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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Awesome. I was actually hoping to get the final work done on this project really soon since I'm slightly less busy than I have been recently, so this will definitely help. Let me know if I can help with palparking again. P.S. Umbreon, your avatar is pretty sweet.
  2. Still...? Parents should never hit their children. darklord, the degree to which your describing it sounds like a pretty serious case of child abuse. I don't think it should be tolerated even in the least bit. I really think you should think about contacting some kind of authority on the matter very soon. What country do you live in?
  3. I think they would ruin something as "great" as that. It's a lot of data and work. That's a completely new set of sprites for 493 pokemon. I think we'll just see a day care center that looks like the ones in RSE and DPP. From a technical standpoint, it'd be much easier for them to simply re-design the daycare center rather than make new sprites for all the Pokemon. But we'll see.
  4. I'm actually thinking the same as you. Probably just the starters. I've explained it a couple times in this thread and elsewhere that serebii's translations are usually quite idiotic. The fact remains that a "notch," IN ENGLISH is an indent. Those are not notches in this Pichu's ear. Fenzo and I agreed we should start calling it the Jagged-ear Pichu, since it makes more sense and also fits with the Japanese name. Recently I've almost started thinking that maybe something like Spiky-ear Pichu or Spiky-eared Pichu would be better... but I'm not sure.
  5. (pssst, guys.... stop saying Notched ear/notch eared) The article actually says nothing about that. That statement was one of those that were made out of assumption, not on things that were actually confirmed. The statement was made based on the photo showing the player with the Pikachu-colored Pichu encountering the Jagged-ear Pichu in Ilex Forest. It's possible the Pikachu-colored Pichu just comes out for that event/encounter. At any rate, the REAL article says nothing about it. So we don't know whether or not that Pichu was following the player around, or even if it's just THAT special event pokemon that'll follow the player (other than the starters). Then again, it IS possible that any number of Pokemon could follow you around (like Amity Square, or even all). The fact is, we just don't know yet.
  6. Are we talking about this again? It's not a rumor, it's just something I was thinking about. I'll explain it again. Since the original PokeGear had a phone built in, I suggested that they may end up changing the PokeGear to look more like a modern cellphone... which, for the record, turned out to be correct after the character art was released. So following up on that.... EVERY broadcast tower in Japan these days is primarily TV broadcasting tower. And all new cell phones for the past few years have included a digital TV tuner. In fact, I watched the last part of Pokemon Sunday this week on my cell phone. As long as you're within range of a tower, you get a nice clear digital picture. My assumption is that they'd change the radio on the PokeGear to be a TV, just to fit with the times (it's been ten years). Now, I DON'T think that this would change the functionality of the Gear at all (think about what happens when you watch a TV in any other Pokemon game). It will probably be exactly the same as radio feature, but just called something different. There's no reason why it would change the story. Broadcast signals are broadcast signals. This is just something I'm guessing they'll put in to make it a little more modern. The only people with portable radios in this country are old people (I'm not kidding).
  7. at the tournaments, people were only supposed to be using Platinum. But does the WC data indicate that the WC can ONLY be sent to Platinum? Or would DP be possible if someone snuck it in?
  8. I don't know what it is, and I don't know what it isn't. I simply know what has and has not been confirmed, and any default or suggested names have not been confirmed. I either didn't state that clearly, or you misunderstood me. This is a speculation thread. If you are going to post about what has actually been confirmed, please make sure it has actually been confirmed before you start shoving it down everyone else's throat (this is not directed at a specific person, but everyone). Due to a lot of confusion about stuff like that, I think I will update the first post this weekend to include a section of things that have been officially confirmed. Also, seriously everyone.... STAY ON TOPIC HERE. I don't want to hear about the anime, manga, or special sweeping Aggron from other games unless it has something DIRECTLY to do with HG/SS. randomspot555 had it right when he said we need to stay away from one line posts. If you have a thought or hunch about these games, tell us WHY you think that way or even just why you are hoping for it.
  9. You just need to stop and think about what you're saying before you start telling people it's definite. I'm sure "Soul" will be one of the suggested names, but it's probably not tied to either character and will probably be suggested as the player character in Soul Silver and the support character (whichever gender it ends up being) in Heart Gold. But, the fact that it was "confirmed as the boy's default name" was one of those rumors that got carried away like the September release date.
