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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Plus, base stat are base stats. They are set by species. There's no way you can get base stats incorrect unless it wasn't a Mew. But... destati is correct, by the way, regarding it's shiny status.
  2. I'm thinking that the Radio function on the Pokegear will be replaced with a TV. And that the radio towers (in Johto and Kanto) will be TV tours. And that the pokegear itself will more closely resemble a cell phone. Since 10 years ago, cell phone usage has exploded in Japan (and everywhere), and the major broadcasting towers in Japan are now mainly Digital (and analog) TV towers. And most people can pick up these digital broadcasts with the digital tuner on their cell phones and watch TV anywhere they're within range. People can even watch TV on their DS if they buy the tuner package. The only people with portable radios these days in Japan are old people. So that's my prediction.
  3. Actually, that's supposed to be the Shinkansen that goes from Tokyo to Kyoto, so... it won't be a monorail, but maybe they'll update it to look a little faster.
  4. Scizor and Weavile might be, since they are evolutions of Scyther and Sneasel. But I don't see why they would put in Lucario, other than for its popularity. It obviously wasn't in Johto. The lists I posted were from the original versions on the GameBoy. There's no final word yet on whether Mewtwo will be obtainable or not, but... who knows, it could really go either way.
  5. Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Speculation Thread Please use this thread to discuss possibilities of things that you think might or might not be in HeartGold and SoulSilver. Please make a note of confirmed information in the thread here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?p=50138#post50138 Some information from GSC: Regarding Pokémon availability: The game will most likely use the Johto Pokédex which included all 251 known Pokémon at that time. However, not all of them were available to be caught in the games. Unobtainable Pokémon in Pokémon Gold: Unobtainable Pokémon in Pokémon Silver It's also possible that the Pokemon included in the Johto Dex who now have new evolutions from Gen 3 or 4 could see those evolutions present in the new games and possibly a newer version of the Johto Dex. Or perhaps they won't be, like FR/LG? What do you think? Pokemon that have been introduced in Gen III or IV that evolve from or into a Johto Dex Pokemon: Despite being able to travel to Kanto, these Pokemon were unavailable: Out of these listed Kanto Pokemon, the fossil Pokemon are able to be found in the Underground in DPP, the three legendary birds are found in Platinum, but the starters are only obtainable by migration from FRLG and Mewtwo/Mew are not available in a 4th Gen game yet. Also, Celebi was obtainable through an item-activated event in the Japanese version, but not American. Therefore, it could be possible that a Celebi event could be in the new games. Perhaps with a GS Ball event similar to the Member's Card or Oak's Letter. What do you think about the Kanto starters and Mew/Mewtwo? Do you think there could be something similar to Birch giving you a Johto starter in Emerald? Or perhaps an item-activated event for Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave? Legendary Pokemon in GS: I think it's safe to say that the Regi-trio Pokemon will not be included in these versions since they were already in Platinum (as well as obviously being in RSE). Obtainable Pokemon through in-game gifts Rumors: * N/A ATM Keep in mind this thread is purely for speculation as we have no actual information to go on. What do you think about this? Do you think other Pokemon will be included? Do you think Kanto will be included (or do you think it will be cut since it already appeared in FR/LG)? Do you think more of Kanto's Pokemon will be available? Do you think Kanto will be the same size? Bigger/more in-depth than in GS? What kind of legendary/event Pokemon do you think will be in the game? What kind of Pokemon do you think we'll get through item-activated events (such as Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus)? Do you think we'll see ways to obtain Mewtwo, Mew, Celebi or even Jirachi's first in-game obtainable appearance? What other aspects of the game do you think will be included? Or what do you think will be cut from the original release of GS? I'm personally really hoping to see something like the Battleground from Platinum where you'd be able to re-battle the characters from GS such as the Johto and Kanto Gym leaders (and maybe even Red, if he comes out of his cave...). Let's talk about it.
  6. N O!!!! For crying out loud, I wish people would READ things once in a while!!! There is NO SUCH THING AS A DSi GAME! DSi download game are obviously DSi only, but many execs from Nintendo have REPEATEDLY said that there will be NO GAMES EVER THAT ARE DSi ONLY! ALL games will still be compatible with the regular DS and DS Lite. That includes this one. Also, I'm glad this has finally happened. Especially since it's a slap in the face to all of those idiots at idiot sites such as serebii and gamefaqs who always said "stop talking about this kind of thing because it isn't going to happen," and claimed things like a DS cart didn't have enough memory to hold all of the data included in Johto and Kanto.... yet a GameBoy cart could...
