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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Hello There. I have know someone named Peter, so i shall refer him to you.:tongue:
  2. Death is an Illlllllluuuusssssssssssiiiiioooon.:biggrin: There is no such thing as perfection. Short, and sweet. Everything needs improving, even if it seems that is doesn't, it does.:creep: I believe in the first theory, because IF, we have the ability to time travel, would everything already happened since, well lets call it history, since history takes EVERYTHING in account, doesn't that mean it also takes in account the fact someones builds a time device, and you, or someone else goes through the device, it actually working, and that human is altering something in the past, and history would of took all that in account already. As the turtle said, (something in the lines of this): Past is history future is soon? and the now is a gift that's why they call is present That's not exactly how it goes. But Kung Fu Panda is awesome, go watch it nao.
  3. So is this thread attempting to change people's perspective of Hoenn? I'm pretty sure everyone who disliked/hated Hoenn, knew everything about it, like sometimes the ones you hate, are the ones you feel close to. I only dislike Hoenn because of some of the design of the Pokemon, there are a handful of Pokemon i actually like in the vast amount in Hoenn. Music? in every Pokemon game, i always turn of the music, it's always so similar from the bike riding, to the boss battles ,they just have been remixed, or some unique ones are actually new, the music in Pokemon games feels repetitive, and annoying.
  4. Uhh i actually wouldn't mind that corruption, just sneaking around, and changing people's channels, ahh the hours would fly. Granted, but Togekiss is so uber ovapowah, that is uberness formed a banned state, so he is permabanned in every Pokemon game. I wish Typhlosion got a little more attention with it's ability's.
  5. HottSushiz


    ^^Uhhhh who calls you that? Hello There. I take it your come how connected to Okami? *looks at avvie*
  6. Ah still no, i saw newly updated Gameplay images, because my friend started bragging that Runescape got a makeover, so the curiosity got the better of me, and it still doesn't look that great. Who doesn't love RPGs. :confused: Yes. That's why i said, DS's:tongue:
  7. (Referring to a game) You know when your addicted, when you turn it off, and your still thinking about it, so you end up playing it again.
  8. I'm sure there was a thread similar to this, o neva mind it was in the previous forum.:biggrin: Mine is liekz dis: -Several boxes named "Pokemon" which are Pokemon i have caught in-game. -2 Boxes named "Ultimate" which are fully EV IV Pokesaved Pokemon i use competitively -2 Boxes which are named "Legend" which as you guessed it i place my Legendaries -1 Box named "Limited" which hold Pokemon that are quite rare or difficult to catch (excludes Legendaries) -1 Box named "Strong" which hold high leveled Pokemon that aren't intentionally IV or EV trained -1 Box named "Hacked/Experiment" the name is explanatory Before i used to name the boxes corresponding to the Pokemon 1st typing for example: Fire - "Inferno" Ice - "Frostbite" Dark - "Rebellion" Psychic - "Telepath" Flying - "Airborne" Normal - "Normality" Rock - "Boulder" Ground - "EarthCrush" Water - "Tsunami" Dragon - "Dragoon" Ghost - "Shadow" "Spectrum" "Phantom" (I couldn't pick which name to use so i cycle throughout them)
  9. While you posted that statement you COULD of posted your wish and the corrupt wished of his wish R&D unexpectedly became flooded with members. But unfortunately a hacker sent a virus to all the previous poster, which resulted in people suddenly becoming bankrupt, and your computer reformatted.:smile: I wish they created a DS Homebrew application, where you can control the TV. (Yeah i lose the remote a lot but my DS is something only i touch)
  10. Ninetails, or NineTALES! MUHUHAHAHAHAHA!
  11. What English patch are you using? and what is your Flash Cart device? because i haven't experience through trimming, and patching roms, where it actually cuts out the story. Perhaps a glitch occurred. But trimming just involved cutting out unnecessary space.
  12. Chris Brown - Fallen Angel ^^I believe that's the correct format.:tongue:
  13. Rouge likes are rather repetitive, especially dungeon crawlers. Make something similar to "Tales of Hearts" I love the art design, and Gameplay, too bad it's not going to be localized to the US.
  14. Hellooo There Mark. My name is HottSushiz well that's meh username, although my real name is Koline, it's spelled differently, it's pronounced as Colin, but when we receive substitutes in class, or we just get a new teacher, they always pronounce it incorrect, and me plus my class require to correct them. (it's a hard life i know *sad face*)
  15. What background the computer desktop? if so, either Google, but mostly DeviantArt, me too lazy to create some, and my artistic ability is lacking. :tongue:
  16. The movie sounds cool, although like the Anime, it's a rarity Pokemon creating epic, or awesome battle scenes, and you aren't able to predict which opposing Pokemon/Trainer wins.
  17. No, never have, never will. I hate the graphics, and art style, no I'm not a graphics whore, but when it comes to the PC i prefer it to be pleasing to the eye. Even though the DS's graphics is years behind, it's 2-D work is brilliant.
  18. Hello There. I would play competitively but alas lack of compatible Wi-Fi just sucks, an alternate option is Shoddy, but the laziness that's inside won't fade away. Okami: I'm quite curious for the nickname you have given me. :biggrin:
  19. Well this isn't really about games, but... I prefer the DS's touch/pressure sensitive screen then the iPhone/iPod Touch's heat sensitive one. Sure heat sensitive is more responsive, but i in my opinion pressure senstive screens are more accurate.
  20. Hello There. Well my FaVoRiTe types are Dragon,Ice and Steel. Because they're :cool:COOLER:biggrin:
  21. *BOOKED MARKED* I'm sending that to my friend, for obvious reasons.:rolleyes: Before The Worst - The Script.
  22. EeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeVeEeEeEeEeEeEeEe
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