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User Contributed Saves

Other saves uploaded by various users. Do share your save files with everyone here!

Due to differences in save file formats, please indicate which game the save is for and which format it is.  (For example, a Pokémon Moon save for JKSM or a Pokémon Diamond save for DeSmuMe.)

Warning: Some Nintendo Switch games have extra verification to detect when multiple people use the same save file online at the same time, resulting in the save being banned from online play. It is unclear at this time whether this will affect Pokémon Legends: Arceus, so do not upload any save you want to keep using online, just in case.

236 files

  1. SoulSilver save file (Italian)

    My personal SoulSilver file recently dumped from cartridge

    The save file is in italian, it has 16 badges and the main story completed, some shinies (some hunted via traditional methods, some event shinies from the dns exploit) and some event pokemon (dns exploit)


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  2. Pokemon Gelb (yellow german version) Save File for use in PKMN Stadium

    Since the rentals in stadium are notorious for being trash, I prepared a save with my own pokemon to be used in stadium. Not all 151 pokemon are here, but every one that is obtainable in yellow is (for example there is no meowth(mauzi) or its evolution on this file since they arent present in yellow).
    Stat experience are maxed on all lvl 100 pokes but not on the lower level ones. DVs are completely random. The movesets are all legal.
    For the non-german players: PKMN Stadium was originally region locked, so a german save file would only work with the german version of the game. However, I tested it with an english version of both stadium and yellow on Mupen64plus and it did seem to work just fine. You will just have to deal with the german pkmn names as they seem to stay lol


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  3. Pokemon - Yellow Version - Special Pikachu Edition (USA, Europe) Save File

    My Pokemon Yellow Save file. All 151 pokemon captured, all pokemon are legal, except mew.


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  4. Pokemon Battle Revolution All FullyEvolved Pokemon Competitive Builds + Little Cup + Custom Passes for Iconic Trainers


    It is a savefile I created myself, NOT A ROM. It's just to help people who want to play the game they LEGALLY bought without having to grind for everything before being able to battle.
    I want to share it with people, so they can use it personally (without having to go through what I have building all these Pokemon) or for online play!
    Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LZSiWSv5GjM9C3trYULSLyTxyzVk6Hs0?usp=sharing

    It comes with: all Fully Evolved (and many Little Cup) Pokemon with competitive builds; all battle passes and fashion items unlocked; ALL SHINY COSTUMES!! on the PKTOPIA Savefile, as well as 20 teams I have made of characters from across the series, such as Red, Cynthia, Jasmine, May, Giovanni, Paul and more! Have a peek: https://imgur.com/a/4VgGYbS
    The game has 4 Savefiles: PKTOPIA, Red, Blue, Green. You can rename these (see: Editing Savefile).
    -PKTOPIA is a complete file with all colosseums unlocked and completed. It has 30 pre-made battlepasses. It has shiny costumes.
    -Red is a complete savefile, but has no pre-made battle passes.
    -Blue has all the Pokemon, but has not been played. This is for you to have your own playthrough with my Pokemon!
    -Green has no Pokemon, and has not been played, so you can connect a DS, or play only with Rental Passes if you find that challenge fun!

