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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Floot, that'd be pretty sweet. Having an extra set with different ID and OT would be very helpful. It'd provide variety in the collection as well as helping give more material to those studying the GC algorithm. Especially with all the new correlations that have come to light recently.
  2. <p><p><p><p><p>This is more a technical question but also a request.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Your avatars are pretty sweet. Would it be possible to make one like that as an animated gif, using the Sableye gif I currently have?</p></p></p></p></p>

  3. <p><p><p><p><p>This is more a technical question but also a request.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Your avatars are pretty sweet. Would it be possible to make one like that as an animated gif, using the Sableye gif I currently have?</p></p></p></p></p>

  4. OR! Maybe they'll BOTH be in the game. Update: I updated the availability lists in the first post to include the information on the availability of the Pokemon so far in Generation IV
  5. Actually, now that I think about it... in the Japanese Crystal version, the Pokemon Communication Center was in Goldenrod City, taking the place of its Pokemon Center. Maybe it'll be there.
  6. The building for the Global Terminal isn't really all that big, anyway... It could fit. If it had the same functionality as the DPP GTS, then that would be an odd city for it. It would be very late in the game. Maybe it would be something like the wi-fi plaza or some other form of funstuff. I'd say Goldenrod, or something early, perhaps, for the HGSS GTS location.
  7. That's pretty cool that he mentioned it. I like the connections between the generations. But I really think it only means that the Underground MIGHT make an appearance in HGSS, but I doubt there will be any kind of interactivity between DPP and HGSS in the Underground.
  8. I've got Silver in the Tower, Hall, and Arcade. I think I might have made a mistake in choosing Jolteon in the Hall... I'm not sure if it has the staying power to go all the way for Gold.
  9. Technically... Japan doesn't consider itself to be a part of Asia, but... I voted Asia.
  10. He said he wants all 5 gold seals so he can get his Black Trainer card.
  11. Wow... ;>_> Did you read the rest of the thread before posting?
  12. Flootenkerp: I don't really thinking changing it from radio to TV would change the functionality of the device in-game all that much. I think it will just be a change in name. Think about what happens when you watch a TV in a house in D/P/P. I'm sure we'd still get the music and "radio program" type things just the same way. Also, when I said that they could change the radio tower to a tv tower, I didn't mean that they'd change the PLOT surround those things. Read the post I did about that originally and you'll see that the towers in Japan are mainly TV broadcasting towers these days. If Team Rocket hijacked one of those, it'd be basically the same thing.
  13. "Done" like.... 100 wins? Cause that's what it was in D/P.
  14. Yeah, there's the one on the guy's arm, and the one hanging from the girl's bag. You think it does that? I was thinking that the cylinder thing on the end was like a hinge, and that the square section (with the half pokeball designs) would flip open that way like a clamshell cell phone. What do you think?
  15. To fit the GBA widescreen dimensions.
  16. And that's why direct translations fail. The particle の cannot be defined so simply. No particles can, actually. BUT, since this one works in either case, I guess it would really depend on the intended meaning of the title... If it was meant as conquering time and space, then "The Conquering of Space-Time." But if it was referring to a specific Space-Time that had an essence of conquering to itself, then in that case "The Space-Time of Conquering." So I think it depends on the focus of the movie... is it a battle for Space-Time? Or is it about the Distortion World? At any rate, I think "overcoming" and the apostrophe s just don't seem to fit, or make sense.
  17. About Pichu Uhhhhh.... take a close look at the scans. I can't be sure (the scans suck and are cut off at the folds, so I can't properly read everything), but I'm pretty sure that's the notch-eared Pichu in the Ilex Forest with the Pikachu-colored Pichu. And since Protokoll says that (from what he was able to read) that the P-C Pichu does activate an event in-game, then that's probably what's happening in that picture. Rant about translations: (back on topic) About the girl's outfit For those of you complaining about the new girl's outfit... I think I MIGHT know why that style was chosen. Johto is based on the Kansai area of Japan. And ... it's kinda seen by "city-folk" as being the... I dunno... backwater (?) area of the country. A lot of traditionally-minded people. So you could kind of connect that with a farmer/cowboy image, so maybe that's why she's got overalls on. Another possible reason could just be because overalls have kinda come back into popularity in Japanese youth fashion. ALSO (10 points for me) I totally called this!! Check out the Pokegear! It looks more like a cell-phone than before! I totally called it! Now, let's just see if I was right about whether or not the radio towers will be replaced with TV towers.
  18. Yeah, I stopped using Internet Explorer because of how ungodly slow it is. And I agree with Illithian, that I just never liked the layout of Firefox all that much. Plus, I like integrated google. Should I assume that the icon display error is just a fault of Chrome, then? I haven't tried displaying the Techron skin in IE yet... and probably won't. I know the PP skin is a fixed width, but... will that ever change? or no? As for the movie title, thanks Poryhack for your confidence there. I'm aware that that title was the most popular one, and it irked me everytime I read it. Was someone else able to make sense of that title?? Anyway, the REASON it was so popular was because I'm pretty sure that's the "translation" that serebii.net uses. One more example of how terrible that site is, and one more reason why we should never follow in ANYTHING that he does. He's no expert.
  19. I thought the star for your trainer card was still just connected to the Battle Tower...?
  20. SO, as the title says, I've got two things: Thing one is a technical issue (and a gripe). Thing two is a gripe. Here is both parts of thing one: I use the Techron forum skin because it allows the fields to expand with my window size (and looks better than the orignal). I'd switch to the new Pokemon Project one, but it stays pretty small. Here's the technical issue: I'm using Google Chrome and the new icon that appears in thread names that indicates tags (looks like a pencil... or a tag) does not display properly and ends up being really wide and messing up the display dimensions of the individual frames of the forum. Thing two: On the Pokemon Project forum skin, there is a list of Pokemon things near the top... I assume to attract search engines or just to let people know what kind of stuff is discussed here. In this grouping, the name of the new movie is listed as "Arceus: Towards the Overcome's Time Space!" which I think is pretty stupid. It's not a great translation to begin with, BUT IT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE! A much more natural, logical, and accurate translation would be "Arceus: To (or towards, either is fine here) the Conquering of Space-Time" ... an exclamation point is not needed, either.
  21. I think everyone should keep in mind the original Johto Dex was made up of 151 Kanto Pokemon and 100 Johto Pokemon. You should also keep in mind how heavy other regional Pokedexes felt. I think the reason why people liked Gold and Silver so much is because they were an EXPANSION on RGB, rather than something new. All but a few of the original Kanto pokemon were obtainable, the Kanto REGION itself was even included (and provided slight story continuations to the original plot... Team Rocket, Green, Misty, Koga, Lance, Copy Cat...). Then look at the Hoenn and Sinnoh dexes. MOSTLY new pokemon with a few from the original era. And very little connection to the original areas/stories. And then think about how many people strongly dislike Hoenn because it "didn't feel the same." Going by current trends (since the advanced era), Nintendo would make a new Johto dex with 150 (based on the Hoenn or original Sinnoh balance) to 200 (based on the new Sinnoh dex) Pokemon, using mostly the 100 from the Johto expansion. Going by their original design, they'd use the original 249 (if you don't count Mew and Celebi) dex (or cut out less entries in the regional dex by not including the unobtainable Kanto pokemon, like the starters and birds) and then make more Pokemon available after beating the Elite Four and getting the National Pokedex. Just something to think about.
  22. Seriously, though... Why does everyone's translation of the title suck so much? Serebii's is the WORST. It really should be translated as: "To the Conquering of Space-Time"
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