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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Front page, baby. Or the Event thread in this forum. :wink:
  2. I think those of you who don't like the wacky results in GTS should just deposit pokemon more often instead of searching for them. Especially now with the email function in Platinum, it's a lot simpler and less frustrating. I just recently completed my National Dex on Platinum by trading for all of the pokemon I had seen but not caught (I have like... 7 boxes full.... that took a while).
  3. You original program REALLY helped me out with managing the pkm files I was putting together for my Distant Land project. The list feature was great for checking everything out for any errors. This new interface looks awesome and I'm really looking forward to seeing the progress of this new beta. Good luck!
  4. Sounds good, I'm looking forward to seeing it! And I'm glad to hear SCV approved and supported you with it! However... that link just seems to .... re-direct me back to this thread? Odd...
  5. I pretty much agree with you here. I'm for it, and I have no reason to be against it. Unfortunately, logic-based arguments don't tend to work on the religiously-minded folks. As much as I don't like Keith Olberman, he made a great point back when the California voters banned gay marriage. I'll see if I can find it. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnHyy8gkNEE I think he sums it up pretty well. On a side note, I find it pretty odd that you don't see many gay couples in Seattle... Don't get to Capitol Hill too often?
  6. I wanted to make a comment regarding an error on a news story at the old pokesav site so I had to use a username. "Guest" was already filled in in the blank, so I just added "ed" because I thought it was... unique (?) to turn a noun into a past tense verb. I slightly regret my decision every now and then...
  7. Or they don't use the same strategies as prescribed by Smogon and the like. You can be competitive with whatever the heck you want. In fact, unpredictability is a pretty good strategy. If someone knows what moveset you have the second you send out a certain pokemon, then that's bad news. But this isn't a strategy debate. I chose Totodile. Stickin with the same one from my original playthrough. Plus, it'll be better this time around with physical and special being move specific instead of type specific.
  8. Is it just me, or are the images not displaying properly? Both on the main page and in this thread, they appear as just slivers. The links work to the full size images, but the thumbnails are tiny tiny.
  9. It's interesting that while there are so MANY legendary pokemon, they are not all completely available in one play through, in a normal situation. Kyogre/Groudon Dialga/Palkia/Giratina I keep thinking that we'll see Latios/Latias as roaming Pokemon, but we'll have to wait to find out. As for the white rock, I don't think it will be Shaymin. If it is related to a Pokemon event, I think they'll put something different with it. Mew, perhaps? But I still don't think it will be Mew since it was in a WC last year, and is also available through Ranch.
  10. As I was loading up my Platinum sav files into an English version in order to get English versions of the legendary Pokemon yesterday, I remembered this: During the Shaymin event, Oak mentions that a similar white rock was recently discovered in Kanto and wonders if they could be connected somehow. SO! I think this pretty much nails it in that we'll be seeing Kanto and that we'll be seeing a white rock. I wonder what will be associated with the white rock...?
  11. Well, they probably won't include ALL of the legendaries. They've gotta keep something exclusive to Mystery Gift events. There's a new Jirachi event coming up this month, and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw another Mew event sometime in the future, or Latios/Latias, perhaps.
  12. The DSi and the DSLite are both DS. So, yes. The only games that will ever only come out on one would be downloadable games for the DSi. This is obviously not a downloadable game, so it will be playable on both systems. I don't know why people keep thinking there's going to be exclusives for one or the other.
  13. Yeah, we've actually been talking about that... but maybe it was in the other thread about this thing.
  14. Pretty sure fenzo said it was IR on the cartridge... Anyway, one thing that's interesting to note is this: The sprite for Pikachu is the one from Diamond and Pearl. What does this mean? Or does it mean nothing at all? It could mean: It's an early prototype and will include HGSS sprites in the final. The PokeWalker having DP sprites means that HGSS will also. or The PokeWalker has DP sprites, but HGSS will have new sprites. So.... who knows...... ha
  15. Nintendo won. Microsoft's video thing seems pretty neat, but they are plagued with horrible developers. There will be very few games that work well with this new feature and it'll probably end up going the same way as the Sony Eye Toy. Sony's demonstration of their new hardware was awkward as hell, for one. Who let that guy give a speech? But I guess Nintendo's key note was pretty awkward, too (not a fan of the new VP of Marketing). But my favorite part of ALL of E3, was during the Sony demo when the guy said the new hardware was more intuitive and offered a better experience than anything else on the market now. Yeah, well... it's not ON the market now, is it?!? But the Wii has been on the market for how many years? And Wii MotionPlus comes out in how many days? Wii already had a huge running start and MotionPlus will be out for MONTHS before Sony's new peripheral ever hits shelves. Once again, Nintendo proves to be the innovators and everyone else just copies exactly what they do... years later. If you want a list of Nintendo innovations that have been blatantly copied, it's not that hard to find online. Or just ask me, I'll make a list.