    Small note: I chose not to give any Pokemon "Choice" items (except ones using Trick) and was sparing with Life Orbs, so that when playing with friends, sets aren't too complicated, and speed tiers are more predictable. Plus they kind of ruin the balance of the game. But if you're really into competitive, build your own sets!
    NOTE 2: importing the save to Wii REQUIRES Homebrew because PBR is locked to not allowing a save to be imported; using Homebrew with SaveGameManagerGX bypasses this.
    NOTE 3: in terms of Pokemon's legality, all Pokemon have fully legal Generation 4 movesets except these 4 cases:
    -Some legendaries know moves they cannot learn, to make them weaker. For example Kyogre has Aurora Beam, a weaker version of Ice Beam, to balance him. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO BOXART LEGENDARIES, MEWTWO, ARCEUS, AND DARKRAI, and I did not make Latios, Cresselia, or any other legendary/mythicals weaker!
    -Kecleon has Copycat. I just thought it suited him, and it works well with his Ability- he can reflect back a move of the same type he was just hit with, to get guaranteed STAB.
    -Pachirisu has Follow Me. He does not learn this until Generation 5, but I think it suits him and he is useless without it.
    -Unown has... a special moveset. Just for fun!
    In terms of Hidden Power, I excluded it from every Pokemon, except Unown, and the Singles OU Pokemon in Box 4.
    Their Hidden Powers are: Unown(ice) Magnezone(fire) Latias(fire) Slowbro(electric) Rotom(ice).
    Furthermore, all Pokemon have legit statspreads and EVs, except one Pokemon: The Rotom in Box 14. Because this Rotom is meant to be Rotom Wash, I hacked him to have the actual stats of Rotom Wash (which did not exist in Battle Revolution), and so he also has Hydro Pump.
    NOTE 4: this is a USA game save file, therefore will NOT WORK on any other region of game. Simply get a USA version of PBR to use the save file on any region of Wii with Homebrew.
    - To rectify this, I also added the Binary "PCDATA" file in the "Copypaste All Pokemon" folder.
    If you open your own savefile in PKHex and drag-and-drop this file into the PKHex window, it will replace all the Pokemon in your save with my Pokemon. This will bypass the region lock but will NOT import complete savefile, custom battlepasses, etc., and you will retain your savefile, just with all my Pokemon.

    ===== Update (13 Jan 2024):
    I have now also added additional Pokemon for Gen4 OU singles battles! Four teams have been created but you can mix and match the Pokemon at will. These Pokemon are in Box 14.
    I also fixed the few Pokemon with accidental incorrect moves/abilities, such as Venomoth not having Tinted Lens. So if you have the old file, try this new one!

    ===== Update (03 Mar 2024):
    I went through and corrected ALL mistaken abilities, and re-balanced lots of EVs and movesets.
    I have now balanced the Legendary Pokemon so they have weaker moves and stats, meaning they can be used in battles along with other Pokemon and not feel unfair. I also went through the list of 500 moves and tried to add as many missing moves as I could to Pokemon, so that most of the moves are usable.
    I left out the tragically weak moves like Psywave, but found use for moves such as DragonBreath and Bite on Legendary Pokemon to make them balanced, and also added fun obscure moves like Punishment, Imprison, RazorWind, RollingKick and MeFirst!
    Finally I removed Explosion from almost every Pokemon, and on the few I left it on I replaced it with the weaker SelfDestruct. The prevalence of Explosion in Gen4 meta formats is kind of boring. And this savefile is made for fun battles with friends!

    ===== MAJOR OVERHAUL UPDATE (11 Jun 2024):
    This should be the final update. I spent about 70 hours doing this.
    - Went through and corrected all incorrect EVs IVs and Natures some Pokemon had - for example some sets I imported had 30 IVs instead of 31, because of Hidden Power. However my file does not use Hidden Power and so now Pokemon have 31 in all stats where appropriate.
    -Rebalanced some movesets/ items
    -Added new Little Cup Pokemon and gave them all items again
    -Added 2 friend passes to each account, one is a Little Cup pass so even if you start a new game on Green savefile, and want to play through with only rental passes, you can still participate in the Little Cup Colosseum.
    -Re-ordered ALL BOXES. They now are in 4 much more coherent sections: All fully-evolved Pokemon from Gen 1-4 are in Boxes 1-11. Then 12-13 is Little Cup. Box 14 is OU Singles format Pokemon. Boxes 15-18 are the Premade Iconic Trainers' Pokemon.
    -Cleaned up all the Custom Premade Battle Passes in the PKTOPIA file and created new Catchphrases for the Misc. passes (for fun!). I also made some of the Pokemon in theses passes greyed-out, as some people were confused why some Pokemon were not accessible in the boxes. This now means all Pokemon in storage are useable. Of course feel free to delete these passes as needed. They are just examples.
    -RE-MADE ALL SAVE FILES. I spent 30 hours re-doing the PKTOPIA saveslot, purely to make it useable for online play. Previously you may recall it was unusable online, that is now FIXED and ALL 4 SAVESLOTS can be used for online play with WiiMMFi!
    -ALL savefiles now have ALL the fashion items unlocked, as well as all the battle pass designs unlocked. I also found out how to get the shiny costumes; they are available in slot PKTOPIA.