  10. So guys... give me some help here. What kind of Pokemon did you use for the Battle Hall (Stage in Japanese) ??? I've made it through to the first Brain encounter, but I'm using my Jolteon (Thunderbolt, HP Ice, Shadowball) with an expert belt and I think that might have been a mistake just because it's so fragile and I've definitely been stalled to heck by Blissey before. What's your advice here? What did you use? Do you think I can make it all the way through with my Jolteon? Do you have a better suggestion?
  11. Bingo. That's exactly it. But in the US it's usually for the latest DVD (if it's at Toy's R Us).
  12. Guys, the Orange Islands will probably never be in a video game. They were made up by the folks at the anime, not the game directors. And fyi... Orange Islands was only created as filler while they waited for permission to start the Johto series.
  13. Yeah, the event hasn't even happened yet, guy.
  14. They're a MAGAZINE. They know what Nintendo tells them and then they put it in their magazine and wait for Nintendo to tell them more information.
  15. Keep in mind Luvdisc wasn't in the Sinnoh dex either. Heart Scales are found in the Underground in Gen IV. Maybe there will be a new system to obtain them in HGSS.
  16. So, I've heard a lot of talk going around about how people think Hoenn was the worst of the region. And it seems like for every two comments of someone talking about how great Johto is, there's one comment for how lame Hoenn was. I really think Hoenn had some great places, but I think the real reason people didn't like it was it's regional pokedex. Hoenn was the first region to have a regional pokedex that didn't include all currently known pokemon. As a result, a LOT of the generation I and II Pokemon were simply cut out. There wasn't even a way to obtain them after beating the Elite 4 until Colosseum and FRLG came out. And I think that's what turned people off to Hoenn. On the flip side, think about the great music the RSE games had! And think about all of the cool locales! Mt. Pyre based on Sakurajima, Sootopolis City inside the volcano, Shoal cave with the changing tide, Mossdeep the coastal town with the Space Center, Lavaridge town with the hot spring, ALL of the volcano routes (the ones inside, the ones with the ash raining down), the desert route, Pacifidlog Town floating on the water like some kind of island bungalow, Fortree city up in the trees, ALL of the routes leading up to Fortree )with the tall grass, rain, wood bridges over waterfalls and rivers), the weather institute, and the above-ground secret bases that could be all over the place (those were seriously fun if you mixed records and went to search for your friends's bases). There really is a large variety of places, and many of them were really aesthetically pleasing. I think a lot of people were turned off by the amount of surfing in large, open, and long routes that took place in this game. It did get to be a little bit tedious and repetitive at times, but I really enjoyed the diving aspects of it. It really added depth (pun) to the game, and it was a unique way to get around. I really liked the fact that you had to dive underwater in order to get into Sootopolis City. All in all, I consider Hoenn to be really enjoyable and probably my favorite region (definitely better than Sinnoh). Anyone else out there that appreciates Hoenn? Or does everyone hate it?
  17. Except it was for decoration in the original GS games...
  18. The Japanese name is "Gizamimi Pichu." "mimi" means ear. "gizagiza" is a word that means, like... a zig-zag edge. Like a serrated knife, something that has been torn, OR something notched. But a notch is an indent. So many places who have attempted to translate this name have failed, because it's obviously NOT a notched ear (I'm talking about serebii and other popular sites). Here, we've decided to call it the Jagged-eared Pichu. It doesn't sound a whole lot better, but it describes it more accurately. I'm not sure Spiky-eared or zig-zag eared or anything else would have been much better. This Pichu is going to show up in the anime eventually, and possibly the next movie. There's already a single (song) about this Pichu sung by its voice actress (who is the host of Pokemon Sunday), Shokotan. Here's an article about that Pichu at Bulbapedia. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Notched-ear_Pichu The upcoming event Pokemon, the Pikachu-colored Pichu, will also have the OT of Shokotan. And if you have this Pichu and trade it over to HG/SS, there will be an in-game event where you can interact (somehow) with the Jagged-eared Pichu. Here's the link to that news on this site. http://projectpokemon.org/articles.php?req=read&article_id=33
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