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Everything posted by Guested

  1. I love you. Thanks for offering to help like that. Trust me, I know how tedious trading that many pokemon can be.... Didn't I send you a reply to that PM? I'll respond to your post with another post... from this same thread... written by me.
  2. To be honest, I agree with you. There is already the PalCity Mew (which, by the way, is in a language that is compatible with the Pokemon game I actually use).
  3. If you actually planned on using Arceus for competitive battling, then... well... I think you need to do some thinking about things that can be described with the word "rubbish."
  4. Kingdra? Altaria? Latios? Latias? Rayquaza? Dialga? Palkia? Giratina?
  5. The info regarding OT and ID and stuff had already been released... Well, he HAS some, too.... look!
  6. Do you realize that Arceus will still be really freaking strong without EV training?
  7. ........... really? You should take a closer look around the site...
  8. It's real. I went there myself, sat down outside with all the 10 year olds, super-nerds, and (you may be surprised) normal people (!) and dowloaded it myself. Nope. Japan's Pokemon Centers only.
  9. Thanks for all the offers to help and to those who have submitted pkm files. When I have time this week I'll plug them into my list and we'll be that much closer to getting to the end. Some of you haven't really read my first post, though. There IS a checklist and we're mostly done, so unless you can submit another complete set (or close to it) of Colosseum pokemon, I really have no need for them. Another set would be useful for studying algorithms, but I can't go through the trouble and time (just don't have any, really) of trading with people in order to get the pkm files. But thanks anyways. The best way would be to find someone who has the capability of backing up the pokemon into pkm files and has the time to trade with you.
  10. Thanks, jerk. Remind me not to share my events with you in the future. :mad:
  11. Forum specific means forum specific. Not related to the wiki, which is not a forum. BAM!
  12. This seems like a pretty cool idea to me. Unfortunately, I won't be able to help much with your project as I'm going to be a lot busier this next year. I respect the fact that you want to make them worthwhile in battle, but not "standard movesets." People who introduced "Standards" were a bunch of chumps trying to add order and rigidity to a game that was designed to be deeply customizable with millions of possibilities. People who hate items or effects that occur in a certain probability (such as flinching) and try to ban those from play are even worse. So kudos to you for your originality, and good luck.
  13. That's a ridiculous comment. In which country/region has Shaymin been released more than once?
  14. Ah, thanks, but I got these from you already They're checked off on the list. The pokemon that are NOT these ones are the ones we Pal Parked and are touched. So I just need to get cracking on those, unless someone else submits them, or you get your hands on your GC GBA cable sometime soon. Ha. Edit: Wait a minute... I think maybe you meant those for Sabresite?
  15. I really hope this stuff will help out! I'm really curious if there is a more complicated RNG for the GameCube games, or if it really just was super random to the point of being incoherent. It's Gallade himself! Glad to see you at the new forums. I appreciate you taking the time to help out with this, even after you spent so much time playing through again. Really all we'd need is the Togepi and the Pokespot Pokemon. I could try to get some work done on the touched Pokemon here and there. If you have LOTS of time... then... go for the ones that were touched, or the whole lot (I'm sure Sabresite would appreciate getting Pokemon from different play-throughs to compare). P.S. Neodraven... Seig91 was the one who was going to trade his pokemon.
  16. I love it! I love that you just know that it's bull, just from looking at it.
  17. That would actually be a LOT of help, but... Here's the problem. I don't have a whole lot of time for trading, and my spring break ends today. I might want to try and get the Togepi and a couple others from you on a weekend or something, so... I'll contact you if I have time.
  18. Yeah, Fenzo said that he'd make a section for them when the whole thing is done (I'm not "releasing" it until it's complete). This will be good for those who simply want these Pokemon, but ultimately I hope it will provide more study material for those (like Sabresite) who are trying to figure out the GC algorithms.
  19. Cool, that sounds like that'd help. I want to get this project wrapped up before starting another, but keep your eyes open for when I do start. Your help would really be appreciated.
  20. Guested


    Yo! Glad you're here.
  21. ロル川 this was my favorite part. Obviously not actually Japanese. Silly google.
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