    ▸ How to install the save file:
    First, unzip and put the "0001000052504245" folder to the root of your SD card.
    You CAN NOT just place the game save on its own, you must put the ENTIRE "0001000052504245" FOLDER in.
    Then, insert SD card to Wii. Then;
    Using SaveGameManagerGX on Homebrew, on the top menu, navigate to the SD card. Find the icon for PBR. Click the PBR icon and click install. This will overwrite any data you have on PBR so make sure you back it up first if you want to keep an old file.
    To extract the save file for editing, like say you play for 20 hours but now want to edit a Pokémon without losing your progress, go to SaveGameManagerGX, on the top menu navigate to the Wii icon, click PBR’s icon and click Extract to Custom and navigate to your SD card.
    Once editing is complete re-inject the save file.
    Just create a new save game on PBR, by saving after creating a save slot. Then close the game.
    In the game select menu of Dolphin, right click PBR and click “Open Wii Save Location”. In the "GeniusPbr" folder, replace the "PbrSaveData" file with mine. Done!
    ▸ How to edit the Pokemon/ Savefile/ create a custom team:

    Use PKHex. It's pretty self-explanatory how to edit Pokemon.
    One tip I have is, Pokemon will sometimes not work correctly if they have no Met Location/ OT info. You can take any existing Pokemon, copy it to a few slots, and now these slots will have that data, now you can edit that Pokemon into whatever you want, or import a Pokemon from Showdown on top of it by using Ctrl+T when the text from Showdown is copied to clipboard and then Shift-Click to replace the old Pokemon with the new one.
    You can edit your savefile name in PKHex by going to SAV --> Save Slot: (select the file you want to edit) --> Block Data, and simply edit the value of Current OT. This will be your online display name if you choose to do online play.
    And as a bonus for all the Battle Revolution Maniacs, here is my custom USBLoaderGX Pokemon Battle Revoluton homescreen theme: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/168KV4QlGfh-T1Jit9aCuZAymLbuKA-8H/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/168KV4QlGfh-T1Jit9aCuZAymLbuKA-8H/view?usp=sharing) 
    You can go to the theme settings in Homebrew on the Wii to select the music track that is there to play on the Wii menu!

    - Ensure you install the entire "0001000052504245" folder to your SD card INCLUDING the "0001000052504245" folder, and do not rename it as this is the game code for PBR. Do not rename ANY FILES or edit the filestructure or it may not work.

    - Make sure you're using a USA PBR game.

    - ENSURE SAVEGAME MANAGER GX IS ON THE NEWEST UPDATE VERSION!!! I have included this in the Google Drive link, simply go into "apps" on your SD card, delete SaveGameManagerGX folder, replace it with mine (unzipped).

    - If the error message "unable to copy datas" still occurs, try the following:

    0. Ensure my "0001000052504245" folder is NOT on your SD card. Move it to anywhere else on your PC for now.
    1. Go into the basic Wii home menu, settings, and go to your game save data. Delete PBR. (Backup your current save with SGMGX if you don't want to lose it).
    2. Open PBR, this will create a fresh save file. Now close out of PBR.
    3. In SaveGameManagerGX, download this new savefile from the Wii to your SD card. This will now create the exact folder structure you need on your SD card.
    4. Go to your PC and on the SD, replace MY "PbrSaveData" file with the one you just installed from your Wii in the exact same location.
    5. Install using SGMGX and play!

    I finally figured out how to turn the file into a .bin
    the .bin file is located in the RPBE folder now in the google drive link.
    If all else fails, this should work. Simply delete all traces of PBR save data from your SD card, place the .bin file either in the root of the SD card or inside the RPBE folder on the root of your SD card,
    and now using SGMGX you should be able to bypass "unable to copy datas" error in Battle Revolution!!

    And also if this does not work then in SaveGameManagerGX you might have to click the .bin file, click "Decompress" and it will create a new file in SGMGX and THIS file should finally work.
    Enjoy, and let me know how it goes or if there are any errors/ you need help!


