, and tears. One more thing, how does the NDS Phat: do we really have that much members, or are the mods spamming.
  11. Wow your very nice, spreading the death/faint of Pikachu, I just feel neutral towards Uberchu, it's just Ash giving it steroids.
  12. ^ ^ Lol i would love to, too bad I'm feel really lazy right now anywhom, Give Mewtwo.
  13. I've always liked Brock, with his delicious Pokemon food, not that i would know, and his squinting/closed eyes, back in the day me, and my brother/friends would impersonate Brock by closing our eyes, and begin to flirt with each other. (for laughs;))
  14. I believe that's the method to make the G6 Real, and possibly the Touchpod to connect to the Wii, but I'm not sure if it connects with Platinum, because I'm unable to test this out, well because i do not possess a Cyclo, or G6 at time of posting.
  15. I have a few, sure some songs are old, but brings back some memories, ah good times. The Fray - Never Say Never Chris Brown - Erase Keri Hilson ft Kanye West & Ne-Yo - Knock you Down Mario - Stuttering Usher - U Got It Bad Red Jump Suit Apparatus - Face Down - Guardian Angel Green Day - (new album i can't remember) T-Pain ft Chris Brown - Freeze Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow T-Pain - Church The Fray - Trust Me The Fray - Found Me The Fray - Little House Paramore - Emergency Fortminor - Remeber the Name YellowCard - Way Away
  16. If i recall correctly wasn't developer orange, or did they modify it.
  17. *GASP* i never knew you did NOT have a DS, i find that quite strange, because the previous forum was technically all about Pokesav, which relates to the DS. This is kinda of a difficult question, because the DSi has a lot of potential, because of the camera, music, SD card, and DSiware. sure some people feel they are unwanted, but they can lead to extraordinary ideas. Currently at the moment the DSi is pretty much what every hater thinks, so it's safe to say go for the DS Lite, sure it has less ram, but it lasts longer, not that it matters, like i don't know anyone who plays their hand held longer 3 hours, and the DS lite has more avaliable options for the Flash Cart section, if you are thinking of purchasing one. The only thing the DSi cut out, was the slot-2, sure i don't use the slot-2 in any form of way, but it leaves some of the intuitive ideas to spring up, like Guitar Hero that was really creative, i never thought of playing it like that, and it cuts out the extra ram your able to plug in your DSi, but i think the extra ram that comes with the DSi is enough to cover it. Although the smoothness of the DSi matte top seems to really attract me into purchasing one, maybe in the nearby future, or far future, the DSi will seem like a better choice, but one thing i envy about DSi users is the camera, like distortion lens, or other features your able do, it seems all fun yeah, it sounds strange, inviting a few friends and taking pictures, but it doesn't really matter.
  18. F.... f...... f ...... Flareon? (no i already said that many time before) hmmm. *idea* Feraligator!
  19. Wow that was very interesting, and i can understand the logic your getting at, and it makes perfect sense, but i have never thought of the legendaries like that, i was just happy that here was those uber powerful Pokemon that could solo the Elite 4, while your pitiful Pokemon couldn't.
  20. Bellsprout.....ah i hate that Pokemon's chant, I'm so sick of hearing it in the Anime.
  21. Well it looks like someone hasn't seen PressureDactyl, or other forms of those move set Pokemon, but the ability's sometimes determine the outcome of the battle, like with Drought, Drizzle, and Hydration, it makes the uber Pokemon, more well....Uber.
  22. As far as I'm concerned, the CycloDS Evolution, and the G6 Real are the only avaliable Flash Carts that I've seen that is able to connect to the Wii, but with the G6 Real, you first require to go into a specific mode to connect.
  23. Swampervert. (sorry i couldn't resist the temptation)
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