  7. You can't get the National Dex unless you have all 210. But, Phione is not in Platinum's regional Pokedex. The one you are missing must be a different one.
  8. Well.... they would be, because you haven't covered everything.... Which, I guess, is why it's a good thing that I'M the one who is putting together the collection and un-touching the touched pokemon... To be frank. Azelf, if you want to contribute any of your untouched or touched pokemon in pkm file format to my collection project, let me know.
  9. Uhhhhhhhh...... if you're left with 1-10HP that means you won, right? How is that "no cigar?"
  10. Well, the Japanese pokesav said "Shirona," so that's what I assumed. Wait... how can you hatch an egg in the Hall of Fame? When you're inside, isn't it always automated?? I don't remember, haven't fought the Elite Four in a while...
  11. Then.... why.... are you here at all? Also, why do you care so much about a post count?
  12. Espeon was faster and I thought I remember using it for Reflect and/or Light Screen which is great in a game like that where you need longevity. You can set it up really quickly. Also, I feel like there were a lot of poison and fighting type pokemon in Colosseum, so fast, psychic attacks really came in handy.
  13. WHy didn't you vote in your own poll?
  14. This thread is being made at the request of fenzo who will be making some corrections in pokesav sometime. List them up, if you notice anything. Typos in location names, items, moves, etc. Fenzo said he'd fix things like this in a new update. Typos, location name corrections: Current name - Correct name Great March - Great Marsh Battle Roulete - Battle Arcade Battle Stage - Battle Hall Torn World - Distortion World RA House - Villa Match place - Battleground Eterna Galactic HQ - T.G. Eterna Bldg Hall of Fame - Cynthia If you wanted to get reeeeally technical, there are many location names that are missing spaces or are cut off. Also, the "region" locations don't display "region" afterwards when displayed in game. Also, Rotom's room is displayed as "ROTOM's Room." Also, "Egg Hatched at" isn't accurate because that's the data for where the egg was received, not hatched.
  15. *Sigh... Again, think about things before you make rude posts. Did you read the previous posts?? You're wrong.
  16. So... The Togepi should always appear as 3002 in pokesav? And the Plat location data should just be appropriately set in the 0x44-0x47 values? SO what's up with Preston's note about the location at 2011?
  17. That.... doesn't really have anything to do with the translation, though. Also, I never liked the "Player used one Pokeball." Of COURSE the player only used one... How about "a pokeball" ....?
  18. Did anyone else notice how terrible the English script of Platinum is? I tried to play it when it came out, and I couldn't even make it past Sandgem without vowing to never leave my Japanese version again. I'll post some examples a bit later... But anything the professor says just sounds completely unnatural, and things that he and Dawn say were obviously taken as literal translations from the Japanese... "Please let me pass," she says, as she walks away. What kind of English-speaking 10 year old talks like that unless there's some kind of giant bouncer blocking their way?! I think "Excuse me" or ANYTHING ELSE would have been more natural. The translation seemed to be so poorly done that for a second I thought my copy of the game had been switched with someone's terrible fan-translation. Don't even get me started on all the lame internet memes that the super-nerd translators snuck in there. Did anyone else feel like the English was really unnatural?? Also, do you remember if it was the same script as Diamond and Pearl? I'll replay the intro to Diamond a little later to see if I can find out, but let's discuss this .... issue... here.
  19. If I had a secret villa, it wouldn't be in Johto. Out of anywhere in the Pokemon world, I'd choose Hoenn. More ocean and less humid.
  20. Okay, I'm writing this thread to see if anyone can tell me a little bit more about how Cynthia's Togepi egg location works in Pokesav. According to Preston's guide on the hidden hex values, the game assigns the location "Shirona/Cynthia" to 2011, which is the Hall of Fame in Diamond and Pearl, but because of the additions of hidden hex values, Platinum is able to read it as Cynthia. How does that display when traded over to D/P ??? Does it go with Far Away Place? Or does it say Hall of Fame? Also, I opened up my Togepi in Pokesav (while it was still on my Platinum save) and it had the location set to 3002, Far Away Place... Is that how Pokesav reads it? Would saving the Togepi at 3002 mess it up in the future? I didn't save it and just backed out, cause I'm trying to keep my Platinum as un-altered as possible... Let me know what you know, if you know anything more.
  21. I've been using Techron since this forum started. I think it looks sleeker, and the fast loading times make me love it much more than even the previous DB Forums.
  22. More amazing would be knowing the Roaming GBA algorithm.
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