  16. It actually came in two colors originally... And technically the "actual," official name for the two colors are: -Titanium -Electric Blue Australia also had: -Mystic Pink -Cosmic Blue Japan's extra colors included: -Graphite Black -Pure White -Turquoise Blue -Candy Pink For the record here, I 100% agree with Hottsushiz. the DSLite is a far superior system to the original DS. Look at the screens side by side and you'll never want an original.
  17. What's the consensus among the Admins and Mods regarding this? There are still a ton of people who continually post one-line posts but then have a banner, a line of text and one or two spoiler tags after that, essentially doubling the physical size of what their post would have been, but leaving about half of it as empty space (due to spoiler spacing). Should we implement rules to limit sigs to something like a banner and a spoiler for extraneous stuff like trainer cards, personality results and other random stuff? As an example.
  18. If the Apricorns and old Pokeballs exist in HGSS, then they will probably just simply be prohibited from being traded to DPP. NEW UPDATE This section has been added to the main page. I compiled it from all of the OFFICIAL information that has been released so far. I'll do my best to keep it updated every week. Confirmed Information Here are the things that have been confirmed so far (some of them are obvious). - Remakes of Gold and Silver - Generation IV game (same graphic style as DPP) - Release Date in Japan: Fall of 2009 (nothing more specific has been confirmed) - Ken Sugimori has made new artwork for the Pokemon featured in GS - Original boy character received a slight redesign, and there is a new girl character (not Kris from Crystal) - The character not chosen fills a support role in the game (similar to DPP) - The Poke Gear received a redesign and more closely resembles a cell phone (two types, for boy and girl) - The menu can be operated by the touch screen, or by using the X and A buttons. - At least some locations will feature an introduction screen (similar to FRLG) but done in 3D graphics. - The machine from which you you choose your starting Pokemon is done in 3D graphics. - Starting Pokemon are the Johto starters: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile - The games feature the legendary Pokemon, Lugia and Ho-oh. - Starter Pokemon follows the player character around on screen similar to Pikachu in Yellow version (whether or not other Pokemon can be chosen to follow the character is not yet known). - If one trades the event Pikachu-colored Pichu from DPP to HGSS it will activate an in-game event featuring the Jagged-ear Pichu from the anime. Whether or not you can catch it has not yet been revealed. All information has merely stated that "it appears that you can meet Jagged-ear Pichu." - An external pedometer device called the PokeWalker will be released. You can transfer one Pokemon (at a time) to the PokeWalker and it will receive experience points (similar to the Day Care Center) as well as happiness while you walk (or shake it). There are also mini games, including an Item Finder game (it may be possible to send found items to your HGSS inventory). This device is similar to the Pokemon Pikachu 2 GS device that was released with the original Gold and Silver games.
  19. Keep in mind the Pokemon Pikachu and Pokemon Pikachu 2 GS both made it outside of Japan. You know, the tomogatchi type pedometer Pikachu things. Here's some info on the second version, if you didn't know about it. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_Pikachu_2 The second one had an IR port that you could use to send your built up "watts" (steps) as a Mystery Gift to Gold, Silver, or Crystal (if you had a GBC with the IR port). So since that one made it out of Japan, maybe this one will too.
  20. OHHH, I see what you mean. Man, I didn't even see that post from Gallade. He must have posted it at the same time. I didn't even know he had uploaded them already. I better get to work. In answer to your question, Duking Plusle was a Colosseum Pokemon. Now that the collection has been basically fully assembled, I will be organizing it into the batch and it will be released soon. Those of you who have uploaded files/submitted them (or a mod could do this) please remove the download links in your posts so that we can keep everything organized. Those of you who still want to contribute, feel free to submit what you have because the more data we have, the better it will be for those who are studying the GC game algorithms.
  21. It's probably just like the daycare center in regards to that.
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