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  5. Pokémon Emerald Four Star Save File

    Hello Everyone! 
    A few weeks ago i decided to play Pokémon Emerald, but this time i was gonna complete everything this game has to offer and obtain all the trainer stars. 
    This save file contains: 
    - The entire Hoenn Pokedex, this is NOT a living dex but there's almost everything (Celebi and Mew are japanese only events but they're an easy fix and they can be moved to HOME)
    - A full team of Level 5 Smeargle with Dragon Rage for Trainer Hill
    - A full team of Level 80+ Linoone + an Adamant Nature Linoone with Coin Amulet for the league. (Curtesy of the Emerald Shiny Bot) 
    - A shiny Aggron with Snore and Rest with every ribbon for the ribbon contest (Just don't ask why i named it "Smash")
    -  The entire "Journey across America" winner team (Courtesy of IamaBlisy) 
    - All the teams with the highest win streak in the Smogon Battle Frontier Gen III masterpost
    -  LOTS of shinies obtained from either RNG manipulation and the Battle Pyramid.
    - All the shinies from the E-Reader series battles
    - An "illegal" Mr.Mime i "borrowed" from the Battle Factory.
    Hope you like this save file and that you'll find something that piques your interest. Feel free to take whatever you want and use it to your interest. 


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  6. My Pokemon Crystal Save File

    This is my save files on my orginal Pokemon Cystal cartridge that I have had since I was a kid. Recently replaced the battery and started a new game. This game starts out shortly after you get your starter pokemon. However I made some changes. Once you hatch some eggs that are lready in the game or go to the day care. You can really begain to customize your team. (NOTE: This file is diffent then the one I did over a year a half ago. That was a completed save file.)
    t has a cool decorated room from Mystery Gifts items, Pokémon From PYNC event Pokémon, lots of shiny Pokémon, and lots of Pokémon that can be used for Pokémon Stadium 2. Enjoy!!! 
    1) has a cool decorations for room from Mystery Gifts items
    2) Pokémon From PYNC events
    3) pokemon from pokemon stadium 1 and 2
    4) pokemon that are only in gene 1
    5) lots of shiny Pokémon
    6) lots of useful items added
    7) pokemon that can only be caught in Kanto or very late in game. 
    8 ) Has the GS ball added to the game


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  7. A Soul Silver

    7 badges


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  8. Japanese Pokemon Crystal

    Recently got a copy of Japanese Pokemon Crystal. I have just started playing this after replacing the battery. Ive added a couple of things to this file before starting it. Nothing crazy though. You start this game right after geting your frist pokemon from Professer Elm.
    Save file has:
    -all three starter pokemon
    -GS Ball added
    -Egg ticket added ( this was how you got the odd egg in Japanese Pokemon Crystal; Just talk to the daycare people)
    - Has the Johto pokemon that you would get late game in Kanto also some later game pokemon to ( however they are eggs and you have to hatch them; This is my version of the mystery egg lol)
    - has metal coat and late game items you you can better evolve later game pokemon sooner
    - has other items to make you play though more better; nothing crazy though
    Note: I plan to update this in the future


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  9. Japanese Red Save File

    Old copy of Japanese Red that I got when I was visiting Japan while in college. The save file is only at the 3rd gym but they did not challenged the gym yet. Feel free to finish the game were they left off in the 90's. Enjoy the weird gen 1 Japanese's Pokémon sprites. Enjoy !!!
    If you have any issues please let me known.


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  10. Japanese Pokemon Silver Save file

    Recently replaced the battery in the game and started to play the game. I did make some changes however. You start the game shortly after geting your starter pokemon. There are alot of different team combinations you can start off with earlier game and even more by the 3rd gym through breeding. 
    Start off with all 3 starters
    more items
    all evoltion stones
    All Johto pokemon that are caught in Kanto
    All gen 1 starter pokemon
    Shiny pokemon
    Legandary pokemon transfered over from Gen 1
    exclusive pokemon that are only in pokemon Gold
    Note: will update in the future as I play through it. Enjoy for now through with your own play through ! 


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  11. Old Pokémon Blue Save File

    This is a old save file I had as a kid. AKA why the OT is Lt.Ash lol. It looks like I was using this as a trade save file as a kid. I did trade some things on to the cart before updating it. It has a legit event Mew and all the starters. 2 of which were traded in from Pokémon yellow. The save file is at the start of the game and has just received the pokedex. Enjoy playing though this game in a unique way. Enjoy and have fun!!!


