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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. WAAAAHHHHHT!:eek: i never knew Bidoof's had whiskers.:confused:
  2. Awesome! the Metagross looks like it's about to deliver a pain Meteor Mash.
  3. Michael Jackson - They don't care about us. For some reason, since his death I'm starting to listen to the old favorites of his music.
  4. Meh it cool although I'm still using Techron, it's like home, i feel like home. And when i use a different theme i feel like I'm in a new area.
  5. Granted! you don't have to wear "School" uniform, but you are required to wear Military Training Uniform, fit with 5kg ankle and wrist weights. And FACE PAINT! I wish i wasn't bored, Muwhahahahah.
  6. Hello There. Please refrain from letting loose the cabbage eating giraffes. Thank You. :biggrin:
  7. hmm. *looks outside* oowww! i just saw a cloud that look similar to Ferrow, goodbye Ferrow cloud. *Waves*
  8. Uh must you write in red? it's very irritating to the eye............and it's small, more irritation my eyes must endure. That was completely unnecessary. And it possibly offended him, at least he attempted with grammar. damio, Silvernaus, and I. Perfectly knew what problems he was confronted with. It's a constant problem Vista users face while using Pokesav, but doing it once usually solves the problem permanently.:kikkoman:
  9. Umm in the previous forums, and in Gamefaqs. I'm named KnightVVing. (with 2 V's) Because it's unique, i would sign in and no one would of took the name. But few days past, and i didn't really like the word "Knight" that much, it sounded dumb. I would was suppose to name it "Night" although i wasn't really thinking while i was typing.:tongue: With some online flash games like Battleon, and DragonFable. (be quiet i was like 9) named myself alterations of my real name, for example: I take the first letter of my name which is "K" and i add it to something that i excel at. so for Battleon i named my user name Quick-K. or was it Speed-K, never mind you get the picture. Gamer-K it just sounded pretty, no very lame a few days afterward. Although i didn't create a name in the forums, which I'm happy about. Although my email. *shivers*
  10. Granted! but once your inside, you are required to reach the level cap of the game to leave. I wish............................................................... i would actually bother to finish Platinum.
  11. Uhhh does a track pad count as a mouse, in this erm program? And yes now I'm curios if this key logs, although it's not like i enter any important banks passwords, just plainly for gaming although. I would be heartbroken to see one of my close loved character suddenly, and mysteriously. Vanish from my account.
  12. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=3151728 Click above i dare you.
  13. Hello There. It seemed like you had trouble with your introduction. :tongue: Anywhom me liekz ur avvie.
  14. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Scizor is my favorite Pokemon, next to Lucario, and Weavile.:biggrin:
  15. Yeah but there are those people, :tongue who aren't the fastest of learners, or people just don't understand subjects like this. so single sentenced words aren't enough.
  16. Granted but your head's size grew unbelievably large, due to your ego from acquiring the rank of "Pokemon Master" also you cheated by reading this book: I wish that i was a MAN!
  17. Umbreon has a capital.:biggrin: Muwhahahaha.:bidoof:
  18. Hello There. Just because it's an introduction, doesn't necessarily mean that you are required to do the first instance you sign up. Man you had the avvie for ages, although Zaraki Kenpachi FTW!
  19. Ha! Pikachu looks adorable. Yeah the first pic is too small to see the beautiful...ness. I prefer Empoleon 2D. :biggrin:
  20. Uhhhh i prefer Ninjask, because: Speed Boost + Sword Dance + Protect + Baton Pass = Ova Powahed Pokemon.:tongue: Speed Boost is a brilliant ability.
  21. Hello There. If you think GTS is madness, then Pokesav will seem psychopathic.:biggrin:
  22. Yes, that's why they created a "Compact" version. Your able to download it in the main website. And if problems persist, try changing the resolution of your computer.
  23. Here is my desktop. I couldn't pick which background, either Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, or Naruto. So i flipped a coin.... twice.
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