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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Of course Maple Story is boring, i never had fun playing it...... only in Party Quests, but it's 99.5% addictiveness, i got so sucked in, i played it for 3 years, and my highest level is like 49. Yeah well even though i played it for ages, i usually just assist lower leveled players with their quest, and grinding needs. I one day i was so addictive to Maple Story, that i actually played it for 20 hours straight, there goes the weekend, i ended up waking up on the floor, i guess i fell of the chair. :biggrin: Although attempting to hack Maple Story, and toying around with files, seems to be quite enjoyable, but i could never use Cheat Engines, either i was doing something incorrect, or i simply fail using those programs, i just can't use them, so i prefer editing the .WIZ files with a hex editor.
  2. *Looks under bed* -I found 5 small non-moving Pokemon toys under my bed. -Charmander slippers which unfortunately don't fit. -2 Pokemon movies. Do games count? because I'm happily to inform you, that i have successfully retrieved Pokemon Yellow,Blue and Gold, from the endless pit of my garage. -A Pikachu plushie. -Jigglypuff Super Bouncy Ball. *Goes through closet* oooo! i find a Pokemon themed duvet..... that still in it's packaging, i guess i have never used it.
  3. LOL, I'm still using XP too, it's been so reliable all these years. From what I've experience and heard, it's sorta of a yes or no answer, because the Desktop Vista my Mum purchased 2 years after my XP, it soon became slow, very very slow, it's a way better computer then my XP laptop, but mine runs so much faster. But with my friends upgraded computer, which is more cheaper then buying a whole new one apparently, and from what he keeps on bragging, it seems that it's not going to be buggy anytime soon. Although i wouldn't risk it, if monies isn't an obstacl,e i would suggest buying an Asus brand computer, well if your into gaming. :biggrin:
  4. What do you mean by "Don't work" can you please be more specific, what problems occurred. And you can generate Pokemon to appear in your Party, or Box. But your able to do more in dept editing, when you create a Pokemon in your party.
  5. Granted! but it's just a watered down version of Pokemon Dash..... and your a Slowpoke. I wish the main Pokemon games got released to the PS3/Xbox 360 in full 3D!
  6. WOOT I'm $20.00 richer:kikkoman:................... Right?:wink: May you link to the vid, because it would save precious time, from weaving throughout Youtube's plethora of videos, which last time i check was a bazillion.:biggrin:
  7. To generate Action Replay codes, first edit anything you want to change in Pokesav. After you're finished editing, press the "AR DS Code Output" button on the main window. In the output screen, check the boxes depending on what you edited (for example, if you edited the ID and Secret ID, check those boxes). Now press "save file." Pokesav will export all the necessary Action Replay codes as an XML file. Import this file into the Action Replay Code Manager and transfer the codes to your ARDS. Now run the codes with Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. Pressing L+R will activate the codes. If it's not possible to import them into the Code Manager, you can also manually paste the codes in. Open the exported XML file with Notepad or another text editor. Inside there will be two codes, one specific to Diamond and one specific to Pearl. Make sure you grab the one appropriate for your version. Ignoring the XML formatting, copy the raw Action Replay code into the code manager. Do not activate too many different codes at once, as this may crash the game or cause undesirable effects. If the game crashes after pressing L+R, try disabling codes one at a time until the game works. Hope that helps. That information was easily access through the main website. So please research before making new threads.
  8. The temperature of the air around a bolt of lightning is about 54,000° Fahrenheit (30,000° Celsius), which is six times hotter than the surface of the sun. Remarkably, many people have been struck by lightning and survived. American park ranger Roy Sullivan, for example, was hit by lightning seven times between 1942 and 1977. As long as the lightning does not pass through the heart or spinal column, the victim of a lightning strike will most likely survive. With that being said how does one survive a strike that's hotter then the surface of the sun? while people are able to get fried a billion miles away? I believe in both really because it requires Luck to get striked by lightning also it's a miracle surviving it I give my some of my life to Lady Luck, as I'm a person who is just terrible with decisions, even rather simple ones, like choosing a Snicker Bar from a Mars bar, so since last last Monday, i have chosen to settle it by flipping a coin. Sometimes i question if Miracle is Luck, vice versa, or one is both, because if you were in critical condition, and must be rushed to the hospital, but alas there is a mile worth of traffic, your not in a ambulance, and you don't have much time left, is it a miracle that you arrive in the hospital in time, or luck that you somehow get through the stream of traffic? Luck an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another Miracle a marvellous event manifesting a supernatural act of a divine agent Perhaps there is no answer to such question, as humans may not be able to search the answer, or it is comprehensible, although the human brain isn't able to process it. The definition of the two terms seems rather similar, but maybe that's not the correct definition, and maybe the human species hasn't correctly labeled it.