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  12. My Old Pokémon Red Save File

    My original Pokémon game. Got this game on Christmas Day of 1998. This is the original save file I had as a kid. I've played this game off and on since that day and as I got better at playing Pokémon I taught my Pokémon better moves so I could use them in Pokémon stadium.  Enjoy a part of my childhood. Though I have no idea how the battery in this game has not died yet in over 20 plus years now lol. Glad I got it backed up now so I can share it with all of you and share with my future family to. Enjoy !!!
    Great for use in the Pokémon Stadium  
     Also has all three of the starters traded in from different save files
    *Plan to do a update in the future as I still play this game. 


       (0 reviews)



  13. Japanese Platium Save File

    Got this game last year while geting some old japanese games. This save file is pretty nice! They played this game alot and have collited atlot of pokemon. It looks like they were working on compliting the dex plus build different teams for battle. They also have some japanese pokemon from the gene 3 games. They are some shinies here to. Just enjoy looking and explore this save file there is alot to see and still do in the game. Enjoy everyone!


       (0 reviews)



  14. Japanese Diamond Save File

    Got this game with this save file last year while geting some old japanese games. This save file is reallyyyyy cool! They played this game for over 700hours! It looks like they were working on completing to pokedex. They have some japanese pokemon from colosseum and gene 3 games. They are some shinies here to. Just enjoy looking and explore this save file there is alot to see and still do in the game. Enjoy


       (0 reviews)



  15. fire red shiny pokedex

    complete national pokedex in shiny


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  16. The Final 3DS Perfected Living Dex

    Every single Pokemon from the past generations that all appeared in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. The Normal Dex has every Pokemon including Shadow Pokemon from the GameCube Games, as many special event Pokemon with their ribbons as I could find, every generation accounted for with trainer ids matching notable trainer ids, chosen trainer names based on Pokemon Masters for every potential possibility they would most likely own these Pokemon, dated to the exact date the games released or when the events took place, extra duplicated Pokemon added in to complete some requirements Pokemon HOME has in their checklists, and every move that will be lost if Pokemon Bank closes taught to the correct Pokemon. Due to the lack of space for the gender differences and multiple forms some of the other Pokemon have, the Shiny Dex has every Pokemon starting from Generation 2 and therefore can only be completed if you complete a Shiny Dex of a Generation 1 game such as Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. The Shiny Dex also has a bonus of filling the rest of its boxes with shiny variants of Shadow Pokemon from Pokemon Coliseum due to an oversight from the developers, making these Pokemon one of the rarest Pokemon to exist legally.


       (0 reviews)



  17. Pokémon Platinum (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny 6 IVs Nintendo DS & Nintendo DS Lite

    Pokémon Platinum (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny
    All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 493
    Nintendo DS (Console)(.sav)(512 KB), Nintendo DS Lite (Console)(.sav)(512 KB), DeSmuME (Windows)(.dsv)(513 KB), melonDS (Android)(.sav), DraStic DS Emulator (Android), R4 DS Card, R4i Gold, R4 SDHC.
    Original & Copy (Reproductions & Bootleg) Cartridge
    Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN)
    TID: 00711
    SID: 38135
    HP:   31
    Atk:  31
    Def:  31
    SpA: 31 or 24
    SpD: 31
    Spe:  31
    Pokémon Gen 1
    Articuno  Shiny Square
    Zapdos    Shiny Square
    Moltres    Shiny Square
    Mewtwo   Shiny Square
    Mew         Shiny Square
    Pokémon Gen 2
    All UNOWN Shiny Normal
    Raikou **
    Entei *** Colosseum/XD Shiny Square
    Suicune *
    Lugia      Shiny Square
    Ho-oH    Shiny Square    
    Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY
    Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum.
    Level: 10
    Ability: Natural Cure(1)
    HP:  31
    Atk: 31
    Def: 31
    SpA: 31
    SpD: 31
    Spe: 31
    Move 1: Confusion
    Move 2: Recover
    Move 3: Heal Bell
    Move 4: Safeguard
    Pokémon Gen 3
    Regirock   Shiny Square
    Regice      Shiny Square
    Registeel  Shiny Square
    Latias       Shiny Square
    Latios      Shiny Square
    Kyogre     Shiny Square
    Groudon    Shiny Square
    Rayquaza   Shiny Square
    Jirachi      Shiny Square
    Deoxys     Shiny Square
    Deoxys Atk  Shiny Square
    Deoxys Def  Shiny Square
    Deoxys Spe  Shiny Square
    Pokémon Gen 4
    Uxie           Shiny Square
    Mesprit      Shiny Square
    Azelf          Shiny Square
    Dialga        Shiny Square (Lv.1 Sinjoh Ruins)
    Palkia         Shiny Square (Lv.1 Sinjoh Ruins)
    Heatran     Shiny Square
    Regigigas  Shiny Square (Lv.1 Snowpoint Temple)
    Giratina     Shiny Square (Lv.1 Sinjoh Ruins)
    Cresselia    Shiny Square
    Phione       Shiny Square
    Manaphy    Shiny Square (Pokémon Ranger)
    Darkrai      Shiny Square (Newmoon Island)
    Shaymin    Shiny Square (Flower Paradise)
    Arceus       NO SHINY     (Pokémon Movie 09) (JPN)
    Level: 100
    Ability: Multitype (1)
    HP:   31
    Atk:  31
    Def:  31
    SpA: 31
    SpD: 31
    Spe:  31
    Move 1: Judgment
    Move 2: Roar of Time
    Move 3: Spacial Rend
    Move 4: Shadow Force
    Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas.
    Used tools:
    PKHeX By @Kaphotics
    PokeFinder By @theSLAYER
    How to redeem any desired shiny / spread CHANNEL Jirachi
    Pokémon Ranger Mission Injector BY @King Impoleon
    Managing NDS Saves