  9. Granted BUT! your just a slightly insignificant darker shade of green. I wish Luxray's typing was Electric and dark. (He so looks like a Dark type)
  10. Hmm i don't think a Smeargle would fit in with the badges, it would be the odd one out, like next to wraith's metal badges, the Smeragle would just seem strange. :tongue:
  11. The thing that doesn't appeal to me is that your playing as kids, i would of preferred adults that seem more intimidating, and strong. :biggrin:
  12. Ohhhhh i see, well i don't really know anything about NO$GBA, yeah i believe it's the best emulator around. So sowwi I'm unable to assist you.
  13. WHAAAT NZ! I never knew there was an event taking place, or is it even an event?
  14. Dragonite.... well because he looks so cute and flaffy, :biggrin: also i never liked the look of Salemence, even if he's stronger, i just don't like him, i guess because he came from Hoenn, there are only a handful of Pokemon that i like from that region, plus Salemence sounds like Salami. I think i prefer this sprite of Dragonite, :tongue: he looks WAY more bulkier.
  15. Physically Impossible? it's Pokemon little creates the size of a mouse can kill, while a Skitty can mate with a Wailord, and that's possible? It's quite obvious Ash would be chosen to be the Aura Guardian, although i would of prefer someone else, i don't know why, but main characters don't appeal to me, they always make them overpowered, i think i prefer Brock, or Tracey.
  16. Uh what Flash Cart device are you using? this problem is rather peculiar, and i guess i haven't had much experience with such dilemmas.
  17. Hello There. <--- My form of welcoming new members to the family. I take it your a One Piece fan, oh and very impressive sig, it looks very cool from that shade of blue, with the scribbles, it looks very clean.
  18. Well most or some of you should know of Square Enix Mystery Countdown, well some website has spilled the beans, and the countdown's drawing is quite pointless now. Square Enix's teaser game was identified in advance today via the expected source: leaked scans from a major Japanese publication. The offender this time is Weekly Jump, which managed to get the scoop on Hikari no Yon Senshi: Final Fantasy Gaiden, or Four Warriors of Light: Final Fantasy Gaiden ("Gaiden" means "Side Story" -- but we're not sure if there's a need to translate it). Final Fantasy Gaiden is a DS RPG in which players take control of a 14-year-old boy tasked with saving a princess. The game kicks off on your birthday as you're summoned by a King whose daughter has been kidnapped by a witch. The game appears to be a standard menu-driven RPG, with parties of up to four consisting of characters that you encounter along your journey. Of particular note in the battle system is the lack of MP and the presence of a "Charge" command next to standard fight and item commands. There appears to be a customization element to the game as well. Equipment changes to your characters result in changes to physical appearance. Without further ado, here's the links to prove all the nonsense i have just displayed. >>> http://www.square-enix.co.jp/0706/ <<< <--- Mystery Countdown >>> http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj18/Rpgmonkey01/ytb_0254.jpg <<< The Scan of the game So post your response! :mad:
  19. I especially love the Ponyta, and Rapidash, although i was quite shocked, when the awesome blue flames turned into a smoke like flames, which is pretty cool when you think about it, Smoke Flames.
  20. Well you all you already know, I'm quite a lazy person at times, so in a Pokemon game it depends in my progress, if i haven't finish the game: -Balance the level of my party -Level up Pokemon that need of leveling -Evolve Pokemon that require -Keep starter at least 10 levels higher then all the other if i have completed everything except Pokedex: -Spam Elite 4 until Pokemon i desire are Lv 100 -Go to routes where uncatched Pokemon lay -Level up Pokemon that would increase my dex If I'm bored i just: -Create Poffins -Feed desired Pokemon -WIN WIN WIN in Pokemon Contest Also very interesting thread, in my eyes it's quite original, i have came upon some like this. :biggrin:
  21. Yeah loved the game, i got rather far in the game, but somehow my save file got erased, and i can't build enough motivation to play it again. The thing that turned me off was the constant flickering of my eyes, to the top and bottom screen, yeah you can set it that the AI begins to control it immediately, but it feels like cheating.
  22. Even with my Lite, i am able to move it very slightly to the sides, even to the point i can see the metallic colour of the hindge.
  23. Starmie or maybe StarYOU!
  24. I always found it pointless flaming at them, i mean there information is exactly the same to different Pokemon sites, like Marilland, and even here. I always thought soon there a rule will be created to forbid the action, one more thing, who makes the rules? they seem so honorable and literate.
  25. Hello There. meh likez ur nam!
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