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    1 comment


  18. Pokémon Emerald (English/Spanish/Japanese) Instant Cloning of Pokémon & Items from the trainer's PC. ACE (Arbitrary Code Execution)

    Pokémon Emerald (ENG)(ESP)(JPN) Instant Cloning ACE (Arbitrary Code Execution)
    Clone Pokémon & Items instantly from the trainer's PC.
    Name: ERNESTO/エルネスト
    TID: 00711
    SID: 45496
    Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas.
    Used tools:
    PKHeX By @Kaphotics
    Managing GBA Saves
    Instruction 2: How to delete Invisible Pokémon/Bad Egg

    Pokémon Esmerald - Instant Cloning Egg.mp4 How to delete Invisible PokémonBad Egg.mp4


       (0 reviews)



  19. Pokémon Emerald (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny 6 IVs GameBoy SP & GameBoy Advance

    Pokémon Emerald (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny
    All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 386
    GameBoy SP, GameBoy Advance, VisualBoyAdvance (VBA), My Boy! (Android), M-GameBoyAdvance (mGBA) & no$gba.
    Original & Copy (Reproductions & Bootleg) Cartridge
    Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN)
    TID: 00711
    SID: 31550
    HP:  31
    Atk: 31
    Def: 31
    SpA: 31 or 24
    SpD: 31
    Spe: 31
    Pokémon Gen 1
    Articuno   Shiny Square
    Zapdos     Shiny Square
    Moltres    Shiny Square
    Mewtwo   Shiny Square
    Mew         Shiny Square
    Pokémon Gen 2
    All UNOWN Shiny Normal
    Raikou     Shiny Square
    Entei        Shiny Square
    Suicune   Shiny Square
    Lugia       Shiny Square
    Ho-oH     Shiny Square    
    Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY
    Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum.
    Level: 10
    Ability: Natural Cure(1)
    HP:  31
    Atk: 31
    Def: 31
    SpA: 31
    SpD: 31
    Spe: 31
    Move 1: Confusion
    Move 2: Recover
    Move 3: Heal Bell
    Move 4: Safeguard
    Pokémon Gen 3
    Regirock    Shiny Square
    Regice       Shiny Square
    Registeel   Shiny Square
    Latias         Shiny Square
    Latios         Shiny Square
    Kyogre       Shiny Square
    Groudon    Shiny Square
    Rayquaza   Shiny Square
    Jirachi        Shiny Square
    Deoxys      Shiny Square
    Roamer Latias Shiny Square IVs: HP:31/ Atk:31 / Def:31 / SpA:31 / SpD:31 / Spe:31 (ENG,ESP & JPN)
    Roamer Latios Shiny Square IVs: HP:31/ Atk:31 / Def:31 / SpA:31 / SpD:31 / Spe:31 (ENG,ESP & JPN)
    RegiDoll (ENG,ESP & JPN)
    PERFECT PokéBlock (ENG,ESP & JPN)
    Unlocked Islands (ENG,ESP & JPN)
    Mirage Island: Wobbuffet/ソーナンス Level: 40 (ENG,ESP & JPN)
    Southern Island
    Navel Rock
    Birth Island
    Faraway Island
    How to redeem any desired shiny / spread CHANNEL Jirachi
    Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas.
    Used tools:
    PKHeX By @Kaphotics
    PokeFinder By @theSLAYER
    WC3 Plugin & Mystery Gift Tool By @BlackShark  @suloku @ReignOfComputer
    Mirage Island Tool
    Managing GBA Saves


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  20. Pokémon Crystal (ENG) 100% ALL Shiny Game Boy & Virtual Console

    Pokémon Crystal (ENG) 100% ALL Shiny
    All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 251
    Game Boy Color (GBC)
    Nintendo 3DS (VC)
    Pokémon Crystal (U).sav sav.dat
    Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas.
    Used tools:
    PKHeX By @Kaphotics
    Managing GB/GBC Saves


       (0 reviews)



  21. Pokémon Yellow (ENG) 100% ALL Shiny Game Boy & Virtual Console

    Pokémon Yellow (ENG) 100% ALL Shiny
    All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 150
    Game Boy Color (GBC)
    Nintendo 3DS (VC)
    Pokémon Yellow (U).sav sav.dat
    Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas.
    Used tools:
    PKHeX By @Kaphotics
    Managing GB/GBC Saves


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  22. Pokemon White save file update

    I was able to give out some shiny pokemon and i am kinda working on that.


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  23. Pokémon Ranger - Shadows of Almia

    (All saves have been given the Event missions through the Mission Injection Tool by sinbad.the.saile)
    Start them in the Main Menu -> Ranger Net -> Play a New Mission
    Save 1: Beginning:
    Kellyn has learned how to capture Pokémon on his first day at the Ranger school.
    His fellow classmates have organised a challenge, in which he must find 4 capture stylers and bring them into the cellar.
    He has found all 4 capture stylers, but something is going on in the cellar...
    Save 2: Rookie mission: Soothe Pokémon on the beach!
    Calm down the Munchlax, Starly and Pachirisu threatening the beach boys' girlfriend!

    Save 3: Mission 1: Deliver Vien Tribune!
    Kellyn has graduated and is about to receive his official Ranger uniform and his first mission!

    Save 4: Strange Machines in Pueltown: After Kellyn has dealt with the terrible fire, that engulfed Vien Forest, he is given the mission to accompany and aid Luana in Pueltown...

    Save 5: Teacher: Now, that Team Dimsun's first set of plans have stopped, there may be a little time to rest for Kellyn. He has been asked to attend one lesson at the Ranger school to answer students' questions!

    Save 6: Top Ranger: For all of his recent accomplishments, Kellyn has been promoted to the rank of the 11th Top Ranger, a rank, which only 12 have obtained in the entire world! Head for the Chroma Ruins in the North-East of Almia!

    Save 7: Blue Gem Guardian: Prove your worth to the Guardian of the Blue Gem!

    Save 8: Red Gem Guardian: Prove your worth to the Guardian of the Red Gem! Watch out for any boulders!

    Save 9: Yellow Gem Guardian: Prove your worth to the Guardian of the Yellow Gem!

    Save 10: Eternal Darkness of Almia: Kellyn must prevent the world from being engulfed by darkness! Defeat Darkrai at all costs!

    Save 11: Postgame:
    Capture Area cleared;
    Ranger Dex completed on Class S;
    All Quests complete; Door to Regigigas within Haruba Temple has been opened;
    Celebi has restored Puel Forest;
    Event missions complete but can be redone without any limit.
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You can technically unlock the Event Missions, with Wi-Fi, right now. YouTube Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbsY_illQms
    (You need Hotspot from a Phone or PC and your 3ds/2ds)


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  25. Pokémon Yellow Surfing Pikachu Save File

    Made this file myself, if you would like to trade yourself a surfing pikachu this is the save file for you, all legal pokemon and unique TIDs.
    From boxes 1-10 there are Pikachu's from level 5 going up to level 80


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